Roddy Doyle
Paddy Clarke, hahaha
1968-at írunk. Paddy Clarke tízéves, és dúl benne a felfedezés vágya. Olyan mohón olvas, ahogy csak gyerekek tudnak, és úgy gyűjti a tényeket, mint a felnőttek az ősz hajszálakat és a parkolójegyeket. Vadóc barátaival focizik, kovbojosat játszik, Barrytown-szerte belekarcolja a nevét a száradó betonba, gyújtogat.
Utálja az öccsét, Francist, mert… mert ezt így szokás. És szereti a szüleit, de úgy tűnik, ők nem szeretik egymást, és Paddy meg akarja érteni, hogy miért. Mindent lát maga körül, de egyre kevésbé ért bármit is.
A Booker-díjas Paddy Clarke, hahaha zseniálisan ragadja meg a gyermekkor beszédmódját, a szüntelen kérdezősködés furcsa logikáját, csapongását, rácsodálkozását, és tárja fel a szeretet, fájdalom és veszteség érzésének legapróbb rezdüléseit.
Őszinte, kacagtató és fájdalmasan szomorú regény.
Paddy clarke ha ha ha
Roddy Doyle's Booker Prize-winning novel describes the world of ten-year-old Paddy Clarke, growing up in Barrytown, north Dublin. From fun and adventure on the streets, boredom in the classroom to increasing isolation at home, "Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha" is the story of a boy who sees everything but understands less and less.
7,95 €
The Woman Who Walked Into Doors
This is the heart-rending story of a woman struggling to reclaim her dignity after a violent, abusive marriage and a worsening drink problem. Paula Spencer recalls her contented childhood, the audacity she learned as a teenager, the exhilaration of her romance with Charlo and the marriage to him that left her powerless. Capturing both her vulnerability and her strength, Doyle gives Paula a voice that is real and unforgettable.
8,40 €
The Second Half
No. 1 bestselling memoir of Roy Keane, former captain of Manchester United and Ireland - co-written with Man Booker Prize-winner Roddy Doyle. Now updated. In a stunning collaboration with Booker Prize-winning author Roddy Doyle, Roy Keane gives a brutally honest account of his last days as a player, the highs and lows of his managerial career, and his life as an outspoken ITV pundit. 'Roy Keane's book is a masterpiece ...It may well be the finest, most incisive deconstruction of football management that the game has ever produced' Mail on Sunday 'A genuine pleasure ...His thoughts on his players are humane, interesting, candid and never less than believable' The Times 'The best things are the small things: regretting joining Ipswich when he discovered the training kit was blue; refusing to sign Robbie Savage because his answerphone message was rubbish; being appalled that his side had listened to an Abba song before playing football' Evening Standard 'The book is brilliantly constructed, rattling along at breakneck speed ...full of self-deprecation ...a ruthless self-examination' Daily Telegraph
13,95 €
Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha
Paddy Clarke is ten years old. Paddy Clarke lights fires. Paddy Clarke's name is written in wet cement all over Barrytown, north Dublin. Paddy Clarke's heroes are Father Damien (and the lepers), Geronimo and George Best. Paddy Clarke has a brother called Francis, but Paddy calls him Sinbad and hates him because that's the rule. Paddy Clarke knows the exact moment to knock a dead scab from his knee. Paddy Clarke loves his Ma and Da, but it seems like they don't love each other, and Paddy's world is falling apart.
Life Without Children
A brilliantly warm, witty and moving portrait of our pandemic lives, told in ten heart-rending short stories
Love and marriage. Children and family. Death and grief. Life touches everyone the same. But living under lockdown, it changes us alone.
In these ten, beautifully moving short stories mostly written over the last year, Booker Prize winner Roddy Doyle paints a collective portrait of our strange times. A man abroad wanders the stag-and-hen-strewn streets of Newcastle, as news of the virus at home asks him to question his next move. An exhausted nurse struggles to let go, having lost a much-loved patient in isolation. A middle-aged son, barred from his mother's funeral, wakes to an oncoming hangover of regret.
Told with Doyle's signature warmth, wit and extraordinary eye for the richness that underpins the quiet of our lives, Life Without Children cuts to the heart of how we are all navigating loss, loneliness, and the shifting of history underneath our feet.
16,50 €
The Gifts of Reading
With contributions by: William Boyd, Candice Carty-Williams, Imtiaz Dharker, Roddy Doyle, Pico Iyer, Robert Macfarlane, Andy Miller, Jackie Morris, Jan Morris, Sisonke Msimang, Dina Nayeri, Chigozie Obioma, Michael Ondaatje, David Pilling, Max Porter, Philip Pullman, Alice Pung, Jancis Robinson, S.F.Said, Madeleine Thien, Salley Vickers, John Wood and Markus Zusak
'This story, like so many stories, begins with a gift. The gift, like so many gifts, was a book...' So begins the essay by Robert Macfarlane that inspired this collection.
In this cornucopia of an anthology, you will find essays by some of the world's most beloved novelists, nonfiction writers, essayists and poets.
'You will see books taking flight in flocks, migrating around the world, landing in people's hearts and changing them for a day or a year or a lifetime.
'You will see books sparking wonder or anger; throwing open windows into other languages, other cultures, other minds; causing people to fall in love or to fight for what is right.
'And more than anything, over and over again, you will see books and words being given, received and read - and in turn prompting further generosity.'
Published to coincide with the 20th anniversary of global literacy non-profit, Room to Read, The Gifts of Reading forms inspiring, unforgettable, irresistible proof of the power and necessity of books and reading.