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Charles Dickens
Spisovateľ, tvorca anglického kritického realizmu, publicista a novinár Charles Dickens sa narodil 7. februára v roku 1812.

Romány tohto velikána svetovej literatúry sa vyznačujú bohatosťou scén, až sentimentálnym súcitom s utrpením chudobných, ostrou kritikou spoločenských nedostatkov a nespravodlivosti. Spisovateľ viktoriánskej éry Spojeného kráľovstva (obdobie 1837-1901) sa vo svojich literárnych dielach, ale aj vo verejnom živote zaoberal hlavne sociálnymi pomermi a s nimi súvisiacou zločinnosťou a súdnym systémom. Dickensove dielo je poznačené jeho trpkým a neradostným detstvom v rodine malého úradníka, ktorý sa pre svoje dlhy dostal do väzenia a až nečakané dedičstvo pomohlo rodine z finančných problémov. Malý Charles Dickens teda už vo svojich dvanástich rokoch pracoval ako robotník v továrni. Táto práca a návštevy vo väzení zanechali v jeho vnímavej duši pocit poníženia a odporu, s ktorým sa často stretávame v jeho neskoršej tvorbe, najmä v románe David Copperfield.
      Charles John Huffam Dickens sa narodil 7. februára 1812 v Portsmouthe. Vďaka svojej húževnatosti a vytrvalosti sa z veľmi chudobného chlapca vypracoval na skutočnú hviezdu literárneho neba. Vzdelanie nadobudol vlastnou usilovnosťou, lebo náruživo čítal staré romány a navštevoval Britské múzeum. Ako 15-ročný sa stal pisárom v kancelárii právneho zástupcu. Naučil sa rýchlopis a v roku 1835 sa stal súdnym a parlamentným spravodajcom časopisu Morning Cronicle.
      Literárnu dráhu začal Dickens v roku 1833 drobnými časopiseckými črtami a poviedkami, ktoré písal pod pseudonymom Boz. Zachytával v nich londýnske prostredie a postavy i z nižších spoločenských vrstiev. Boli to práce plné humoru a vtipov a medzi čitateľmi veľmi obľúbené. Keď v roku 1836 svoje črty vydal knižne ako Bozove črty, nakladateľ ho vyzval k spolupráci na humoristickom seriáli, z čoho vznikla kniha Pamäti Klubu Pickwickovcov. Toto prvé rozsiahle dielo ho preslávilo, ľudový humor a nezabudnuteľné postavy si získali nesmiernu popularitu.
      Román Oliver Twist a nezabudnuteľné zážitky chudobného chlapca, ako aj filmové spracovanie románu obletelo celý svet. Dickens je autorom aj ďalších literárnych titulov, napríklad Malá Dorritka, Pochmúrny dom, Nádejné vyhliadky, Starožitnícky sklep, Barnaby Rudge či historický román z obdobia protikatolíckych nepokojov okolo roku 1780. Americké poznámky napísal po prvej návšteve Spojených štátov amerických (USA). Napísal aj Vianočné knihy s rozprávkami, ako Vianočná pieseň, Novoročné zvony, atď. Pre detského čitateľa vyšlo na Slovensku z tejto oblasti v roku 1999 unikátne dielo Evanjelium podľa Dickensa. Autor v ňom rozpráva evanjeliá svojim desiatim deťom prosto a ľudsky, tak, aby sa im vštepili hlboko do duše i srdca. Dickens považoval toto svoje rozprávanie za súkromnú vec a po celý život ho odmietal publikovať. Kniha uzrela svetlo sveta až po jeho smrti a prológ k slovenskému vydaniu napísal Milan Rúfus.
      Dickens, slávny nielen v Európe, ale aj v USA, ktoré navštívil dvakrát (v rokoch 1841 a 1867) usporadúval turné, na ktorých čítal svoje diela, lebo miloval živý kontakt s čitateľmi. Zomrel náhle 9. júna 1870 vo veku 58 rokov v Gadshill pri písaní svojho posledného románu Záhada Edwina Drooda. Pochovali ho vo Westminsterskom opátstve.
      Britská Kráľovská mincovňa prišla 6. decembra 2011 s neobvyklým nápadom, ako si pripomenúť 200. narodeniny spisovateľa Charlesa Dickensa - vydala novú mincu s portrétom autora, vytvoreného z názvov niektorých jeho najslávnejších beletristických diel.
(Zdroj TASR, foto: wikipedia - Emanuel Müller-Baden)


