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Michael Connelly strana 11 z 18


Michael Connelly

Pracoval roky ako novinár a za svoje články o o ľuďoch, ktorí prežili letecké nešťastie dostal nomináciu na Pulitzerovu cenu. Narodil sa 21. júla 1956 v Philadelphii, USA.

Svoj prvý román sa rozhodol napísať začiatkom 90. rokov, pretože chcel literárne spracovať svoje žurnalistické skúsenosti, práve  vtedy stvoril detektíva Harryho Boscha (prvý román mu vyšiel v roku 1992 – Temná ozvena). Hlavným hrdinom jeho románov je svojrázny detektív s hlbokou neúctou k autoritám a sebazničujúcim zmyslom pre spravodlivosť. Knihy tvoria detektívnu sériu Prípady Harryho Boscha. Ďalšou obľúbenou krimi sériou sú Prípady Jacka McEvoya, či Prípady Mickeyho Hallera.

Každá Connellyho kniha vedie v rebríčkoch čítanosti a je to túžobne očakávaná novinka. Dynamika a nečakané rozuzlenia v príbehoch priniesli tomuto autorovi nebývalú popularitu a uznanie čitateľov kriminálnych románov na celom svete.

Michael Connelly je držiteľom viacerých prestížnych literárnych ocenení (Edgar, Anthony, Macavity, Nero, .38 Caliber /Francúzsko/ a Grand Prix /Francúzsko/. Žije na Floride s manželkou a dcérou.

Foto: Mark Coggins


Lost Light

When he left the LAPD Bosch took a file with him: the case of a production assistant murdered four years earlier during a film set robbery. The LAPD thinks the stolen money was used to finance a terrorist training camp. Thoughts of the original murder victim were lost in the federal zeal, and when Bosch decides to re-investigate, he quickly falls fouls of both his old colleagues and the FBI. When the investigation enables him to meet up with an old friend, shadows from his past come back to haunt him...
6,75 € 7,10 €

The Black Ice

When a body is found in a hotel room, the press soon pick up on the case: it appears to be a missing LAPD narcotics officer, apparently gone to the bad. The rumours were that he had been selling a new drug called Black Ice that had been infiltrating LA from Mexico. The LAPD are quick to declare the death as a suicide, but Harry Bosch is not so sure. There are odd, unexplained details from the crime scene which just don't add up. Fighting an attraction to the cop's widow, Bosch starts his own mav erick investigation, which soon leads him over the borders, and into a dangerous world of shifting identities and deadly corruption...
8,54 € 8,99 €

Lincoln Lawyer (Film Tie-In)

For defence attorney Mickey Haller, the clock is always ticking. Operating out of the back of a Lincoln car, and with two ex-wives and dozens of guilty clients, he can't afford to miss a trick. When a Beverly Hills rich boy is arrested for brutally beating a woman, Haller has his first high-paying - and seemingly innocent - client in years. But then the case starts to fall apart, and the suspect isn't quite who he seems - and Haller quickly discovers that when you swim with the sharks, it's easy to wind up as prey.
9,03 € 9,50 €

Černá ozvěna

První ze série případů svérázného detektiva Harryho Bosche. Michael Connely úspěšně navazuje na tradici americké tvrdé školy a za tuto knihu dostal Cenu Edgara, která je udělována autorům nejlepších detektivek. Za svůj velký literární vzor označuje Raymonda Chandlera, stvořitele dalšího kultovního detektiva Phila Marlowa. V tomto případu vyšetřuje Harry smrt svého přítele a spolubojovníka z vietnamské války. V tajuplném bludišti zločineckého podsvětí, se kterým je konfrontován, ožívá hrůza, kterou kdysi zažil ve Vietnamu jako příslušník jednotky specializované na boj v podzemních tunelech. Boschovou partnerkou v tomto souboji s nebezpečnými zločinci, jimž se podařilo proniknout na důležitá místa v policejním aparátu, je agentka FBI Eleanor Wishová. Jejich vztah dočasně přesáhne kolegiální rovinu, což Boschovi zkomplikuje obtížné rozhodování mezi spravedlností a pomstou, před které je v závěru případu postaven.
12,45 € 13,11 €

dostupné aj ako:

Void Moon

A young woman finds herself caught up in a scam which may cost her the one thing she values more than her life... Cassie Black has been lured back to the criminal profession she gave up by a proposition that is just too good to miss. The job goes as planned, except that the target has too much money. It can only mean someone very powerful is going to be very angry indeed. Cassie finds herself on the run from a killer who seems to know her every move in advance. Worse still, he is closing in on t he one thing Cassie will do anything to protect.
3,79 € 3,99 €

