Rachel Bright
The Koala Who Could
Fans of The Gruffalo and Giraffes Can't Dance will love this feelgood rhyming story portraying a positive message about facing up to change, something that young children can sometimes struggle with. Sometimes change comes along whether we like it or not ...but if you let it, change can be the making of you. Kevin the Koala discovers this and more in this delightful picture book from the bestselling creators of The Lion Inside! Stylish art with Jon Klassen appeal and vibrant storytelling from two contemporary stars make this a story to shout about - it will make you laugh, cry and read it every bedtime. WINNER of the Evening Standard Oscar's Book Prize 2017! 'Fabulous rhymes, I'm in love with Kevin and would like to buy this for all my friends' children.' Claudia Winkleman 'A feel-good rhyming tale ...Field's Australian animals are a treat' - Bookseller
The Koala Who Could
A glorious board book edition of the award-winning The Koala Who Could. A feel-good rhyming story with a positive message about overcoming worries, and dealing with change.
Meet Kevin, a koala who likes to keep things the same. Exactly the same. But sometimes change comes along whether we like it or not . . . and if you let it, change can be the making of you. Kevin the Koala discovers this and more in this delightful picture book from the bestselling creators of The Lion Inside.
WINNER of the Evening Standard Oscar's Book Prize 2017 and the Sainsbury's Book Award 2017!
'Fabulous rhymes, I'm in love with Kevin and would like to buy this for all my friends' children.' Claudia Winkleman
'A feel-good rhyming tale . . . Field's Australian animals are a treat' - Bookseller
The Whale Who Wanted More
A stunning undersea tale of friendship, community and discovery from the bestselling creators of The Lion Inside.
Under glittering waves of a vast ocean blue, a beautiful world is hidden from view.
And there, in the cool and the quiet of the deep, a great, gentle giant was stirring from sleep . . .
Humphrey the whale is on a quest: to find the one perfect object that will make him feel complete. He roams far and wide, gathering endless undersea treasure as he goes. Yet, no matter how many goodies he accumulates, Humphrey still doesn't feel content. Could it be friendship, not possessions, that will really make Humphrey's heart sing?
A sparkling rhyming tale that encourages sharing and kindness, this heartwarming story of friendship is perfect for reading aloud.
A benned élő oroszlán
Nem kell, hogy bátor és nagy legyél az üvöltéshez! Íme az egérke példája: ő is szeretne úgy üvölteni, mint az állatok királya, csakhogy ő picike, és nem is túl bátor. Aztán mégiscsak útra kel, hogy megtanulja az üvöltés tudományát, és az útja során rájön, hogy a benne élő oroszlán mindenre képes. Bájos verses mese, csodás illusztrációkkal, melyekből a legkisebbek is bátorságot meríthetnek.
Veľryba, čo chcela viac
Pôvabný aj poučný príbeh o veľrybe, ktorá sa márne snaží nájsť šťastie v hmotných veciach, no nakoniec jej to ozajstné šťastie prinesie priateľstvo. Kniha je nádherne ilustrovaná a určite chytí za srdce aj starších čitateľov.
The Worrysaurus Board Book
A sturdy board book edition of the fun and reassuring tale about dealing with worries, from the author of the bestselling The Lion Inside.
It's a beautiful day and Worrysaurus has planned a special picnic.
But it isn't long before a small butterfly of worry starts fluttering in his tummy . . .
What if he hasn't brought enough to eat?
What if he gets lost in the jungle?
What if he trips and falls?
What if it rains?!
Can Worrysaurus find a way to chase his fears away and have fun?
The perfect book to help every anxious little dinosaur let go of their fears and feel happy in the moment.
Lev v srdci
Malú myšku už unavuje, že ju ostatné zvieratká okato prehliadajú. Nik ju nevidí, nik
nepočuje, zato levovi stačí ležať na skale a všetci ho obdivujú. Závidí mu jeho silu, autoritu,
mocný hlas, a preto sa vyberie za ním, aby sa od neho naučila získať si rešpekt a stala sa
Na svojej ceste za sebavedomím však zistí, že aj tí najtvrdší a najväčší sa niekedy boja
a aj tí najmenší, priam nepatrní – ako ona –, môžu mať srdce odvážneho leva.
Knižka je spolu s príbehmi Veľryba, čo chcela viac a Vĺčikova cesta domov súčasťou
série, ktorá nádherným a detskému čitateľovi prístupným spôsobom rozoberá témy
priateľstva, dôležitosti spolupráce a jedinečnosti každého človeka. Knižky sú veršované
a doplnené bohatými ilustráciami, preto sú vhodné aj pre tie najmenšie deti.
Vĺčikova cesta domov
Malý a tvrdohlavý vĺčik Samko odmieta poslúchať. Považuje sa za dospelého a
najmúdrejšieho. Keď sa vlčia svorka musí presťahovať, pretože ich noru zabrali ľadové
medvede, vo svojej pýche sa vnúti dospelým vlkom za vodcu. Ani sa nenazdá a ocitne sa
sám, samučičký v šírych pláňach arktickej krajiny. Vtedy pochopí, že sila spočíva v čomsi
inom – v priateľstve.
Knižka je spolu s príbehmi Veľryba, čo chcela viac a Lev v srdci súčasťou série, ktorá
nádherným a detskému čitateľovi prístupným spôsobom rozoberá témy priateľstva,
dôležitosti spolupráce a jedinečnosti každého človeka. Knižky sú veršované a doplnené
bohatými ilustráciami, preto sú vhodné aj pre tie najmenšie deti.
Mladý vĺčik Samko nechce pomoc od nikoho.
Nech už ide o čokoľvek, poradí si sám.
