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W. Churchill strana 2 z 2


Great Republic

THE GREAT REPUBLIC is Sir Winston Churchill's personal vision of American history, from the arrival of the first European settlers to the dawn of the Cold War, edited by his grandson, the historian and journalist Winston S. Churchill. A magnificent r e-telling of the American story, the volume testifies to Churchill's skills as a historian and his deep warmth of feeling for America - the Great Republic, as he called it - and its people. THE GREAT REPUBLIC lays out America's history, character and destiny with the brilliance that could only come from an author with Churchill's gifts as a narrative historian and experience as a national leader and strategist.
18,53 € 19,50 €

Druhá světová válka (W.S. Churchill - soubor 6 svazků)

K 70. výročí od konce 2. sv. války nové vydání proslulých válečných pamětí britského premiéra sira W. S. Churchilla. Dokumenty shromážděné v těchto svazcích poskytují přehled nesmírně závažných událostí, jak je ve své době viděl člověk, který nesl hlavní tíhu odpovědnosti za válku a politiku Britského impéria i dominií. Pochybuji, zda existuje či existoval podobný záznam o každodenním vedení války a řízení státu. Nepopisuji to jako historii, neboť to přísluší další generaci. Ale s důvěrou prohl ašuji, že je to příspěvek historii, který poslouží budoucnosti. - Winston S. Churchill
80,32 € 84,55 €

Ifjúságom - 1874-1904

Churchillt a legtöbben csak úgy ismerik, mint a buldog természetű és buldog kinézetű angol miniszterelnököt, aki legyőzte Hitlert. Kevesen tudják róla, hogy lelkes tollforgató volt és elnyerte az irodalmi Nobel-díjat is. Ebben a - legjobbnak tartott - könyvében élete első harminc évéről ír, ami nem volt mindig felhőtlen. Pocsék tanuló volt, az iskolában verték, fiatal katonaként óriási kalandokban volt része, de többször majdnem megölték, hadifogságba esett, majd megszökött, vérdíjat tűztek ki a fejére és elbukta az első parlamenti választását. Végül minden jóra fordult, de az odáig vezető út élete végéig tartó nyomokat hagyott rajta. Aki nem olvasta ezt a könyvet, sosem értheti meg igazán Churchillt és a 20. század legvéresebb eseményeinek a hátterét sem. Írása azonban nem csak tanulságos, de szikrázóan szellemes stílusának köszönhetően rendkívül szórakoztató is.
13,40 € 14,11 €

A History of the English-Speaking Peoples Volume I : The Birth of Britain

"This history will endure; not only because Sir Winston has written it, but also because of its own inherent virtues - its narrative power, its fine judgment of war and politics, of soldiers and statesmen, and even more because it reflects a tradition of what Englishmen in the hey-day of their empire thought and felt about their country's past." The Daily Telegraph Spanning four volumes and many centuries of history, from Caesar's invasion of Britain to the start of World War I, A History of the English-Speaking Peoples stands as one of Winston S. Churchill's most magnificent literary works. Begun during Churchill's 'wilderness years' when he was out of government, first published in 1956 after his leadership through the darkest days of World War II had cemented his place in history and completed when Churchill was in his 80s, it remains to this day a compelling and vivid history. The first volume - The Birth of Britain - tells the story of the formation of the British state, from the arrival of Julius Caesar and the Roman Empire through the invasions of the Vikings and the Normans, the signing of the Magna Carta and establishment of the mother of parliaments to the War of the Roses.
32,25 € 33,95 €

