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Jane Austen
Narodila sa 16. Decembra 1775 v Steventone, v kraji Hampshire, do rozsiahlej rodiny reverenda Georgea Austena (1731 - 1805) a jeho ženy Cassandry (rod. Leighovej) (1739 - 1827).

Pochádzala z ôsmich súrodencov, sama bola druhou najmladšou. Mala šesť bratov a staršiu sestru Cassandru Elizabeth, ktorá, ako svedčí množstvo zachovanej korešpondencie, jej bola z celej rodiny najbližšia. Bola to Cassandra, kto namaľoval jej jediný vierohodný portrét (dnes sa nachádza v Národnej portrétovej galérii v Londýne). Začiatky jej vzdelávania mal v rukách jej otec, ktorý nielen dôkladne vychovával svoje deti, ale im tiež poskytol základné vzdelanie. V roku 1783 začalo obdobie jej ďalšieho vzdelávania. Najprv krátko v Oxforde u pani Cawleyovej (sestry jedného z jej strýkov; tu ochorela Jane na týfus) a neskôr v Southhamptone. V rokoch 1785 - 1786 sa vzdelávala v dievčenskej internátnej škole v Readingu, Berkshire.

V tom čase bola uvedená do spoločnosti a začala žiť životom, ktorý bol v podstate rovnaký až do smrti. V láske nemala šťastie a rovnako ako jej staršia sestra sa nikdy nevydala.
V roku 1801 sa rodina presťahovala do Bathu (toto prostredie jej bolo inšpiráciou pre mnohé jej diela). Po smrti otca v roku 1805 Jane, Cassandra a ich matka žili s Frankom a jeho rodinou až do roku 1809, kedy sa znova presťahovali, tentoraz do Chawtonu. V tom čase už bola etablovaná ako spisovateľka, ak sa to tak dá povedať, pretože jej diela vychádzali anonymne (až po jej smrti brat Henry priznal verejne jej autorstvo). Jej zdravie bolo silne podlomené. Dnes sa uvažuje, že snáď trpela na Addisonovu chorobu alebo na tuberkulózu. Snaha vyliečiť sa ju viedla do Winchesteru, ale postup ochorenia bol taký rýchly, že zomrela do dvoch mesiacov, presne 18. júla 1817. Jej telo bolo pochované v miestnej katedrále.

Foto: wikipedia


Pride and Prejudice (Oxford World´s Classics)

'his perfect indifference, and your pointed dislike, make it so delightfully absurd!' Pride and Prejudice has delighted generations of readers with its unforgettable cast of characters, carefully choreographed plot, and a hugely entertaining view of the world and its absurdities. With the arrival of eligible young men in their neighbourhood, the lives of Mr and Mrs Bennet and their five daughters are turned inside out and menide down. Pride encounters prejudice, upward-mobility confronts social disdain, and quick-wittedness challenges sagacity, as misconceptions and hasty judgements lead to heartache and scandal, but eventually to true understanding, self-knowledge, and love. In this supremely satisfying story, Jane Austen balances comedy with seriousness, and witty observation with profound insight. If
3,47 € 3,65 €

Oxford Bookworms Library 6 Pride and Prejudice

'The moment I first met you, I noticed your pride, your sense of superiority, and your selfish disdain for the feelings of others. You are the last man in the world whom I could ever be persuaded to marry,' said Elizabeth Bennet. And so Elizabeth rejects the proud Mr Darcy. Can nothing overcome her prejudice against him? And what of the other Bennet girls - their fortunes, and misfortunes, in the business of getting husbands? This famous novel by Jane Austen is full of wise and humorous observation of the people and manners of her times.
10,44 € 10,99 €

Sense and Sensibility + CD Oxford Bookworms Library 5

Sometimes the Dashwood girls do not seem like sisters. Elinor is all calmness and reason, and can be relied upon for practical, common sense opinions. Marianne, on the other hand, is all sensibility, full of passionate and romantic feeling. She has no time for dull common sense - or for middle-aged men of thirty-five, long past the age of marriage. True love can only be felt by the young, of course. And if your heart is broken at the age of seventeen, how can you ever expect to recover from the passionate misery that fills your life, waking and sleeping?
11,64 € 12,25 €

