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Emily Brontë strana 3 z 4


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A gyermek Heathcliffet Mr. Earnshaw a skót felföld lápos vidékén találja. Megesik a szíve az elhagyott fiún, és hazaviszi házába, ahol lányával, Cathyvel és fiával, Hindleyvel él együtt. Heathcliff az évek múltával beleszeret Cathybe. Egyedül a féltékeny Hindley az, aki mindenáron tönkre akarja tenni a fogadott gyereket. Egy napon Mr. Earnshaw meghal, Hindley pedig, mint a család új feje, az istállóba száműzi Heathcliffet. Nem sokkal később Cathy is elhagyja a házat, feleségül megy a szomszéd birtokos fiához, Edgar Lintonhoz. Heathcliff pedig szépen, lassan elkezdi kitervelni rettenetes bosszúját… Harmincéves sem volt még Emily Brontë, amikor megírta a világirodalom talán legkülönösebb szerelmi regényét. Valóság és látomás, természet és lélekelemzés, vadság és szelídség furcsa szövedéke ez a történet, egy romantikus írói lélek vallomása a szerelemről és a szenvedélyről. Emily Brontë regénye a világirodalom azon kevés műve közé tartozik, melyet értékei klasszikussá tettek a mindenkori olvasó szemében.
7,31 € 7,69 €

Die Sturmhöhe

Liebe, Leidenschaft, Eifersucht, Rache und Haß. Bis heute ist Emily Brontës dramatische Liebesgeschichte von Heathcliff und Catherine eines der mireißendsten und weltweit meistgelesenen Werke der englischen Literatur. In der Abgeschiedenheit einer rauhen Moorlandschaft spielt sich das Drama zwischen dem zügellosen und aufbrausenden Heathcliff und seiner großen Liebe Catherine ab. Heathcliff hat mit überwältigenden Dämonen zu kämpfen: Durch seine unversöhnliche Rache und rasende Eifersucht reißt er nicht nur seine Geliebte mit in einen unaufhaltsamen Strudel aus Leidenschaft und Zerstörung. Ein mitreißender Roman über eine leidenschaftliche Liebe und die Macht der unversöhnlichen Rache.
11,59 € 12,20 €

Wuthering Heights

This is Emily Bronte's classic novel in a beautiful leatherbound edition. This version of the dark romance features a satin-ribon bookmark, distinctive stained edging & marbled endpapers. From the moment of his adoption by the Earnshaws, the foundling boy Heathcliff devotes himself to their young daughter Catherine. Growing up together, the two share a love that blossoms into romance, until Catherine's hurtful betrayal. But Heathcliff's emotions know no bounds and acknowledge no limits, not even death. Determined to secure the family estate of Wuthering Heights as his own, the tyrannical Heathcliff vents his bitterness on his and Catherine's heirs, manipulating lives and shaping destinies under the influence of a passion that has curdled into obsession. First published in 1847, Emily Bronte's classic novel was acknowledged by readers and critics as a tale of dark romance as tempestuous and untamed as its Yorkshire moors setting. This exquisite collectible edition features an elegant bonded-leather binding, a satin-ribbon bookmark, distinctive stained edging and decorative marbled endpapers. It's the perfect gift for book-lovers and an artful addition to any home library.
22,33 € 23,50 €

Wuthering Heights, bez CD

In Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë shows us the destructive power of hatred and revenge, but she also explores love in its many forms and, in the end, her story is about hope. In this Reader you will find: - Focus on… - FCE-style activities - Glossary of difficult words - Exit Test - Comprehension activities Tag Love and Hatred Jealousy and Revenge Cathy’s life is changed forever when her father brings home an abandoned child he names Heathcliff. As Cathy and Heathcliff grow up, their love for each other is as wild as the moors. But, can love overcome jealousy? Can forgiveness enter hearts filled with pain and suffering? Syllabus Verbs: Present perfect Past perfect Question forming and question words Irregular verbs would for willingness/refusal Third conditional If clauses (in zero conditional) Used to and would Phrasal verbs Passive forms Infinitive constructions Modal Verbs: Will Might May Shall Could Should Audio nahrávku si teraz môžete vypočuť pomocou voľne dostupnej aplikácie. Viac informácií nájdete na zadnej strane publikácie.
7,60 € 8,00 €

Wuthering Heights

Part of a special set of 10 hardcover classics, designed by Coralie Bickford-Smith, that innovatively use foil and a special new binding material to create a highly collectible set. In a house haunted by memories, the past is everywhere . . . As darkness falls, a man caught in a snowstorm is forced to shelter at the strange, grim house Wuthering Heights. It is a place he will never forget. There he will come to learn the story of Cathy: how she was forced to choose between her well-meaning husband and the dangerous man she had loved since she was young. How her choice led to betrayal and terrible revenge - and continues to torment those in the present. How love can transgress authority, convention, even death.
14,20 € 14,95 €

Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights: Intermediate Level
8,89 € 9,36 €

