Ben Brooks
Grow up
Who says youth is wasted on the young? Jasper wants to get on in the world, but life is distracting. He's got his A-levels to contend with, his mother pushing him to overachieve, weekly visits to his psychologist, come-downs, YouTube suicides and pre
gnant one-night-stands. And then there's his step-dad - the murderer. Hilarious and heartbreaking by turns, GROW UP is the ultimate twenty-first-century coming-of-age novel. It paints a vivid portrait of the pills and thrills and bellyaches of growin
g up today. Funny, smart and twisted, it is the story of one young man transformed.
Když si patnáctiletej kluk nabrnkne čtyřicetiletou ženskou a jejich vztah přeroste z chatu do postele, začnou se dít věci. Pletou se do toho jeho rodiče, její manžel, a pak to začne zajímat dokonce i policii. Proboha proč? To už si dneska nemůžou dva lidi úplně v klidu užít trochu toho sexuálního potěšení? Nešlo jim o nic jiného, než že on zapomene na rozchod se spolužačkou a ona na nespokojený život v manželství. A teď je z toho skandál v celé Anglii jenom proto, že ona je učitelka. Ale vždyť to je přece v pořádku, ne? Naučí ho něco poloh a praktik, takže si svou učitelskou povinnost splní!
Kniha Bena Brookse Lolito šokuje svou otevřeností, baví popisem života nadržených teenagerů a vzrušuje popisem divokých milostných scén. Tím vším si všude, kde vyšla, získala přízeň mladých čtenářů a odsouzení ze strany jejich rodičů. Není tohle to nejlepší doporučení, proč si Lolita přečíst?!
Příběhy pro kluky, kteří se nebojí být výjimeční
Kniha určená všem klukům, kteří jsou nebo by chtěli být nějakým způsobem výjimeční. Najdete v ní stovku medailonků chlapců a mužů, kteří právě takoví jsou… Nečekejte ale příběhy žádných akčních hrdinů zachraňujících lidstvo ani miláčků osudu, kterým sudičky nadělily krásu, inteligenci, štěstí a bohatství už do kolébky. Ne – každá z osobností v této knize si musela vybojovat nějaký svůj osobní zápas, vzepřít se nepřízni osudu, vzdorovat autoritám a to všechno často tváří v tvář velkému nebezpečí. Svým životem dokázali být vzorem pro ostatní a učinit svět lepším!
Na sklade 1Ks
17,91 €
18,28 €
Stories for Boys Who Dare to be Different 2
Tom Daley, Oliver Sacks, the Jamaican Bobsled team, Amrou Al-Kadhi, Carlos Acosta... all dared to be different.
This is the follow-up to the much loved and hugely successful Stories for Boys Who Dare to be Different, the bestselling book that changed countless boys' lives around the world and gave them the confidence to be themselves.
What have the footballer Kylian Mbappe, the philosopher Socrates and the singer Ed Sheeran all got in common? All three of them defied expectations - going against the grain and pursuing their dreams - despite a seemingly impossible barrage of obstacles and difficulties. Their stories are incredible, as are those of the tap-dancer Evan Ruggiero, the Pokemon creator Satoshi Tajiri, and the other inspirational boys who fill the pages of this extraordinary book.
It's books like these that can make a huge difference to parents and their children's lives. In this day and age, any publication that shows how we can triumph in the face of adversity and prejudice deserves to be read over and over again.
Príbehy pre chlapcov, ktorí sa neboja byť výnimoční
Táto knižka sa bude hodiť všetkým chlapcom, ktorí sú alebo by chceli byť nejakým spôsobom výnimoční. Nájdete v nej totiž stovku medailónov chlapcov a mužov, ktorí práve takí sú.
Nečakajte ale príbehy žiadnych akčných hrdinov zachraňujúcich ľudstvo, ani miláčikov osudu, ktorým sudičky nadelili krásu, inteligenciu, šťastie a bohatstvo už do kolísky. Nie – každá z osobností v tejto knihe si musela vybojovať nejaký svoj osobní zápas. Niekto sa dokázal vzoprieť nepriaznivému životnému údelu, vymaniť sa z prostredia, odkiaľ vyšiel, vypracovať sa vďaka svojej usilovnosti, či neotrasiteľnej dôvere v samého seba. Iný sa nebál vybočiť z radu, prelamovať spoločenské tabu, vzdorovať predsudkom alebo autoritám, často navzdory ťažkostiam a niekedy i tvárou v tvár veľkému nebezpečenstvu. Ďalší z hrdinov sa vzdali svojho pohodlia, aby pomáhali tým, ktorí to potrebovali, alebo za nich dokonca bojovali, pretože im nebol ľahostajný osud druhých, ani osud nášho sveta ako celku.