Tale Of Two Cities

HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. 'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...' Set before and during the French Revolution in the cities of Paris and London, A Tale of Two Cities tells the story of Dr Manette's release from imprisonment in the Bastille and his reunion with daughter, Lucie. A French aristocrat Darnay and English lawyer Carton compete in their love for Lucie and the ensuing tale plays out against the menacing backdrop of the French Revolution and the shadow of the guillotine.
3,47 € 3,65 €

Příběhy Olivera Twista

Spisovatel Charles Dickens, který prožil nelehké dětství, často zpracovával příběhy sirotků. Jeho nejslavnější knihou v tomto žánru je Oliver Twist - příběh chlapce neznámého původu, vyrůstajícího za otřesných podmínek v sirotčinci, kterého se ujme parta londýnských zlodějíčků. Jak už to u Dickense bývá, nakonec se Oliverův příběh dočká šťastného konce. Kniha byla mnohokrát zfilmována, naposledy roku 2005 Romanem Polanskim.
12,01 € 12,64 €

A Christmas Carol and Other Christmas Stories

A Christmas Carol is one of the best loved and most quoted of all English language Christmas stories. First published in 1843, it never fails to make an appearance every Christmas in some form. Ebenezer Scrooge, a most disagreeable curmudgeon, is visited by the ghost of his partner Jacob Marley. Marley informs him that he is to receive three visitors this Christmas Eve. They are the spirits of Christmas Past, Present, and Future. By the next morning the change in Scrooge is astonishing, he has become a kind, generous, caring and thoughtful person. Dickens' flair for characters has left us with two who have gone past the story and entered into the English speaking culture - Scrooge and Tiny Tim.
30,39 € 31,99 €

Christmas Carol

John Leech's original magnificent illustrations to "A Christmas Carol" have been beautifully hand-coloured by Barbara Frith. A celebration of Christmas, a tale of redemption and a critique on Victorian society, Dickens' atmospheric novella follows the miserly, penny-pinching Ebenezer Scrooge who views Christmas as 'humbug'. It is only through a series of eerie, life-changing visits from the ghost of his deceased business partner Marley and the spirits of Christmas past, present and future that he begins to see the error of his ways. With heart-rending characters, rich imagery and evocative language, the message of "A Christmas Carol" remains as significant today as when it was first published.
12,83 € 13,50 €

Great Expectations

From A to Z, the Penguin Drop Caps series collects 26 unique hardcovers--featuring cover art by type superstar Jessica Hische It all begins with a letter. Fall in love with Penguin Drop Caps, a new series of twenty-six collectible and gift-worthy hardcover editions, each with a type cover showcasing a gorgeously illustrated letter of the alphabet by superstar type designer Jessica Hische, whose work has appeared everywhere from Tiffany & Co. to Wes Anderson's film "Moonrise Kingdom" to Penguin's own bestsellers "Committed "and "Rules of Civility." A collaboration between Jessica Hische and Penguin Art Director Paul Buckley, the series design encompasses foil-stamped paper-over-board cases in a rainbow-hued spectrum across all twenty-six book spines and a decorative stain on all three paper edges. Penguin Drop Caps debuts with an "A" for Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice," a "B" for Charlotte Bronte's "Jane Eyre," and a "C" for Willa Cather's "My antonia," and continues with more classics from Penguin. D is for Dickens. The orphan Pip is destined to become a blacksmith like his brother-in-law Joe. But when Pip meets the beautiful Estella Havisham, he yearns for a gentleman's education in order to woo her. A mysterious legacy answers his ambition, and changes the course of his life, taking him far from the Marshes of youth--far, so he thinks, from his early terrifying encounter with an escaped convict, and his sister's class resentments. In this fictional autobiography, Pip's coming-of-age story becomes representative of the changing social landscape of nineteenth century England. As Pip's education provides upward social mobility, he must also learn hard lessons about self-delusion and forgiveness, love and loss, and the true nature of his "Great Expectations."
14,24 € 14,99 €

