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Jane Austen
Narodila sa 16. Decembra 1775 v Steventone, v kraji Hampshire, do rozsiahlej rodiny reverenda Georgea Austena (1731 - 1805) a jeho ženy Cassandry (rod. Leighovej) (1739 - 1827).

Pochádzala z ôsmich súrodencov, sama bola druhou najmladšou. Mala šesť bratov a staršiu sestru Cassandru Elizabeth, ktorá, ako svedčí množstvo zachovanej korešpondencie, jej bola z celej rodiny najbližšia. Bola to Cassandra, kto namaľoval jej jediný vierohodný portrét (dnes sa nachádza v Národnej portrétovej galérii v Londýne). Začiatky jej vzdelávania mal v rukách jej otec, ktorý nielen dôkladne vychovával svoje deti, ale im tiež poskytol základné vzdelanie. V roku 1783 začalo obdobie jej ďalšieho vzdelávania. Najprv krátko v Oxforde u pani Cawleyovej (sestry jedného z jej strýkov; tu ochorela Jane na týfus) a neskôr v Southhamptone. V rokoch 1785 - 1786 sa vzdelávala v dievčenskej internátnej škole v Readingu, Berkshire.

V tom čase bola uvedená do spoločnosti a začala žiť životom, ktorý bol v podstate rovnaký až do smrti. V láske nemala šťastie a rovnako ako jej staršia sestra sa nikdy nevydala.
V roku 1801 sa rodina presťahovala do Bathu (toto prostredie jej bolo inšpiráciou pre mnohé jej diela). Po smrti otca v roku 1805 Jane, Cassandra a ich matka žili s Frankom a jeho rodinou až do roku 1809, kedy sa znova presťahovali, tentoraz do Chawtonu. V tom čase už bola etablovaná ako spisovateľka, ak sa to tak dá povedať, pretože jej diela vychádzali anonymne (až po jej smrti brat Henry priznal verejne jej autorstvo). Jej zdravie bolo silne podlomené. Dnes sa uvažuje, že snáď trpela na Addisonovu chorobu alebo na tuberkulózu. Snaha vyliečiť sa ju viedla do Winchesteru, ale postup ochorenia bol taký rýchly, že zomrela do dvoch mesiacov, presne 18. júla 1817. Jej telo bolo pochované v miestnej katedrále.

Foto: wikipedia


Mansfield Park

This title comes with an introduction by Amanda Vickery. The Vintage Classics Austen series is designed by the writer and illustrator Leanne Shapton and introduced by some of our finest contemporary writers and Austen fans: Alexander McCall Smith, Lynne Truss, Amanda Vickery, Francesca Segal, P.D. James and Andrew Motion. "The most perfect artist among women, the writer whose books are immortal". (Virginia Woolf). Fanny Price's rich relatives offer her a place in their home so that she can be properly brought up. However, Fanny's childhood is a lonely one as she is never allowed to forget her position. Her only ally is her cousin Edmund. When her cousins befriend two glamorous new young people who have arrived in the area, Henry and Mary Crawford, Edmund starts to grow close to Mary and Fanny finds herself dealing with feelings she has never experienced before.
9,03 € 9,50 €

Northanger Abbey

This title comes with an introduction by P.D. James. The Vintage Classics Austen series is designed by the writer and illustrator Leanne Shapton and introduced by some of our finest contemporary writers and Austen fans: Alexander McCall Smith, Lynne Truss, Amanda Vickery, Francesca Segal, P.D. James and Andrew Motion. "Jane Austen is a genius, and Northanger Abbey is hugely underrated". (Martin Amis). Catherine Morland is a young girl with a very active imagination. Her naivety and love of sensational novels lead her to approach the fashionable social scene in Bath and her stay at nearby Northanger Abbey with preconceptions that have embarrassing and entertaining consequences.
12,30 € 12,95 €


