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Julia Boyd


Szörnyeteg vagy példakép?

A Szörnyeteg vagy példakép? a nácik felemelkedésének és uralmának egyedülálló összefoglalása, amely nagy munkával gyűjtött, első kézből származó beszámolókra támaszkodik. Egyetemi hallgatók és középiskolás diákok, politikusok, zenészek, diplomaták, kommunisták, fasiszták, tudósok, olimpikonok, költők, újságírók, turisták, sőt olyan hírességek, mint Charles Lindbergh és Samuel Beckett, korabeli naplói, levelei és írásai szolgálnak forrásul. Az olvasó szinte láthatja, hallhatja, tapinthatja azt az atmoszférát, amiről a kor embere nem sejthette, varázslatos megújuláshoz vagy borzalmas viharhoz vezet-e. Elgondolkodtató kérdések következnek ebből a mai olvasó számára: Mennyire lehetett felfogni, mi is történik valójában? Meg lehetett-e ragadni a nemzetiszocializmus lényegét? Érintetlennek lehetett-e maradni a propagandától? Meg lehetett-e jósolni a holokausztot? A történelem akaratlan szemtanúi újszerű betekintést nyújtanak a harmadik birodalom összetettségébe, paradoxonjaiba és végső összeomlásába.
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16,82 € 17,71 €

Travellers in the Third Reich

Without the benefit of hindsight, how do you interpret what’s right in front of your eyes? The events that took place in Germany between 1919 and 1945 were dramatic and terrible but there were also moments of confusion, of doubt – of hope. How easy was it to know what was actually going on, to grasp the essence of National Socialism, to remain untouched by the propaganda or predict the Holocaust? Travellers in the Third Reich is an extraordinary history of the rise of the Nazis based on fascinating first-hand accounts, drawing together a multitude of voices and stories, including students, politicians, musicians, diplomats, schoolchildren, communists, scholars, athletes, poets, journalists, fascists, artists, tourists, even celebrities like Charles Lindbergh and Samuel Beckett. Their experiences create a remarkable three-dimensional picture of Germany under Hitler – one so palpable that the reader will feel, hear, even breathe the atmosphere. These are the accidental eyewitnesses to history. Disturbing, absurd, moving, and ranging from the deeply trivial to the deeply tragic, their tales give a fresh insight into the complexities of the Third Reich, its paradoxes and its ultimate destruction.
23,70 € 24,95 €

Travellers in the Third Reich

THE SUNDAY TIMES TOP THREE BESTSELLER; Winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for History 2018; One of the Daily Telegraph's Best Books of 2017; A Guardian 'Readers' Choice' Best Book of 2017; Without the benefit of hindsight, how do you interpret what's right in front of your eyes?; The events that took place in Germany between 1919 and 1945 were dramatic and terrible but there were also moments of confusion, of doubt - of hope. How easy was it to know what was actually going on, to grasp the essence of National Socialism, to remain untouched by the propaganda or predict the Holocaust?; Travellers in the Third Reich is an extraordinary history of the rise of the Nazis based on fascinating first-hand accounts, drawing together a multitude of voices and stories, including students, politicians, musicians, diplomats, schoolchildren, communists, scholars, athletes, poets, journalists, fascists, artists, tourists, even celebrities like Charles Lindbergh and Samuel Beckett. Their experiences create a remarkable three-dimensional picture of Germany under Hitler - one so palpable that the reader will feel, hear, even breathe the atmosphere.; These are the accidental eyewitnesses to history. Disturbing, absurd, moving, and ranging from the deeply trivial to the deeply tragic, their tales give a fresh insight into the complexities of the Third Reich, its paradoxes and its ultimate destruction.
13,25 € 13,95 €

A Village in the Third Reich

Hidden deep in the Bavarian mountains lies the picturesque village of Oberstdorf - a place where for hundreds of years people lived simple lives while history was made elsewhere. Yet even this remote idyll could not escape the brutal iron grip of the Nazi regime. From the author of the bestselling Travellers in the Third Reich comes A Village in the Third Reich: an extraordinarily intimate portrait of Germany under Hitler, shining a light on the lives of ordinary people. Drawing on personal archives, letters, interviews and memoirs, it lays bare their brutality and love; courage and weakness; action, apathy and grief; hope, pain, joy and despair. Within its pages we encounter people from all walks of life - foresters, priests, farmers and nuns; innkeepers, Nazi officials, veterans and party members; village councillors, mountaineers, socialists, slave labourers, schoolchildren, tourists and aristocrats. We meet the Jews who survived - and those who didn't; the Nazi mayor who tried to shield those persecuted by the regime; and a blind boy whose life was judged 'not worth living'. This is a tale of conflicting loyalties and desires, of shattered dreams - but one in which, ultimately, human resilience triumphs. These are the stories of ordinary lives at the crossroads of history.
13,78 € 14,50 €