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Joseph Conrad strana 5 z 8


The Shadow-Line (EN)

Audiobook The Shadow-Line written by Joseph Conrad. An unsettling tale of plague, drift and terror, The Shadow-Line documents a young seaman’s coming of age after he is recruited to captain a ship for the first time. Bad luck and disease haunt the inexperienced hero and his crew, and the evil legacy of the previous captain overshadows them with a feeling of supernatural menace.
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12,50 €

Lord Jim (EN)

Lord Jim is a novel by Joseph Conrad originally published as a serial in Blackwood's Magazine from October 1899 to November 1900. An early and primary event is the abandonment of a ship in distress by its crew including the young British seaman Jim. He is publicly censured for this action and the novel follows his later attempts at coming to terms with his past.
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15,41 €

Heart of Darkness (EN)

Before its 1902 publication, Heart of Darkness appeared as a three part series (1899) in Blackwood's Magazine. It was classified by the Modern Library website editors as one of the '100 best novels' and part of the Western canon. The story centres on Charles Marlow, who narrates most of the book. He is an Englishman who takes a foreign assignment from a Belgian trading company as a river boat captain in Africa.
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8,16 €

Youth, a Narrative (EN)

Youth' is an autobiographical short story by Joseph Conrad. It was written in 1898, first published in Blackwood's Magazine, and included as the first story in the 1902 volume Youth, a Narrative, and Two Other Stories. The volume also included Heart of Darkness and The End of the Tether, which are concerned with maturity and old age, respectively.
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7,25 €

The Secret Agent (EN)

Adolf Verlof runs a sex shop in 1880’s London, but his real profession is even shadier. He’s a so-called "agent provocateur" for the Embassy, whose mission it is to infiltrate and spy on a relatively harmless group of anarchists. His employers are impatiently waiting for the group to do something radical enough that they can use it as an excuse to harden their actions against the many socialist and anarchistic groups that are sprouting up around the country.
Na stiahnutie
11,79 €

Lacná kniha Tajný agent (-70%)

Pan Verloc provozuje anarchistickou živnost v londýnské čtvrti nedobré pověsti, kde se úspěšně maskuje jako neúspěšný trafikant, drogista a vetešník. Přitom stačí, aby tento mamlas vytáhl paty ze své blechárny na hlavní třídu, třeba na ambasádu nejmenované mocnosti za jistým panem Vladimirem nebo za povedeným inspektorem Scotland Yardu, a rázem je jasné, koho má čtenář před sebou: dvojitého agenta s krycím jménem Delta, jemuž chlebodárci za letité služby brzy dopřejí zúčtování… Znamenitý psychologický román (1907) anglického klasika polského původu Josepha Conrada (1857–1924), který vychází v novém převodu Petry Martínkové, nemohl v českém překladu od konce druhé světové války navzdory spisovatelově popularitě vyjít. Je totiž značně protiruský, plný fízlování a zpravodajských hrátek. Svůj příšerný škleb autor v knize zaměřil na společenskou nebezpečnost terorismu viktoriánské éry a prostřednictvím prvotřídní satiry šije nejen do rádobyanarchistů a salonních socialistů, ale i vypečených snobů, almarózních poslanců či subalterních podržtašků ve státních službách, kteří si nadevše osvojili pokrytecké umění držet ústa a krok.
Na sklade 1Ks
3,93 € 13,11 €

dostupné aj ako:

A Narcissus négere

"...egy csoport lélektanát és a természet arcának néhány változását rajzoltam meg. De az a probléma, amellyel szembe kell nézniük, nem a tenger problémája, egyszerûen csak probléma, amely ezen a hajón a szárazföldi kapcsolatok, viszonyok szövevényétõl való elszigeteltség következtében különleges erõvel és színnel ugorhatott ki." "Amit én az írott szó hatalmával meg akarok valósítani az, hogy hallóvá tegyelek benneteket, hogy érzéseket ébresszek, de mindenekelõtt az, hogy látóvá tegyelek benneteket." - Joseph Conrad
Na stiahnutie
1,94 €

A sötétség mélyén - Trubadúr Zsebkönyvek 62.

