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19. 12.

Tracy Chevalier


The Glassmaker

Venice, 1486. Across the lagoon lies Murano. Time flows differently here – like the glass the island’s maestros spend their lives learning to handle. Women are not meant to work with glass, but Orsola Rosso flouts convention to save her family from ruin. She works in secret, knowing her creations must be perfect to be accepted by men. But perfection may take a lifetime. Skipping like a stone through the centuries, we follow Orsola as she hones her craft through war and plague, tragedy and triumph, love and loss. The beads she creates will adorn the necks of empresses and courtesans from Paris to Vienna – but will she ever earn the respect of those closest to her? Tracy Chevalier is a master of her own craft, and The Glassmaker is vivid, inventive, spellbinding: a virtuoso portrait of a woman, a family and a city that are as everlasting as their glass.
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18,57 € 18,95 €

A Single Thread

FROM THE GLOBALLY BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF GIRL WITH A PEARL EARRING'Bittersweet ... dazzling' Guardian'Deeply pleasurable ... the ending made me cry' The Times'Told with a wealth of detail and narrative intensity' Penelope LivelyViolet is 38.The First World War took everything from her. Her brother, her fiance - and her future. She is now considered a 'surplus woman'.But Violet is also fiercely independent and determined. Escaping her suffocating mother, she moves to Winchester to start a new life -a change that will require courage, resilience and acts of quiet rebellion. And when whispers of another world war surface, she must live with a secret that could change everything...
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9,50 €

A Single Thread

FROM THE GLOBALLY BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF GIRL WITH A PEARL EARRING 'Bittersweet ... dazzling' Guardian 'Deeply pleasurable ... the ending made me cry' The Times 'Told with a wealth of detail and narrative intensity' Penelope Lively It is 1932, and the losses of the First World War are still keenly felt. Violet Speedwell, mourning for both her fiance and her brother and regarded by society as a 'surplus woman' unlikely to marry, resolves to escape her suffocating mother and strike out alone. A new life awaits her in Winchester. Yes, it is one of draughty boarding-houses and sidelong glances at her naked ring finger from younger colleagues; but it is also a life gleaming with independence and opportunity. Violet falls in with the broderers, a disparate group of women charged with embroidering kneelers for the Cathedral, and is soon entwined in their lives and their secrets. As the almost unthinkable threat of a second Great War appears on the horizon Violet collects a few secrets of her own that could just change everything... Warm, vivid and beautifully orchestrated, A Single Thread reveals one of our finest modern writers at the peak of her powers.
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16,50 €

Reader, I Married Him

'This collection is stormy, romantic, strong - the Full Bronte' The Times A collection of short stories celebrating Charlotte Bronte, published in the year of her bicentenary and stemming from the now immortal words from her great work Jane Eyre. The twenty-one stories in Reader, I Married Him - one of the most celebrated lines in fiction - are inspired by Jane Eyre and shaped by its perennially fascinating themes of love, compromise and self-determination. A bohemian wedding party takes an unexpected turn for the bride and her daughter; a family trip to a Texan waterpark prompts a life-changing decision; Grace Poole defends Bertha Mason and calls the general opinion of Jane Eyre into question. Mr Rochester reveals a long-kept secret in "Reader, She Married Me", and "The Mirror" boldly imagines Jane's married life after the novel ends. A new mother encounters an old lover after her daily swim and inexplicably lies to him, and a fitness instructor teaches teenage boys how to handle a pit bull terrier by telling them Jane Eyre's story.Edited by Tracy Chevalier, this collection brings together some of the finest and most creative voices in fiction today, to celebrate and salute the strength and lasting relevance of Charlotte Bronte's game-changing novel and its beloved narrator.
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11,71 € 11,95 €

Remarkable Creatures

Remarkable Creatures is an inspiring novel of how one woman's gift transcends class and social prejudice to lead to some of the most important discoveries of the nineteenth century. Above all, it is a revealing portrait of the intricate and resilient nature of female friendship.
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8,77 € 8,95 €

Ten černý vzadu - Nový Othello

Po Macbethovi od Jo Nesbeho vychází v shakespearovské edici tentokrát Othello. Sám proti bílým. Získá spojence, než naposledy zazvoní? Amerika 70. let. Ghanský chlapec Osei je zkrátka outsider. Stěží na tom cokoli změní jeho přátelské způsoby, odhodlání, sportovní talent, natož fakt, že je synem diplomata, a proto jeho rodina často mění působiště. Bude tedy stačit jedna chápavá dívčí duše, nebo i na tomhle plácku číhají mstitelé s naučenými frázemi a utajovanými strachy? V jediném školním dni se události vyhrotí natolik, že se opět potvrdí, nakolik jsme na světě pouhými herci. Herci ve vleku předpojatostí, kvůli kterým nám navzdory naivitě holek a kluků z páté třídy tuhne krev v žilách. TRACY CHEVALIEROVÁ (1962) se narodila ve Washingtonu, D. C., do rodiny věhlasného uměleckého fotografa. Její doménou jsou historické romány. Nejznámější z nich je Dívky s perlou.
13,11 €

