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Nikita Coulombe


Man (Dis)connected

Young men are failing as never before - academically, socially and sexually. But why is this so? What are the implications? And what needs to be done about it before it's too late? Philip Zimbardo and co-writer Nikita Coulombe examine the modern meltdown of manhood and how this is manifest in the lives of young men today. They consider such factors as absent fathers, and legislation favouring women, which contribute to many men lacking social skills and direction in their lives. Most controversially, Zimbardo argues that readily available hardcore pornography and exciting gaming realities provide digital alternatives that are less demanding and far more appealing for many than sex, sports and social interaction in the real world. Immersion in these alternative realms is playing havoc with these boys' cognitive development, their ability to concentrate and their social development, allowing girls to excel in the real world where social skills are a source of success. By illuminating the symptoms and causes of these gloomy trends, Zimbardo and Coulombe shed light on how we arrived at this state of affairs and, most significantly, what the solutions might be.
14,73 € 15,50 €

Man Disconnected

"Zimbardo has put his finger on a great challenge of the modern era." (The Sunday Times). Masculinity is in meltdown. Young men are failing as never before - academically, socially and sexually. But why? And what needs to be done? Internationally-acclaimed psychologist Philip Zimbardo and research partner Nikita Coulombe show how symptoms include excessive gaming and porn use, apathy and drug abuse. They argue that digital technologies create alternative worlds that many boys find less demanding and more rewarding than real life, yet which are ultimately harmful. There is hope. Man Disconnected reveals where the solutions are to be found, and what action we can take. Controversial, provocative and insightful, this book is an alarm call ignored at our peril.
15,68 € 16,50 €

Nincs kapcsolat

A környezet és a technológia változásai, az apa nélküli családok ijesztően magas száma, az iskolarendszer hiányosságai: mindezek együtt felelnek azért, hogy rekordszámú fiatal férfi képtelen boldogulni a tanulmányaival, nem tud szót érteni a lányokkal, és szexuálisan is kudarcot vall a nőkkel. Philip Zimbardo, a világhírű szociálpszichológus Nikita D. Coulombe közreműködésével írt könyve nem éri be a fenti, hosszabb távon súlyos társadalmi következményekkel járó problémák feltárásával, hanem a lehetséges megoldási módokat is felvázolja - üzenete férfiaknak és nőknek, szülőknek és fiatal felnőtteknek, pedagógusoknak és döntéshozóknak egyaránt hasznos és megszívlelendő.
13,57 € 14,28 €