Az Apokalipszis most című, emlékezetes Coppola-film alapjául szolgáló, sokak által a XX. század egyik legfontosabb könyvének tartott kisregény, ez a dzsungel - és az emberi lélek - mélyébe vezető utazás a gyarmati kizsákmányolás véres valóságával szembesíti az olvasót. A szó: "elefántcsont", a levegőben csengett; suttogták, sóhajtották. Az ember azt hihette, imádkoznak hozzá. És mindezt a bárgyú kapzsiság hullaszagra emlékeztető bűze lengte körül.
U dodávateľa
6,34 € 7,04 €

Heart of Darkness

The mind of man is capable of anything - because everything is in it, all the past as well as all the future. What was there after all? Joy, fear, sorrow, devotion, rage - who can tell - but truth - truth stripped of its cloak of time. Let the fool gape and shudder - the man knows, and can look on without a wink'. Marlow, a seaman, tells of a journey up the Congo. His goal is the troubled European and ivory trader Kurtz. Worshipped and feared by invaders as well as natives, Kurtz has become a godlike figure, his presence pervading the jungle like a thick, obscuring mist. As his boat labours further upstream, closer and closer to Kurtz's extraordinary and terrible domain, so Marlow finds his faith in himself and civilization crumbling. Conrad's "Heart of Darkness" has been considered the most important indictment of the evils of imperialism written to date. The "Penguin English Library" - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Před očima Západu

Když se petrohradský student Razumov vrátí ze školy domů, najde tu spolužáka, který spáchal atentát na nenáviděného ministra vnitra a teď prosí o pomoc. Svět, jak ho mladík znal, tím bere zasvé. V ovzduší carského Ruska počátku 20. století budou už Razumova všude pronásledovat nepovolané oči jiných kariéristů, obavy o budoucnost, vlastní občanské postoje i výčitky svědomí. Poté, co se rozhodne kolegu zradit, dostihnou ho i v komunitě ruských uprchlíků v Ženevě, kam dorazil se zvláštním posláním… Dramatický popis Razumovova zločinu a trestu je považován za Conradův nejpůsobivější román mimo jiné proto, že se v něm anglický klasik polského původu trefuje do britské blahosklonnosti. „Ruský příběh určený západním uším“ přináší i rozpravu o podivných formách tamního revolucionářství počínaje Dostojevským či Bakuninem a konče Černyševským a sortou „profesionálních socialistů“, k nimž se svého času v Ženevě přidružil bolševický vůdce Uljanov-Lenin. Výsledkem je neobyčejně důkladný ponor do psychologie země, kterou mladý Conrad poznal na Sibiři, kde ve vyhnanství zemřeli oba jeho rodiče, a která dodnes děsí Západ. Z tragikomického vylíčení udavačovy bezvýchodnosti ve světě, jenž buď jedince neslýchaně týrá, anebo není s to posoudit míru jeho viny, vyplývá, jak krutě se postoje obou Evrop míjejí. Liberálně soucitný Západ Rusku nerozumí – a Rusko ani nechce, aby mu někdo rozuměl. Pro tuto nevyzpytatelnou velmoc je dodnes typická „četnost mimořádného“ i lavírování mezi čirým hulvátstvím a odevzdaným mysticismem. Conradovo mistrovské dílo tak stále promlouvá svou prorockou naléhavostí.
12,45 € 13,11 €

dostupné aj ako:

Lord Jim

When "Lord Jim" first appeared in 1900, many took Joseph Conrad to task for couching an entire novel in the form of an extended conversation - a ripping good yarn, if you like. Conrad defended his method, insisting that people really do talk for that long, and listen as well. In fact his chatty masterwork requires no defense - it offers up not only linguistic pleasures but a timeless exploration of morality. The eponymous Jim is a young, good-looking, genial, and naive water-clerk on the Patna, a cargo ship plying Asian waters.He is, we are told, 'the kind of fellow you would, on the strength of his looks, leave in charge of the deck'. He also harbours romantic fantasies of adventure and heroism - which are promptly scuttled one night when the ship collides with an obstacle and begins to sink. Acting on impulse, Jim jumps overboard and lands in a lifeboat, which happens to be bearing the unscrupulous captain and his cohorts away from the disaster. The Patna, however, manages to stay afloat. The foundering vessel is towed into port - and since the officers have strategically vanished, Jim is left to stand trial for abandoning the ship and its 800 passengers.
3,47 € 3,65 €