Kronika Pickwikova klubu

První kniha slavného romanopisce Charlese Dickense vycházela původně na pokračování časopisecky. Toto základní dílo světové humoristické literatury vypráví o osudech pana Pickwicka, jeho tří přátel a sluhy, kteří cestují po anglickém venkově. Líčení lapálií pánů Pickwicka, Snodgrasse, Tupmana a Wellera vycházelo původně v 19 sešitech během let 1836-1837. I v tomto veselém čtení však pozorný čtenář nalezne zárodky kritiky sociální nespravedlnosti, díky které se stal Dickens tak proslulý.
13,35 € 14,05 €

David Copperfield

I have in my heart of hearts a favourite child. And his name is DAVID COPPERFIELD,' wrote Dickens of what is the most personal, certainly one of the most popular, of all his novels. Dickens wrote the book after the completion of a fragment of autobiography recalling his employment as a child in a London warehouse, and in the first-person narrative, a new departure for him, realized marvellously the workings of memory. The embodiment of his boyhood experience in the novel involved a 'complicated interweaving of truth and fiction', at its most subtle in the portrait of his father as Mr Micawber, one of Dickens's greatest comic creations. Enjoying a humour that never becomes caricature, the reader shares David's affection for the eccentric Betsey Trotwood and her protege Mr Dick, and smiles with the narrator at the trials he endures in his love for the delightfully silly Dora. Settings, (East Anglia, the London of the 1820s), people, and events are unified by their relationship to the story of Steerforth's treachery, which reaches its powerful climax in the storm scene. This edition, which has the accurate Clarendon text, includes Dickens's trial titles and working notes, and eight of the original illustrations by 'Phiz'. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
6,65 € 7,00 €

Great Expectations

This is a graphic deluxe edition to mark the 150th anniversary of Dickens' most well-loved novel. A terrifying encounter with an escaped convict in a graveyard on the wild Kent marshes; a summons to meet the bitter, decaying Miss Havisham and her beautiful, cold-hearted ward Estella; the sudden generosity of a mysterious benefactor - these form a series of events that change the orphan Pip's life forever, as he eagerly abandons his humble origins to begin a new life as a gentleman. Dickens' haunting novel depicts Pip's education and development through adversity as he discovers the true nature of his great expectations. Published nine years before Dickens' death, it remains one of his most celebrated works.
14,24 € 14,99 €

The Great Novels of Charles Dickens (Boxed Set)

2012 marks the two-hundredth anniversary of the birth of one of our greatest and most important novelists, Charles Dickens. To celebrate we're publishing eight of his best and most well-loved novels in this exclusive, must-have boxed set of our authoritative Penguin Classics editions.
90,54 € 95,31 €

Great Expectations

"Great Expectations" follows the life of the orphan, Pip. We first meet him as a tiny, terrified child in a village churchyard. Years later, through the help of an anonymous benefactor, Pip will travel to London, full of expectations to become a gentleman. But his life is already inextricably tangled in a mystery that surrounds a beautiful woman, an embittered recluse, and an ambitious lawyer. This beautiful, leatherbound edition of a classic is sure to make a welcome addition to any home library.
22,33 € 23,50 €

