Osamu Dazai
Bringing together novelist Osamu Dazai’s best autobiographical shorts in a single, slim volume, Self-Portraits shows the legendary writer at his best?and worst
“Art dies the moment it acquires authority.” So said Japan’s quintessential rebel writer Osamu Dazai, who, disgusted with the hypocrisy of every kind of establishment, from the nation’s obsolete aristocracy to its posturing, warmongering generals, went his own way, even when that meant his death?and the death of others. Faced with pressure to conform, he declared his individuality to the world?in all its self-involved, self-conscious, and self-hating glory. “Art,” he wrote, “is ‘I.’”
In these short stories, collected and translated by Ralph McCarthy, we can see just how closely Dazai’s life mirrored his art, and vice versa, as the writer/narrator falls from grace, rises to fame, and falls again. Addiction, debt, shame, and despair dogged Dazai until his self-inflicted death, and yet despite all the lies and deception he resorted to in life, there is an almost fanatical honesty to his writing. And that has made him a hero to generations of readers who see laid bare, in his works, the painful, impossible contradictions inherent in the universal commandment of social life?fit in and do as you are told?as well as the possibility, however desperate, of defiance.
Long out of print, these stories will be a revelation to the legions of new fans of No Longer Human, The Setting Sun, and The Flowers of Buffoonery.
Zapadající slunce
Román nazerá na spoločenský a morálny úpadok vládnucej japonskej vrstvy, najmä aristokracie. Krehkosť, emočná sila a poetika textu zaistila dielu, podobne ako autorov román Odepsaný (vydal Slovart, 2022), nadčasovosť, a výraz „trieda zapadajúceho slnka" sa dokonca ujal aj v hovorovej japončine.
Zapadající slunce
Román nazerá na spoločenský a morálny úpadok vládnucej japonskej vrstvy, najmä aristokracie. Krehkosť, emočná sila a poetika textu zaistila dielu, podobne ako autorov román Odepsaný (vydal Slovart, 2022), nadčasovosť, a výraz „trieda zapadajúceho slnka" sa dokonca ujal aj v hovorovej japončine.
Na stiahnutie
11,59 €
The Flowers of Buffoonery
The Flowers of Buffoonery opens in a seaside sanatorium where Yozo Oba-the narrator of No Longer Human at a younger age-is being kept after a failed suicide attempt. While he is convalescing, his friends and family visit him, and other patients and nurses drift in and out of his room. Against this dispiriting backdrop, everyone tries to maintain a light-hearted, even clownish atmosphere: playing cards, smoking cigarettes, vying for attention, cracking jokes and trying to make each other laugh.
While No Longer Human delves into the darkest corners of human consciousness, The Flowers of Buffoonery pokes fun at these same emotions: the follies and hardships of youth, of love and of self-hatred and depression. A glimpse into the lives of a group of outsiders in pre-war Japan, The Flowers of Buffoonery is a darkly humorous and fresh addition to Osamu Dazai's masterful and intoxicating oeuvre.
No Longer Human
Mine has been a life of much shame. I can't even guess myself what it must be to live the life of a human being.
Portraying himself as a failure, the protagonist of Osamu Dazai's No Longer Human narrates a seemingly normal life even while he feels himself incapable of understanding human beings. His attempts to reconcile himself to the world around him begin in early childhood, continue through high school, where he becomes a "clown" to mask his alienation, and eventually lead to a failed suicide attempt as an adult. Without sentimentality, he records the casual cruelties of life and its fleeting moments of human connection and tenderness. Still one of the ten bestselling books in Japan, No Longer Human is an important and unforgettable modern classic: "The struggle of the individual to fit into a normalizing society remains just as relevant today as it was at the time of writing." (The Japan Times)
The Setting Sun
This powerful novel of a nation in social and moral crisis was first published by New Directions in 1956. Set in the early postwar years, The Setting Sun probes the destructive effects of war and the transition from a feudal Japan to an industrial society. The influence of Osamu Dazai's novel has made "people of the setting sun" a permanent part of the Japanese language, and his heroine, Kazuko, a young aristocrat who deliberately abandons her class, a symbol of the anomie which pervades so much of the modern world.
Early Light
Early Light offers three very different aspects of Osamu Dazai's genius: the title story relates his misadventures as a drinker and a family man in the terrible fire bombings of Tokyo at the end of WWII. Having lost their own home, he and his wife flee with a new baby boy and their little girl to relatives in Kofu, only to be bombed out anew. "Everything's gone," the father explains to his daughter: "Mr. Rabbit, our shoes, the Ogigari house, the Chino house, they all burned up," "Yeah, they all burned up," she said, still smiling.
"One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji," another autobiographical tale, is much more comic: Dazai finds himself unable to escape the famous views, the beauty once immortalized by Hokusai and now reduced to a cliche. In the end, young girls torment him by pressing him into taking their photo before the famous peak: "Goodbye," he hisses through his teeth, "Mount Fuji. Thanks for everything. Click."
