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Charles Dickens
Spisovateľ, tvorca anglického kritického realizmu, publicista a novinár Charles Dickens sa narodil 7. februára v roku 1812.

Romány tohto velikána svetovej literatúry sa vyznačujú bohatosťou scén, až sentimentálnym súcitom s utrpením chudobných, ostrou kritikou spoločenských nedostatkov a nespravodlivosti. Spisovateľ viktoriánskej éry Spojeného kráľovstva (obdobie 1837-1901) sa vo svojich literárnych dielach, ale aj vo verejnom živote zaoberal hlavne sociálnymi pomermi a s nimi súvisiacou zločinnosťou a súdnym systémom. Dickensove dielo je poznačené jeho trpkým a neradostným detstvom v rodine malého úradníka, ktorý sa pre svoje dlhy dostal do väzenia a až nečakané dedičstvo pomohlo rodine z finančných problémov. Malý Charles Dickens teda už vo svojich dvanástich rokoch pracoval ako robotník v továrni. Táto práca a návštevy vo väzení zanechali v jeho vnímavej duši pocit poníženia a odporu, s ktorým sa často stretávame v jeho neskoršej tvorbe, najmä v románe David Copperfield.
      Charles John Huffam Dickens sa narodil 7. februára 1812 v Portsmouthe. Vďaka svojej húževnatosti a vytrvalosti sa z veľmi chudobného chlapca vypracoval na skutočnú hviezdu literárneho neba. Vzdelanie nadobudol vlastnou usilovnosťou, lebo náruživo čítal staré romány a navštevoval Britské múzeum. Ako 15-ročný sa stal pisárom v kancelárii právneho zástupcu. Naučil sa rýchlopis a v roku 1835 sa stal súdnym a parlamentným spravodajcom časopisu Morning Cronicle.
      Literárnu dráhu začal Dickens v roku 1833 drobnými časopiseckými črtami a poviedkami, ktoré písal pod pseudonymom Boz. Zachytával v nich londýnske prostredie a postavy i z nižších spoločenských vrstiev. Boli to práce plné humoru a vtipov a medzi čitateľmi veľmi obľúbené. Keď v roku 1836 svoje črty vydal knižne ako Bozove črty, nakladateľ ho vyzval k spolupráci na humoristickom seriáli, z čoho vznikla kniha Pamäti Klubu Pickwickovcov. Toto prvé rozsiahle dielo ho preslávilo, ľudový humor a nezabudnuteľné postavy si získali nesmiernu popularitu.
      Román Oliver Twist a nezabudnuteľné zážitky chudobného chlapca, ako aj filmové spracovanie románu obletelo celý svet. Dickens je autorom aj ďalších literárnych titulov, napríklad Malá Dorritka, Pochmúrny dom, Nádejné vyhliadky, Starožitnícky sklep, Barnaby Rudge či historický román z obdobia protikatolíckych nepokojov okolo roku 1780. Americké poznámky napísal po prvej návšteve Spojených štátov amerických (USA). Napísal aj Vianočné knihy s rozprávkami, ako Vianočná pieseň, Novoročné zvony, atď. Pre detského čitateľa vyšlo na Slovensku z tejto oblasti v roku 1999 unikátne dielo Evanjelium podľa Dickensa. Autor v ňom rozpráva evanjeliá svojim desiatim deťom prosto a ľudsky, tak, aby sa im vštepili hlboko do duše i srdca. Dickens považoval toto svoje rozprávanie za súkromnú vec a po celý život ho odmietal publikovať. Kniha uzrela svetlo sveta až po jeho smrti a prológ k slovenskému vydaniu napísal Milan Rúfus.
      Dickens, slávny nielen v Európe, ale aj v USA, ktoré navštívil dvakrát (v rokoch 1841 a 1867) usporadúval turné, na ktorých čítal svoje diela, lebo miloval živý kontakt s čitateľmi. Zomrel náhle 9. júna 1870 vo veku 58 rokov v Gadshill pri písaní svojho posledného románu Záhada Edwina Drooda. Pochovali ho vo Westminsterskom opátstve.
      Britská Kráľovská mincovňa prišla 6. decembra 2011 s neobvyklým nápadom, ako si pripomenúť 200. narodeniny spisovateľa Charlesa Dickensa - vydala novú mincu s portrétom autora, vytvoreného z názvov niektorých jeho najslávnejších beletristických diel.
(Zdroj TASR, foto: wikipedia - Emanuel Müller-Baden)