Young Adult Eli Readers - English: Great Expectations + CD

Great Expectations depicts the growth and personal development of an orphan named Pip. In this Reader you will find: Information about Charles Dickens’ life | A section focusing on background and context | CLIL History | Glossary | Comprehension activities | KET-style activities | Exit test Tags Classic | English | Literature Pip is born poor, but one day his life mysteriously changes. He is sent to London to learn to become a gentleman. But who is paying for his education? Who is paying for his life in London? We follow Pip as he grows up, falls in love and finally discovers the truth about himself. On the way, we meet... Syllabus Nouns abstract nouns, compound nouns, noun phrases Pronouns RELATIVE: who, which, that Adjectives opinion, description, classification, participles as adjectives Verbs TENSE, ASPECT, FORM Present Perfect Simple Past Continuous, Future with going to, infinitives after verbs and adjectives, -ing forms after verbs and prepositions, Present and Past Simple Passive, shall for offers, should for suggestions, must for obligation, need for necessity, obligation Types of Clause defining relative clause: who,where, zero and type-one conditionals
7,60 € 8,00 €

Young Adult Eli Readers - English: A Tale of Two Cities + CD

A Tale of Two Cities is Charles Dickens’s most famous historical novel. Set in Paris and London at the time of the French Revolution, this is the story of two men, Frenchman, Charles Darnay, and Englishman, Sydney Carton. As the Revolution takes hold and the Terror begins, the two men’s destinies bring them together in a powerful story of love, hate and revenge. We meet revolutionaries and aristocrats, and see the poverty of many in both London and Paris contrasted with the wealth of a few.
7,60 € 8,00 €

Teen Eli Readers: Oliver Twist, bez CD

Please, sir, can I have some more?’ asks Oliver. Tags Friendship and hate Social Issues In this Reader you will find: - Focus on... - Comprehension activities - Glossary of difficult words - Test yourself Oliver Twist is a poor orphan boy. He hasn’t got a mum or dad and he lives in a terrible place called the workhouse. One day, he makes the master of the workhouse very angry and his life changes forever... What will happen next to Oliver? Where will he go? Will he find a nice family to live with or will Fagin and his gang of thieves make Oliver stay with them? Read this exciting tale of life in 19th century England and find out! Syllabus Topics Family and friends, The home, Colours, Food Grammar and Structures Adjectives, Adverbs, Comparatives and Superlatives, Conjunctions, Can for ability and requests / permission, Determiners, Have got, Infinitive of purpose, Must for obligation, Nouns, Prepositions (place, time), Pronouns, Question words, Relative clauses, There is / There are, Verb tenses; present simple, present continuous, past simple, Verb + infinitive / + ing, When clauses, Would like Audio nahrávku si teraz môžete vypočuť pomocou voľne dostupnej aplikácie. Viac informácií nájdete na zadnej strane publikácie.
6,37 € 6,70 €

Great Expectations (book & CD)

Extensive reading improves fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for hand-picked classics of English literature that are simplified and adapted for students in an accessible and engaging way. Great Expectations is one of Charles Dickens' most popular novels, its colourful characters and strong story inspiring numerous film and TV adaptations. This simplified version condenses the novel for students of English and is interspersed with stills from the recent film adaptation starring Helena Bonham-Carter and Ralph Fiennes.
9,41 € 9,90 €

Great Expectations

Könnyített olvasmány Charles Dickens klasszikusával.
5,05 € 5,32 €

David Copperfield

Slavný román, v němž sledujeme hlavního hrdinu od neradostného dětství po dobu, kdy se z něj stává úspěšný spisovatel a nachází štěstí a klid v rodinném životě. David Copperfield, kterého Dickens považoval za „nejoblíbenější dítě“ své představivosti, je velkolepé dílo plné dobrodružných, tragických i komických pasáží a dodnes okouzluje nové a nové čtenáře.
26,74 € 28,15 €