Heart of Darkness (Penguin Popular Classics)

In this tale of colonial exploitation, the narrator, Marlowe, journeys deep into the heart of Africa. But there he encounters Kurtz, an idealist apparently crazed and depraved by his power over the natives, and the meeting prompts Marlowe to reflect on the darkness at the heart of all men.
4,54 € 4,78 €

OWC Secret Agent

An impenetrable mystery seems destined to hang for ever over this act of madness or despair.' Mr Verloc, the secret agent, keeps a shop in London's Soho where he lives with his wife Winnie, her infirm mother, and her idiot brother, Stevie. When Verlo c is reluctantly involved in an anarchist plot to blow up the Greenwich Observatory things go disastrously wrong, and what appears to be 'A Simple Tale' proves to involve politicians, policemen, foreign diplomats and London's fashionable society in t he darkest and most surprising interrelations. Based on the text which Conrad's first English readers enjoyed, this new edition includes a critical introduction which describes Conrad's great London novel as the realization of a 'monstrous town', a p lace of idiocy, madness, criminality, and butchery.
2,84 € 2,99 €

OWC Shadow-Line

'A sudden passion of anxious impatience rushed through my veins and gave me such a sense of the intensity of existence as I have never felt before or since.' link title to catalogue entry](exact date?)Written in 1915, The Shadow-Line is based upon events and experiences from twenty-seven years earlier to which Conrad returned obsessively in his fiction. A young sea captain's first command brings with it a succession of crises: his sea is becalmed, the crew laid low by fever, and his deranged first mate is convinced that the ship is haunted by the malignant spirit of a previous captain. This is indeed a work full of 'sudden passions', in which Conrad is able to show how the full intensity of existence can be experienced by the man who, in the words of the older Captain Giles, is prepared to 'stand up to his bad luck, to his mistakes, to his conscience'. A subtle and penetrating analysis of the nature of manhood, The Shadow-Line investigates varieties of masculinity and desire in a subtext that counterpoints the tale's seemingly conventional surface.
2,84 € 2,99 €

OWC Under Western Eyes

Whenever two Russians come together, the shadow of autocracy is with them...haunting the secret of their silences.' First published in 1911, Under Western Eyes traces the experiences of Razumov, a young Russian student of philosophy who is uninvolved in politics or protest. Against his will he finds himself caught up in the aftermath of a terrorist bombing directed against the Tsarist authorities. He is pulled in different directions - by his conscience and his ambitions, by powerful opposed pol itical forces, but most of all by personal emotions he is unable to suppress. Set in St Petersburg and Geneva, the novel is in part a critical response to Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment but it is also a startlingly modern book. Viewed through the 'Western eyes' of Conrad's English narrator, Razumov's story forces the reader to confront the same moral issues: the defensibility of terrorist resistance to tyranny, the loss of individual privacy in a surveillance society, and the demands thrown u p by the interplay of power and knowledge. This new edition is based on the first English edition text, and has a new chronology and bibliography.
2,84 € 2,99 €

OWC Heart of Darkness and Other Tales

HEART OF DARKNESS*AN OUTPOST OF PROGRESS*KARAIN*YOUTH The finest of all Conrad's tales, 'Heart of Darkness' is set in an atmosphere of mystery and menace, and tells of Marlow's perilous journey up the Congo River to relieve his employer's agent, the renowned and formidable Mr Kurtz. What he sees on his journey, and his eventual encounter with Kurtz, horrify and perplex him, and call into question the very bases of civilization and human nature. Endlessly reinterpreted by critics and adapted for film, radio, and television, the story shows Conrad at his most intense and sophisticated. The other three tales in this volume depict corruption and obsession, and question racial assumptions. Set in the exotic surroundings of Africa, Malaysia. and the east, they variously appraise the glamour, folly, and rapacity of imperial adventure. This revised edition uses the English first edition texts and has a new chronology and bibliography.
5,17 € 5,44 €