Terry Brooks
Zapovězená země
První kniha nejnovější trilogie Shannarův nejvyšší druid vybízí na další výpravu jak věrného
a znalého příznivce tohoto spletitého, fantastického světa, tak i nového čtenáře.
Od doby, kdy se Grianne Ohmsfordová vzdala svého předešlého života strašlivé čarodějky
Ilsy, uplynulo dvacet let. Zachránil ji vlastní bratr, kouzlo Shannarova meče a zkáza jejího
zlého našeptavače Morgawra. Podařilo se jí ustavit Třetí radu druidů a udržovat soulad mezi
národy Čtyřzemí. Přesto se nadále daří mocenskému boji, skrývané zradě a nekalým
praktikám, které už po generace pronásledují druidskou historii. Proto má Grianne jako Ard
Rhys - Nejvyšší druidská kněžka Paranoru - i vzdor zasvěcení většímu blahu nadále kruté
The Sorcerers Daughter
The inspiration for the epic new Shannara Chronicles TV series, the world of Shannara is brimming with untold stories and unexplored territory. Now bestselling author Terry Brooks breaks new ground with a stand-alone adventure sure to thrill devoted readers and new fans alike. Blood and magic will collide ...Leofur is the daughter of Arcannen, a power-hungry sorcerer prepared to use the blackest of magic to get what he wants. But she is also devoted to Arcannen's nemesis, Paxon Leah - sworn protector of the Druids who defend the Four Lands against evil. When the Druids are forced to flee, having been framed for a murderous rampage which leaves many dead, Paxon knows that the evil sorcerer Arcannen is behind it. As the Druids seek sanctuary, Leofur sets out on a perilous quest to thwart her father's desires to destroy them all ...Praise for Terry Brooks: 'If you haven't read Terry Brooks, you haven't read fantasy' Christopher Paolini, bestselling author of Eragon and Brisingr 'I can't even begin to count how many of Terry Brooks's books I've read (and re-read) over the years' Patrick Rothfuss 'I would not be writing epic fantasy today if not for Shannara' Peter V.Brett 'A master of the craft ...required reading' Brent Weeks
The Black Elfstone: Book One of the Fall of Shannara
The first book of the triumphant and epic four-part conclusion to the Shannara series, from one of the all-time masters of fantasy.
Across the Four Lands, peace has reigned for generations. But now, in the far north, an unknown enemy is massing. More troubling than the carnage is the strange and wondrous power wielded by the attackers—a breed of magic unfamiliar even to the Druid order. Fearing the worst, the High Druid dispatches a diplomatic party under the protection of the order’s sworn guardian, Dar Leah, to confront the mysterious, encroaching force and discover its purpose.
But another crucial journey is being undertaken. Exiled onetime High Druid Drisker Arc has been living in quiet seclusion, far from the politics and power struggles of his former life, until two brutal attacks by would-be assassins force him to seek out an infamous murder-for-hire guild—and find the hidden enemy who has marked him for death. At his side is Tarsha Kaynin, a young woman gifted with the wishsong and eager to be schooled in its formidable power by a master. She, too, is pursuing a mission: to locate her wayward brother, whose own magic has driven him to deadly madness and kindled his rage for vengeance . . . against his sister.
In their darkest hours, facing dangerous adversaries, the lives and quests of Dar Leah, Drisker Arc, and Tarsha Kaynin will be inextricably drawn together. And the challenges each confronts will have resounding consequences for the future of the Four Lands.
Shannara kivánságdala
Négyföldet új fenyegetés, ám egy nagyon is ősi gonosz környékezi. A Sötét Mágia Könyve, az Ildatch ismét öntudatra ébredt, és mint már annyiszor, ezúttal is az Omshfordok új nemzedékének kell harcba szállnia a veszély ellen.
Brin és Jair Oshford különleges hatalommal bír: varázserejű énekük, a Kívánságdal képes megváltoztatni az őket körülvevő világot. Kettejük közül ezúttal a leányra, Brinre hárul a feladat, hogy a Maelmord rettenetes erdején át az Ildatch közelébe kerüljön. Védelmezői közt ott van maga Allanon, a druida, no meg Rone Leah, Menion leszármazottja.
Jair, a fiú hátramarad, ám szörnyű jóslatot hall: ha nem indul időben nővére után, mind Brin, mind Allanon odavész. Az ő társasága sem szégyellni való - egy legyőzhetetlen fegyvermester és egy elf királyfi, valamint egy határmenti óriás, egy törpe és egy gnóm nyomkövető alkotja. Csakhogy útjukat újra meg újra elállják az Ildatch szolgái, a fáradhatatlan Mordrémek, Brinre és Allanonra pedig halál vár, ha Jair túl soká késlekedik..
Cesta za krvavým ohněm: Shannarův temný odkaz 2
Výprava po stopách ztracených kamenů elfeínů zavedla vůdkyni Řádu druidů a její stoupence do pekelné dimenze, kde jsou vězněna ta nejhorší monstra ze Čtyřzemí. Během pátrání po mocných talismanech, které můžou zachránit jejich svět, musí naši hrdinové čelit těžkým zkouškám, od bezútěšného pátrání po unesených druzích a nelítostného boje proti obludným predátorům po zoufalý útěk před monstry. Tato kniha je druhým dílem nové trilogie ze světa Shannary, který nadchne staré i nové příznivce. Knih Terryho Brookse se prodalo přes 50 milionů výtisků po celém světě. Série Shannara se stala předlohou populárního seriálu Letopisy rodu Shannara.