Sense and Sensibility Oxford Bookworms Library 5

Sometimes the Dashwood girls do not seem like sisters. Elinor is all calmness and reason, and can be relied upon for practical, common sense opinions. Marianne, on the other hand, is all sensibility, full of passionate and romantic feeling. She has no time for dull common sense - or for middle-aged men of thirty-five, long past the age of marriage. True love can only be felt by the young, of course. And if your heart is broken at the age of seventeen, how can you ever expect to recover from the passionate misery that fills your life, waking and sleeping?
6,27 € 6,60 €

Pride and Prejudice

Many consider this rich social commentary to be Jane Austen's finest novel. It is certainly among her more famous ones. Austen sets her entertaining study of manners and misconceptions against the backdrop of a class-conscious society in 18th-century England. Spirited, intelligent Elizabeth Bennet is alternately enchanted and affronted by Mr. Darcy. She is quick to suspend her usual, more rational judgment when it comes to him. She also is quick to believe the worst gossip about this haughty, op inionated man, who soon manages to alienate Elizabeth and her family. But is the condescending air that Mr. Darcy wars an indication of his real character? Or has Elizabeth's pride gotten in the way of her chance for true romance?Upozornenie: Vzhľado m na častejšie obmeny vydaní tejto knihy v zahraničí, kus, ktorý vám zašleme, nemusí mať rovnakú obálku ako je zobrazená tu. Zobrazená obálka môže byť iba ilustračná. Obsah knihy aj cena budú však identické, bez ohľadu na obálku.
3,47 € 3,65 €

Sense and Sensibility

K tomuto titulu existuje nové vydanie z roku 2006: Sense and SensibilityDie Erstausgabe erschien im Jahr 1811. Jane Austen erzählt die Geschichte der beiden Schwestern Elinor und Marianne. Elinor verkörpert Verstand, Selbstbeherrschung und Taktgef ühl, Marianne hingegen Impulsivität, Leidenschaftlichkeit und spontane Hingabe.Upozornenie: Vzhľadom na častejšie obmeny vydaní tejto knihy v zahraničí, kus, ktorý vám zašleme, nemusí mať rovnakú obálku ako je zobrazená tu. Zobrazená obálka môže byť iba ilustračná. Obsah knihy aj cena budú však identické, bez ohľadu na obálku.
3,47 € 3,65 €

Northanger Abbey

Jane Austen was born on December 16, 1775. She was an English novelist who wrote numerous works of romantic fiction. Ms. Austen has millions of adoring fans all around the world and she is one of the most beloved writers in all of English literature.Many people may be surprised to learn that Jane Austen only published six novels. However, these works have become the foundation for the true romantic novel ever since they found their way to the world early in the 19th century.An early version of this book was written under the title “Susan”. It was actually the first of Jane Austen's novels sold to a publisher who then advertised it as forthcoming, but never issued it. Jane Austen had the manuscript brought back more than ten years later, after several of her other novels had been published. She apparently made some revisions, but finally "put it on the shelf.” It was only after her death in 1817 that her brother Henry finally had it published (together with Persuasion). The title "Northanger Abbey" was not chosen by Jane Austen (she referred to the book in her letter as "Miss Catherine".
3,47 € 3,65 €

Northanger Abbey

During an eventful season at Bath, young, naive Catherine Morland experiences the joys of fashionable society for the first time. She is delighted with her new acquaintances: flirtatious Isabella, who shares Catherine's love of Gothic romance and horror, and sophisticated Henry and Eleanor Tilney, who invite her to their father's mysterious house, Northanger Abbey. There, her imagination influenced by novels of sensation and intrigue, Catherine imagines terrible crimes committed by General Tilney. With its broad comedy and irrepressible heroine, this is the most youthful and and optimistic of Jane Austen's works.
6,60 € 6,95 €

