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Jane Austen
Narodila sa 16. Decembra 1775 v Steventone, v kraji Hampshire, do rozsiahlej rodiny reverenda Georgea Austena (1731 - 1805) a jeho ženy Cassandry (rod. Leighovej) (1739 - 1827).

Pochádzala z ôsmich súrodencov, sama bola druhou najmladšou. Mala šesť bratov a staršiu sestru Cassandru Elizabeth, ktorá, ako svedčí množstvo zachovanej korešpondencie, jej bola z celej rodiny najbližšia. Bola to Cassandra, kto namaľoval jej jediný vierohodný portrét (dnes sa nachádza v Národnej portrétovej galérii v Londýne). Začiatky jej vzdelávania mal v rukách jej otec, ktorý nielen dôkladne vychovával svoje deti, ale im tiež poskytol základné vzdelanie. V roku 1783 začalo obdobie jej ďalšieho vzdelávania. Najprv krátko v Oxforde u pani Cawleyovej (sestry jedného z jej strýkov; tu ochorela Jane na týfus) a neskôr v Southhamptone. V rokoch 1785 - 1786 sa vzdelávala v dievčenskej internátnej škole v Readingu, Berkshire.

V tom čase bola uvedená do spoločnosti a začala žiť životom, ktorý bol v podstate rovnaký až do smrti. V láske nemala šťastie a rovnako ako jej staršia sestra sa nikdy nevydala.
V roku 1801 sa rodina presťahovala do Bathu (toto prostredie jej bolo inšpiráciou pre mnohé jej diela). Po smrti otca v roku 1805 Jane, Cassandra a ich matka žili s Frankom a jeho rodinou až do roku 1809, kedy sa znova presťahovali, tentoraz do Chawtonu. V tom čase už bola etablovaná ako spisovateľka, ak sa to tak dá povedať, pretože jej diela vychádzali anonymne (až po jej smrti brat Henry priznal verejne jej autorstvo). Jej zdravie bolo silne podlomené. Dnes sa uvažuje, že snáď trpela na Addisonovu chorobu alebo na tuberkulózu. Snaha vyliečiť sa ju viedla do Winchesteru, ale postup ochorenia bol taký rýchly, že zomrela do dvoch mesiacov, presne 18. júla 1817. Jej telo bolo pochované v miestnej katedrále.

Foto: wikipedia


Jane Austen Vol. 1

This volume, delightfully illustrated with Hugh Thompson's delicate drawings, contains three of Jane Austen's classic novels: Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park and Persuasion.Jane Austen is undoubtedly one of the finest English novelists: she paints on a small canvas, but with the most exquisitely detailed touch. Her novels sparkle with wit and humour; she lightly but tellingly satirizes the vanity, selfishness and pretension of mankind while creating a splendid gallery of living characters. Jane Austen's novels are all set in the narrow world of eighteenth-century society, but her deep understanding of human nature and her penetrating observation of its follies and absurdities are timeless. Her work is as funny and fascinating as when it first appeared, and she is deservedly ranked among the classic authors.
16,63 € 17,50 €

Pride and Prejudice

From A to Z, the Penguin Drop Caps series collects 26 unique hardcovers--featuring cover art by type superstar Jessica Hische It all begins with a letter. Fall in love with Penguin Drop Caps, a new series of twenty-six collectible and gift-worthy hardcover editions, each with a type cover showcasing a gorgeously illustrated letter of the alphabet by superstar type designer Jessica Hische, whose work has appeared everywhere from Tiffany & Co. to Wes Anderson's film "Moonrise Kingdom" to Penguin's own bestsellers "Committed "and "Rules of Civility." A collaboration between Jessica Hische and Penguin Art Director Paul Buckley, the series design encompasses foil-stamped paper-over-board cases in a rainbow-hued spectrum across all twenty-six book spines and a decorative stain on all three paper edges. Penguin Drop Caps debuts with an "A" for Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice," a "B" for Charlotte Bronte's "Jane Eyre," and a "C" for Willa Cather's "My antonia," and continues with more classics from Penguin. A is for Austen. Few have failed to be charmed by the witty and independent spirit of Elizabeth Bennet in Austen's beloved classic "Pride and Prejudice." Elizabeth's early determination to dislike Mr. Darcy is a prejudice only matched by the folly of his arrogant pride. Their first impressions give way to true feelings in a comedy profoundly concerned with happiness and how it might be achieved.
14,24 € 14,99 €