Čarodějný přízrak: Shannarův temný odkaz 3
„Cosi se vynořilo z temnot…“ Suffolk, eduardovské období. Osamocené panství v odlehlém koutě mokřadu: třpytící se divočiny, jejíž šeptající rákosí střeží dávná tajemství. A Maud, osamělé děvče vyrůstající bez matky, vychovávané pouze přísným otcem. Když otec na hřbitově najde středověký obraz ďábla, probudí se bezbožné síly. Maudina bitva začíná. Musí přežít ve světě plném čarodějnictví, odvěkých legend jejího milovaného mokřadu a děsivých démonů otcovy minulosti. Román Wakenhyrst, odehrávající se v průběhu pěti staletí, je temný gotický thriller o vražedné posedlosti a touze jedné dívky roztáhnout křídla a být volná.
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Lacná kniha Tangle Box (-90%)
Horris Kew, conjuror and confidence-trickster, has returned to the Magic Kingdom of Landover, and a chorus of disapproval immediately assaults Ben Holiday's ears. Both Questor Thews, the Court Wizard, and Abernathy, the Court Scribe (currently, magically transformed into a dog) urge Ben to lock him up or exile him. Fair as ever, Ben decides to consider the problem rather than act immediately. Alas, this leads to disaster, for Horris's return is not what it seems, and Ben soon finds himself in deadly peril. Only his lady, Willow, holds the means to save him. But Willow has disappeared on a mysterious mission of her own...
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With peace reigning in the Magic Kingdom at last, Ben Holiday is finally free to lie back and enjoy the finer things in life - like watching his daughter grow, which she does by leaps and bounds. Born a seedling and nourished by soil from Landover, Earth and the fairy mists, Mistaya is a unique child, fully as dazzling as her mother, the sylph, Willow - but fiery and impatient with those who can't keep up with her lightning-fast development. But Ben's idyll is not to last. The dark and pitiless Rydall, king of lands beyond the fairy mists, arrives at the gates of Sterling Silver. His armies are ready to invade if Ben will not accept his challenge: to face and defeat seven different champions of Rydall's choice. And accept he must, for Mistaya has been snatched from her guardians by foul magic and only Rydall holds the key to her fate...
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Lacná kniha Tangle Box (-70%)
Horris Kew, conjuror and confidence-trickster, has returned to the Magic Kingdom of Landover, and a chorus of disapproval immediately assaults Ben Holiday's ears. Both Questor Thews, the Court Wizard, and Abernathy, the Court Scribe (currently, magically transformed into a dog) urge Ben to lock him up or exile him. Fair as ever, Ben decides to consider the problem rather than act immediately. Alas, this leads to disaster, for Horris's return is not what it seems, and Ben soon finds himself in deadly peril. Only his lady, Willow, holds the means to save him. But Willow has disappeared on a mysterious mission of her own...
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Fifty years from now, our world looks very different. Governments have fallen. Thousands live in fortified strongholds; others roam the landscape as either predator or prey. Standing against the forces that have tipped the balance from good to evil are a very few heroes, men and women imbued with powerful magic and sworn to a high destiny. Logan Tom is one of those heroes. He's on a desperate quest to deliver the street kids he rescued in Seattle to safety. So, too, is Angel Perez, who is leading a second group in the Oregon wilderness where she encounters the long-hidden Elves of Cintra. And Hawk - just learning his magic - has an encounter with the mystical King of the Silver River, who promises safety for both humans and elves - if only they can reach him...
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A year has passed since Ben Holiday bought the Magic Kingdom and claimed his throne - despite the machinations of the wizard Meeks. Three loyal friends have come to his aid: the incompetent Court Wizard, Questor Thews; the court scribe, Abernathy, a talking dog; and the lovely Willow, who is sometimes a tree. When Ben dreams that a former partner, Miles Bennett, is in grave trouble, he travels back to Earth - only to find Miles in the best of spirits. But his return to Landover is not so uneventful: not only has Willow disappeared and Questor's books of magic been destroyed, but no one seems to recognise Ben himself. Looks like the magic kingdom is in real trouble...
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With peace reigning in the Magic Kingdom at last, Ben Holiday is finally free to lie back and enjoy the finer things in life - like watching his daughter grow, which she does by leaps and bounds. Born a seedling and nourished by soil from Landover, Earth and the fairy mists, Mistaya is a unique child, fully as dazzling as her mother, the sylph, Willow - but fiery and impatient with those who can't keep up with her lightning-fast development. But Ben's idyll is not to last. The dark and pitiless Rydall, king of lands beyond the fairy mists, arrives at the gates of Sterling Silver. His armies are ready to invade if Ben will not accept his challenge: to face and defeat seven different champions of Rydall's choice. And accept he must, for Mistaya has been snatched from her guardians by foul magic and only Rydall holds the key to her fate...
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Magic Kingdom for Sale / Sold
Landover was a genuine magic kingdom, complete with fairy folk and wizardry, just as the advertisement had promised. But after he purchased it for a million dollars, Ben Holiday discovered that there were a few details the ad had failed to mention...Such as the fact that the kingdom is falling into ruin. The barons refuse to recognize a king and taxes haven't been collected for years. The dragon, Strabo, is laying waste to the countryside, while the evil witch, Nightshade, is plotting to destroy no less than everything. And if that weren't enough for a prospective king to deal with, Ben soon learns that the Iron Mark, terrible lord of the demons, has challenged all pretenders to the throne of Landover to a duel to the death - a duel no mere mortal can hope to win. But Ben Holiday has one human trait that even magic can't overcome. Ben Holiday is stubborn.