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Charles Dickens
Spisovateľ, tvorca anglického kritického realizmu, publicista a novinár Charles Dickens sa narodil 7. februára v roku 1812.

Romány tohto velikána svetovej literatúry sa vyznačujú bohatosťou scén, až sentimentálnym súcitom s utrpením chudobných, ostrou kritikou spoločenských nedostatkov a nespravodlivosti. Spisovateľ viktoriánskej éry Spojeného kráľovstva (obdobie 1837-1901) sa vo svojich literárnych dielach, ale aj vo verejnom živote zaoberal hlavne sociálnymi pomermi a s nimi súvisiacou zločinnosťou a súdnym systémom. Dickensove dielo je poznačené jeho trpkým a neradostným detstvom v rodine malého úradníka, ktorý sa pre svoje dlhy dostal do väzenia a až nečakané dedičstvo pomohlo rodine z finančných problémov. Malý Charles Dickens teda už vo svojich dvanástich rokoch pracoval ako robotník v továrni. Táto práca a návštevy vo väzení zanechali v jeho vnímavej duši pocit poníženia a odporu, s ktorým sa často stretávame v jeho neskoršej tvorbe, najmä v románe David Copperfield.
      Charles John Huffam Dickens sa narodil 7. februára 1812 v Portsmouthe. Vďaka svojej húževnatosti a vytrvalosti sa z veľmi chudobného chlapca vypracoval na skutočnú hviezdu literárneho neba. Vzdelanie nadobudol vlastnou usilovnosťou, lebo náruživo čítal staré romány a navštevoval Britské múzeum. Ako 15-ročný sa stal pisárom v kancelárii právneho zástupcu. Naučil sa rýchlopis a v roku 1835 sa stal súdnym a parlamentným spravodajcom časopisu Morning Cronicle.
      Literárnu dráhu začal Dickens v roku 1833 drobnými časopiseckými črtami a poviedkami, ktoré písal pod pseudonymom Boz. Zachytával v nich londýnske prostredie a postavy i z nižších spoločenských vrstiev. Boli to práce plné humoru a vtipov a medzi čitateľmi veľmi obľúbené. Keď v roku 1836 svoje črty vydal knižne ako Bozove črty, nakladateľ ho vyzval k spolupráci na humoristickom seriáli, z čoho vznikla kniha Pamäti Klubu Pickwickovcov. Toto prvé rozsiahle dielo ho preslávilo, ľudový humor a nezabudnuteľné postavy si získali nesmiernu popularitu.
      Román Oliver Twist a nezabudnuteľné zážitky chudobného chlapca, ako aj filmové spracovanie románu obletelo celý svet. Dickens je autorom aj ďalších literárnych titulov, napríklad Malá Dorritka, Pochmúrny dom, Nádejné vyhliadky, Starožitnícky sklep, Barnaby Rudge či historický román z obdobia protikatolíckych nepokojov okolo roku 1780. Americké poznámky napísal po prvej návšteve Spojených štátov amerických (USA). Napísal aj Vianočné knihy s rozprávkami, ako Vianočná pieseň, Novoročné zvony, atď. Pre detského čitateľa vyšlo na Slovensku z tejto oblasti v roku 1999 unikátne dielo Evanjelium podľa Dickensa. Autor v ňom rozpráva evanjeliá svojim desiatim deťom prosto a ľudsky, tak, aby sa im vštepili hlboko do duše i srdca. Dickens považoval toto svoje rozprávanie za súkromnú vec a po celý život ho odmietal publikovať. Kniha uzrela svetlo sveta až po jeho smrti a prológ k slovenskému vydaniu napísal Milan Rúfus.
      Dickens, slávny nielen v Európe, ale aj v USA, ktoré navštívil dvakrát (v rokoch 1841 a 1867) usporadúval turné, na ktorých čítal svoje diela, lebo miloval živý kontakt s čitateľmi. Zomrel náhle 9. júna 1870 vo veku 58 rokov v Gadshill pri písaní svojho posledného románu Záhada Edwina Drooda. Pochovali ho vo Westminsterskom opátstve.
      Britská Kráľovská mincovňa prišla 6. decembra 2011 s neobvyklým nápadom, ako si pripomenúť 200. narodeniny spisovateľa Charlesa Dickensa - vydala novú mincu s portrétom autora, vytvoreného z názvov niektorých jeho najslávnejších beletristických diel.
(Zdroj TASR, foto: wikipedia - Emanuel Müller-Baden)


