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David Almond


Príbeh Angelina Browna

Vtipný a láskyplný príbeh rozprávačského majstra, autora oceňovaného Skelliga a O chlapcovi, ktorý plával s piraňami. Počas jazdy v autobuse objavil Bert Brown vo svojom náprsnom vrecku anjela. Podľa Berta a Betty je rozkošný. Aj pre Nancy, Jacka a Alicu z 5.A. Ale úradujúca riaditeľka školy pani Moleová si to nemyslí. Ani profesor Smellie. A čo záhadný mladík, ktorý sa vydáva za školského inšpektora? Ten človek je mimoriadne podozrivý. A ešte je tu veľký, ťažkopádny Basher Malone. Nemá Angelina rád. Vlastne robí všetko pre to, aby ho dostal...
Na sklade 2Ks
11,35 € 11,95 €

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A vadóc

U dodávateľa
2,85 € 3,00 €

Csókás nyár

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10,59 € 11,15 €

Vojna sa skončila

Dojímavý, nádherne ilustrovaný príbeh rozprávačského majstra, autora oceňovaných románov Nebeské oči, O chlapcovi, ktorý plával s piraňami a Príbeh Angelina Browna Davida Almonda je pohľadom na svetovú vojnu detskými očami. Píše sa rok 1918 a vo svete zúri vojna. Johnov otec bojuje v zákopoch v ďalekom Francúzsku a mama pracuje v zbrojovke na okraji mestečka, kde rodina býva. John má plnú hlavu otázok, na ktoré mu nikto nevie odpovedať. Prečo je vlastne vojna? Prečo si ľudia ubližujú? Má aj on nejakých nepriateľov? A koho vlastne? Učiteľ v škole Johnovi povie, že aj on je vlastne vo vojne s nepriateľskými deťmi z Nemecka. Je to naozaj tak? A kedy sa tá vojna skončí? Jedného dňa v lese za mestom John zažije čosi neuveriteľné: stretne sa s nemeckým chlapcom menom Jan. John nechápe, prečo sa deti ako on a Jan nemôžu stretávať. Túži po lepšom svete, v ktorom budú spoločne rozsievať semienka mieru. Kniha vznikla pri príležitosti 100. výročia ukončenia prvej svetovej vojny.
Na stiahnutie
8,39 €

Lacná kniha True Tale of the Monster Billy (-90%)

For fans of Room by Emma Donoghue, an extraordinary novel about a child who is kept incarcerated - from the bestselling, prizewinning author of Skellig Billy Deane is the child of an illicit relationship between a priest and a young hairdresser. He is born on the very day that terrorists attack his town, and the fact that he survives and flourishes persuades his father that he is a special child with special gifts. Even so, Billy's birth can't be made public, and he spends his chidhood in a single room, dreaming of other worlds, occasionally visited at night by his father. When the visits come to a sudden end, his mother decides it's time for Billy to come out into the world, helped by a couple of friendly townspeople, and soon he finds that his supposed gifts bring him a certain celebrity. But his father hasn't gone for good, and there's a terrible reckoning still to be made. David Almond's first adult novel is a brilliant account of a child long kept hidden from the world who finally finds that he can establish his place in it - only to be confronted with a past that won't go away. 'A lovely book, full of wonderments. Billy's memories have real lyricism and a beguiling narrative voice' Sunday Times 'Not only dramatically and emotionally suspenseful, it is also vividly drawn and wonderfully well-paced, as we might expect from a master storyteller' John Burnside, Guardian David Almond is the author of Skellig and other novels and plays for children. He has won many distuinguished awards including the Hans Christian Andersen Award in 2010, the Carnegie Medal and two Whitbreads.
Na sklade 1Ks
1,05 € 10,50 €

