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Simon Blackburn


Etika - Velmi stručný úvod

V době, kdy jsme konfrontováni s proměnlivým a nejistým světem, snižuje se důvěra ve společnosti, daří se konspiračním teoriím a z veřejné diskuse se znepokojivě vytrácí vzájemný respekt, roste význam porozumění etice a jejím základům. Simon Blackburn v knize představuje základní otázky a problémy současné etiky, ale zároveň nás nutí zamýšlet se nad světem kolem nás. Ukazuje nám, jak bychom mohli přemýšlet o smyslu života a proč bychom měli nedůvěřovat zjednodušujícím absolutismům, které často dominují morálním debatám.
U dodávateľa
8,48 € 8,93 €

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V době, kdy jsme konfrontováni s proměnlivým a nejistým světem, snižuje se důvěra ve společnosti, daří se konspiračním teoriím a z veřejné diskuse se znepokojivě vytrácí vzájemný respekt, roste význam porozumění etice a jejím základům. Simon Blackburn v knize představuje základní otázky a problémy současné etiky, ale zároveň nás nutí zamýšlet se nad světem kolem nás. Ukazuje nám, jak bychom mohli přemýšlet o smyslu života a proč bychom měli nedůvěřovat zjednodušujícím absolutismům, které často dominují morálním debatám.
Na stiahnutie
5,00 €

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Dictionary of Philosophy

All the terms one would expect to find in a comprehensive dictionary of philosophy can be found in this expertly researched reference, plus many terms and concepts not ususally found in such reference works. Capsule biographies of nearly 500 individuals, from the pre-Socratics through such major figures as Aquinas, Lady Anne Finch, Nietzsche, and Einstein, are included.
17,63 € 18,56 €

Platónova ústava

Simon Blackburn v této knize objasňuje Platónovy právní, etické a politické názory a zkoumá, jakým způsobem ovlivnily novodobý svět. Vysvětluje, proč Ústava působí na západní myšlení od sv. Augustina až po filosofy dvacátého století, jako jsou Whitehead či Bergson
9,78 € 10,29 €

The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy (Oxford Paperback Reference)

The Gambler's Fallacy, the Dirty Hands Argument, Pascal's Wager--philosophical terms can be both intriguing and baffling. Now, eminent philosopher Simon Blackburn offers the most authoritative and up-to-date dictionary of philosophy available in a single volume. Ranging from Aristotle to Zen, the two thousand plus entries cover the entire span of philosophy, from the Vedas (written over three thousand years ago) to the most recent technical terminology, with ample coverage of important themes from Chinese, Indian, Islamic, and Jewish philosophy. Here are all the terms one would expect to find in a comprehensive dictionary of philosophy--idealism and empiricism, ethics and aesthetics, Epicureanism and Stoicism, existentialism and logical positivism, and much more. Blackburn also defines many concepts not normally found in such reference works, including entries for apathy, laughter, and the meaning of life, and he includes relevant terms from disciplines such as mathematics, physics, biology, artificial intelligence, and linguistics. In addition, there are capsule biographies of nearly five hundred individuals, from the pre-Socratics to such contemporary figures as Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Richard Rorty, and Simone de Beauvoir.
13,86 € 14,59 €

Ethics: A Very Short Introduction

Our self-image as moral, well-behaved creatures is dogged by scepticism, relativism, hypocrisy, and nihilism, by the fear that in a Godless world science has unmasked us as creatures fated by our genes to be selfish and tribalistic, or competitive and aggressive. In this 'sparklingly clear' (Guardian) introduction to ethics, Simon Blackburn tackles the major moral questions surrounding birth, death, happiness, desire and freedom, showing us how we should think about the meaning of life, and how we should mistrust the soundbite-sized absolutes that often dominate moral debates.
12,58 € 13,24 €

Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy (Oxford Paperback Reference)

This best-selling dictionary is written by one of the most famous philosophers of our time, and widely recognised as the best dictionary of its kind. Wide-ranging and authoritative, it covers every aspect of philosophy from Aristotle to Zen. Clear, concise and easy to use, it provides lively and accessible coverage of not only Western philosophical traditions, but also themes from Chinese, Indian, Islamic, and Jewish philosophy. Entries include over 500 biographies of famous and influential philosophers, in-depth analysis of philosophical terms and concepts, and a chronology of philosophical events stretching from 10,000 BC to the present day. The first edition of this dictionary became a market leader and a standard work of reference, selling over 100,000 copies. Now the author, Professor Simon Blackburn, has revised and updated it to include over 500 new entries including terms from related disciplines such as religion, science and logic. Fully cross-referenced and containing over 3,000 alphabetical entries, this dictionary is the ideal introduction to philosophy for beginners, and an essential work of reference for more advanced students and teachers.
15,11 € 15,90 €