Oliver Twist + Mp3 audio CD

Penguin Readers is a series of simplified novels, film novelizations and original titles that introduce students at all levels to the pleasures of reading in English. Originally designed for teaching English as a foreign language, the series' combination of high interest level and low reading age makes it suitable for both English-speaking teenagers with limited reading skills and students of English as a second language. Many titles in the series also provide access to the pre-20th century literature strands of the National Curriculum English Orders. "Penguin Readers" are graded at seven levels of difficulty, from "Easystarts" with a 200-word vocabulary, to Level 6 (Advanced) with a 3000-word vocabulary. In addition, titles fall into one of three sub-categories: "Contemporary", "Classics" or "Originals". At the end of each book there is a section of enjoyable exercises focusing on vocabulary building, comprehension, discussion and writing. Some titles in the series are available with an accompanying audio cassette, or in a book and cassette pack. Additionally, selected titles have free accompanying "Penguin Readers Factsheets" which provide stimulating exercise material for students, as well as suggestions for teachers on how to exploit the Readers in class.
10,36 € 10,90 €

Great Expectations + Mp3

Penguin Readers is a series of simplified novels, film novelizations and original titles that introduce students at all levels to the pleasures of reading in English. Originally designed for teaching English as a foreign language, the series' combination of high interest level and low reading age makes it suitable for both English-speaking teenagers with limited reading skills and students of English as a second language. Many titles in the series also provide access to the pre-20th century literature strands of the National Curriculum English Orders. "Penguin Readers" are graded at seven levels of difficulty, from "Easystarts" with a 200-word vocabulary, to Level 6 (Advanced) with a 3000-word vocabulary. In addition, titles fall into one of three sub-categories: "Contemporary", "Classics" or "Originals". At the end of each book there is a section of enjoyable exercises focusing on vocabulary building, comprehension, discussion and writing. Some titles in the series are available with an accompanying audio cassette, or in a book and cassette pack. Additionally, selected titles have free accompanying "Penguin Readers Factsheets" which provide stimulating exercise material for students, as well as suggestions for teachers on how to exploit the Readers in class.
8,08 € 8,50 €

Tücsök szól a tűzhelyen

Charles Dickens (1812-1870) a viktoriánus angol irodalom legnagyobb klasszikusa. Máig tartó népszerűségének titka, hogy elsőként fordult a 19. századi városi szegénység felé, s regényeiben nagy beleérző képességgel állt az elnyomottak mellé. A „Tücsök szól a tűzhelyen” szintén közöttük játszódik, de nem társadalomkritika. Inkább azt mutatja be, hogy az igazi boldogsághoz nem szükséges palotában lakni, egy társasági együttlét gazdagon terített asztal nélkül is jókedvre hangolhat, s ugyanígy örömforrás lehet a hideg téli estén halkan duruzsoló kályha, amikor az apa hazatér családja körébe. A mű, ahogyan az alcíme is sugallja, valóban Az otthon tündérmeséje-ez a mese azonban valósággá válik, mert szeretet, hűség, megértés és segítőkészség uralkodik a szereplők között, s ez minden családi konfliktust felold. Talán minden ajánló sornál ékesebben beszél a tény, hogy a könyv 1845-ös első kiadása tíz nap alatt elfogyott a boltok polcairól. Bizonyára sokan vannak azok is, akiknek Vlagyimir Iljics Lenin-aki a regény színpadi változatának orosz nyelvű bemutatója közben kiment a nézőtérről-kritikája inkább dicséret, mint negatívum, ő ugyanis úgy vélte: Dickens művében sok az érzelem...
1,90 € 2,00 €