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Príbeh Angelina Browna

Vtipný a láskyplný príbeh rozprávačského majstra, autora oceňovaného Skelliga a O chlapcovi, ktorý plával s piraňami.Počas jazdy v autobuse objavil Bert Brown vo svojom náprsnom vrecku anjela. Podľa Berta a Betty je rozkošný. Aj pre Nancy, Jacka a Alicu z 5.A. Ale úradujúca riaditeľka školy pani Moleová si to nemyslí. Ani profesor Smellie. A čo záhadný mladík, ktorý sa vydáva za školského inšpektora? Ten človek je mimoriadne podozrivý. A ešte je tu veľký, ťažkopádny Basher Malone. Nemá Angelina rád. Vlastne robí všetko pre to, aby ho dostal...Komu sa kniha môže páčiť: Čarovný príbeh, ktorý je trochu realistický a trochu rozprávkový ako všetky knihy Davida Almonda. Knihy určite nadchnú aj čitateľov Johna Boyna.
Na stiahnutie
7,99 €

dostupné aj ako:

Skellig: the 25th anniversary illustrated edition

The bestselling story about love, loss and hope that launched David Almond as one of the best children’s writers of today. Winner of the Carnegie Medal and the Whitbread children’s book of the Year Award, this unforgettable book now has captivating illustrations by Tom de Freston to celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary. When a move to a new house coincides with his baby sister’s illness, Michael’s world seems suddenly lonely and uncertain. One Sunday afternoon, he stumbles into the ramshackle garage of his new home and finds something magical. A strange creature – human? beast? bird? angel? – a being who needs Michael’s help if he is to survive. With his new friend Mina, Michael nourishes Skellig back to health. But Skellig is far more than he at first appears, and as he helps Michael breathe life into his tiny sister, Michael’s world changes for ever … Skellig won the Carnegie Medal and the Whitbread Children’s Book Award. David Almond is also winner of the Hans Christian Andersen award, the Nonino International Prize, and has received an OBE for services to literature. He is celebrated as – in the words of the Independent – ‘a master storyteller’.
U dodávateľa
9,86 € 10,95 €

Nebeské oči

Je ľahké utiecť z domova pre opustené a problémové deti. Erin a jej kamarát Január to robia stále. Ale tentoraz pôjdu dolu riekou. Tentoraz sa možno vôbec nevrátia. Idú hľadať svoj malý kúsok Raja. Miesto, kde sa budú cítiť v bezpečí, slobodní a milovaní. Ako mohli tušiť, že tam nájdu Nebeské oči? Dievča so zvláštnym menom, ktoré sa malo utopiť v mori, dievča zachránené z močiara. Dievča s tajnou minulosťou, ktorú pozná len Starký. A ten nič neprezradí...
9,45 € 9,95 €


Na čo majú ľudia na chrbte lopatky, premýšľa hrdina príbehu dvanásťročný Michael. Sú to pozostatky krídel z dávnych čias, keď sme ešte boli vtákmi? Alebo sme boli anjelmi? A čo keď anjeli žijú medzi nami? Tieto otázky Michaelovi napadajú, keď v polorozpadnutej garáži pri dome objaví tajomné stvorenie - niečo medzi človekom, vtákom a... anjelom. Jediná osoba, ktorej sa s týmto tajomstvom Michael môže zdôveriť, je Mína. Spolu sa o Skelliga starajú a Michaleov život sa začína meniť.
7,55 € 7,95 €


K čemu mají lidé na zádech lopatky, přemýšlí dvanáctiletý Michal. Jsou to pozůstatky křídel z dob, kdy jsme ještě byli ptáci? Anebo jsme byli andělé? A co když andělé žijí mezi námi? Tyhle otázky Michala napadají, když v polorozpadlé garáži svého nového domova objeví tajemné polomrtvé stvoření – něco mezi člověkem, ptákem a… andělem. Jediný, komu se může se svým objevem svěřit, je jeho nová kamarádka Mína. Společně o Skelliga pečují a Michaelův život se začíná měnit…
11,12 € 11,70 €

Hra na smrt

Třináctiletý Kit Watson je ve Stoneygate nový. Brzy se ale přidává k partě vrstevníků, které vede zvláštní kluk John Askew. Hrají v opuštěných dolech hru na smrt – na koho padne los, ten musí strávit noc v jámě vleže jako nebožtík a potom ostatním vyprávět o svých zážitcích. Kita hra zasáhne obzvlášť silně – upadne do stavu bezvědomí a kolem sebe vidí přízraky dětí, které tu kdysi zahynuly při důlním neštěstí. Jedno se jmenovalo stejně jako on…
12,01 € 12,64 €