The Classic Works of Charles Dickens 1

Few writers have better captured the times they were writing in as well as Charles Dickens. Dickens' ability to observe and record human character and environment have placed him at the top table of English fiction writers alongside Shakespeare and Austen, and his titles are still as popular today as they were upon first publication. Charles Dickens was a sensation in his own time, his stories as popular upon publication as they are now, where he sits at the summit of English literature. His depictions of Victorian England, in particular, have become so engrained in common consciousness that they are considered as almost historical texts on the age. In this collection you will find the tale of Oliver Twist, the orphan who Dickens used as a vehicle to highlight the unfairness of the Poor Law and the treacherous conditions of London slum life. In Great Expectations we are introduced to a vast array of quirky and interesting characters - from Pip to Estella, Magwitch to Honest Joe - whilst getting a study on class division and personal relationships. The third novel, A Tale of Two Cities, transports us to revolutionary France, where events fascinated Dickens' social interests. The study of Dr Manette's readjustment to freedom from prison is a brilliant demonstration of the author's unrivalled talent for producing fiction of subtlety and depth.
16,63 € 17,50 €

The Classic Works of Charles Dickens 2

Charles Dickens' ability to observe and record human character and environment have placed him at the top table of English fiction writers alongside Shakespeare and Austen, and his titles are still as popular today as they were upon first publication. Dickens was a sensation in his own time, his stories as popular upon publication as they are now, where he sits at the summit of English literature. His depictions of Victorian England, in particular, have become so engrained in common consciousness that they are considered as almost historical texts on the age. Nicholas Nickleby was Dickens' third novel, and backed up the successes of Pickwick Papers and Oliver Twist, with the eponymous hero encountering an array of characters and types in the world of Victorian theatre. A Christmas Carol is the immortal tale of mean Ebenezer Scrooge, who ultimately renounces his curmudgeonly and tight-fisted ways after being visited by ghosts at Christmas time. Hard Times reflects Dickens' deepening interests in social inequalities, the story of a fictional milltown in Lancashire borne from time the author spent in Preston in 1854.
16,63 € 17,50 €

A Christmas Carol

HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. 'I am the Ghost of Christmas Present,' said the Spirit. 'Look upon me!' A celebration of Christmas, a tale of redemption and a critique on Victorian society, Dickens' atmospheric novella follows the miserly, penny-pinching Ebenezer Scrooge who views Christmas as 'humbug'. It is only through a series of eerie, life-changing visits from the ghost of his deceased business partner Marley and the spirits of Christmas past, present and future that he begins to see the error of his ways. With heart-rending characters, rich imagery and evocative language, the message of A Christmas Carol remains as significant today as when it was first published.
3,47 € 3,65 €

Charles Dickens - The Essential Collection

This superb collection of classic Victorian literature features the most notable works of Charles Dickens, including Oliver Twist (1839), A Christmas Carol (1843), A Tale of Two Cities (1859), and Great Expectations (1861). Considered the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Dickens was especially known for his unusual characters, incisive social commentary, and carefully constructed plots. Over the last two centuries, his popular fiction has continued to inspire adaptations in nearly artistic genre, and now it is available--complete and unabridged--in this gorgeous slipcase edition. The stylish clothbound hardcover also features a ribbon marker, historical timeline, and comprehensive introduction, enlightening the reader on the author's life and works.
29,93 € 31,50 €

The Old Curiosity Shop

Adapted for Intermediate level readers, this story is about Nell and her grandfather, who live in The Old Curiosity Shop. They are very poor, and when disaster strikes, Nell must try to protect herself and her grandfather from people who wish them harm.
9,31 € 9,80 €

London - Vintage Minis

'Wealth and beggary, virtue and vice, repletion and the direst hunger, all treading on each other and crowding together' Could any writer portray London better than Charles Dickens? Dickens knew the city inside out, walking the streets day and night, in all weathers, and drawing inspiration from everything he saw. The fog, the mud, the churning river, the clamour of church bells, and at every corner schemes of business or pleasure - this is Dickens's London in the company of some of his most memorable characters. Selected from the work of Charles Dickens VINTAGE MINIS: GREAT MINDS. BIG IDEAS. LITTLE BOOKS. A series of short books by the world's greatest writers on the experiences that make us human Also in the Vintage Minis series: Murder by Arthur Conan Doyle Power by William Shakespeare Independence by Charlotte Bronte
6,60 € 6,95 €