And the final story is "Villon's Wife," a small masterpiece, which relates the awakening to power of a drunkard's wife. She transforms herself into a woman not to be defeated by anything, not by her husband being a thief, a megalomaniacal writer, and a wastrel. Single-handedly, she saves the day by concluding that "There's nothing wrong with being a monster, is there? As long as we can stay alive."
Józó, hlavní hrdina románu Odepsaný, vypráví o svém na první pohled běžném a víceméně normálním životě, přestože se sám cítí neschopen porozumět lidským bytostem. Pokusy o smíření se s okolním světem začínají v raném dětství, pokračují na střední škole, kde se pro své okolí stává klaunem, aby zamaskoval odcizení, až nakonec vedou v dospělosti k pokusu o sebevraždu.
Autor románu, japonský spisovatel Osamu Dazai, bez sentimentu zaznamenává náhodné krutosti života a prchavé okamžiky lidské pospolitosti, porozumění a něhy. Jeden z nejprodávanějších japonských románů je důkazem toho, že významné literární dílo nemusí během let ztratit nic ze své nadčasové aktuálnosti.
No Longer Human
Portraying himself as a failure, the protagonist of Osamu Dazai's No Longer Human narrates a seemingly normal life even while he feels himself incapable of understanding human beings. Oba Yozo's attempts to reconcile himself to the world around him begin in early childhood, continue through high school, where he becomes a "clown" to mask his alienation, and eventually lead to a failed suicide attempt as an adult. Without sentimentality, he records the casual cruelties of life and its fleeting moments of human connection and tenderness.
The Setting Sun
Set in the early postwar years, it probes the destructive effects of war and the transition from a feudal Japan to an industrial society. Ozamu Dazai died, a suicide, in 1948. But the influence of his book has made "people of the setting sun" a permanent part of the Japanese language, and his heroine, Kazuko, a young aristocrat who deliberately abandons her class, a symbol of the anomie which pervades so much of the modern world.
Osamu Dazai's The Setting Sun
A classic of Japanese literature, brought to life in English & manga for the first time!
This is the first manga edition in English of The Setting Sun, Osamu Dazai's classic novel, often considered his masterpiece.
Set in the aftermath of World War II, this is the story of Kazuko, a strong-willed young woman from an aristocratic family that has fallen into poverty since the war. The book follows Kazuko's journey as she and her family struggle to survive and adapt to the harsh new conditions. In addition to having to move from Tokyo to the countryside, where she is forced to work in the fields to support the family, she has to deal with a difficult divorce, the birth of a stillborn child, and the return of her drug-addicted brother from the war. This gripping and inspiring portrait of one woman's determination to survive in a society that is in the grip of a social and moral crisis tells one story in a fast-changing world, with universal themes that resonates with readers today.
After Soseki Natsume, Osamu Dazai is Japan's most popular writer. Dazai is enjoying a surge in interest among young people today thanks to the success of the manga, anime and film series Bungo Stray Dogs, whose protagonist, a detective named Osamu Dazai, is based on the real-life author.
**Recommended for readers ages 16+ due to mature themes and graphic content**
16,95 €
The Girl Who Became A Fish: Maiden's Bookshelf
What dark fate awaits beneath the roaring falls?
Suwa and her father live alone on the slopes of Horsebare Mountain, eking out the most meager of existences. During the warmer months the beautiful waterfall brings a few sightseers, but when winter comes there is only solitude. Suwa would do anything to escape the life to which her father has resigned himself. And the lure of the river is strong...
This early classic from the author of Japan’s greatest modern novel is a dark, elliptical tale of hopelessness that weaves the folklore of the mountains into an anti-coming-of-age story as vividly relevant today as it was when it was written nearly a hundred years ago.
23,95 €
Józó, hlavní hrdina románu Odepsaný, vypráví o svém na první pohled běžném a víceméně normálním životě, přestože se sám cítí neschopen porozumět lidským bytostem. Pokusy o smíření se s okolním světem začínají v raném dětství, pokračují na střední škole, kde se pro své okolí stává klaunem, aby zamaskoval odcizení, až nakonec vedou v dospělosti k pokusu o sebevraždu.
Autor románu, japonský spisovatel Osamu Dazai, bez sentimentu zaznamenává náhodné krutosti života a prchavé okamžiky lidské pospolitosti, porozumění a něhy. Jeden z nejprodávanějších japonských románů je důkazem toho, že významné literární dílo nemusí během let ztratit nic ze své nadčasové aktuálnosti.
Predaj skončil
8,39 €
Essentially the start of Dazai's career, Schoolgirl gained notoriety for its ironic and inventive use of language. Now it illuminates the prevalent social structures of a lost time, as well as the struggle of the individual against them a theme that occupied Dazai's life both personally and professionally. This new translation preserves the playful language of the original and offers the reader a new window into the mind of one of the greatest Japanese authors of the 20th century.