David Almond


Angelino Brown története

Te hiszel az angyalokban? Mert Bert és Betty Brown igen. Bert, a mindig morcos buszsofőr felfedezett egyet az ingzsebében, akit befogadtak, és Angelinónak neveztek el. Angelinót mindenki hamar megszereti, legfőképp a gyerekek az iskolában, ahol Betty dolgozik. De nem mindenki jó szándékkal közeledik az angyalhoz. Egy titokzatos, fekete ruhás figura ólálkodik az iskola körül, és valószínűleg nincs egyedül. Sikerül Angelinót megóvnia a gyerekeknek? Vajon az angyal tényleg olyan gyámoltalan és elveszett, mint elsőre tűnik? A Pagony Abszolút Könyvek sorozatába olyan olvasmányos és izgalmas könyveket válogatunk, amelyek abszolút lendületesek, abszolút színvonalasak, abszolút maiak. Abszolút könnyű őket olvasni, de mégsem felszínesek, abszolút nem megterhelőek, de mégis elgondolkodtatók. Van és lesz köztük magyar és külföldi, fantasy, kaland- vagy éppen detektívregény - ami mindegyikben közös, és amit garantálunk: ezeket a könyveket jó olvasni!
Na sklade 1Ks
9,83 €

Kevin and the Blackbirds

A heartfelt retelling of an ancient Irish tale by a master storyteller, paired with the extraordinary style of an award-winning illustrator. When young Kevin is sent to a monastery to be cared for, he yearns for the freedom of the woods and fields and misses his parents. One day he reaches out through the cell window towards the light and a blackbird lands in his hands and begins to build a nest there. Kevin waits patiently as the eggs are laid and the baby birds hatch. When they spread their tiny wings and fly off, three new wild things gone out into the world, at last Kevin can rest. PJ Lynch’s atmospheric illustrations perfectly capture David Almond’s moving retelling of this ancient Irish tale about the love of nature and a willingness to let go.
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16,95 €


From Hans Christian Andersen Medal-winning author David Almond comes a heartwarming story that shows anything is possible with imagination and trust. What should a puppet master do when he’s old and alone, and all his puppets are gone? Sylvester makes one last puppet. But this one is different. When the old man speaks to him, Puppet speaks back. And then he walks… While Sylvester shows Puppet the town, the playground and the wonders the world holds, Puppet in turn helps Sylvester to make a new friend, and share his puppet-making skills with the next generation in this wonder-filled story of creation and the circle of life. Illustrated with sequences of wordless spreads by award-winning artist Lizzy Stewart, this is a modern-day classic.
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14,95 €

Skellig: the 25th anniversary illustrated edition

The bestselling story about love, loss and hope that launched David Almond as one of the best children’s writers of today. Winner of the Carnegie Medal and the Whitbread children’s book of the Year Award, this unforgettable book now has captivating illustrations by Tom de Freston to celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary. When a move to a new house coincides with his baby sister’s illness, Michael’s world seems suddenly lonely and uncertain. One Sunday afternoon, he stumbles into the ramshackle garage of his new home and finds something magical. A strange creature – human? beast? bird? angel? – a being who needs Michael’s help if he is to survive. With his new friend Mina, Michael nourishes Skellig back to health. But Skellig is far more than he at first appears, and as he helps Michael breathe life into his tiny sister, Michael’s world changes for ever … Skellig won the Carnegie Medal and the Whitbread Children’s Book Award. David Almond is also winner of the Hans Christian Andersen award, the Nonino International Prize, and has received an OBE for services to literature. He is celebrated as – in the words of the Independent – ‘a master storyteller’.
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10,95 €

Skellig: the 25th anniversary illustrated edition

The bestselling story about love, loss and hope that launched David Almond as one of the best children's writers of today. Winner of the Carnegie Medal and the Whitbread Children's Book of the Year Award, this unforgettable book now has captivating illustrations by Tom de Freston to celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary. When a move to a new house coincides with his baby sister's illness, Michael's world seems suddenly lonely and uncertain. One Sunday afternoon, he stumbles into the ramshackle garage of his new home and finds something magical. A strange creature - human? beast? bird? angel? - a being who needs Michael's help if he is to survive. With his new friend Mina, Michael nourishes Skellig back to health. But Skellig is far more than he at first appears, and as he helps Michael breathe life into his tiny sister, Michael's world changes for ever ... Skellig won the Carnegie Medal and the Whitbread Children's Book Award. David Almond is also winner of the Hans Christian Andersen award, the Nonino International Prize, and has received an OBE for services to literature. He is celebrated as - in the words of the Independent - 'a master storyteller'.
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17,95 €