The Overlook

A body has been found on the overlook near Mulholland Drive. The victim, identified as Dr. Stanley Kent, has two bullet holes in the back of his head from what looks like an execution-style shooting. LAPD detective Harry Bosch is called out to invest igate. It is the case he has been waiting for, his first since being recruited to the city's Homicide Special squad. As soon as Bosch begins retracing Dr. Kent's steps, contradictions emerge. While Kent doesn't seem to have had ties to organized crim e, he did have access to dangerous radioactive substances from just about every hospital in Los Angeles County. What begins as a routine homicide investigation opens up before Bosch into something much larger, more dangerous - and much more urgent. B reaking in a new rookie partner and chasing his first fresh case in years, Bosch is soon in conflict not just with the LAPD brass but also with FBI hotshots who are convinced that the case is too important for the likes of the LAPD. Harry's onetime l over Rachel Walling is among the federal agents frantically working the case, making Bosch's job all the more complicated. Guarding one slim advantage, he relentlessly follows his own instincts, hoping they are still true enough to solve the crime - and to save all of Los Angeles from a deadly hazard.
3,79 € 3,99 €

Void Moon

A young woman finds herself caught up in a scam which may cost her the one thing she values more than her life...Cassie Black has been lured back to the criminal profession she gave up - robbing gamblers of their winnings - by a proposition that is j ust too good to miss. The job goes as planned, except that the target has too much money. It can only mean someone very powerful is going to be very angry indeed. Cassie finds herself on the run from a killer who seems to know her every move in advan ce. Worse still, he is closing in on the one thing Cassie will do anything to protect.
3,79 € 3,99 €

The Reversal

When Mickey Haller is invited by the Los Angeles County District Attorney to prosecute a case for him, he knows something strange is going on. Mickey's a defence lawyer, one of the best in the business, and to switch sides like this would be akin to askin
5,51 € 5,80 €

Zrušený rozsudek

Mickey Haller je známý losangelský advokát, ale tentokrát ho šéf státního zastupitelství osloví se zvláštní nabídkou: aby se v jistém mediálně sledovaném případu ujal role žalobce. Haller dlouho váhá, ale nakonec se nechává přesvědčit mimo jiné i p roto, že ho dráždí osoba obžalovaného. Jason Jessup byl před čtyřiadvaceti lety usvědčen z vraždy dvanáctileté dívky. Nejvyšší soud však nyní na základě analýzy DNA tento rozsudek zrušil a Jessup se až do nového procesu ocitl na svobodě. Navíc se sta l miláčkem médií, prodává autorská práva na knihy i filmy a všude se stylizuje do role oběti justiční zvůle. Haller je však stále přesvědčen o jeho vině, a proto dělá maximum, aby navzdory nepříznivým okolnostem dosáhl Jessupova opětovného odsouzení. Najde si nejlepšího možného vyšetřovatele, detektiva Bosche, a rve se o každý důkaz, o každou svědeckou výpověď. Zároveň však bohužel zjišťuje, že v mašinérii státního zastupitelství neběží vše tak, jak si původně představoval, a že spravedlnost mus í mnohdy ustoupit politickým zájmům. A navíc se zdá, že i Jason Jessup uskutečňuje jakýsi vlastní tajuplný plán.
12,01 € 12,64 €

The Fifth Witness

A former police reporter for the Los Angeles Times, Michael Connelly is the author of Harry Bosch thriller series as well as several stand-alone bestsellers, including the highly acclaimed legal thriller, THE LINCOLN LAWYER, selected for the Richard & Judy Book Club. Michael More...Connelly has been President of the Mystery Writers of America. His books have been translated into 31 languages and have won awards all over the world, including the Edgar and Anthony Awards.He lives in Tampa, Florida , with his family.
8,54 € 8,99 €