This title comes with an introduction by Lynne Truss. The Vintage Classics Austen series is designed by the writer and illustrator Leanne Shapton and introduced by some of our finest contemporary writers and Austen fans: Alexander McCall Smith, Lynne Truss, Amanda Vickery, Francesca Segal, P.D. James and Andrew Motion. "It is a sort of private novel. In the heroine Anne Elliot, we have glimpses of Austen and what happened to her; the lost romance and the lost youth". (Julian Fellowes). Eight years ago Anne Elliot bowed to pressure from her family and made the decision not to marry the man she loved, Captain Wentworth. Now circumstances have conspired to bring him back into her social circle and Anne finds her old feelings for him reignited. However, when they meet again Wentworth behaves as if they are strangers and seems more interested in her friend Louisa. In this, her final novel, Jane Austen tells the story of a love that endures the tests of time and society with humour, insight and tenderness.
10,93 € 11,50 €

Pride and Prejudice

This title comes with an introduction by Alexander Mccall Smith. The Vintage Classics Austen series is designed by the writer and illustrator Leanne Shapton and introduced by some of our finest contemporary writers and Austen fans: Alexander McCall Smith, Lynne Truss, Amanda Vickery, Francesca Segal, P.D. James and Andrew Motion. "The best-loved book by our best-loved novelist". (Independent). Elizabeth Bennet is young, clever and attractive, but her mother is a nightmare and she and her four sisters are in dire need of financial security and escape in the shape of husbands. The arrival of the affable Mr Bingley and arrogant Mr Darcy in the neighbourhoos, both single and in possession of large fortunes, turns all their lives upside down in this witty drama of friendship, rivalry, enmity and love.
9,03 € 9,50 €

Sense and Sensibility

This title comes with an introduction by Francesca Segal. The Vintage Classics Austen series is designed by the writer and illustrator Leanne Shapton and introduced by some of our finest contemporary writers and Austen fans: Alexander McCall Smith, Lynne Truss, Amanda Vickery, Francesca Segal, P.D. James and Andrew Motion. "Jane Austen is the pinnacle to which all other authors aspire". (J. K. Rowling). Elinor is as prudent as her sister Marianne is impetuous. Each must learn from the other after they are they are forced by their father's death to leave their home and enter into the contests of polite society. The charms of unsuitable men and the schemes of rival ladies mean that their paths to success are thwart with disappointment but together they attempt to find a way to happiness.
9,03 € 9,50 €

Szerelem és barátság

A Szerelem és barátság című gyűjteményes kötet a zseniális írónő fiatalkori írásaiból válogat. Az írások, amelyekben már jelen van az érett íróra jellemző intelligencia és kritikai érzék, rendkívül szellemes, ironikus, olykor parodisztikus hangon fricskázzák a kor társadalmát, űznek csúfot a széptevés, a férjvadászat hagyományaiból, a szerelmes regények stílusából. Jane Austen angol regényírónő, bár a romantika korában alkotott, műveire inkább a kiábrándultság, a kor társadalmával szembeni kritikus hozzáállás jellemző, főszereplői intelligens, erkölcsileg erős hősnők, akik éles kontrasztban állnak környezetük balgaságával. Leghíresebb művei az Értelem és érzelem, illetve a Büszkeség és balítélet című regények. Ifjúkori írásai a Helikon Zsebkönyvek sorozatban Kada Júlia új fordításában jelennek meg. A Helikon zsebkönyvek az egyetemes művelődéstörténet legfontosabb és legnépszerűbb műveit teszi elérhetővé kedvező áron. A szépirodalmi címek mellett olyan könyvek jelennek meg a sorozatban, amelyek a történelem, a filozófia, a bölcselet, a pszichológia klasszikusainak számítanak.
3,38 € 3,56 €


A regényeiről híressé vált Jane Austen korai novellái mulatságos, rövid írások, jókedvű, szemtelen és önmagukért rajongó szereplőkkel. Austen történetei megmutatják, mit is gondolt szerzőjük a nevetségességről - az életben és a regényekben egyaránt. "Sok gond és baj ért engem életemben, drága Ellinorom, és a sok keserűségben egyetlen vigaszom, hogy ha alaposabban szemügyre veszem a viselkedésemet, belátom, valójában mindet megérdemeltem. Életem korai szakaszában megöltem az apámat, azóta megöltem anyámat, és most meg fogom ölni a húgomat is." A kötetben megjelent írások: - Ékes leírás arról, hogy az érzelmek különböző elmékre különbözőképpen hatnak - A nagylelkű segédlelkész - A Lesley-kastély - Anglia történelme - A filozófusnő - Egy komédia első felvonása - Levél egy ifjú hölgyről... - Walesi utazás - egy ifjú hölgy leveléből - Mese - Evelyn - Catharine, avagy a lugas A Helikon Zsebkönyvek az egyetemes művelődéstörténet legfontosabb és legnépszerűbb műveit teszi elérhetővé kedvező áron. A szépirodalmi címek mellett olyan könyvek jelennek meg a sorozatban, amelyek a történelem, a filozófia, a bölcselet, a pszichológia klasszikusainak számítanak.
3,06 € 3,22 €

