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Arthur Doyle strana 27 z 39


Arthur Doyle

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle bol škótsky spisovateľ, ktorý sa preslávil poviedkami o Sherlockovi Holmesovi, a to aj v sérii Sherlock Holmes vyšetruje. Jeho ďalšie veľmi známe dielo je Stratený svet.

Narodil sa 22. mája 1859 ako druhý syn z desiatich detí Charlesa Altamonta a Mary Foley Doyleovej. V roku 1868 začal študovať na jezuitskej škole v Lancashire. Na Edinburgskej univerzite študoval medicínu, kde získal v roku 1885 titul doktor medicíny. Potom slúžil ako lodný lekár na plavbe k západnému africkému pobrežiu, po ktorej nasledovala v roku 1882 príprava lekárskej praxe v Plymouthe. Počas štúdia ho zaujali schopnosti jeho profesora Dr. Josepha Bella pri detailnej diagnóze pacientovho stavu. Toto majstrovstvo diagnostickej dedukcie sa stalo modelom pre jeho literárnu tvorbu. Jeho lekárska prax bola neúspešná, avšak pre čitateľov mala veľmi kladný vplyv. Začal sa venovať literatúre. Prvá zmienka o Sherlockovi Holmesovi je datovaná v roku 1887. Asi najznámejším dielom je Sherlock Holmes v knihe Pes baskervilský a známy Stratený svet - taktiež vo filmovej podobe.

Mal dve manželky - Louisu Hawkinsovú a potom Jean Leckieovú a dvakrát sa uchádzal i o parlamentné kreslo, ale napriek značnej podpore nebol nakoniec zvolený. Doyle bol vášnivým lyžiarom a predpovedal, že nastane doba, keď budú tisíce ľudí jazdiť do Švajčiarska lyžovať. V roku 1928 podnikol päťmesačnú cestu po Afrike. V roku 1902 bol povýšený do rytierskeho stavu, za jeho prácu v poľnej nemocnici v Bloemfonteine (Južná Afrika) a ďalšie služby počas Vojny v Južnej Afrike. Zomrel 7. júla 1930.

zdroj: wikipedia


Slavné případy Sherlocka Holmese 7 CD

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Slavné případy Sherlocka Holmese

Vševědoucí detektiv opět na stopě zločinu - tentokrát v podání Miloše Kopeckého, Viktora Preisse a Františka Němce.
40,27 € 42,39 €

The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes

'Mr Sherlock Holmes, the well-known private detective, was the victim of a murderous assault this morning which has left him in a precarious position'. Dr Watson stops dead in his tracks when he reads of the attempt on his friend's life. The forces of nature turn against man, love breeds hatred and cowardice, mothers appear to attack their own children, and Sherlock Holmes, the one man who can redress the balance, seemingly lies at death's door ...When an assassination attempt is made on the great detective's life it seems that no one can escape the death and dread which blights Britain...
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The Sign of Four Sherlock Holmes

A dense yellow miasma swirls in the streets of London as Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson accompany a beautiful young woman to a sinister assignation. For Mary Marston has received several large pearls - one a year for the last six years - and now a mys tery letter telling her she is a wronged woman. If she would seek justice she is to meet her unknown benefactor, bringing with her two companions. But unbeknownst to them all, others stalk London's fog-enshrouded streets: a one-legged ruffian with re venge on his mind --and his companion, who places no value on human life...
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It is the Valley of Fear, the Valley of Death. The terror is in the hearts of the people from the dusk to the dawn. Wait, young man, and you will learn for yourself'. Sherlock Holmes is intrigued and disturbed when he receives an ominous coded messag e: a Mr Douglas of Birlstone House is in terrible danger. Before Holmes can act, shocking news arrives. Douglas has been founded dead - his face blown off by a shotgun. Scotland Yard is stumped. Was this suicide or murder? But Holmes is in no doubt. For he recognises the calling card of his nemesis. Professor James Moriarty.
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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

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Pes baskervillský

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Vánoční detektivky CD

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Jobb nem firtatni

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle-t a hazai olvasóközönség leginkább Sherlock Holmes atyjaként ismeri, pedig sokoldalút és maradandót alkotott a természetfölötti irodalom terén is. Régiségbúvár rémtörténeteiben melyek többek között az első múmiafilmet ihlették a történelem és az egyiptológia iránti érdeklődése nyilvánul meg; spiritiszta novelláiban saját személyes tapasztalatait dolgozza fel a szeánszokról, a médiumokról és a szellemidézésről; hátborzongató tengerészhistóriáiban egyebek mellett magyarázato t kínál a Mary Celeste kísértethajó titokzatos esetére; kegyetlen meséiben (contes cruels) arról fest végletes képet, hová fajulhatnak a sötét emberi szenvedélyek; modern rémtörténeteiben pedig a tudományos-technológiai haladás vívmányaiban rejlő ije sztő lehetőségekkel játszadozik. Kötetünk reprezentatív betekintést nyújt munkásságának e kevésbé közismert, ám annál figyelemreméltóbb szeletébe, a MesterMűvek hagyományai szerint minden elbeszéléshez külön bevezetést és magyarázatokat mellékelve. A rthur Conan Doyle mindmáig az egyik legkedveltebb írónk; műveit világszerte érdeklődéssel és olykor megszállottsággal olvassák. - (Russell Miller)
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The Hound of the Baskervilles and The Valley of Fear

This volume contains two of the greatest Sherlock Holmes novels penned by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The Hound of the Baskervilles is the classic detective chiller. The Baskerville family is haunted by a phantom beast which roams the mist-enshrouded wilds of Dartmoor. Now The Hound seems to be stalking the young Sir Henry, new heir to the Baskerville estate. Is this devilish spectre the manifestation of the family curse? Or is Sir Henry the victim of a vile and scheming murderer? Only Sherlock Holmes can solve the mystery. In
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The Best of Sherlock Holmes

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The Complete Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes is the greatest fictional detective in the world. The hero of 56 short stories and four novels, he is so convincing that letters still arrive at 221b Baker Street seeking his help, and when it was thought that he had died in his clash with the evil Professor Moriarty ('the Napoleon of Crime') young men in London wore black armbands. This handsome edition, bound in real cloth, with head and tail bands, a ribbon marker, top edge gilt and a gold-blocked jacket, presents all of the short stories, many illustrated by Sidney Paget, who prepared these drawings for the original publication in "The Strand Magazine". It also contains the four novels: "A Study in Scarlet" in which Holmes and Dr Watson first meet, "The Sign of the Four", "The Valley of Fear" and the chilling masterpiece "The Hound of the Baskervilles". This title features Introduction by David Stuart Davies, former editor of "Sherlock Holmes: The Magazine".
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A Study In Scarlet Sherlock

The hit BBC series "Sherlock" offers a fresh, contemporary take on the classic Arthur Conan Doyle stories, and has helped introduce a whole new generation of fans to the legendary detective. The debut episode took as its inspiration the very first Sherlock Holmes novel, "A Study in Scarlet" - and this new edition of Conan Doyle's novel will allow Sherlock fans to discover, or re-discover, the power of that classic story. "A Study in Scarlet" is the genre-defining work with which popular crime fiction was born. A potent mix of serial murder, suspense, cryptic clues, red herrings and revenge, the novel introduces us to the world-famous characters of Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson and Inspector Lestrade and sees Sherlock and Dr. Watson meet and join forces for the first time as they track a mysterious killer that stalks London's streets. In addition to the original text, this edition also has an introduction by Sherlock co-creator Steven Moffat, who explains how it inspired the Sherlock script.
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Sherlock Holmes 5 CD

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