Büszkeség és balítélet

A Büszkeség és balítélet népszerűsége két évszázada töretlen. Jane Austen legismertebb regénye nemzedékek kedvence, egy méltán szerethető könyv. Vagyonos férjre vadászó lányos családok, jómódú feleséget kereső vagyontalan és rangban hozzájuk illő asszonyt kereső vagyonos ... Folytatás ›› fiatalemberek s a házasságokat befolyásolni akaró rokonok történetét követhetjük nyomon a XIX. század eleji Angliában. Jane Austen éleslátóan, könyörtelen iróniával ábrázolja a szereplőket, kifinomult történetszövése és humora kíséri végig a cselekményt. Akik most találkoznak először a regénnyel, végigizgulhatják, hogy az ötgyermekes Bennet család (és szomszédaik) hány leánya talál férjet, s a házasságokban mennyire egyeztethető össze az (anyagi) boldogulás és a (személyes) boldogság. Akik pedig már ismerik a történetet, most új fordításban élvezhetik újra a jellegzetes, megmosolyogtató karaktereket és élethelyzeteket, melyek a mai kor olvasójának sem idegenek. Jane Austen regénye most első megjelenése 200. évfordulója alkalmából, Weisz Böbe új magyar fordításában jelenik meg. A 200 éves regény jubileumi kiadása új magyar fordításban. A(z) Büszkeség és balítélet (Könyv) szerzője Jane Austen.
10,78 € 11,35 €

Emma (nem.)

Etwas wollen, aber dann doch etwas anderes sagen - was also tun? Emma Woodhouse weiß genau, was andere wollen. Ohne jemals danach gefragt zu haben. Die Komödie, die sich daraus entspinnt, ist nicht nur ein amüsantes Porträt der englischen Gesellschaft im 19. Jahrhundert. Bis heute hat, was Emma glanzvoll demonstriert, das Chaos des Begehrens, bei dem man sich am liebsten selbst im Weg steht, nichts an Kraft verloren.
18,05 € 19,00 €

Mansfield Park (nem.)

Ein schmuckes Herrenhaus mit Park und Stallungen in der stillen Landschaft von Northamptonshire: das ist "Mansfield Park", der Schauplatz dieses bewegten Familienromans. Im Kreis ihrer begüterten Verwandten hat die scheue Fanny kein leichtes Leben. Doch triumphiert zuletzt Charakterstärke über Geltungssucht, und Treue zu sich selbst wird in reichem Maße belohnt.
12,92 € 13,60 €

Stolz und Vorurteil

Jane Austens schönster Roman der Irrungen und Wirrungen. Nicht weniger als fünf Töchter haben die Bennets standesgemäß unter die Haube zu bringen. Kein leichtes Unterfangen für eine Familie auf dem Lande, die nur über ein bescheidenes Vermögen verfügt. Ausgerechnet die intelligente Elizabeth, das Lieblingskind des Vaters, erweist sich als besonders schwieriger Fall. Zum allgemeinen Unverständnis hat Elizabeth die Stirn, den Antrag eines wohlsituierten Pfarrers auszuschlagen. Statt dem Drängen der Familie nachzugeben, folgt sie hartnäckig ihrem eigenen Urteil ...
12,92 € 13,60 €

Northanger Abbey

To coincide with the launch of The Austen Project this is a pocket-sized hardback collection of Jane Austen's timeless novels - perfect for Austen fans everywhere. 'Northanger Abbey! These were thrilling words, and wound up Catherine's feelings to the highest point of ecstasy.' Considered the most light-hearted and satirical of Austen's novels, Northanger Abbey tells the story of an unlikely young heroine Catherine Morland. While staying in Bath, Catherine meets Henry Tilney and his sister Eleanor who invite her to their family estate, Northanger Abbey. A fan of Gothic Romance novels, naive Catherine is soon letting her imagination run wild in the atmospheric abbey. A coming-of-age novel, Austen expertly parodies the Gothic romance novels of her time and reveals much about her unsentimental view of love and marriage in the eighteenth century.
11,88 € 12,50 €


Written during Jane Austen's race against failing health, "Persuasion" tells the story of Anne Elliot, a woman who - at twenty-seven - is no longer young and has few romantic prospects. Eight years ago, she was persuaded by her friend Lady Russell to break off her engagement to Frederick Wentworth, a handsome naval captain with neither fortune nor rank. When Anne and Frederick meet again, he has acquired both, but still feels the sting of her rejection. A brilliant satire of vanity and pretension, Austen's last completed novel is also a movingly told love story tinged with the heartache of missed opportunities.
14,24 € 14,99 €

Sense and Sensibility

Marianne Dashwood wears her heart on her sleeve, and when she falls in love with the dashing but unsuitable John Willoughby she ignores her sister Elinor's warning that her impulsive behaviour leaves her open to gossip and innuendo. Meanwhile Elinor, always sensitive to social convention, is struggling to conceal her own romantic disappointment, even from those closest to her. Through their parallel experience of love - and its threatened loss - the sisters learn that sense must mix with sensibility if they are to find personal happiness in a society where status and money govern the rules of love.
14,24 € 14,99 €


Eight years ago, Anne Elliot fell in love with poor but ambitious naval officer Captain Frederick Wentworth, a choice which Anne's family was dissatisfied with. Lady Russell, friend and mentor to Anne, persuaded the younger woman to break off the match; now, on the verge of spinsterhood, Anne re-encounters Frederick Wentworth as he courts her spirited young neighbour, Louisa Musgrove. This beautiful, leatherbound edition of a classic is sure to make a welcome addition to any home library.
22,33 € 23,50 €

Mladší sestra - díl III.