Amikor a költözés és kishúga betegsége felborítja Michael életét, a fiú hirtelen magányos és bizonytalan lesz. Aztán egy vasárnap délután belopózik a romos garázsba, és valami varázslatosan különlegeset talál. Egy fura lényt, akinek szüksége van Michaelra, hogy életben maradhasson. Mina, a szomszéd kislány segítségével Michael meggyógyítja Skelliget, és a gyerekek élete örökre megváltozik.
2,85 € 3,00 €

True Tale of the Monster Billy Dean

This tale is told by 1 that died at birth by 1 that came into the world in days of endles war at the moment of disaster. Billy Dean is a secret child, growing up in the dark heart of Blinkbonny. He has a beautiful young mother and a father who arrive s at night carrying the scent of incense and cigarettes. His world is just a bed, some pictures of the holy island and a single locked door, but his father fills his dreams with mysterious tales and dreadful warnings. When his father disappears, Bill y's mum brings him out into the world, and he learns the dreadful truth of what happened in Blinkbonny on the day he was born. Gradually he finds he has the gift of helping to rebuild what has been broken. But there is one figure who is beyond healin g, who comes looking for Billy himself and is determined on a kind of reckoning. I am Billy Dean. This is the truth. This is my tale. David Almond's extraordinary first novel for adults is the story of a child, born of sin, who emerges into a post-in dustrial, almost apocalyptic world where the force of his innocence is tested to the extreme.
14,24 € 14,99 €

True Tale of the Monster Billy

For fans of Room by Emma Donoghue, an extraordinary novel about a child who is kept incarcerated - from the bestselling, prizewinning author of Skellig Billy Deane is the child of an illicit relationship between a priest and a young hairdresser. He is born on the very day that terrorists attack his town, and the fact that he survives and flourishes persuades his father that he is a special child with special gifts. Even so, Billy's birth can't be made public, and he spends his chidhood in a single room, dreaming of other worlds, occasionally visited at night by his father. When the visits come to a sudden end, his mother decides it's time for Billy to come out into the world, helped by a couple of friendly townspeople, and soon he finds that his supposed gifts bring him a certain celebrity. But his father hasn't gone for good, and there's a terrible reckoning still to be made. David Almond's first adult novel is a brilliant account of a child long kept hidden from the world who finally finds that he can establish his place in it - only to be confronted with a past that won't go away. 'A lovely book, full of wonderments. Billy's memories have real lyricism and a beguiling narrative voice' Sunday Times 'Not only dramatically and emotionally suspenseful, it is also vividly drawn and wonderfully well-paced, as we might expect from a master storyteller' John Burnside, Guardian David Almond is the author of Skellig and other novels and plays for children. He has won many distuinguished awards including the Hans Christian Andersen Award in 2010, the Carnegie Medal and two Whitbreads.
9,98 € 10,50 €

dostupné aj ako:

O chlapcovi, ktorý plával s piraňami

Stanleyho strýka Ernieho najviac na svete fascinujú konzervované ryby. Ich dom sa dokonca premenil na jednu veľkú konzerváreň. Keď strýko zakonzervuje aj Stanleyho obľúbenú rybičku, Stan sa rozhodne odísť. Na svojich cestách-necestách stretáva legendárneho Pancha Pirelliho, muža, ktorý pláva v akváriu plnom nebezpečných piraní. Nájde aj Stanley odvahu plávať medzi dravými rybami?
9,45 € 9,95 €

My Name is Mina

There's an empty notebook lying on the table in the moonlight. It's been there for an age. I keep on saying that I'll write a journal. So I'll start right here, right now. I open the book and write the very first words: My name is Mina and I love the night. Then what shall I write? I can't just write that this happened then this happened then this happened to boring infinitum. I'll let my journal grow just like the mind does, just like a tree or a beast does, just like life does. Why should a book tell a tale in a dull straight line? And so Mina writes and writes in her notebook, and here is her journal, Mina's life in Mina's own words: her stories and dreams, experiences and thoughts, her scribblings and nonsense, poems and songs. Her vivid account of her vivid life. In this stunning book, David Almond revisits Mina before she has met Michael, before she has met Skellig. Shortlisted for the 2012 Carnegie Medal.
9,03 € 9,50 €