Anne Carson
Krátke rozhovory
Kanadská poetka, profesorka klasickej literatúry, ktorá priznáva literárny vplyv Sapfo a Homéra, ale aj Simone Weilovej, Virginie Wolfovej a Emily Bronteovej, vydala v roku 1992 debutovú básnickú zbierku, ktorá obsahuje akési aforizmy či minieseje. V jednom rozhovore spomenula, že vznikli ako názvy ku kresbám, „ktoré boli čoraz dlhšie a dlhšie, až kým kresby nezmizli“.
Anne Carson (1950) prekladá a modernizuje literatúru antického Grécka. Publikovala dve desiatky knižiek, v ktorých sa zväčša prelínajú formy básne, eseje, prozy, kritiky, prekladu, dramatického dialógu, fikcie a non-fikcie. Za knihu Red Doc> získala v roku 2014 Griffinovu cenu za poéziu. Je považovaná za jeden z popredných hlasov poézie 21. storočia.
V anglickom origináli Short Talks (Brick Books 1992).
Krása manžela
Preklad jedného z kľúčových diel kanadskej autorky Anne Carson, Krása manžela (The Beauty of the Husband), do slovenčiny. Naratívna báseň, rozdelená do 29. kapitol, analyzuje romancu medzi rozprávačkou a jej krásnym a neverným manželom, pričom sa opiera o Keatsovu myšlienku, že krása je pravda, pravda je krása, a zároveň odbočuje do sveta antického Grécka a Ríma. Vďaka atraktívnemu a podmanivému štýlu umelkyne, ktorý tlmočí intelektuálne témy romantizmu či antiky do moderného jazyka, dielo fascinuje ako akademickú, tak aj širokú verejnosť.
Wrong Norma
As with her most recent publications, Wrong Norma is a facsimile edition of the original hand-designed book, drawn and annotated by the author. Several of the twenty-five startling poetic prose pieces have appeared in magazines and journals like the New Yorker and the Paris Review.
Anne Carson is probably our most celebrated living poet, winner of countless awards and routinely tipped for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Famously reticent, asking that her books be published without cover copy, she has agreed to say this:
Wrong Norma is a collection of writings about different things, like Joseph Conrad, Guantanamo, Flaubert, snow, poverty, Roget's Thesaurus, my Dad, Saturday night, Sokrates, writing sonnets, forensics, encounters with lovers, the word "idea", the feet of Jesus, and Russian thugs. The pieces are not linked. That's why I've called them "wrong".
Autobiography of Red
This is a volcanic journey into the soul of a winged red monster named Geryon. It is queer coming-of-age love story, a Greek myth retold, and a modern classic.
Tormented as a boy by his brother, Geryon escapes to a parallel world of photography. He falls deeply in love with Herakles, a golden young man, who deserts him at the peak of infatuation. So Geryon retreats ever further into the world created by his camera, fascinated by his wings, his redness and the fantastic accident of who he is. But all is suddenly and irrevocably shattered by Herakles’ return.
Autobiography of Red is a deceptively simple narrative filled with currents of meaning, emotion, and the truth about what it’s like to be red. An extraordinary, modern epic poem - moving, disturbing and delightful.
The Beauty Of The Husband
Since Glass and God, which was her first full-length collection published in Britain and which was nominated for the 1998 Forward Prize, Anne Carson has published a book a year to extraordinary critical acclaim. Her last two volumes, Autobiography of Red and Men in the Off Hours were both shortlisted for the T.S. Eliot Prize, and she has received numerous North American awards, including the prestigious MacArthur Fellowship.
In her brilliant new book, she tells a single story. A long-time love, now a crumbling marriage, unfolds in 29 'tangos' of narrative verse, informed by the romanticism of Keats, the wisdom of the classical world and, most importatnly, by Carson's own unique sensibility.
The unnamed narrator - sometimes 'I', sometimes 'the wife' - speaks of the man she calls only 'the husband', illuminating moments that are by turn sensual, erotic, painful and heartbreaking. The Beauty of the Husband is a work that explores these oldest of lyrical subjects - beauty, desire, love, betrayal - with freshness and devastating power.
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