Dáma a jednorožec

Jean Le Viste, šľachtic blízky kráľovi, zadá ambicióznemu umelcovi, bohémovi a sukničkárovi Nicolasovi des Innocentes zákazku, ktorá sa neodmieta - návrh šiestich tapisérií s vojenskou tematikou, ktoré by oslávili jeho vzostupnú kariéru na kráľovskom dvore. Genevi?ve de Nanterre, manželka Jeana Le Viste, presvedčí Nicolasa, aby sa s jej manželom porozprával o inej, jemnejšej téme - o dáme s jednorožcom. Nicolas navrhuje tapisérie podľa svojej vízie - päť zo šiestich je alegória na päť zmyslov človeka a predlohou pre ženské postavy sú mu Genevi?ve a jej dcéra Claude, do ktorej je zaľúbený.
Iba v predajni
9,75 € 9,95 €

At The Edge Of The Orchard

The sweeping and compelling new novel from the bestselling author of Girl with a Pearl Earring. 'Dark, brutal, moving, powerful' Jane Harris 'A wonderful book; rich, evocative, original. I loved it' Joanne Harris What happens when you can't run any further from your past? Ohio, 1838. James and Sadie Goodenough have settled in the Black Swamp, planting apple trees to claim the land as their own. Life is harsh in the swamp, and as fever picks off their children, husband and wife take solace in separate comforts. James patiently grows his sweet-tasting 'eaters' while Sadie gets drunk on applejack made fresh from 'spitters'. Their fighting takes its toll on all of the Goodenoughs - a battle that will resonate over the years and across America. Fifteen years later their youngest son, Robert, is drifting through Gold Rush California. Haunted by the broken family he fled years earlier, memories stick to him where mud once did. When he finds steady work for a plant collector, peace seems finally to be within reach. But the past is never really past, and one day Robert is forced to confront the brutal reason he left behind everything he loved. In this rich, powerful story, Tracy Chevalier is at her imaginative best, bringing to life the urge to wrestle with our roots, however deep and tangled they may be.
12,95 €

Az utolsó szökevény

Vitéz Kollányi Károly három nagy sikerű könyvének újrakiadását veheti kézbe az olvasó: - Kárpát-medence Európában - Régi felvidékünk magyar múltjának elrablása - Trianoni boszorkánykonyha E három könyv hajdani sikere nem volt véletlen: a politikatörténeti-geopolitikai ... Folytatás ›› művek igazságkereső stílusa hiánypótló erővel bírt, és nincs ez másképp ma sem. A(z) Az utolsó szökevény (Könyv) szerzője Tracy Chevalier.
13,42 €

The Last Runaway

The stunning new novel from the bestselling author of Girl with a Pearl Earring. Honor Bright is a sheltered Quaker who has rarely ventured out of 1850s Dorset when she impulsively emigrates to America. Opposed to the slavery that defines and divides the country, she finds her principles tested to the limit when a runaway slave appears at the farm of her new family. In this tough, unsentimental place, where whisky bottles sit alongside quilts, Honor befriends two spirited women who will teach her how to turn ideas into actions.
9,50 €

Leány gyöngy fülbevalóval

Az írónőt Vermeernek Delfit egyik legszebb, legtitokzatosabb lányáról készült portréja ihlette a könyv megírására. Különleges regényében az ártatlanság megrontásának és a zsenialitás árának megható történetét olvashatjuk. A lírai hangvételű mű rekord gyorsasággal a New York Times bestsellerei közé került. A könyvből azóta sikeres filmet forgattak az USA-ban
13,42 €

Lacná kniha Ohnivý tygr (-50%)

Londýn 1792.Ve vzduchu je cítit nervozita ze stále krvavější francouzské revoluce. Tehdy přichází do hlučného a nemilosrdného velkoměsta z vesničky Dorsetshire rodina Kellawayových. Mezi Jemenem, jejich nejmladším synem a londýnskou uličnicí Maggie vzniká překvapivé pouto.Jejich vztah je ovlivněn také seznámením se sousedem Williamem….
4,44 € 8,88 €

dostupné aj ako:

Ohnivý tygr

Londýn 1792.Ve vzduchu je cítit nervozita ze stále krvavější francouzské revoluce. Tehdy přichází do hlučného a nemilosrdného velkoměsta z vesničky Dorsetshire rodina Kellawayových. Mezi Jemenem, jejich nejmladším synem a londýnskou uličnicí Maggie vzniká překvapivé pouto.Jejich vztah je ovlivněn také seznámením se sousedem Williamem….
Iba v predajni
8,70 € 8,88 €

Lacná kniha Ohnivý tygr (-90%)

Londýn 1792.Ve vzduchu je cítit nervozita ze stále krvavější francouzské revoluce. Tehdy přichází do hlučného a nemilosrdného velkoměsta z vesničky Dorsetshire rodina Kellawayových. Mezi Jemenem, jejich nejmladším synem a londýnskou uličnicí Maggie vzniká překvapivé pouto.Jejich vztah je ovlivněn také seznámením se sousedem Williamem….
0,89 € 8,88 €

dostupné aj ako:

Isten teremtményei

A kifinomult stílusáról ismert és méltán elismert írónő, Tracy Chevalier legújabb, valóságos személyekről szóló könyvében ezúttal a 19. század egyik legfontosabb felfedezésének történetéből válogat az olvasó számára, miközben érzékeny képet rajzol a női barátság bonyolult és sok mindent átvészelő természetéről.
5,37 €