Cime Tempestose

Sono i maggiori critici militanti e studiosi italiani a raccontare ogni opera in 10 parole chiave: per penetrare fino al cuore dei capolavori di tutti i tempi. Edizioni integrali, testi greci e latini a fronte, traduzioni eleganti, essenziali note a pie di pagina. In piu, con le tavole sinottiche, e facile collocare vita e opere degli autori nel contesto storico, letterario e artistico. Alla sua uscita nel dicembre 1847 il libro fece scandalo. Piu di un recensore si preoccupo di avvertire i gentiluomini affinché non permettessero di leggerlo né a mogli né a sorelle, tantomeno alle figlie adolescenti... Ha scritto Virginia Woolf che l'amore raccontato in ''Cime tempestose'' ''non e l'amore di uomini e donne''... Sulla pagina quella passione, capace di tormentare i protagonisti anche al di la della morte, non si direbbe meno irreale e raggelata della violenza che aveva disgustato fino alla nausea i lettori vittoriani. Titolo originale: ''Wuthering Heights''.
11,39 € 11,99 €

Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights
3,75 € 3,95 €

Na větrné hůrce

Do usedlosti Větrná hůrka přivede otec Hindleyho a Kateřiny malého cikánského chlapce. Dají mu jméno Heathcliff. Hindley k němu od počátku cítí nenávist, která po smrti otce přeroste v ponižování a týrání. Heathcliff to kvůli lásce ke Kateřině snáší, jenže ta, přestože ho také miluje, se nakonec vdá za někoho jiného. Od tohoto okamžiku žije Heathcliff jen pomstou.
11,12 € 11,70 €

dostupné aj ako:

Na Větrné hůrce

Drsná yorkshirská vřesoviště vždy utvářela charakter i život lidí, kteří se tam rozhodli usadit. Místní zeman, pan Earnshow, se rozhodne pečovat o opuštěného chlapce a vychovávat ho jako vlastního. Pojmenuje ho podle jeho zálib toulat se po místních vřesovištích Heathcliff. Nalezenec se velmi sblíží s jeho dcerou Kateřinou, ale nevinné lásce krutá realita viktoriánského světa nepřeje. Krásný cit se může velmi rychle změnit na čistou a nemilosrdnou nenávist… Nesmrtelný příběh Na větrné hůrce se řadí spolu s románem Jih proti Severu a Anna Karenina k nejlepším a nejčtenějším dílům romantické literatury. Kniha se dočkala i několika filmových zpracování.
11,49 € 12,09 €

Na Větrné hůrce - audiokniha na CD

Drama o lásce a pomstě. Audioverze slavného románu Emily Brontëové, mladší sestry Charlotte Brontëové, autorky románu Jany Eyrová. Drsná yorkshirská vřesoviště vždy utvářela charakter i život lidí, kteří se tam rozhodli usadit. Místní zeman, pan Earnshow, se rozhodne pečovat o opuštěného chlapce a vychovávat ho jako vlastního. Pojmenuje ho podle jeho zálib toulat se po místních vřesovištích Heathcliff. Nalezenec se velmi sblíží s jeho dcerou Kateřinou, ale nevinné lásce krutá realita viktoriánského světa nepřeje. Krásný cit se může velmi rychle změnit na čistou a nemilosrdnou nenávist… Nesmrtelný příběh Na větrné hůrce se řadí spolu s románem Jih proti Severu a Anna Karenina k nejlepším a nejčtenějším dílům romantické literatury. 1xaudio na cd - mp3
13,24 € 13,94 €

dostupné aj ako:

Wuthering Heights

Lush, romantic, and wildly passionate: Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights, the tale of two soul mates separated by class and society, has seduced readers for generations and inspired countless adaptations. Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff, the gypsy boy her father brought home to their estate of Wuthering Heights, have been inseparable since childhood. But as Catherine grows up and becomes a lady, she spurns Heathcliff for the wealthy and genteel Edgar Linton. She never stops loving him, however... with a passion that not even death can diminish.
24,65 € 25,95 €

Wuthering Heights + CD

Macmillan Readers Wuthering Heights Intermediate Pack
12,77 € 13,44 €

Wuthering Heights

The story of Cathy Earnshaw and the wild Heathcliff as they fall in love on the Yorkshire moors spans three generations and is seen through the eyes of the narrators Lockwood and Nelly Dean. Emily Bronte tells of the passion between Cathy and Heathcliff with such vivid intensity that her tale of tragic love has gripped readers for over 100 years.
18,00 € 18,95 €

Wuthering Heights

One wild, snowy night on the Yorkshire moors, a gentleman asks about Wuthering Heights, the remote farmhouse inhabited by his mysterious landlord. He is told about the tragic romance of the beautiful, headstrong Cathy and the orphan Heathcliff, who - although desperately in love with her - is rejected in favour of a rich suitor. But Cathy cannot forget him, and he develops a lust for revenge that will take over his life as he attempts to win her back, and to destroy everyone, and everything, he considers responsible for his loss. One of the great novels of the nineteenth century, Emily Bronte's haunting tale of passion and greed remains unsurpassed in its depiction of destructive love. This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition of Wuthering Heights features an afterword by David Pinching. Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Penguin Reader Level 5: Wuthering Heights

It is winter in Yorkshire, England. A man rides through the snow to visit a house called Wuthering Heights. While there, the man learns about Catherine, who lived in the house years before. Catherine's story of love and sadness still affects the lives of those in the present. Penguin Readers is a series of popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction written for learners of English as a foreign language. Beautifully illustrated and carefully adapted, the series introduces language learners around the world to the bestselling authors and most compelling content from Penguin Random House. The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework and include language activities that help readers to develop key skills. Wuthering Heights, a Level 5 Reader, is B1 in the CEFR framework. The text is made up of sentences with up to four clauses, introducing present perfect continuous, past perfect, reported speech and second conditional. It is well supported by illustrations, which appear regularly.
8,50 € 8,95 €