A History of the English-Speaking Peoples Volume II : The New World

"This history will endure; not only because Sir Winston has written it, but also because of its own inherent virtues - its narrative power, its fine judgment of war and politics, of soldiers and statesmen, and even more because it reflects a tradition of what Englishmen in the hey-day of their empire thought and felt about their country's past." The Daily Telegraph Spanning four volumes and many centuries of history, from Caesar's invasion of Britain to the start of World War I, A History of the English-Speaking Peoples stands as one of Winston Churchill's most magnificent literary works. Begun during Churchill's 'wilderness years' when he was out of government, first published in 1956 after his leadership through the darkest days of World War II had cemented his place in history and completed when Churchill was in his 80s, it remains to this day a compelling and vivid history. The second volume - The New World - explores the emergence of Britain on the world stage and a turbulent period at home: from Henry VIII's break with Rome and the English Reformation to the fending off of the Spanish Armada and the schism between parliament and crown that led to the civil war, the fall and rise of the monarchy and the rule of Oliver Cromwell. The book also covers the historic journey of the 'Mayflower' that saw the English-speaking peoples' arrival in the Americas.
32,25 € 33,95 €

A History of the English-Speaking Peoples Volume III : The Age of Revolution

"This history will endure; not only because Sir Winston has written it, but also because of its own inherent virtues - its narrative power, its fine judgment of war and politics, of soldiers and statesmen, and even more because it reflects a tradition of what Englishmen in the hey-day of their empire thought and felt about their country's past." The Daily Telegraph Spanning four volumes and many centuries of history, from Caesar's invasion of Britain to the start of World War I, A History of the English-Speaking Peoples stands as one of Winston Churchill's most magnificent literary works. Begun during Churchill's 'wilderness years' when he was out of government, first published in 1956 after his leadership through the darkest days of World War II had cemented his place in history and completed when Churchill was in his 80s, it remains to this day a compelling and vivid history. In The Age of Revolution - the third volume of Churchill's history - Churchill charts the rise of Great Britain as a world power and the long rivalry with France, the shadow of the French Revolution, the rise of Napoleon and his defeat at Waterloo. The volume also covers the rise of the American colonies, their triumphant overthrow of British rule in the War of Independence and the first great generation of American leaders: Washington, Adams and Jefferson.
32,25 € 33,95 €

A History of the English-Speaking Peoples Volume IV : The Great Democracies

"This history will endure; not only because Sir Winston has written it, but also because of its own inherent virtues - its narrative power, its fine judgment of war and politics, of soldiers and statesmen, and even more because it reflects a tradition of what Englishmen in the hey-day of their empire thought and felt about their country's past." The Daily Telegraph Spanning four volumes and many centuries of history, from Caesar's invasion of Britain to the start of World War I, A History of the English-Speaking Peoples stands as one of Winston Churchill's most magnificent literary works. Begun during Churchill's 'wilderness years' when he was out of government, first published in 1956 after his leadership through the darkest days of World War II had cemented his place in history and completed when Churchill was in his 80s, it remains to this day a compelling and vivid history. The Great Democracies is the fourth and final volume of Churchill's history. Here, Churchill reaches the modern era. For Britain, this was the high Victorian era of Palmerston, Gladstone and Disraeli, an age of free trade and imperialism as the British spread to Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Meanwhile the fledgling republic in America endured the great crisis of the Civil War to take its first steps on the road to becoming the world superpower that endures to this day.
30,35 € 31,95 €

Lacná kniha Nové svět (-90%)

Churchillovy Dějiny jsou velkolepým souhrnem dějin Velké Británie a její koloniální říše. Specifikem tohoto díla je, že je nepsal profesionální historik, ale význačný státník, který - jak v úvodu knihy sám podotýká - měl možnost nikoli bezvýznamně zasahovat do osudů moderního světa. Právě tento aspekt je pro čtenáře knihy nejzajímavější. Druhý díl zahrnuje období od roku 1485 do roku 1688.
1,31 € 13,09 €

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Lacná kniha Nové svět (-50%)

Churchillovy Dějiny jsou velkolepým souhrnem dějin Velké Británie a její koloniální říše. Specifikem tohoto díla je, že je nepsal profesionální historik, ale význačný státník, který - jak v úvodu knihy sám podotýká - měl možnost nikoli bezvýznamně zasahovat do osudů moderního světa. Právě tento aspekt je pro čtenáře knihy nejzajímavější. Druhý díl zahrnuje období od roku 1485 do roku 1688.
6,55 € 13,09 €

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