A hazugság csapdájában

Mickey Haller védőügyvéd élete végre kezd rendbe jönni - kétévnyi tévelygés és kihagyás után visszatér a tárgyalóterembe. Amikor neves kollégáját, Jerry Vincentet meggyilkolják, Haller megörökli tőle addigi legnagyobb ügyét: neki kell védeni a befoly ásos hollywoodi producert, Walter Elliotot, akit felesége és annak szeretője megölésével vádolnak. Hallernek jócskán akad dolga Elliottal, akit szemlátomást jobban érdekelnek a filmjei, mint a lehetőség, hogy egy életre rács mögé dugják. Miután a véd elem stratégiájának kulcsfontosságú része hiányzik, Mickey gőzerővel készül a tárgyalásra, s ha ez nem lenne elég, az is kiderül, hogy Vincent gyilkosa alighanem őt szemelte ki következő áldozatának. Itt lép be a képbe Harry Bosch, aki elszántan nyom oz Vincent gyilkosa után, és mindent elkövet a kézre kerítéséért, még ha ehhez csaliként is kell használnia Hallert. Bosch és Haller - nyomozó és ügyvéd - mindeddig ellentétes oldalon álltak, ám ahogy nő a nyomás, és mindketten egyre nagyobb kockázat ot vállalnak, be kell látniuk, hogy nincs más választásuk, mint egy csapatban dolgozni. 39 nyelven több mint 42 millió eladott kötet, több mint egy tucat díj... Michael Connelly vitathatatlanul az egyik legjobb krimiíró.
10,23 € 10,77 €

The Drop

Harry Bosch is facing the end of the line. He's been put on the DROP - Deferred Retirement Option Plan - and given three years before his retirement is enforced. Seeing the end of the mission coming, he's anxious for cases. He doesn't have to wait lo ng. First a cold case gets a DNA hit for a rape and murder which points the finger at a 29-year-old convicted rapist who was only eight at the time of the murder. Then a city councilman's son is found dead - fallen or pushed from a hotel window - and he insists on Bosch taking the case despite the two men's history of enmity. The cases are unrelated but they twist around each other like the double helix of a DNA strand. One leads to the discovery of a killer operating in the city for as many as three decades; the other to a deep political conspiracy that reached back into the dark history of the police department.
14,24 € 14,99 €

The Overlook

When a physicist is murdered in LA it seems the killer has no fear of publicity, leaving the body on The Mulholland overlook, a site with a stunning view over the city. And when it's discovered that the victim turned over a quantity of a lethal chemi cal to his killer before he died, Harry knows he has more than just a single death to worry about. Alongside the forces of Homeland Security, Harry realises he must solve the murder or face unimaginable consequences. When a physicist is murdered in L A it seems the killer has no fear of publicity, leaving the body on The Mulholland overlook, a site with a stunning view over the city. And when it's discovered that the victim turned over a quantity of a lethal chemical to his killer before he died, Harry knows he has more than just a single death to worry about. Alongside the forces of Homeland Security, Harry realises he must solve the murder or face unimaginable consequences. Hide
8,54 € 8,99 €

The Fifth Witness

In tough times, crime is one of the few things that still pays, but even criminals are having to make cut-backs. So for defence lawyer Mickey Haller, most of his new business is not about keeping people out of jail; it's about keeping a roof over their heads as the foreclosure business is booming. Lisa Trammel has been a client of Mickey's for eight months, and so far he's stopped the bank from taking her house. But now the bank's CEO has been found beaten to death - and Lisa is about to be indicted for murder...
8,54 € 8,99 €

Piaty svedok

Mickey Haller má novú klientku, ktorá rozbieha kampaň proti hyenám z bankových a hypotekárnych spoločností. Poskytli pôžičky aj ľuďom, čo ich neboli schopní splácať, a teraz ťažia z ich nešťastia. Keď neskôr objavia mŕtvolu jedného vysokopostaveného predstaviteľa istej finančnej inštitúcie, aktivistka putuje do väzby, a Mickey má nepríjemnú úlohu: dokázať jej nevinu. Do celého prípadu sa však začína nepekne miešať skutočná mafia.
11,35 € 11,95 €

The Drop

Harry Bosch is facing the end of the line. He's been put on the DROP - Deferred Retirement Option Plan - and given three years before his retirement is enforced. Seeing the end of the mission coming, he's anxious for cases. He doesn't have to wait long. First a cold case gets a DNA hit for a rape and murder which points the finger at a 29-year-old convicted rapist who was only eight at the time of the murder. Then a city councilman's son is found dead - fallen or pushed from a hotel window - and he insists on Bosch taking the case despite the two men's history of enmity. The cases seem to be unrelated; one leads to the discovery of a killer operating in the city for as many as three decades, the other to a deep political conspiracy that reached back into the dark history of the police department...
7,59 € 7,99 €