London aranykora és más karcolatok

E finoman megrajzolt londoni életképek megmutatják, hogyan éltek az egyházközségek finom, intrikus hölgyei, a nyomornegyedek szegény munkásai és a "boltosok nemzetének" boltosai. Londont a szerzővel bejárva láthatjuk, hogyan szórakozott a cirkuszok és vásárok közönsége, hogyan tengődött a zálogházaké, hogyan sínylődtek a hírhedt Newgate börtön rabjai. Miközben megismerkedünk a város jellegzetes karaktereivel és intézményeivel, utcáinak mindennapi életével, felfedezhetjük azt is, hogy mitől volt olyan radikálisan új a karcolatait "Boz" álnéven publikáló ifjú Dickens látásmódja, stílusa és humora, ami oly ösztönzően hatott nemcsak a magyar irodalmi újságírás megteremtőire, az "életképírókra" - Nagy Ignácra, Kuthy Lajosra -, hanem regényíróinkra is: Jósika Miklósra, Eötvös Józsefre vagy az ifjú Jókai Mórra. A kötetben olvasható - magyar fordításban most először megjelenő - karcolatok zömét Dickens A Pickwick Klub kirobbanó sikerét megelőző két év során közölte a Monthly Magazine, a Morning Chronicle és az Evening Chronicle, valamint a Bell’s Life in London című lapok hasábjain. Kötetben először két hónappal azelőtt jelentek meg, hogy Pickwick úr világhódító útjára indult 1836 áprilisában. Válogatásunk annak az ötvenhat karcolatból álló kompozíciónak alapján készült, melyet Dickens három évvel később - akkor már három regény világhírű szerzőjeként - állított össze.
2,85 € 3,00 €

Skvělé vyhlídky CD

Osmidílná dramatizace slavného románu Charlese Dickense z pera Jaroslava Tafela s mimořádným hereckým výkonem Karla Högera v roli sirotka Pipa.
13,40 € 14,10 €

Great Expectations

The convict scares Pip into stealing food for him and a file to grind away his leg shackles. He warns Pip not to tell anyone and to do as he says or he will cut out Pip's heart and liver. Pip returns home, where he lives with his older sister Mrs. Joe, whose name is later revealed to be Georgiana Maria, and her husband Joe Gargery. His sister is very cruel and beats him as well as her husband with various objects regularly; however, Joe is much kinder to Pip. Pip's sister, called Mrs. Joe throughout the novel, often reminds Pip that she was the one who "brought him up by hand". Early the next morning, Pip steals food and drink from the Gargery pantry (including a pie for their Christmas feast) and sneaks out to the graveyard. It is the first time in Pip's life he's felt truly guilty. During Christmas dinner with the minister Mr. Wopsle, Mr. and Mrs. Hubble, and Uncle Pumblechook, Pip and Mrs. Joe's moderately wealthy uncle, nobody notices the missing food or brandy until Uncle Pumblechook drinks some brandy and spits it out. Pip realizes that he filled the brandy jug not with water, but with tar-water, (a foul-tasting tonic made of pine tar and water often used for medicinal purposes), instead. He had brought some of the brandy to the convict and had to replace it somehow. Pip sits at the table being told how lucky he is by all the relatives all the while in fear that someone will notice the missing pie. However, the moment his sister goes to the pantry to retrieve the pie and discovers it is missing, soldiers approach the house and ask Joe to repair their handcuffs and invite Joe, Pip and Mr. Wopsle to come with them to hunt for some escaped prisoners from the local jail. As they hunt through the marshes outside the village, they accost two convicts while engaged in a fight. One of them is the convict helped by Pip; the convict freely confesses to the theft of the file and "some wittles" (i.e. victuals) in order to shield Pip. The police take the two to the Hulk, a giant prison ship, and Pip is carried home by Joe, where they finish Christmas dinner. A while after Pip's encounter with the convict, Pip's life returns to normal. He continues to attend the local school which is run by Mr. Wopsle's great-aunt, and becomes friends with Biddy, an orphan who was adopted by the Wopsles; even though no more was said of the incident with the convict and he has been absolved of any wrong doing, he still feels guilty for the theft. A wealthy old woman named Miss Havisham asks Pip's Uncle Pumblechook to find a boy of a certain age and bring him to her home to play. Pumblechook immediately selects Pip and brings him to Miss Havisham's, who lives in the village in Satis House. Miss Havisham is a spinster who wears an old wedding dress with one shoe on and has all the house clocks stopped at 20 minutes to nine. She has not seen sunlight in years and claims that she just wants to see Pip play cards with Estella, a young girl she has adopted.
3,79 € 3,99 €