Či už ide o chlapcov a mužov slávnych, či menej slávnych, hrdinov z doby minulej alebo súčasnej, všetky ich príbehy sú nesmierne inšpiratívne. Ukazujú totiž, že človek nemusí byť práve superhrdinom, aby dokázal byť vzorom pre ostatných a urobiť svet lepším!
Stories for Boys Who Dare to be Different
Daniel Radcliffe, Galileo Galilei, Nelson Mandela, Louis Armstrong, Grayson Perry, Louis Braille, Lionel Messi, King George VI, Jamie Oliver... all dared to be different.
'This book can save lives. This book can change lives. This book can help to bring forth another generation of boys who dare to be different.' Benjamin Zephaniah
Prince charming, dragon slayer, mischievous prankster... More often than not, these are the role-models boys encounter in the books they read at home and at school. As a boy, there is an assumption that you will conform to a stereotypical idea of masculinity.
But what if you're the introvert kind? What if you prefer to pick up a book rather than a sword? What if you want to cry when you're feeling sad or angry? What if you like the idea of wearing a dress?
There is an ongoing crisis with regards to young men and mental health, with unhelpful gender stereotypes contributing to this malaise. Stories for Boys Who Dare to Be Different offers a welcome alternative narrative. It is an extraordinary compilation of 100 stories of famous and not-so-famous men from the past to the present day, every single one of them a rule-breaker and innovator in his own way, and all going on to achieve amazing things. Entries include Frank Ocean, Salvador Dali, Rimbaud, Beethoven, Barack Obama, Stormzy, Ai Weiwei and Jesse Owens - different sorts of heroes from all walks of life and from all over the world.
A beautiful and transporting book packed with stories of adventure and wonderment, it will appeal to those who need the courage to reject peer pressure and go against the grain. It is the must-have book for all those boys who worry about stuff and all those parents who worry about their boys who worry about stuff. It will educate and entertain, while also encourage and inspire.
The Impossible Boy
Believe in the impossible... A magical story celebrating the power of imagination, from the bestselling author of STORIES FOR BOYS WHO DARE TO BE DIFFERENT.
Oleg and Emma entered their den to find a cardboard spaceship standing exactly where they usually sat. Slowly, the front door opened and out stepped a boy. 'My name's Sebastian Cole,' he said. 'But you already know that.'
When Oleg and Emma invent a new classmate called Sebastian, they are amazed when he appears - very much real - in their secret den.
Sebastian isn't like the rest of their classmates. He's never eaten pizza, he's not sure what goose bumps are, and he has a satchel that seems to hold an endless supply of hot ice cream.
But as the trio begin their adventures, more impossible things keep happening, from a runaway goat appearing at school to a sighting of some snowwomen walking down the road. Things soon take a turn for the dangerous when the three friends are pursued by the mysterious Institute of Unreality, who want to capture and erase Sebastian, restoring order to the world.
With the help of a cowboy gardener, an imprisoned scientist, and the rest of their class, can Emma and Oleg protect their new friend and keep the magic of the impossible alive?
After inspiring countless young readers with tales of extraordinary people in the world around them, Ben Brooks' first children's novel is a magical adventure that celebrates friendship, the power of imagination, and ice cream.
Things They Dont Want You to Know
A field guide for parents about the secret lives of 21st century teenagers - from relationships to self-harm, from drugs to sexting - and how you can help them and yourself through these turbulent years.
"When I turned into a teenager, I watched my parents panic with questions they were unprepared for: is the computer killing his brain? is he watching porn? are those cuts on his arms? what the hell do we do now? The child-rearing tactics they'd read about in parenting manuals or learned from their own parents were useless. Anyway, how do you punish someone who's already so miserable?
Things They Don't Want You To Know is a field guide for confused parents who are currently custodians of any teenager who's feeling lost, alone, depressed or horny. I'm not an expert, a psychologist, or even a particularly good person, but I do understand the unique kinds of troubles that come with trying to grow up in the current climate, and I wanted to share what would have helped me, my friends, and everyone else I spoke to while writing this book.
It might be hard to read what I write about self-harming, body piercings, gender confusion, drugs and social media angst. It might involve unpleasant surprises and be occasionally disgusting, but it could also help you to understand and support your kids. They won't thank you, but they might hate you less."
Not All Heroes Wear Capes
What do you think of when you hear the word 'hero'? Is it the wall-climbing, cape-wearing, villain-fighter you see in comics and films?
Heroes can actually come in all forms, shapes and sizes.
