Stephen Briggs


Turtle Recall

The Discworld, as everyone knows, is a flat world balanced on the backs of four elephants which, in turn, stand on the shell of the giant star turtle, the Great A'Tuin, as it slowly swims through space. It is also a global publishing phenomenon with sales of over 70 million books worldwide (but who's counting?). The publication of SNUFF brought the Discworld canon to 39 books - not including the various guides, mapps, diaries and other side-projects. That's a lot of Discworld to keep track of - more than most people can manage with just the one head - but fear not: help is at hand! If you're looking for the ultimate authority on probably the most heavily populated - certainly the most hilarious - setting in fantasy literature...If you need a handy guide to Discworld locales from Ankh-Morpork to Zemphis...If you want help telling Achmed the Mad from Jack Zweiblumen...If your life depends on being able to distinguish the Agatean Empire from the Zoons...look no further than THE COMPLETE DISCWORLD COMPANION - now fully updated and completely up to SNUFF!
Na sklade 1Ks
11,27 € 11,50 €

The Ankh-Morpork Archives

Containing material unavailable for twenty years -- this is a comprehensive guide to the capital city of Terry Pratchett's Discworld, getting to the heart of Ankh-Morpork's secrets, societies and guilds. Think you know Ankh-Morpork? Think again. In this top-secret guide, intrepid explorers will experience the real city. If you've ever wondered where Unseen University students wet their whistles (while avoiding their teachers as they do the same), or pondered just what the Assassins' Guild constitutes a proper means of inhumation - there are standards to be upheld - this is the book for you. That's right, have yourself a glimpse of what actually goes on in the city's societies. Cut the chaff, peek behind the curtain, see how the sausage gets made . . . err, you get the idea. Just don't let the Thieves' Guild catch you with this. They won't appreciate their methods being flogged behind their back. Flogging's their job. Completely revamped and redesigned, this full-colour book contains material from Discworld Diaries across the decades.
U dodávateľa
32,50 €

The Ankh-Morpork Archives: Volume Two

Containing material unavailable for twenty years -- this is a comprehensive guide to the capital city of Terry Pratchett's Discworld, getting to the heart of Ankh-Morpork's secrets, societies and guilds. Ankh-Morpork is a bottomless pit of secrets. It's time to unearth a few more . . . In the second volume of this confidential guide, brave travellers are made privy to the inner workings of more illustrious Ankh-Morpork societies. Disabuse yourself of notions of professionalism under which you may hold the City Watch; discover what serious business is undertaken by the Fools' Guild (joking is no laughing matter); and, should you be lucky, achieve true enlightenment through the teachings of Lu-Tze. One thing's for sure: after you've read this book, Ankh-Morpork's Guilds are going to need to come up with new ways of doing things. Completely revamped and redesigned, this full-colour book contains material from Discworld Diaries across the decades.
U dodávateľa
31,50 €

Ankh-Morpork (archivy)

V tomto prvním svazku digitálně remasterovaných ilustrací, nazvaném Ankh-Morpork: Archivy, naleznete výbor z prvních čtyř zeměplošských diářů. Snoubí se zde texty Terryho Pratchetta a Stephena Briggse s ilustracemi Paula Kidbyho a dozvíte se tu všechno, co jste kdy chtěli vědět o fungování ankh-morporských zavedených institucí. Zjistíte, kde mají ty nejlepší krysy na špejli, odhalíte vodní záhadu poštovních schránek a pochopíte, proč žádný chlapec (ani dívka) z cechu vrahů nesmí vlastnit čolka delšího než pět palců...
U dodávateľa
27,18 € 27,73 €

The Ultimate Discworld Companion

The absolute, comprehensive, from Tiffany Aching to Jack Zweiblumen guide to all things Discworld, fully illustrated by Paul Kidby. The Discworld, as everyone knows, is a flat world balanced on the back of four elephants which, in turn, stand on the shell of the giant star turtle, the Great A'Tuin, as it slowly swims through space. It is also the global publishing phenomenon with sales of over 70 million books worldwide (but who's counting?). There's an awful lot of Discworld to keep track of. But fear not! Help is at hand. For the very first time, everything (and we mean everything) you could possibly want to know has been crammed into one place. If you need a handy guide to locales from Ankh-Morpork to Zemphis . . . If you can't tell your Achmed the Mads from your Jack Zweiblumens . . . If your life depends on distinguishing between the Agatean Empire and the Zoons . . . Look no further. Updated and perfected by Stephen Briggs, the man behind The Ultimate Discworld Companion's predecessor Turtle Recall, this is your ultimate guide to Sir Terry Pratchett's beloved fantasy world.
U dodávateľa
18,13 € 18,50 €

Ankh-Morpork 2 (archivy)

Ankh-Morpork: Archivy, svazek II, spojují čtyři vydání proslulých zeměplošských diářů do jednoho luxusního digitálně revidovaného kompendia. Nové vydání dává vyniknout původnímu textu od Terryho Pratchetta a Stephena Briggse a kresbám Paula Kidbyho, prozradí vám ještě více o fungování některých jedinečných institucí v Ankh-Morporku, zjistíte, že už se nemůžete divit neuvěřitelně vysoké úmrtnosti v rodině Nobyho Nóblhócha, naučíte se překonávat drobné nedostatky, jako je pití lidské krve, nebo přeměnu v netopýra a věnujete pozornost strašlivým varováním paní Kosmopilíkové o tom nejtemnějším vtělení - její sousedce, paní Lehkochodné, vládkyni temnoty.
Na sklade 2Ks
30,81 € 31,44 €

Tourist Guide To Lancre

Between Uberwald and Whale Bay, the Octarine Grass Country and the Widdershins Ocean, lies the most exciting and dangerous terrain in all Discworld. This is a map of Lancre, where Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg, and Magrat Garlick live.
11,35 € 11,58 €

Lacná kniha Ankh-Morpork 2 (archivy) (-50%)

Ankh-Morpork: Archivy, svazek II, spojují čtyři vydání proslulých zeměplošských diářů do jednoho luxusního digitálně revidovaného kompendia. Nové vydání dává vyniknout původnímu textu od Terryho Pratchetta a Stephena Briggse a kresbám Paula Kidbyho, prozradí vám ještě více o fungování některých jedinečných institucí v Ankh-Morporku, zjistíte, že už se nemůžete divit neuvěřitelně vysoké úmrtnosti v rodině Nobyho Nóblhócha, naučíte se překonávat drobné nedostatky, jako je pití lidské krve, nebo přeměnu v netopýra a věnujete pozornost strašlivým varováním paní Kosmopilíkové o tom nejtemnějším vtělení - její sousedce, paní Lehkochodné, vládkyni temnoty.
15,72 € 31,44 €

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