Hard Times

Dickens's great novel of social protest in 19th-century England Thomas Gradgrind, a wealthy, retired merchant, is a cold and industrious man obsessed with facts, statistics, and practicality. He raises his oldest children, Louisa and Tom, according to this philosophy, never allowing them to engage in what he considers to be fanciful pursuits. But when poor Louisa is forced into a loveless marriage to the much older, self-made Josiah Bounderby, she and Tom must risk anger, betrayal, and heartache to break free of their restricted lives and find the happiness they have been so long denied.
3,79 € 3,99 €

Old Curiosity Shop

But what added most to the grotesque expression of his face, was a ghastly smile, which, appearing to be the mere result of habit and to have no connexion with any mirthful or complacent feeling, constantly revealed the few discoloured fangs that were yet scattered in his mouth, and gave him the aspect of a panting dog'. The tale of Little Nell gripped the nation when it first appeared in 1841. Described as a 'tragedy of sorrows', the story tells of Nell uprooted from a secure and innocent childhood and cast into a world where evil takes many shapes, the most fascinating of which is the stunted, lecherous Quilp. Blending realism with non-realistic genres such as fairy-tale, allegory, and pastoral, the tale of Nell's tragedy contains some of Dickens most memorable comic and grotesque creations, including the dwarf Daniel Quilp, Dick Swiveller and Kit Nubbles. The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
6,64 € 6,99 €

Barnaby Rudge

"I dreamed ...I dreamed just now that something - it was in the shape of a man - followed me - came softly to me - wouldn't let me be - but was always hiding and crouching, like a cat in dark corners, waiting till I should pass; when it crept out and came softly after me ..." Set against the backdrop of the Gordon Riots of 1780, Charles Dickens' novel "Barnaby Rudge" is a story of mystery and suspense which begins with an unsolved double murder and goes on to involve conspiracy, blackmail, abduction and retribution. Through the course of the novel fathers and sons become opposed, apprentices plot against their masters and Protestants clash with Catholics on the streets. And, as London erupts into riot, Barnaby Rudge himself struggles to escape the curse of his own past. With its dramatic descriptions of public violence and private horror, its strange secrets and ghostly doublings, "Barnaby Rudge" is a powerful, disturbing blend of historical realism and Gothic melodrama. The Penguin English Library includes 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
6,64 € 6,99 €

David Copperfield

Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show'. Dickens' epic, exuberant novel is one of the greatest coming-of-age stories in literature. It chronicles David Copperfield's extraordinary journey through life, as he encounters villains, saviours, eccentrics and grotesques, including the wicked Mr Murdstone, stout-hearted Peggotty, formidable Betsey Trotwood, impecunious Micawber and odious Uriah Heep. Dickens' great Bildungsroman (based, in part, on his own boyhood, and which he described as a 'favourite child') is a work filled with life, both comic and tragic. The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Dickens at Christmas

