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Richard Dawkins strana 2 z 4


S hlavou v oblacích

Asi každý se někdy zasnil, jaké by to bylo roztáhnout křídla a vznést se do vzduchu jako pták. Někteří dobrodruzi tyto sny proměnili ve skutečnost a cestování letadlem nám dnes připadá stejně všední jako jízda vlakem. Ale jak vlastně ptáci létají? A co netopýři nebo motýli? K čemu je některým savcům či plazům schopnost plachtit? A v čem se létající živočichové liší od letadel vyrobených lidmi? Odpovědi na tyto a další otázky hledá ve své knize proslulý evoluční biolog a autor teorie sobeckého genu Richard Dawkins, který čtenáře provází světem létajících tvorů a popisuje odvěké snahy člověka se jim vyrovnat. Od nezávislé evoluce křídel u několika skupin organismů a jiných způsobů, jak se vzepřít gravitaci, zabrousí do historie balónového létání, připomene úspěch bratří Wrightů, vyloží fyzikální principy letu a objasní, proč by lidstvo mělo dobýt vesmír. Jeho čtivý a srozumitelný výklad doprovází poutavé ilustrace Jany Lenzové.
Na stiahnutie
14,49 €

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Příběh předka

Inspirován Chaucerovými Canterburskými povídkami vyráží autor s tlupou svých čtenářů na pouť k úsvitu evoluce, ode dneška až po vznik života - prvních replikujících se molekul. Začíná u organismů, které známe nejvíce, tedy u člověka, a při sestupu do "evolučního podzemí" postupně sbírá další skupiny organismů.
28,75 € 30,26 €

The God Delusion

In an impassioned rebuttal to religion, a noted scientist and author of The Blind Watchmaker speaks out on his the irrationality of belief in God; criticizes the dire impact of religion on society, from the Crusades to September 11; and argues that religion fuels war, bigotry, child abuse, violence, and other ills.
9,49 € 9,99 €

Sobecký gen

Převratná práce britského biologa přináší zcela nový pohled na vztah organismů a jejich genů. Od dob zakladatele genetiky Gregora Mendela byly geny vnímány tak, že slouží reprodukci organismů. Dawkins však tento pohled obrací a pracuje s provokativní myšlenkou, že naše geny nás tvoří a udržují ke své vlastní reprodukci. Jsme-li loutky, říká Dawkins, můžeme se alespoň pokusit porozumět svým nitkám.
11,12 € 11,70 €

Boží blud

Zatím poslední kniha britského evolučního biologa R. Dawkinse odmítá náboženský fundamentalismus a kritizuje všechny ostatní, i umírněné podoby náboženství. Považuje je za nebezpečný jev, který omezuje svobodné myšlení lidí. Být o něčem přesvědčen na základě víry je podle Dawkinse v ostrém rozporu s přesvědčením na základě racionálních argumentů. Náboženský dogmatismus pak stojí v jádru dalších problémů - od vyučování zjevných nepravd o původu světa a lidstva až po teroristické útoky. Cílem Dawkinsovy knihy je zvýšit sebevědomí ateistů, jejichž pozice např. v USA je podle autora na úrovni homosexuálů před 50 lety.
17,64 € 18,57 €

The Greatest Show on Earth

Charles Darwin's masterpiece, "On the Origin of Species", shook society to its core on publication in 1859. Darwin was only too aware of the storm his theory of evolution would provoke but he would surely have raised an incredulous eyebrow at the controversy still raging a century and a half later. Evolution is accepted as scientific fact by all reputable scientists and indeed theologians, yet millions of people continue to question its veracity. In "The Greatest Show on Earth", Richard Dawkins takes on creationists, including followers of 'Intelligent Design' and all those who question the fact of evolution through natural selection. Like a detective arriving on the scene of a crime, he sifts through fascinating layers of scientific facts and disciplines to build a cast-iron case: from the living examples of natural selection in birds and insects; the 'time clocks' of trees and radioactive dating that calibrate a timescale for evolution; the fossil record and the traces of our earliest ancestors; to confirmation from molecular biology and genetics. All of this, and much more, bears witness to the truth of evolution. "The Greatest Show on Earth" comes at a critical time: systematic opposition to the fact of evolution is now flourishing as never before, especially in America. In Britain and elsewhere in the world, teachers witness insidious attempts to undermine the status of science in their classrooms. Richard Dawkins provides unequivocal evidence that boldly and comprehensively rebuts such nonsense. At the same time he shares with us his palpable love of the natural world and the essential role that science plays in its interpretation. Written with elegance, wit and passion, it is hard-hitting, absorbing and totally convincing.
18,95 € 19,95 €