Paper Boat, Paper Bird

A stunning new story from the bestselling, prize-winning David Almond, unfolding the magic of the everyday. Mina, from the unforgettable Skellig and My Name is Mina, journeys to Japan and discovers the wonders of the world around her. Kyoto, Japan. Mina is on a bus. Everything is strange and beautiful. Mina watches as a woman folds a piece of paper into an origami boat, then floats it over to her. As Mina discovers the magic of origami, her eyes are opened to the wonders of the real city around her. Unfold the magic of the everyday, on a journey with one of the world's best-loved authors - with stunning illustrations from Kirsti Beautyman in black and orange throughout.
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12,95 €

Vojna sa skončila

Dojímavý, nádherne ilustrovaný príbeh rozprávačského majstra, autora oceňovaných románov Nebeské oči, O chlapcovi, ktorý plával s piraňami a Príbeh Angelina Browna Davida Almonda je pohľadom na svetovú vojnu detskými očami. Píše sa rok 1918 a vo svete zúri vojna. Johnov otec bojuje v zákopoch v ďalekom Francúzsku a mama pracuje v zbrojovke na okraji mestečka, kde rodina býva. John má plnú hlavu otázok, na ktoré mu nikto nevie odpovedať. Prečo je vlastne vojna? Prečo si ľudia ubližujú? Má aj on nejakých nepriateľov? A koho vlastne? Učiteľ v škole Johnovi povie, že aj on je vlastne vo vojne s nepriateľskými deťmi z Nemecka. Je to naozaj tak? A kedy sa tá vojna skončí? Jedného dňa v lese za mestom John zažije čosi neuveriteľné: stretne sa s nemeckým chlapcom menom Jan. John nechápe, prečo sa deti ako on a Jan nemôžu stretávať. Túži po lepšom svete, v ktorom budú spoločne rozsievať semienka mieru. Kniha vznikla pri príležitosti 100. výročia ukončenia prvej svetovej vojny.
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11,95 €

dostupné aj ako:

Vojna sa skončila

Dojímavý, nádherne ilustrovaný príbeh rozprávačského majstra, autora oceňovaných románov Nebeské oči, O chlapcovi, ktorý plával s piraňami a Príbeh Angelina Browna Davida Almonda je pohľadom na svetovú vojnu detskými očami. Píše sa rok 1918 a vo svete zúri vojna. Johnov otec bojuje v zákopoch v ďalekom Francúzsku a mama pracuje v zbrojovke na okraji mestečka, kde rodina býva. John má plnú hlavu otázok, na ktoré mu nikto nevie odpovedať. Prečo je vlastne vojna? Prečo si ľudia ubližujú? Má aj on nejakých nepriateľov? A koho vlastne? Učiteľ v škole Johnovi povie, že aj on je vlastne vo vojne s nepriateľskými deťmi z Nemecka. Je to naozaj tak? A kedy sa tá vojna skončí? Jedného dňa v lese za mestom John zažije čosi neuveriteľné: stretne sa s nemeckým chlapcom menom Jan. John nechápe, prečo sa deti ako on a Jan nemôžu stretávať. Túži po lepšom svete, v ktorom budú spoločne rozsievať semienka mieru. Kniha vznikla pri príležitosti 100. výročia ukončenia prvej svetovej vojny.
Na stiahnutie
8,39 €

dostupné aj ako:

Bone Music

From the bestselling, award-winning David Almond comes a book of hope and joy: under a boundless starry sky, the unforgettable Sylvia Carr finds out what it means to be brave. For readers of Michael Morpurgo and Katherine Rundell, from the author of the beloved Skellig. She felt like a ghost. She woke in the night. What was that music? Sylvia has never been so far away. Her mother has brought her to this village, this place of silence and dark, endless forest, and she yearns for the city, the bright lights, her friends, even a phone signal. Late one night she hears the music, a weird jagged spiralling sound. It is played by Gabriel, a troubled, beautiful boy. Gabriel uses the strangest of flutes, a hollow bone. Play it well enough, he says, and you cross the borders between the living and the dead. Sylvia knows she'll follow him into the depths of the forest. But will they ever find their way out again?
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16,50 €