Lady Susan

Lady Susan, novela v dopisech, kterou Jane Austenová nazvala podle hlavní postavy, se v mnohém vymyká nejen další autorčině tvorbě; a k titulní hrdince bychom marně hledali paralelu snad v celé literatuře devatenáctého století. Vždyť tato čerstvá vdova je nejen krásná, ale také navýsost inteligentní a vtipná, nezávislá a nespoutaná; dokáže zamotat hlavu výrazně mladším nápadníkům; v milostných hrách drtivě vítězí nad svou mladičkou dcerou; a byť je jí přibližně pětatřicet let (což mělo v dobovém nazírání k mládí daleko), jeden z mužských protagonistů ji právem označuje za „nejznámější koketu v Anglii“… Jako by už věděl, že se jeho odsudek brzy změní v okouzlení. Lady Susan dychtí po obdivu mužů a závisti žen, stejně jako po bohatství a společenském postavení; touží však také po lásce a vášni. Jednačtyřicet dopisů z mistrného pera Jane Austenové popisuje z různých úhlů pohledu – což je umožněno střídáním pisatelů a adresátů – intriky, flirt, zbožnění, radost i soužení. Autorka sama neměla v lásce štěstí, zůstala neprovdána – a snad i díky tomu se stala natolik vnímavou pozorovatelkou lidských duší, že její líčení okamžiků lásky a nenávisti čteme se zatajeným dechem a rozechvělým srdcem. A navíc je tato novela autentickým svědectvím o rodinných a společenských poutech, která se rodí – a zanikají – v hekticky žijícím Londýně i v jen zdánlivém bezčasí šlechtických sídel. Z anglického originálu přeložil Josef Pepson Snětivý.
10,40 € 10,95 €

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Guinea Pig Pride and Prejudice

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. And Mrs Bennet has five unmarried daughters in want of husbands. Life is fairly uneventful until a promising young man, Mr Bingley, takes the nearby estate of Netherfield Park. And with him comes a handsome friend, whom the ladies see brooding in the corner at the next ball. The dashing Mr Darcy gains the admiration of every lady in the room, until, that is, he refuses to dance with Elizabeth Bennet. As time passes and their acquaintance grows, however, Mr Darcy begins to find Elizabeth's face rendered uncommonly intelligent by the beautiful expression of her dark eyes...Here is a brand new abridgement of the classic Jane Austen novel - this time with a cute, humble and handsome cast of guinea pigs in the starring roles. It's even more dreamy to fall in love with a furry Mr Darcy.
10,40 € 10,95 €