The Magic of Reality

What are things made of? What is the sun? Why is there night and day, winter and summer? Why do bad things happen? Are we alone? Throughout history people all over the world have invented stories to answer profound questions such as these. Ha ve you heard the tale of how the sun hatched out of an emus egg? Or what about the great catfish that carries the world on its back? Has anyone ever told you that earthquakes are caused by a sneezing giant? These fantastical myths are fun but what is the real answer to such questions? The Magic of Reality, with its explanations of space, time, evolution and more, will inspire and amaze readers of all ages - young adults, adults, children, octogenarians. Teaming up with the renowned illust rator Dave McKean, Richard Dawkins answers all these questions and many more. In stunning words and pictures this book presents the real story of the world around us, taking us on an enthralling journey through scientific reality, and showing that it has an awe-inspiring beauty and thrilling magic which far exceed those of the ancient myths. We encounter rainbows, our genetic ancestors, tsunamis, shooting stars, plants, animals, and an intriguing cast of characters in this extraordinary scie ntific voyage of discovery. Richard Dawkins and Dave McKean have created a dazzling celebration of our planet that will entertain and inform for years to come.
30,35 € 31,95 €

A legnagyobb mutatvány

150 évvel ezelőtti megjelenésekor Charles Darwin fő műve, "A fajok eredete" megrázó erővel hatott kora társadalmára, és a vihar máig nem csitult. Miközben az evolúciót a világ vezető tudósai, sőt teológusai ma már egybehangzóan tudományos tényként fogadják el, még mindig több millióan kételkednek benne. Richard Dawkins az "intelligens tervezéssel" és azokkal a kreacionista tanokkal száll szembe, amelyek megkérdőjelezik az evolúció tényét. A világhírű brit tudós új könyvében egy nyomozó szemével vizsgálja a természetes kiválasztás számos példáját és tárja fel előttünk az evolúció folyamatának részleteit. A könyv megjelenésének időzítése tökéletes, hiszen korábban soha nem látott mértékű burjánzásnak indultak azok az áltudományos nézetek, amelyek szószólói cáfolni akarják az evolúció elméletét. Dawkins merészen -gyakran ironikusan- cáfolja ezeket az állításokat, és miközben sorra veszi őket, szórakoztató bepillantást nyújt a természet világába és annak helyes értelmezésébe. "A legnagyobb mutatvány" lebilincselő olvasmány az emberi törzsfejlődés, a biológia, a molekuláris genetika és a tudomány egyéb területeiről.
18,19 € 19,15 €

Az önző gén

Ezt a könyvet, amely az állati viselkedésről szól, szinte tudományos fantasztikus regényként kell olvasni. Célja az, hogy megmozgassa a képzeletet. De mégsem tudományos fantasztikus regény: tudomány. Az önzőgén-elmélet Darwin elmélete - kicsit más formában. A darwini életmű nem konkrét szervezetekre vonatkozó részletes elvárásokat nyújt nekünk, hanem ennél értékesebb dolgot: a vezérlő elvek megértését. Ez a könyv lényegében a neo-darwinizmus logikus továbbfejlesztése, csak éppen a gének nézőpontjából szemléli a természetet. Hiszen mindannyian túlélőgépek vagyunk, amelyeknek az a dolguk, hogy megőrizzék a géneknek nevezett önző molekulákat. Richárd Dawkins lenyűgöző és szellemes - immár második, bővített kiadásban megjelent - könyve az evolúció génszemléletű felfogásának kifejtésével, az önzés és az önzetlenség biológiájának vizsgálatával arra törekszik, hogy az élettel kapcsolatban minden a helyére kerüljön a szívekben éppúgy, mint az agyakban.
11,69 € 12,31 €

