Brian Fagan
Čo sme robili v posteli. Horizontálna história
Nazrite pod perinu fascinujúcich dejín postele
V tejto pútavej knihe sa Brian Fagan a Nadia Durrani venujú nekonečne rozmanitej úlohe postele v dejinách ľudstva. Posteľ bola miestom, kde sa nielen spalo, ale aj umieralo, milovalo, rodilo, rozprávali sa príbehy a konali spoločenské aktivity. Kto robil čo, s kým, prečo a ako sa v závislosti od doby a miesta neuveriteľne líšilo.
Ľudovít XIV. vládol Francúzsku z postele. Winston Churchill riadil počas druhej svetovej Britániu z tej svojej. Pocestní si bežne líhali spať s úplne cudzími ľuďmi a v mnohých domácnostiach sa o postele delili celé rodiny. Postele boli drahocenné a často boli vystavované na obdiv Tutanchamóna pochovali na zlatej posteli a bohatí Gréci odchádzali do podsvetia na honosných ležadlách.
Posteľ sa na súkromné, skryté miesto zmenila až v modernej dobe a na jej bohatú spoločenskú históriu sa do veľkej miery zabudlo.
Ak ste si mysleli, že posteľ slúži iba na spánok, sex alebo smrť, táto kniha vás presvedčí o opaku. A navyše je taká zábavná, že ju budete čítať dlho do noci. Paul Chrystal, autor kníh In Bed with the Ancient Greeks a In Bed with the Romans
Je to fascinujúci príbeh predmetu, ktorému sme doteraz nevenovali takú pozornosť, akú by si zaslúžil. Chris Scarre, Durham University
Táto úžasná kniha o našom najobľúbenejšom kuse nábytku je skvelým rozprávaním na dobrú noc. Matthew Symonds, editor časopisu Current World Archaeology
dostupné aj ako:
Čo sme robili v posteli
Nazrite pod perinu fascinujúcich dejín postele. V tejto pútavej knihe sa Brian Fagan a Nadia Durrani venujú nekonečne rozmanitej úlohe postele v dejinách ľudstva. Posteľ bola miestom, kde sa nielen spalo, ale aj umieralo, milovalo, rodilo, rozprávali sa príbehy a konali spoločenské aktivity. Kto robil čo, s kým, prečo a ako sa v závislosti od doby a miesta neuveriteľne líšilo.
Ľudovít XIV. vládol Francúzsku z postele. Winston Churchill riadil počas druhej svetovej Britániu z tej svojej. Pocestní si bežne líhali spať s úplne cudzími ľuďmi a v mnohých domácnostiach sa o postele delili celé rodiny. Postele boli drahocenné a často boli vystavované na obdiv – Tutanchamóna pochovali na zlatej posteli a bohatí Gréci odchádzali do podsvetia na honosných ležadlách.
Posteľ sa na súkromné, skryté miesto zmenila až v modernej dobe a na jej bohatú spoločenskú históriu sa do veľkej miery zabudlo.
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Little History of Archaeology
The thrilling history of archaeological adventure, with tales of danger, debate, audacious explorers, and astonishing discoveries around the globe
What is archaeology? The word may bring to mind images of golden pharaohs and lost civilizations, or Neanderthal skulls and Ice Age cave art. Archaeology is all of these, but also far more: the only science to encompass the entire span of human history—more than three million years!
This Little History tells the riveting stories of some of the great archaeologists and their amazing discoveries around the globe: ancient Egyptian tombs, Mayan ruins, the first colonial settlements at Jamestown, mysterious Stonehenge, the incredibly preserved Pompeii, and many, many more. In forty brief, exciting chapters, the book recounts archaeology’s development from its eighteenth-century origins to its twenty-first-century technological advances, including remote sensing capabilities and satellite imagery techniques that have revolutionized the field. Shining light on the most intriguing events in the history of the field, this absolutely up-to-date book illuminates archaeology’s controversies, discoveries, heroes and scoundrels, global sites, and newest methods for curious readers of every age.
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Little History of Archaeology
The thrilling history of archaeological adventure, with tales of danger, debate, audacious explorers, and astonishing discoveries around the globe
What is archaeology? The word may bring to mind images of golden pharaohs and lost civilizations, or Neanderthal skulls and Ice Age cave art. Archaeology is all of these, but also far more: the only science to encompass the entire span of human history-more than three million years!
This Little History tells the riveting stories of some of the great archaeologists and their amazing discoveries around the globe: ancient Egyptian tombs, Mayan ruins, the first colonial settlements at Jamestown, mysterious Stonehenge, the incredibly preserved Pompeii, and many, many more. In forty brief, exciting chapters, the book recounts archaeology's development from its eighteenth-century origins to its twenty-first-century technological advances, including remote sensing capabilities and satellite imagery techniques that have revolutionized the field. Shining light on the most intriguing events in the history of the field, this absolutely up-to-date book illuminates archaeology's controversies, discoveries, heroes and scoundrels, global sites, and newest methods for curious readers of every age.
The Great Archaeologists
A gripping account of 200 years of archaeological research, excavation and thought, told through the life stories of 70 of the world's greatest pioneers and practitioners.
Brian Fagan has assembled a team of some of the world's greatest living archaeologists to write knowledgeably and entertainingly about their distinguished predecessors. Full of fascinating anecdotes, personal accounts and unexpected insights, this comprehensively illustrated book encompasses more than two centuries of research and excavation round the globe.
Controversial figures such as Heinrich Schliemann of Troy fame, and Aurel Stein, plunderer of ancient manuscripts from Central Asia, are reassessed. Little-known pioneers - for example, Max Uhle in Peru and Li Chi in China - are set beside the giants in the field: Lepsius, Mariette and Carter in Egypt; Koldewey, Doerpfeld and Woolley in the Near East; Stephens and Catherwood, discoverers of the Maya of Mexico; and Louis and Mary Leakey, who transformed knowledge of our African ancestry. Other indomitable women here include Gertrude Bell, explorer of Arabia and Iraq, Kathleen Kenyon, the excavator of Jericho, and the script-decipherer Tatiana Proskouriakoff.
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