No keď sa stratí a ocitne sa celkom osamelý
v mrazivej arktickej noci, príde na to,
že každý z nás občas potrebuje
pomocnú ruku kamarátov.
Koala, ktorá môže
Koala Kevin žije na strome, kde má všetko, čo k spokojnému životu potrebuje. Celé dni len chrumká listy a spí. Nechce skúsiť nič nové a svet tam dole ho desí, hoci vidí, ako sa spolu ostatné zvieratká hrajú. Jedného dňa však musí svoj strom, ktorý je preňho jediným bezpečným miestom, opustiť a vtedy zistí, že svet nie je také strašidelné miesto, ako sa na prvý pohľad môže zdať.
Veveričky, čo sa škriepili
Zábavný príbeh o kamarátoch a o tom, ako sa naučili podeliť.
Dve nenásytné veveričky Vratko a Filip sa hádajú o poslednú šišku roka. Jedna
veverička má bohaté zásoby, druhá pre vlastnú nezodpovednosť nemá nič a je hladná. V
škriepke prekonajú mnohé dobrodružstvá, až napokon zistia, aké príjemné je podeliť sa o
radosť s dobrým kamarátom.
Knižka je spolu s príbehmi Veľryba, čo chcela viac, Lev v srdci a Vĺčikova cesta
domov súčasťou série, ktorá nádherným a detskému čitateľovi prístupným spôsobom
rozoberá témy priateľstva, dôležitosti spolupráce a jedinečnosti každého človeka. Knižky sú
veršované a doplnené bohatými ilustráciami, preto sú vhodné aj pre tie najmenšie deti.
The Hugasaurus Board Book
A sturdy board edition of the joyful celebration of the power of kindness from Rachel Bright, author of the bestselling The Lion Inside.
One sunny morning, a happy little Hugasaurus waves goodbye to her Pappysaur and sets off into the world on her own for the very first time. When she finds a playground, some new friends welcome her to their games. But it isn't long before the other little dinosaurs start to squabble.
Can Hugasaurus bring her new friends back together using the magical power of kindness?
The perfect picture book to help children learn to be kind to one another. For every hugasaurus - large or small.
A marakodó mókusok
"A népszerű A benned élő oroszlán szerzőpárosának új könyve! A két mohó mókus, Csimpala Pál és Telhetetlen Iván összevesznek az év legutolsó fenyőtobozán. Mindent elkövetnek, hogy megszerezzék, de vajon kié lesz? Kacagtató mese barátságról és önzetlenségről."
The Stompysaurus Board Book
A reassuring tale about coping with overwhelming feelings and frustration, The Stompysaurus is the latest book in the DinoFeelings series by Rachel Bright and Chris Chatterton, creators of The Worrysaurus. Now available in a chunky board book, perfect for little hands. One morning, Stompysaurus wakes from a happy dream, feeling excited for the new day, until things start to go a bit wrong.
His brother's being a tease, his breakfast isn't his usual favourite and NOTHING is going right. His STOMPS and ROARS start rising inside him, until they EXPLODE!But a tricky start doesn't have to mean a stompy finish. Can Stompysurus find a new way of looking at things and turn his day around?The perfect story to help children learn to overcome feelings of anger and annoyance when it seems like everything is going wrong.
From the author of the bestselling The Lion Inside. A Read for Empathy Collection Choice, chosen by EmpathyLab. Check out the other books in the DinoFeelings series:The Worrysaurus, The Hugasaurus
The Gecko and the Echo Board Book
An adorable board book edition of this flamboyantly funny tale about the love we give to the world - and the love that comes echoing back. From the creators of the multi-award-winning, bestselling The Lion Inside.
Goldy wants one thing, and one thing only - to be a STAR. On the sunny island this gecko calls home, it's always THE GOLDY SHOW, morning 'til night.
But when you're dazzled by the limelight, it's easy to lose sight of the world around you. And when Goldy's performance starts to go wrong, the little gecko discovers that friendship means so much more than fame. Because when you treat the world with love, then love will come echoing back.
This funny and touching rhyming story is perfect for sharing, reminding us all that treating others with kindness makes the whole world a better and happier place.
Snowflake in My Pocket
Once upon a winter, in a faraway place, lived a very wise bear and a very small squirrel...
From highly acclaimed picture book maker, Rachel Bright, comes a visually stunning, feel-good picture book filled with Yu Rong's distinctive, awe-inspiring papercut artwork. The snow is coming - Bear can smell it! Squirrel is so excited - he's never seen snow before! But when the snow arrives, Bear suddenly falls sick. Can Squirrel still bring some silvery, sparkly, magical whiteness to his best friend? Featuring a cut-out window in Squirrel's oak tree home, giving readers a sneak-peek to the wintry world outside, this delicately-crafted book captures the cosy, cuddly feeling of sharing a snowy night with a loved one, and is the perfect read for parents and children to treasure together - at Christmas and all year round.
9,95 €
The Whale Who Wanted More
A stunning undersea tale of friendship, community and discovery from the bestselling creators of The Lion Inside.
Under glittering waves of a vast ocean blue, a beautiful world is hidden from view.
And there, in the cool and the quiet of the deep, a great, gentle giant was stirring from sleep . . .
Humphrey the whale is on a quest: to find the one perfect object that will make him feel complete. He roams far and wide, gathering endless undersea treasure as he goes. Yet, no matter how many goodies he accumulates, Humphrey still doesn't feel content. Could it be friendship, not possessions, that will really make Humphrey's heart sing?
A sparkling rhyming tale that encourages sharing and kindness, this heartwarming story of friendship is perfect for reading aloud.
16,50 €