Mansfield Park

Taken from the poverty of her parents' home in Portsmouth, Fanny Price is brought up with her rich cousins at Mansfield Park, acutely aware of her humble rank and with her cousin Edmund as her sole ally. During her uncle's absence in Antigua, the Crawford's arrive in the neighbourhood bringing with them the glamour of London life and a reckless taste for flirtation. "Mansfield Park" is considered Jane Austen's first mature work and, with its quiet heroine and subtle examination of social position and moral integrity, one of her most profound.
6,60 € 6,95 €

Oxford Bookworms Library 4 Persuasion

At nineteen Anne Elliot refuses an offer of marriage from Frederick Wentworth, persuaded to do so by Lady Russell, a friend of her dead mother. Wentworth is a sailor, with no money and an uncertain future, says Lady Russell - just a nobody, certainly not worthy of a baronet's daughter. Eight years later Wentworth returns, a rich and successful captain, looking for a wife. Anne is still unmarried, but Captain Wentworth clearly prefers the company of the two Musgrove girls ...
9,49 € 9,99 €

Anna Elliotová

Vzdělaná, citlivá a oduševnělá Anna byla zasnoubena s námořním kapitánem Frederickem Wentworthem. Její rodina však tento vztah označila za společensky nepřijatelný a Anna se musela své lásky vzdát. Po letech se s bývalým snoubencem znovu setkává a zjistí, že čas její city k němu nijak nezměnil.
3,41 € 3,59 €

Szerelmek és ballépések

A népszerű romantikus regényíró, az angol Jane Austen életművéből készült válogatás az érzelmi fonákságok, a humor és a mélységes emberismeret esszenciája. A szerző eddig ismeretlen oldaláról mutatkozik meg: ugyanis az abszurd humor korai nyomait épp úgy megtaláljuk a gyűjteményben, mint az emberi gyarlóság megannyi leleplező megállapítását. A könyv a 18. századi angol társadalom görbetükre, itt-ott andalító érzelmi kitérőkkel.
1,43 € 1,50 €

Láska a přátelství a jiné prózy

Sbírka raných próz Jane Austenové s názvem Láska a přátelství je pojmenována podle novely v dopisech, která je jejím srdcem. Všechny prózy si berou na mušku dobové literární konvence, Jane Austenová je psala pro pobavení rodiny a jejich humor a styl, kter
8,88 € 9,35 €


Part of `Penguin's` beautiful hardback `Clothbound Classics` series, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith, these delectable and collectible editions are bound in high-quality colourful, tactile cloth with foil stamped into the design. Beautiful, clever, rich - and single - Emma Woodhouse is perfectly content with her life and sees no need for either love or marriage. Nothing, however, delights her more than interfering in the romantic lives of others. But when she ignores the warnings of her good friend Mr Knightley and attempts to arrange a suitable match for her protegee Harriet Smith, her carefully laid plans soon unravel and have consequences that she never expected. With its imperfect but charming heroine and its witty and subtle exploration of relationships, Emma is often seen as Jane Austen's most flawless work.
18,00 € 18,95 €

Pride and Prejudice

When Elizabeth Bennet first meets eligible bachelor Fitzwilliam Darcy, she thinks him arrogant and conceited, he is indifferent to her good looks and lively mind. When she later discovers that Darcy has involved himself in the troubled relationship between his friend Bingley and her beloved sister Jane, she is determined to dislike him more than ever. In the sparkling comedy of manners that follows, Jane Austen shows the folly of judging by first impressions and superbly evokes the friendships, gossip and snobberies of provincial middle-class life.
6,60 € 6,95 €

Büszkeség és balítélet meg a zombik

A feledhetetlen románc - most durván erőszakos zombidúlással. Titokzatos vírus harapódzik el Angliában: a halottak életre kelnek és tisztes polgárok életét fenyegetik. A Bennet-lányok igazi kardforgatók, mesteeri a keleti harcművészeteknek, és Mr. Darcy sem csak egy jó parti, hanem rengeteg élőhalott eltakarítása fűződik a nevéhez. A kimondhatatlanok pedig megkérdőjelezhető viselkedési kódexet követve grasszálnak az angol vidéken. Jól nevelt és kifogástalan modorú hamvas úrinők és fess úriemberek két bál és házassági ajánlat között gyilkolják a zombikat - Jane Austen modorában.
1,89 € 1,99 €