Love and Freindship

Love and Freindship : And Other Youthful Writings Paperback| English By (author) Jane Austen , Edited by Christine Alexander Share ? ? ? ? Also available in Hardback 20,30 € 13,08 €13,92 € You save 0,84 € Free delivery worldwide Available Dispatched from the UK in 3 business days When will my order arrive? Add to basketAdd to wishlist Jane Austen's brilliant, hilarious - and often outrageous - early stories, sketches and pieces of nonsense. Jane Austen's earliest writing dates from when she was just eleven years, and already shows the hallmarks of her mature work: wit, acute insight into human folly, and a preoccupation with manners, morals and money. But it is also a product of the eighteenth century in which she grew up - dark, grotesque, often surprisingly bawdy, and a far cry from the polished, sparkling novels of manners for which she became famous. Drunken heroines, babies who bite off their mother's fingers, and a letter-writer who has murdered her whole family all feature in these very funny pieces. This edition includes all of Austen's juvenilia, including her 'History of England' - written by 'a partial, prejudiced, and ignorant Historian' - and the novella 'Lady Susan', in which the anti-heroine schemes and cheats her way through high society. Taken together, they offer a fascinating - and often surprising - insight into the early Austen. This major new edition is the first time Austen's juvenilia has appeared in Penguin Classics. Edited by Professor Christine Alexander, it includes an introduction, notes and other useful editorial materials. Jane Austen, born in 1775, wrote many burlesques, parodies and other stories in her youth, including a short epistolary novel, Lady Susan. The novels published in her lifetime include Sense and Sensibility (1811), Pride and Prejudice (1813), Mansfield Park (1814) and Emma (1816). Persuasion was written in a race against failing health in 1815-16, and was published, together with Northanger Abbey,posthumously in 1818. Austen died in Winchester on 18 July 1817. Christine Alexander is Scientia Professor of English at the University of New South Wales and general editor of the Juvenilia Press. She has published extensively on the Brontes and has co-edited the first book on literary juvenilia, The Child Writer from Austen to Woolf (2005). "Spirited, easy, full of fun, verging with freedom upon sheer nonsense...At fifteen she had few illusions about other people and none about herself ' - Virginia Woolf' [Her] inspiration was the inspiration of Gargantua and of Pickwick; it was the gigantic inspiration of laughter." (G K Chesterton).
12,30 € 12,95 €

Northanger Abbey

A witty exploration of the perils of mistaking fiction for reality, Jane Austen's "Northanger Abbey" is edited with an introduction and notes by Marylin Butler in "Penguin Classics". During an eventful season at Bath, young, naive Catherine Morland experiences the joys of fashionable society for the first time. She is delighted with her new acquaintances: rude, boorish John Thorpe, his flirtatious sister Isabella, who shares Catherine's love of sensational novels and intrigue, and sophisticated Eleanor and Henry Tilney, who invite her to their father's mysterious house, Northanger Abbey. There, her imagination, influenced by Gothic romances, such as Ann Radcliffe's "The Mysteries of Udolpho", Catherine imagines terrible crimes committed by General Tilney. With its broad comedy and irrepressible, impressionable heroine, this is the most youthful and optimistic of Jane Austen's works. The "Penguin Classics" edition of "Northanger Abbey" is based on the first edition of 1818, and includes a chronology and additional suggestions for further reading. Jane Austen (1775-1817) was extremely modest about her own genius but has become one of English literature's most famous women writers. Austen began writing at a young age, embarking on what is possibly her best-known work, "Pride and Prejudice", at the age of 22. She was the author of "Sense and Sensibility", "Pride and Prejudice", "Emma", "Persuasion", "Mansfield Park" and "Northanger Abbey". If you enjoyed "Northanger Abbey", you may like Ann Radcliffe's "The Mysteries of Udolpho", also available in "Penguin Classics". "The most perfect artist among women, the writer whose books are immortal". (Virginia Woolf). "These modern editions are to be strongly recommended for their scrupulous texts, informative notes and helpful introductions". (Brian Southam, The Jane Austen Society).
7,55 € 7,95 €


Her last completed novel, marrying witty social realism to a 'Cinderella' love story, Jane Austen's "Persuasion" is edited with an introduction by Gillian Beer in "Penguin Classics". Anne Elliot, twenty-seven and still single, seems destined for spinsterhood. In her youth, she broke off an engagement to penniless Captain Wentworth at the insistence of her friend Lady Russell, acquiescing to the demands of her class at the expense of her happiness. But when Wentworth returns from the Napoleonic wars rich and famous, Anne finds her affection rekindled - even though Wentworth seems more interested in Anne's friend Louisa Musgrove. Set in the fashionable societies of Lyme Regis and Bath, "Persuasion" is a brilliant satire of vanity and pretension, but, above all, it is a love story tinged with the heartache of missed opportunities. In her introduction, Gillian Beer discusses Austen's portrayal of the double-edged nature of persuasion and the clash between old and new worlds. This edition also includes a new chronology and full textual notes. Jane Austen (1775-1817) was extremely modest about her own genius but has become one of English literature's most famous women writers. Austen began writing at a young age, embarking on what is possibly her best-known work, "Pride and Prejudice", at the age of 22. She was the author of "Sense and Sensibility", "Pride and Prejudice", "Emma", "Persuasion", "Mansfield Park" and "Northanger Abbey". If you liked "Persuasion", you may enjoy George Eliot's "Middlemarch", also available in "Penguin Classics". "The most perfect artist among women, the writer whose books are immortal". (Virginia Woolf).
7,55 € 7,95 €