It is said that Charles Dickens invented Christmas, and within these pages you'll certainly find all the elements of a quintessential traditional Christmas brought to vivid life: snowy rooftops, gleaming shop windows, steaming bowls of punch, plum puddings like speckled cannon balls, sage and onion stuffing, miracles, magic, charity and goodwill. This beautifully produced "Vintage Classics" edition gathers together not only Dickens' Christmas Books ("A Christmas Carol", "The Chimes", "The Battle of Life","The Cricket on the Hearth" and "The Haunted Man") but also stories that Dickens wrote for the special seasonal editions of his periodicals "All the Year Round" and "Household Words", and a festive tale from "The Pickwick Papers". A must-have for Christmas, this edition should be as necessary to your festivities as holly, mistletoe and silver bells.
17,10 € 18,00 €

Dombey and son

The earth was made for Dombey and Son to trade in, and the sun and moon were made to give them light'. "Dombey and Son" is both a firm and a family and the ambiguous connection between public and private life lies at the heart of Dickens' novel. Paul Dombey is a man who runs his domestic affairs as he runs his business: calculatingly, callously, coldly and commercially. Through his dysfunctional relationships with his son, his two wives, and his neglected daughter Florence, Dickens paints a vivid picture of the limitations of a society dominated by commercial values and the drive for profit and explores the possibility of moral and emotional redemption through familial love. The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
6,64 € 6,99 €

Great Expectations

"What do you think that is?' she asked me, again pointing with her stick; 'that, where those cobwebs are?" "I can't guess what it is, ma'am". "It's a great cake. A bride-cake. Mine!" "Great Expectations", Dickens' funny, frightening and tender portrayal of the orphan Pip's journey of self-discovery, is one of his best-loved works. Showing how a young man's life is transformed by a mysterious series of events - an encounter with an escaped prisoner; a visit to a black-hearted old woman and a beautiful girl; a fortune from a secret donor - Dickens' late novel is a masterpiece of psychological and moral truth, and Pip among his greatest creations. The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
6,64 € 6,99 €

Hard Times

Now, what I want is, Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts. Facts alone are wanted in life. Plant nothing else, and root out everything else'. Coketown is dominated by the figure of Mr Thomas Gradgrind, school owner and model of Utilitarian success. Feeding both his pupils and his family with facts, he bans fancy and wonder from young minds. As a consequence his obedient daughter Louisa marries the loveless businessman and 'bully of humility' Mr Bounderby, and his son Tom rebels to become embroiled in gambling and robbery. And, as their fortunes cross with those of free-spirited circus girl Sissy Jupe and victimised weaver Stephen Blackpool, Gradgrind is eventually forced to recognise the value of the human heart in an age of materialism and machinery. The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in the English language, from the eighteenth century and the first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
9,45 € 9,95 €

Little Dorrit

You talk very easily of hours, sir! How long do you suppose, sir, that an hour is to a man who is choking for want of air?' A masterly evocation of the state and psychology of imprisonment, "Little Dorrit" is one of the supreme works of Dickens's maturity. When Arthur Clennam returns to England after many years abroad, he takes a kindly interest in Amy Dorrit, his mother's seamstress, and in the affairs of Amy's father, a man of shabby grandeur, long imprisoned for debt in the Marshalsea. As Arthur discovers, the dark shadow of the prison stretches far beyond its walls to affect many lives, from Mr Panks, the reluctant rent-collector of Bleeding Heart Yard, to Merdle, an unscrupulous financier. This is the Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
6,64 € 6,99 €

Mystery of Edwin Drood

In the wakeful misery of the night, girded by sordid realities, or wandering through Paradises and Hells of visions...I loved you madly'. Dickens' last novel is a mystery built around a presumed crime - the murder of a nephew by his uncle. Dickens died before completing the story, leaving the mystery unsolved and encouraging successive generations of readers to turn detective. Beyond the preoccupying fact of this intriguing crime, however, the novel also offers readers a characteristically Dickensian mix of the fantastical world of the imagination and a vibrantly journalistic depiction of gritty reality. "The Penguin English Library" - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
6,64 € 6,99 €