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Steve Brusatte


A dinoszauruszok tündöklése és bukása

„A paleontológia nagy történeteit Steve Brusatte új felfedezésekkel gazdagítja, remekül szövi a mese fonalát, lelkesedése valósággal ragályos. Őt olvasva lehetetlenség nem szeretni az elveszett világot.” Neil Shubin, A belső hal szerzője Hatvanhatmillió évvel ezelőtt a Föld legfélelmetesebb élőlényei, a dinoszauruszok örökre eltűntek. Mind a mai napig bolygónk nagy rejtélyei közé tartoznak. A fiatal amerikai paleontológus, Steve Brusatte, szakterületének kiemelkedő egyénisége ebben a könyvében izgalmasan és olvasmányosan meséli el meglepő és új megvilágításba helyezett történetüket. Föleleveníti a dinoszauruszok fejlődésének csúcspontjait, amikor sok száz fajuk létezett, majd megjelentek a mai madarak ősei, a szárnyakat viselő, tollas dinoszauruszok. Aztán feltehetőleg egy óriási meteorit csapódott be a Földbe, és majdnem az összes dinoszauruszt elpusztította - bekövetkezett a földtörténet egyik legnagyobb szabású tömeges kihalása. Brusatte beszámol néhány rendkívüli felfedezésről is, amelyet kollégáival együtt tett, például az ősi, ember nagyságú tyrannoszauriákról és a tollas raptorokról. Ezek alapjaiban változtatták meg a dinoszauruszokról való tudásunkat. A dinoszauruszok tündöklése és bukása nagyszerű tudományos mű, egyben remek ismeretterjesztő munka. „Be akarom bizonyítani, hogy a dinoszauruszok nem holmi "másvilági szörnyek" voltak, az evolúció tévedéseinek sem mondhatók, és az sem igaz, hogy nem voltak igazán érdekesek. Nagyon is érdekesek voltak, ráadásul sikeresek is, jó 150 millió éven át éltek és virultak, közülük kerültek ki minden idők legfantasztikusabb lényei - ideértve azt a tízezerféle, ma is élő dinoszauruszt, amelyeket madaraknak mondunk.” Steve Brusatte amerikai paleontológus, az Edinburghi Egyetem Geotudományi Intézetének professzora. Nemzedékének egyik legkiemelkedőbb kutatója, eddig több mint 15 új dinoszauruszfajt fedezett fel és nevezett el. Egyik fő kutatási területe a dinoszauruszok és a madarak közti evolúciós átmenet. Tudományos cikkeit többek közt a Scientific American és a Science folyóirat közli.
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16,06 € 16,90 €

Walking with Dinosaurs Dinopedia

This Walking with Dinosaurs Encyclopedia is filled with facts about the dinosaurs from the movie as well as facts about the world the dinosaurs inhabited and theories about their rise and fall. With full-colour images from the film and photos of paleontologists at work, this encyclopedia is a must-have item for Walking with Dinosaurs fans. The original TV series, Walking with Dinosaurs, had 70 million viewers and the long-running live stage show has sold 7 million tickets. The long-awaited 3D motion picture comes out this December, and is sure to thrill fans.
11,88 € 12,50 €

The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs: A New History of a Lost World

"THE ULTIMATE DINOSAUR BIOGRAPHY," hails Scientific American: A sweeping and revelatory new history of the age of dinosaurs, from one of our finest young scientists. "This is scientific storytelling at its most visceral, striding with the beasts through their Triassic dawn, Jurassic dominance, and abrupt demise in the Cretaceous." - Nature The dinosaurs. Sixty-six million years ago, the Earth's most fearsome creatures vanished. Today they remain one of our planet's great mysteries. Now The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs reveals their extraordinary, 200-million-year-long story as never before. In this captivating narrative (enlivened with more than seventy original illustrations and photographs), Steve Brusatte, a young American paleontologist who has emerged as one of the foremost stars of the field-naming fifteen new species and leading groundbreaking scientific studies and fieldwork-masterfully tells the complete, surprising, and new history of the dinosaurs, drawing on cutting-edge science to dramatically bring to life their lost world and illuminate their enigmatic origins, spectacular flourishing, astonishing diversity, cataclysmic extinction, and startling living legacy. Captivating and revelatory, The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs is a book for the ages. Brusatte traces the evolution of dinosaurs from their inauspicious start as small shadow dwellers-themselves the beneficiaries of a mass extinction caused by volcanic eruptions at the beginning of the Triassic period-into the dominant array of species every wide-eyed child memorizes today, T. rex, Triceratops, Brontosaurus, and more. This gifted scientist and writer re-creates the dinosaurs' peak during the Jurassic and Cretaceous, when thousands of species thrived, and winged and feathered dinosaurs, the prehistoric ancestors of modern birds, emerged. The story continues to the end of the Cretaceous period, when a giant asteroid or comet struck the planet and nearly every dinosaur species (but not all) died out, in the most extraordinary extinction event in earth's history, one full of lessons for today as we confront a "sixth extinction." Brusatte also recalls compelling stories from his globe-trotting expeditions during one of the most exciting eras in dinosaur research-which he calls "a new golden age of discovery"-and offers thrilling accounts of some of the remarkable findings he and his colleagues have made, including primitive human-sized tyrannosaurs; monstrous carnivores even larger than T. rex; and paradigm-shifting feathered raptors from China. An electrifying scientific history that unearths the dinosaurs' epic saga, The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs will be a definitive and treasured account for decades to come.
15,68 € 16,50 €