Brand New Boy

A charming, warm and witty tale from a master storyteller, winner of the prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Award and author of the Carnegie Medal-winning Skellig. George is not like any other kids in the class, or in fact like anyone Dan or his mates have ever met before. But George turns out to be clever and funny, and everyone soon forgets his oddness ... until a shocking truth comes to light. George is a robot! In fact he is part of an ambitious new experiment in robot-kind. But the experiment is in danger, and there are people out to destroy him. Can Dan, Maxie, Billy and Louise rescue their new pal from obliteration?
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13,50 €

Annie Lumsden, the Girl from the Sea

A magical story about finding your identity from one of the most acclaimed storytellers of his generation, richly illustrated in full colour by an internationally renowned artist. My mother says that all things can be turned to tales. I thought she meant tales like fish tails, but I was wrong. She meant tales like this, tales that are stories. But this tale of mine is very like a fish tail too... Annie has never been like the other girls. Her mam tried sending her to school when she was small, but Annie couldn't seem to make words or numbers stick. She prefers instead to be swimming in the sea, or sunbathing on the shore at Stupor Beach, her head full of tales. She should have been a fish, her mam always tells her, and Annie knows the truth of it. Then a stranger who comes to town is struck by the beauty and the wonder of her, and Annie Lumsden realizes that perhaps she really is half a creature from the sea.
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13,50 €

Joe Quinn's Poltergeist

A dark, powerful and moving short story from the internationally acclaimed author of Skellig. Joe Quinn tells everyone about the poltergeist in his house, but no one believes him. No one that is, except for Davey. He's felt the inexplicable presence in the rooms, he's seen random objects fly through the air. And there's something else ... a memory of his beloved sister, and a feeling deep down that somehow it might be possible for ghosts to exist.
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12,95 €

The Colour of the Sun

A darkly twisted detective ghost tale, from the winner of the Guardian Children's Book Prize. Davie travels his small town in search of a supposed murderer. But the landscape soon starts to blur into something dark and twisted. He must make sense of the landscape, if he has any chance of finding answers. The people he encounters on his travels don't seem entirely real either. Then he meets the victim of the murder ... but, is he dead, or alive?
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10,50 €

The Dam

A lyrical, captivating and beautiful picture book by Carnegie Medal-winner David Almond, illustrated by Kate Greenaway Medal-winner Levi Pinfold. When a great dam was built by the Kielder Water in Northumberland, the valley below slowly filled with water. But just before this, when the villagers had been moved out, two musicians went back to the abandoned valley. They tore down the boards over the houses, stepped inside and started to play - for this would be the last time that music would be heard in this place. In this astonishing picture book that combines themes of loss, hope and music David Almond pays homage to all musicians, showing the ancient and unstoppable power of creativity.
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16,95 €

Príbeh Angelina Browna

Vtipný a láskyplný príbeh rozprávačského majstra, autora oceňovaného Skelliga a O chlapcovi, ktorý plával s piraňami.Počas jazdy v autobuse objavil Bert Brown vo svojom náprsnom vrecku anjela. Podľa Berta a Betty je rozkošný. Aj pre Nancy, Jacka a Alicu z 5.A. Ale úradujúca riaditeľka školy pani Moleová si to nemyslí. Ani profesor Smellie. A čo záhadný mladík, ktorý sa vydáva za školského inšpektora? Ten človek je mimoriadne podozrivý. A ešte je tu veľký, ťažkopádny Basher Malone. Nemá Angelina rád. Vlastne robí všetko pre to, aby ho dostal...Komu sa kniha môže páčiť: Čarovný príbeh, ktorý je trochu realistický a trochu rozprávkový ako všetky knihy Davida Almonda. Knihy určite nadchnú aj čitateľov Johna Boyna.
Na stiahnutie
7,99 €

dostupné aj ako:

Príbeh Angelina Browna

Vtipný a láskyplný príbeh rozprávačského majstra, autora oceňovaného Skelliga a O chlapcovi, ktorý plával s piraňami. Počas jazdy v autobuse objavil Bert Brown vo svojom náprsnom vrecku anjela. Podľa Berta a Betty je rozkošný. Aj pre Nancy, Jacka a Alicu z 5.A. Ale úradujúca riaditeľka školy pani Moleová si to nemyslí. Ani profesor Smellie. A čo záhadný mladík, ktorý sa vydáva za školského inšpektora? Ten človek je mimoriadne podozrivý. A ešte je tu veľký, ťažkopádny Basher Malone. Nemá Angelina rád. Vlastne robí všetko pre to, aby ho dostal...
Na sklade 2Ks
11,95 €

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