Nagy kérdések: Filozófia

A Nagy kérdések sorozat réges-régi, alapvető, makacs és elmepróbáló tudományos talányokat vizsgál. Ebben a kötetben a filozófia azon kérdéseit tekinthetjük át, amelyek évezredek óta foglalkoztatják a tudósokat és a hétköznapi embert. Simon Blackburn fölsorakoztatja a legjelesebb gondolkodók eszméit, bemutatja a húsz nagy problémakört, amelyek alapvető jelentőségűek önmagunk és a világ megértésében. -Mi az élet értelme? -Szabad vagyok? -Létezik valójában társadalom? -Mi az idő? -Miért van valami , és nem a semmi? -Mi vagyok én? -Megérthetjük egymást? -Milyen jogaim vannak? -Szükségünk van Istenre? -Mi a szépség? -Miért legyek jó? -Mi az, amit tudunk? -Tudnak a gépek gondolkodni? -Hogyan hazudhatok önmagamnak? -Mi tölti ki a teret? -Miért van állandóság is az örök változásban? -Racionális lények vagyunk? -Viszonylagos az igazság? -Mi az emberi természet? -Féljünk a haláltól? Simon Blackburn a Cambridge-i Egyetem filozófiaprofesszora, az Észak-Karolinai Egyetem kutatóprofesszora és napja ink egyik legjelesebb filozófusa.
12,79 € 13,46 €

Philosophers - Their Lives and Works

An illuminating celebration of more than 80 of the world's most important thinkers, this book explores the fascinating stories of their lives, their loves, and their pioneering ideas. Introduced with a stunning portrait of each featured philosopher, entries trace the ideas and beliefs, and the relationships and rivalries that inspired the great thinkers and influenced their work, providing revealing insights into what drove them to question the meaning of life and come up with new ways of understanding the world. Lavishly illustrated with photographs and paintings of philosophers, their homes, friends, studies, and their personal belongings, together with pages from original manuscripts, first editions, and correspondence, this book introduces the key ideas, themes, and working methods of each featured individual, setting their ideas within a wider historical and cultural context. Charting the development of ideas across the centuries in both the East and West, from ancient Chinese philosophy to the work of contemporary thinkers, Philosophers provides a compelling glimpse into the personal lives, loves, and influences of the great philosophers as they probed into life's "big ideas".
23,70 € 24,95 €

Lacná kniha The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy (Oxford Paperback Reference) (-90%)

The Gambler's Fallacy, the Dirty Hands Argument, Pascal's Wager--philosophical terms can be both intriguing and baffling. Now, eminent philosopher Simon Blackburn offers the most authoritative and up-to-date dictionary of philosophy available in a single volume. Ranging from Aristotle to Zen, the two thousand plus entries cover the entire span of philosophy, from the Vedas (written over three thousand years ago) to the most recent technical terminology, with ample coverage of important themes from Chinese, Indian, Islamic, and Jewish philosophy. Here are all the terms one would expect to find in a comprehensive dictionary of philosophy--idealism and empiricism, ethics and aesthetics, Epicureanism and Stoicism, existentialism and logical positivism, and much more. Blackburn also defines many concepts not normally found in such reference works, including entries for apathy, laughter, and the meaning of life, and he includes relevant terms from disciplines such as mathematics, physics, biology, artificial intelligence, and linguistics. In addition, there are capsule biographies of nearly five hundred individuals, from the pre-Socratics to such contemporary figures as Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Richard Rorty, and Simone de Beauvoir.
1,46 € 14,59 €

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This is a book about the big questions in life: knowledge, consciousness, fate, God, truth, goodness, justice. It is for anyone who believes there are big questions out there, but does not know how to approach them. Think sets out to explain what they are and why they are important. Simon Blackburn begins by putting forward a convincing case for the study of philosophy and goes on to give the reader a sense of how the great historical figures such as Descartes, Hume, Kant, and Wittgenstein have approached its central themes. Each chapter explains a major issue, and gives the reader a self-contained guide through the problems that philosophers have studied. The large scope of topics covered range from scepticism, the self, mond and body, and freedom to ethics and thearguments surrounding the existence of God. Lively and approachable, this book is ideal for all those who want to learn how the basic techniques of thinking shape our existence.
13,25 € 13,95 €