Meggyőző érvek

Anne Elliot huszonhét éves korára már beletörődött, hogy körülményei a vénlányok sorsára kárhoztatják. Annak idején családja és barátai lebeszélték arról, hogy egy bizonytalan jövőjű, összeköttetések híján csak saját tehetségére utalt fiatal tengerésztiszt felesége legyen. Az egykori szerelmesek nyolc év után találkoznak ismét, véletlenül. Wentworth kapitány azóta fényes pályát futott be, meggazdagodott, s most, hogy a napóleoni háborúk befejeződtek, le akar telepedni, családot alapítani. Leendő feleségével szemben mindössze egy követelményt támaszt: bárki lehet - csak Anne Elliot nem. A "Meggyőző érvek" nem pusztán az utolsó, hanem a legérettebb és számtalan kritikusa és olvasója által a legjobbnak tartott Austen-regény.
8,48 € 8,93 €

Pride and Prejudice Classics Reimagined

A beguiling and modern illustrated edition of a classic tale. The Classics Reimagined series is a library of stunning collector's editions of classic novels illustrated by contemporary artists from around the world. Each artist offers his or her own unique, visual interpretation of the most well-loved, widely read, and avidly collected literature from renowned authors. From Grimm's Fairy Tales to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and from Edgar Allen Poe to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, art lovers and book collectors alike will not be able to resist owning the whole collection. Enjoy Jane Austen's witty novel of love and misunderstanding as you've never seen it before! Alice Pattullo's colorful interpretation of Pride and Prejudice follows the romantic adventures of Bennett sisters, Mr. Bingley and his dour friend Mr. Darcy. Her folkloric, multi-faceted images, breathe new life into this engaging romantic novel, making it a collectible for book and art lovers every where.
25,18 € 26,50 €

Complete Novels of Jane Austen

Complete and unabridged this elegantly designed, hardcover edition is slip cased and features a ribbon marker and period styling as well as an introduction providing the reader with enlightening information on Austen's life and works. Jane Austen revolutionized the literary romance, using it as a platform from which to address issues of gender politics and class consciousness among the British middle-class of the late eighteenth century. The novels included in the collection - Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion, and Lady Susan - represent all of Austen's complete novels, and provide the reader with an entrance into the world she and her memorable characters inhabited. With witty, unflinching morality, Austen portrays English middle-class life as the eighteenth century came to a close and the nineteenth century began. Austin's heroines find happiness in many forms, each of the novels is a story of love and marriage-marriage for love, financial security and for social status. In a publishing career that spanned less than ten years her work brought her little personal fame and only a few positive reviews during her lifetime. It wasn't until the 1940s that she became widely accepted in academia as a great English writer. The second half of the 20th century saw a proliferation of Austen scholarship and the emergence of a fan culture. Austen's works continue to influence the course of the novel even as they charm readers today. Complete and unabridged this beautiful volume is magnificent. Elegantly designed, this cloth bound hardcover edition is slip cased and features a ribbon marker and period styling. A must have for any "Janeite". Also included is an original introduction that provides the reader with enlightening information on Jane Austen's life and works.
30,88 € 32,50 €

Lady Susan

'Of what a mistake were you guilty in marrying a Man of his age! - just old enough to be formal, ungovernable and to have the Gout - too old to be agreable, and too young to die.' The scheming and unscrupulous Lady Susan is unlike any Austen heroine you've met in this fascinating early novella. It is one of 46 new bookbest-sellingstselling Little Black Classics series, to celebrate the first ever Penguin Classic in 1946. Each book gives readers a taste of the Classics' huge range and diversity, with works from around the world and across the centuries - including fables, decadence, heartbreak, tall tales, satire, ghosts, battles and elephants.
3,75 € 3,95 €