Penguin Readers Level 6: Great Expectations

Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online. Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content. The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers' story comprehension and develop vocabulary. Visit the Penguin Readers websiteExclusively with the print edition, readers can unlock online resources including a digital book, audio edition, lesson plans and answer keys. When the orphan Pip is taken to the house of Miss Havisham, he meets and falls in love with Estella. Estella is beautiful but cold and Pip decides that he will become rich so that he can marry her. Later he learns that somebody has given him a lot of money, but Pip does not know who this person is.
9,03 € 9,50 €

Dickens at Christmas

A selection of the best of Dickens' Christmas stories and writings, in one beautiful edition. It is said that Charles Dickens invented Christmas, and within these pages you'll certainly find all the elements of a quintessential traditional Christmas brought to vivid life: snowy rooftops, gleaming shop windows, steaming bowls of punch, plum puddings like speckled cannon balls, sage and onion stuffing, miracles, magic, charity and goodwill. This beautifully produced Vintage Classics edition gathers together not only Dickens' Christmas Books ('A Christmas Carol', 'The Chimes', 'The Battle of Life', 'The Cricket on the Hearth' and 'The Haunted Man') but also stories that Dickens wrote for the special seasonal editions of his periodicals All the Year Round and Household Words, and a festive tale from The Pickwick Papers. A must-have for Christmas, this edition should be as necessary to your festivities as holly, mistletoe and silver bells.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist is one of Charles Dickens's most popular novels, with many famous film, television and musical adaptations. It tells the story of the orphaned Oliver who is brought up in a harsh workhouse, then initiated into the criminal world of Fagin and his gang, before being eventually rescued by a loving family. This is a classic story of good against evil, packed with humour and pathos, drama and suspense, and peopled with some of Dickens' most memorable characters. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition features original illustrations by George Cruikshank, with an afterword by Sam Gilpin. Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.
12,83 € 13,50 €

Penguin Readers Level 5: David Copperfield

Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online. Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content. The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers' story comprehension and develop vocabulary. Visit the Penguin Readers website Exclusively with the print edition, readers can unlock online resources including a digital book, audio edition, lesson plans and answer keys. David Copperfield lives happily with his mother and his nurse, Peggotty. Then his mother marries Mr Murdstone, and he and his sister come to live with them. Suddenly everything changes . .
9,03 € 9,50 €

Christmas Carol & Other Christmas Tales

This collection of Christmas tales includes Dickens' classic, 'A Christmas Carol'. Short stories and poems by various authors are also featured.
36,05 € 37,95 €

Lacná kniha Vianočná koleda (-70%)

Pán Scrooge je známy ako lakomec a jeho chamtivosť nepozná hraníc. Dokonca ani na Vianoce sa jeho tvrdé srdce neobmäkčí, len podráždene a s kyslým výrazom na tvári sleduje predvianočný zhon. Nečakaná a tajuplná návšteva, ktorá ho vyľaká, však mnohé zmení. Navštívi ho Marley, jeho dávny obchodný partner, čo by však nebolo nič neobvyklé, keby Marley nebol dávno mŕtvy. A nebude to len duch Marleyho, ale pána Scroogea prídu osobne pozrieť aj ďalšie prízraky. Štedrý deň sa neúprosne blíži a s ním možnosť vykúpenia. Prehodnotí Scrooge svoj doterajší život, alebo sa bude naďalej utápať v pocitoch odporu a nenávisti? Najkrajší príbeh veľkého anglického rozprávača " Vianočná koleda" z roku 1843 aj v súčasnosti dokáže zaujať a osloviť čitateľov po celom svete.
3,57 € 11,90 €

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Lacná kniha David Copperfield (-70%)

Román, při jehož psaní se Charles Dickens inspiroval svým vlastním životem (jeho rodiče se ocitli ve vězení pro dlužníky a Dickens si musel jako malý chlapec vydělávat na živobytí), ukazuje životní pouť sirotka Davida Copperfielda. Během svého života potkává lidi bezohledné a kruté, jako je například jeho nevlastní otec , nebo ředitel sirotčince, kam je umístěn právě po roztržce s otcem. Potkává ale i dobrosrdečné lidi a i v nevlídném sirotčinci si najde přátele. Po neradostném dětství a nelehkém dospívání nakonec David nalezne štěstí.
3,51 € 11,70 €

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