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Simon Clark


The Key Man

In this compelling story of greed, chicanery and tarnished idealism, two Wall Street Journal reporters investigate a man who Bill Gates and Western governments entrusted with hundreds of millions of dollars to make profits and end poverty but now stands accused of masterminding one of the biggest, most brazen frauds ever. Arif Naqvi was charismatic, inspiring and self-made. The founder of the Dubai-based private-equity firm Abraaj, he was the Key Man to the global elite searching for impact investments to make money and do good. He persuaded politicians he could help stabilize the Middle East after 9/11 by providing jobs and guided executives to opportunities in cities they struggled to find on the map. Bill Gates helped him start a billion-dollar fund to improve health care in poor countries, and the UN and Interpol appointed him to boards. Naqvi also won the support of President Obama's administration and the chief of a British government fund compared him to Tom Cruise in Mission: Impossible. The only problem? In 2019 Arif Naqvi was arrested on charges of fraud and racketeering at Heathrow airport. A British judge has approved his extradition to the US and he faces up to 291 years in jail if found guilty. With a cast featuring famous billionaires and statesmen moving across Asia, Africa, Europe and America, The Key Man is the story of how the global elite was duped by a capitalist fairy tale. Clark and Louch's thrilling investigation exposes one of the world's most audacious scams and shines a light on the hypocrisy, corruption and greed at the heart of the global financial system.
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14,73 € 15,50 €

Noc trifidů

Den trifidů, legendární sci-fi román Johna Wyndhama, je svědectvím jednoho muže o konci světa: skoro celé lidstvo osleplo a Země se ujali noví vládci - monstrózní rostliny - trifidi. Román skončil ve chvíli, kdy jeho vypravěč Bill Masen opustil se svou ženou a čtyřletým synem Anglii, aby se připojil ke kolonii na ostrově Wight.Uplynulo dvacet pět let...Malá komunita, dočasně bezpečná ve své ostrovní pevnosti, pokračuje dál ve své práci nejen na odstranění trifidí hrozby, ale i na budování základů nové civilizace. Po celém světě zápasí podobné komunity o život, zatímco neporazitelní trifidi zamořují zbytek Země, zjevně odhodlaní vypořádat se s lidstvem definitivně.V roce 29 od pádu starého světa se David Masen, nyní už dospělý Billův syn, jednoho rána probudí do světa zahaleného tajemnou temnotou. A trifidi opět zaútočí...Den trifidů, legendární sci-fi román Johna Wyndhama, je svědectvím jednoho muže o konci světa: skoro celé lidstvo osleplo a Země se ujali noví vládci - monstrózní rostliny - trifidi. Román skončil ve chvíli, kdy jeho vypravěč Bill Masen opustil se svou ženou a čtyřletým synem Anglii, aby se připojil ke kolonii na ostrově Wight.Uplynulo dvacet pět let...Malá komunita, dočasně bezpečná ve své ostrovní pevnosti, pokračuje dál ve své práci nejen na odstranění trifidí hrozby, ale i na budování základů nové civilizace. Po celém světě zápasí podobné komunity o život, zatímco neporazitelní trifidi zamořují zbytek Země, zjevně odhodlaní vypořádat se s lidstvem definitivně.V roce 29 od pádu starého světa se David Masen, nyní už dospělý Billův syn, jednoho rána probudí do světa zahaleného tajemnou temnotou. A trifidi opět zaútočí...Padesát let poté, co John Wyndham napsal svůj slavný bestseller, renomovaný spisovatel Simon Clark vytvořil důmyslnou a impozantní teorii o tom, co se mohlo dít s Billem Masenem a jeho následníky v boji proti trifidům.
15,31 € 16,12 €

The Key Man

In this compelling story of greed, chicanery and tarnished idealism, two Wall Street Journal reporters investigate a man who Bill Gates and Western governments entrusted with hundreds of millions of dollars to make profits and end poverty but now stands accused of masterminding one of the biggest, most brazen frauds ever. Arif Naqvi was charismatic, inspiring and self-made. The founder of the Dubai-based private-equity firm Abraaj, he was the Key Man to the global elite searching for impact investments to make money and do good. He persuaded politicians he could help stabilize the Middle East after 9/11 by providing jobs and guided executives to opportunities in cities they struggled to find on the map. Bill Gates helped him start a billion-dollar fund to improve health care in poor countries, and the UN and Interpol appointed him to boards. Naqvi also won the support of President Obama's administration and investors, who compared him to Tom Cruise in Mission: Impossible. The only problem? In 2019 Arif Naqvi was arrested on charges of fraud and racketeering at Heathrow airport. A British judge has approved his extradition to the US and he faces up to 291 years in jail if found guilty. Populated by a cast of larger-than-life characters and moving across Asia, Africa, Europe and America, The Key Man is the story of how the global elite was duped by a capitalist fairy tale. Clark and Louch's thrilling investigation exposes one of the world's most audacious scams and shines a light on the hypocrisy, corruption and greed at the heart of the global financial system. 'An unbelievable true tale of greed, corruption and manipulation among the world's financial elite' Harry Markopolos, the Bernie Madoff whistleblower
17,58 € 18,50 €


A thin, invisible layer of air surrounds the Earth, sustaining all known life on the planet and creating the unique climates and weather patterns that make each part of the world different. In Firmament, atmospheric scientist and science communicator Simon Clark offers a rare and accessible tour of the ins and outs of the atmosphere and how we know what we know about it. From the workings of its different layers to why carbon dioxide is special, from pioneers like Pascal to the unsung heroes working in the field to help us understand climate change, Firmament introduces us to an oft-overlooked area of science and not only lays the ground work for us to better understand the debates surrounding the climate today, but also provides a glimpse of the future that is possible with this knowledge in hand.
17,58 € 18,50 €