The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs

The Times Science Book of the Year A Sunday Times Bestseller 'Thrilling . . . the best book on the subject written for the general reader since the 1980s.' The Sunday Times 66 million years ago the dinosaurs were wiped from the face of the earth. Today, Dr. Steve Brusatte, one of the leading scientists of a new generation of dinosaur hunters, armed with cutting edge technology, is piecing together the complete story of how the dinosaurs ruled the earth for 150 million years. The world of the dinosaurs has fascinated on book and screen for decades - from early science fiction classics like The Lost World, to Godzilla terrorizing the streets of Tokyo, and the monsters of Jurassic Park. But what if we got it wrong? In The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs, top dinosaur expert Brusatte, tells the real story of how dinosaurs rose to dominate the planet. Using the fossil clues that have been gathered using state of the art technology, Brusatte follows these magnificent creatures from their beginnings in the Early Triassic period, through the Jurassic period to their final days in the Cretaceous and the legacy that they left behind. Along the way, Brusatte introduces us to modern day dinosaur hunters and gives an insight into what it's like to be a paleontologist. The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs is full of thrilling accounts of some of his personal discoveries, including primitive human-sized tyrannosaurs, monstrous carnivores even larger than T. rex, and feathered raptor dinosaurs preserved in lava from China. At a time when Homo sapiens has existed for less than 200,000 years and we are already talking about planetary extinction, The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs is a timely reminder of what humans can learn from the magnificent creatures who ruled the earth before us.
14,20 € 14,95 €

A dinoszauruszok tündöklése és bukása

Hatvanhatmillió évvel ezelőtt a Föld legfélelmetesebb élőlényei, a dinoszauruszok örökre eltűntek. Mind a mai napig bolygónk nagy rejtélyei közé tartoznak. A fiatal amerikai paleontológus, Steve Brusatte, szakterületének kiemelkedő egyénisége ebben a könyvében izgalmasan és olvasmányosan meséli el meglepő és új megvilágításba helyezett történetüket. Föleleveníti a dinoszauruszok fejlődésének csúcspontjait, amikor sok száz fajuk létezett, majd megjelentek a mai madarak ősei, a szárnyakat viselő, tollas dinoszauruszok. Aztán feltehetőleg egy óriási meteorit csapódott be a Földbe, és majdnem az összes dinoszauruszt elpusztította - bekövetkezett a földtörténet egyik legnagyobb szabású tömeges kihalása. Brusatte beszámol néhány rendkívüli felfedezésről is, amelyet kollégáival együtt tett, például az ősi, ember nagyságú tyrannoszauriákról és a tollas raptorokról. Ezek alapjaiban változtatták meg a dinoszauruszokról való tudásunkat. A dinoszauruszok tündöklése és bukása nagyszerű tudományos mű, egyben remek ismeretterjesztő munka.
13,78 € 14,51 €

The Rise and Reign of the Mammals

The passing of the age of the dinosaurs allowed mammals to become ascendant. But mammals have a much deeper history. They - or, more precisely, we - originated around the same time as the dinosaurs, over 200 million years ago; mammal roots lie even further back, some 325 million years. Over these immense stretches of geological time, mammals developed their trademark features: hair, keen senses of smell and hearing, big brains and sharp intelligence, fast growth and warm-blooded metabolism, a distinctive line-up of teeth (canines, incisors, premolars, molars), mammary glands that mothers use to nourish their babies with milk, qualities that have underlain their success story. Out of this long and rich evolutionary history came the mammals of today, including our own species and our closest cousins. But today's 6,000 mammal species - the egg-laying monotremes including the platypus, marsupials such as kangaroos and koalas that raise their tiny babies in pouches, and placentals like us, who give birth to well-developed young - are simply the few survivors of a once verdant family tree, which has been pruned both by time and mass extinctions. In The Rise and Reign of the Mammals, palaeontologist Steve Brusatte weaves together the history and evolution of our mammal forebears with stories of the scientists whose fieldwork and discoveries underlie our knowledge, both of iconic mammals like the mammoths and sabre-toothed tigers of which we have all heard, and of fascinating species that few of us are aware of. For what we see today is but a very limited range of the mammals that have existed; in this fascinating and ground-breaking book, Steve Brusatte tells their - and our - story.
20,43 € 21,50 €

The Rise and Reign of the Mammals

The passing of the age of the dinosaurs allowed mammals to become ascendant. But mammals have a much deeper history. They - or, more precisely, we - originated around the same time as the dinosaurs, over 200 million years ago; mammal roots lie even further back, some 325 million years. Over these immense stretches of geological time, mammals developed their trademark features: hair, keen senses of smell and hearing, big brains and sharp intelligence, fast growth and warm-blooded metabolism, a distinctive line-up of teeth (canines, incisors, premolars, molars), mammary glands that mothers use to nourish their babies with milk, qualities that have underlain their success story. Out of this long and rich evolutionary history came the mammals of today, including our own species and our closest cousins. But today's 6,000 mammal species - the egg-laying monotremes including the platypus, marsupials such as kangaroos and koalas that raise their tiny babies in pouches, and placentals like us, who give birth to well-developed young - are simply the few survivors of a once verdant family tree, which has been pruned both by time and mass extinctions. In The Rise and Reign of the Mammals, palaeontologist Steve Brusatte weaves together the history and evolution of our mammal forebears with stories of the scientists whose fieldwork and discoveries underlie our knowledge, both of iconic mammals like the mammoths and sabre-toothed tigers of which we have all heard, and of fascinating species that few of us are aware of. For what we see today is but a very limited range of the mammals that have existed; in this fascinating and ground-breaking book, Steve Brusatte tells their - and our - story.
13,25 € 13,95 €