Ohlas první části románu Jane Austenové a Catherine Austenové Hubbackové nás přesvědčil v tom, že dílo velké spisovatelky, dokončené její talentovanou neteří, je stále živé.
15,58 € 16,40 €

dostupné aj ako:

Jane Austen: The Complete Works

This title includes: Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion, and, Love and Freindship. Few novelists have conveyed the subtleties and nuances of their own social milieu with the wit and insight of Jane Austen. Through her vivacious and spirited heroines and their circle, she paints vivid portraits of English middle-class life as the eighteenth century came to a close. Each of the novels is a love story and a story about marriage - marriage for love, for financial security, for social status. But they are not mere romances; ironic, comic and wise, they are masterly studies of the society Jane Austen observed. The seven books in this box set contain some of the most brilliant, dazzling prose in the English language.
104,50 € 110,00 €

Mansfield Park

HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics. 'I pay very little regard...to what any young person says on the subject of marriage. If they profess a disinclination for it, I only set it down that they have not yet seen the right person.' Humble and lowly, a young Fanny Price goes to live with her wealthy Aunt and Uncle at their grand house, Mansfield Park. Growing up with her privileged and spoilt cousins, the Bertrams, she lives in the shadows of their glamorous lives, but manages to find an ally in her cousin, Edmund. When Henry and Mary Crawford come to visit, the house is thrown into disarray as romance flourishes between the young people, leading Fanny to finally confront the extent of her true feelings for Edmund.
3,47 € 3,65 €

Pýcha a předsudek

Není pochyb o tom, že hrdinkou románu Pýcha a předsudek, Lízinkou, je sama Jane Austenová (1775–1817). Přestože prožila tak typicky nekonfliktní život (nikdy se neprovdala a jediné nabídnutí k sňatku prý během hodiny odmítla), neodráží se v jejím díle žádná osudová hořkost. Zdá se, že se ze své pozice dcery bez věna, a tudíž dívky bez zvláštních šancí na lepší sňatek, spíš nesmírně bavila – asi jako člověk, který v divadle sleduje zábavnou komedii. Přidáním ironického podtextu posunula románovou tvorbu ze sfér naivního realismu o několik generací dopředu. Víc než půldruhého století je doba, která dovedla pohltit stovky literárních děl, jimž se při zrodu prorokovala nesmrtelnost; a byla to díla s daleko efektnějšími a vzrušivějšími náměty než Pýcha a předsudek. Jemné kouzlo Jane Austenové má svůj stálý vděčný okruh čtenářů a každá nová generace autorčin odkaz objevuje po svém, v nových barevných odstínech a v novém lesku.
6,65 € 7,00 €


This title comes with an introduction by Andrew Motion. The Vintage Classics Austen series is designed by the writer and illustrator Leanne Shapton and introduced by some of our finest contemporary writers and Austen fans: Alexander McCall Smith, Lynne Truss, Amanda Vickery, Francesca Segal, P.D. James and Andrew Motion. "Jane Austen's Emma is her masterpiece, mixing the sparkle of her early books with a deep sensibility". (Robert McCrum, Observer). Emma is young, rich and independent. She has decided not to get married and instead spends her time organising her acquaintances' love affairs. Her plans for the matrimonial success of her new friend Harriet, however, lead her into complications that ultimately test her own detachment from the world of romance.
9,03 € 9,50 €

Mansfield Park

This title comes with an introduction by Amanda Vickery. The Vintage Classics Austen series is designed by the writer and illustrator Leanne Shapton and introduced by some of our finest contemporary writers and Austen fans: Alexander McCall Smith, Lynne Truss, Amanda Vickery, Francesca Segal, P.D. James and Andrew Motion. "The most perfect artist among women, the writer whose books are immortal". (Virginia Woolf). Fanny Price's rich relatives offer her a place in their home so that she can be properly brought up. However, Fanny's childhood is a lonely one as she is never allowed to forget her position. Her only ally is her cousin Edmund. When her cousins befriend two glamorous new young people who have arrived in the area, Henry and Mary Crawford, Edmund starts to grow close to Mary and Fanny finds herself dealing with feelings she has never experienced before.
9,03 € 9,50 €