The Magic of Reality

Magic takes many forms. The ancient Egyptians explained the night by suggesting that the goddess Nut swallowed the sun. The Vikings believed a rainbow was the gods' bridge to earth. These are magical, extraordinary tales. But there is another kind of magic, and it lies in the exhilaration of discovering the real answers to these questions. It is the magic of reality - science. Packed with inspiring explanations of space, time and evolution, laced with humour and clever thought experiments, The Magic of Reality explores a stunningly wide range of natural phenomena. What is stuff made of? How old is the universe? What causes tsunamis? Who was the first man, or woman? This is a page-turning, inspirational detective story that not only mines all the sciences for its clues but primes the reader to think like a scientist too. Richard Dawkins elucidates the wonders of the natural world to all ages with his inimitable clarity and exuberance in a text that will enlighten and inform for generations to come.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Climbing Mount Improbable

In "Climbing Mount Improbable", Richard Dawkins, author of "The God Delusion", builds a powerful and carefully reasoned argument for evolutionary adaptation as the force behind all life on earth. What drives species to evolve? How can intricate structures such as the human eye, the spider's web or the wings of birds develop, seemingly by chance? Regarding evolution's most complex achievements as peaks on a metaphorical mountain, "Climbing Mount Improbable" reveals the ways in which the theory of natural selection can precisely explain the beautiful, bizarre and seemingly 'designed' complexity of living things. And through it all runs the thread of DNA, the molecule of life, responsible for its own destiny on an unending pilgrimage through time. Accompanied by evocative illustrations, Dawkins' eloquent descriptions of the living world's astonishing adaptations throw back the curtain on the mysteries of 'Mount Improbable'. "A beautiful, barnstorming thunderclap of a book". (Michael White, "Mail on Sunday"). "Exhilarating - a perfect, elegant riposte to a great deal of fuzzy thinking about natural selection and evolution". ("Observer"). "Dawkins has done more than anyone else now writing to make evolutionary biology comprehensible and acceptable". ("Sunday Times"). "Dazzling". (David Attenborough). "A cracking good book on evolution". (John Gribbin). Richard Dawkins is a Fellow of both the Royal Society and the Royal Society of Literature, and Vice President of the British Humanist Association. He was first catapulted to fame with "The Selfish Gene", which he followed with a string of bestselling books: "The Extended Phenotype", "The Blind Watchmaker", "River Out of Eden", "Unweaving the Rainbow", and an impassioned defence of atheism, "The God Delusion".
11,88 € 12,50 €

Unweaving the Rainbow

From the bestselling author of "The God Delusion", Richard Dawkins' "Unweaving the Rainbow" explores the most important and compelling topics in modern science, and our appetite for wonder. Keats accused Newton of destroying the poetry of the rainbow by explaining the origin of its colours, thus dispelling its mystery. In this illuminating and provocative book, Richard Dawkins argues that Keats could not have been more mistaken and shows how an understanding of science in fact inspires the human imagination and enhances our wonder of the world. "Beautifully written and full of interesting, original ideas. Essential reading". ("The Times"). "A brilliant assertion of the wonder and excitement of real, tough, grown-up science". (A.S. Byatt). "The way Dawkins writes about science is not just a brain-tonic. It is more like an extended stay on a brain health-farm ...you come out feeling lean, tuned and enormously more intelligent". ("Sunday Times"). "For Dawkins there is more poetry, not less, in the rainbow because of Newton ...warming to his theme, he weaves rainbows of wonder from other provinces of science and then unleashes his fury on those who accuse scientists like him of being unimaginative for not believing in horoscopes, telepathy, ghosts and gods". (Matt Ridley). "Brilliantly entertaining and stimulating". ("Observer"). Richard Dawkins is a Fellow of both the Royal Society and the Royal Society of Literature, and Vice President of the British Humanist Association. He was first catapulted to fame with The Selfish Gene, which he followed with a string of bestselling books: "The Extended Phenotype", "The Blind Watchmaker", "River Out of Eden", "Unweaving the Rainbow", and an impassioned defence of atheism, "The God Delusion".
11,88 € 12,50 €