Some cook for the hungry. Some nurse the poorly back to health. Others raise money for important causes. From small acts of kindness to inventions that have saved the lives of hundreds of people, every person in this book has found their passion - or their superpower. No matter how big or small it might be, your power can be used to change the world for the better too.
So put away the cape, climb down from that wall and discover how ordinary people can still do extraordinary things and become heroes.
Written by Ben Brooks, the bestselling author of the Dare to Be Different books, and paired with vibrant comic-style illustrations throughout, this is the perfect guide for the budding superhero in your life!
Jasper má plné ruce práce. Končí střední školu, zkoušky na krku, matka na něj má přehnané nároky, každý týden musí navštěvovat psycholožku (které navíc od A do Z lže), na chatech je to samá prostitutka, na YouTube samé záznamy sebevražd a jeho kámoši se sjíždějí drogami a lijí do sebe levný alkohol… a navíc je jeho otčím nejspíš vrah a holka, co se s ní vyspal (jen jednou a totálně na šrot), zřejmě čeká mimino… Jak to má asi tak všechno zvládnout?
Na stiahnutie
5,95 €
dostupné aj ako:
You Don't Have to be Loud
A shy kid's guide to thriving in their own (quiet) way.
Do you sometimes feel afraid of talking in front of people, making a mistake or saying the wrong thing? While everywhere else you look there are loud, confident people?
You're not alone. Ben Brooks also grew up as a shy child (so much so that he'd rather have cut his own hair or spend a week at a Silent Retreat then have to speak to other people). But he soon realised that being quiet doesn't make you strange or wrong or boring. In fact, being shy can give you great skills such as listening, kindness and compassion. It's something to embrace and be proud of.
In this book, Ben introduces readers to some of the most famous, talented and brilliant shy people - including Charles Darwin, David Bowie, Greta Thunberg, Rosa Parks, Beyonce and Emma Watson - who used their special quietness to achieve awesome things, and he shares his tips for growing up shy in a world that can sometimes feel, well, LOUD.
Because you don't have to be loud to be liked, and you definitely don't have to be loud to make an impact.
The Dragon on the Train
A friendly dragon. A magical train. A journey beyond your wildest dreams.
A little while after his grandma passes away, Elliot finds a strange ticket under his pillow. When a small, well-dressed dragon appears in his room and asks for the ticket, the adventure of Elliot's life is about to begin. A station has appeared at the back of Elliot's wardrobe ... but where will The Night Train take him?
A heart-warming exploration of love and loss and the magic of hope and family from the bestselling author of THE IMPOSSIBLE BOY.
Perfect for 8+ fans of Matt Haig and Ben Miller.
Jasper má plné ruce práce. Končí střední školu, zkoušky na krku, matka na něj má přehnané nároky, každý týden musí navštěvovat psycholožku (které navíc od A do Z lže), na chatech je to samá prostitutka, na YouTube samé záznamy sebevražd a jeho kámoši se sjíždějí drogami a lijí do sebe levný alkohol… a navíc je jeho otčím nejspíš vrah a holka, co se s ní vyspal (jen jednou a totálně na šrot), zřejmě čeká mimino… Jak to má asi tak všechno zvládnout?
11,65 €
dostupné aj ako:
"Meztelenül fekszem az ágyban, sört iszom, és szállodai honlapokat böngészek. Mind tök egyforma. Mind tisztának látszik, mind csupa márvány, és mind homokszínű. A Marble Arch közelében foglalok. Kétszázhét font egy éjszaka. Az kétszázhét sör. Az négy olcsó kurva.
Macy online. ... Folytatás ››
- Foglaltam szállodát, a Marble Arch közelében.
- Szuperül hangzik, szivi. Alig várom, hogy találkozzunk.
- Ja, hát én is.
- Enyhén ideges vagyok.
- Ne legyél.
De legyél. Csak egy gyerek vagyok. Pedofilnak érzed majd magad, és kiszaladsz a világból."
Amikor Etgar megtudja, hogy első szerelme megcsalja őt, nagy bánatában az interneten lel vigaszra Macy, az unatkozó háziasszony személyében, aki nem mellesleg egy igazi milf. Kettejük kapcsolata eleinte kizárólag virtuális alapokon nyugszik, de aztán kitalálják, hogy találkoznak. Egy hotelszobában.
Ez az esemény pedig fenekestül fordítja fel az életüket. Meg még néhány emberét a környezetükben.
A Lolito egy 15 éves fiú szerelmi története. Végtelenül vicces, tabukat döntögető és helyenként kifejezetten felháborító regény a Z generáció kamaszainak legédesebb fantáziájáról.
A(z) Lolito (Könyv) szerzője Ben Brooks.
8,86 €