Blind Watchmaker

From the author of "The God Delusion", Richard Dawkins' "The Blind Watchmaker" has been acclaimed as the most influential work on evolution in the last hundred years. In 1802 the Rev. William Paleys argued in "Natural Theology" that just as finding a watch would lead you to conclude that a watchmaker must exist, the complexity of living organisms proves that a Creator exists. Not so, says Richard Dawkins, and in this brilliant and controversial book, the acclaimed evolutionary biologist sets out to demonstrate that the theory of evolution by natural selection - the unconscious, automatic, blind yet essentially non-random process discovered by Charles Darwin - is the only answer to the biggest question of all: why do we exist? 'I want to persuade the reader, not just that the Darwinian world-view happens to be true, but that it is the only known theory that could, in principle, solve the mystery of our existence'. To Dawkins, "The Blind Watchmaker" is nature itself, gradually forming order from the very building-blocks of life: DNA. "This might just be the most important evolution book since Darwin". (John Gribbin). "Richard Dawkins has updated evolution ...his subject is nothing less than the meaning of life". ("The Times"). "Enchantingly witty and persusive ...pleasurably intelligible to the scientifically illiterate". ("Observer"). Richard Dawkins is a Fellow of both the Royal Society and the Royal Society of Literature, and Vice President of the British Humanist Association. He was first catapulted to fame with The Selfish Gene, which he followed with a string of bestselling books: "The Extended Phenotype", "The Blind Watchmaker", "River Out of Eden", "Unweaving the Rainbow", and an impassioned defence of atheism, "The God Delusion".
15,68 € 16,50 €

Greatest show on earth

Charles Darwin's masterpiece, On the Origin of Species, shook society to its core on publication in 1859. Darwin was only too aware of the storm his theory of evolution would provoke but he would surely have raised an incredulous eyebrow at the controversy still raging a century and a half later. Evolution is accepted as scientific fact by all reputable scientists and indeed theologians, yet millions of people continue to question its veracity. In The Greatest Show on Earth Richard Dawkins takes on creationists, including followers of 'Intelligent Design' and all those who question the fact of evolution through natural selection. Like a detective arriving on the scene of a crime, he sifts through fascinating layers of scientific facts and disciplines to build a cast-iron case: from the living examples of natural selection in birds and insects; the 'time clocks' of trees and radioactive dating that calibrate a timescale for evolution; the fossil record and the traces of our earliest ancestors; to confirmation from molecular biology and genetics. All of this, and much more, bears witness to the truth of evolution. The Greatest Show on Earth comes at a critical time: systematic opposition to the fact of evolution is now flourishing as never before, especially in America. In Britain and elsewhere in the world, teachers witness insidious attempts to undermine the status of science in their classrooms. Richard Dawkins provides unequivocal evidence that boldly and comprehensively rebuts such nonsense. At the same time he shares with us his palpable love of the natural world and the essential role that science plays in its interpretation. Written with elegance, wit and passion, it is hard-hitting, absorbing and totally convincing.
14,20 € 14,95 €

Ancestor's Tale

THE ANCESTOR'S TALE is a pilgrimage back through time, a journey on which we meet up with fellow pilgrims as we and they converge on our common ancestors. Chimpanzees join us at about 6 million years in the past, orang utans at 14 million years, as we stride on together, a growing band. The journey provides the setting for a collection of some 40 tales. Each explores an aspect of evolutionary biology through the stories of characters met along the way. The tales are interspersed with prologues detailing the journey, route maps showing joining lineages, and life-like reconstructions of our common ancestors. THE ANCESTOR'S TALE represents a pilgrimage on an unimaginable scale: our goal is four billion years away, and the number of pilgrims joining us grows vast - ultimately encompassing all living creatures. At the end of the journey lies something remarkable in its simplicity and transformative power: the first, humble, replicating molecules.
12,30 € 12,95 €

A valóság varázsa

Miből vannak a dolgok? -Mennyi idős a világegyetem? -Miért néznek ki úgy a kontinensek, mintegy kirakós szétszedett darabjai? -Mi okozza a szökőárt? -Miért van ilyen sokféle állat és növény? -Ki volt az első ember? "A valóság varázsa" látványos, letehetetlen detektívtörténetként kalauzol végig a legkülönbözőbb tudományágakon, és arra sarkallja az olvasót, hogy ő maga is a tudósok fejével gondolkodjon. Richard Dawkins és Dave McKean munkája valódi kincsesbánya mindazok számára, akik valahai is eltűnődtek már a világ működésén - képes kalauz, mely sokáig hasznos útitársunk lehet.
21,89 € 23,04 €