Rosalind Fergusson


Grammar in Action 1

Grammar in action, a three-book series, is specially written in response to educators' renewed emphasis on the teaching of grammar in schools. Each book presents about 60 clearly explained grammar topics in humorous graphics. This unique approach is intended to promote reading, as well as to provide useful contextual examples. We have no doubt that this will make the learning of grammar fun and effective.
Na sklade 2Ks
9,70 € 9,90 €

Grammar in Action 2

Grammar in action, a three-book series, is specially written in response to educators' renewed emphasis on the teaching of grammar in schools. Each book presents about 60 clearly explained grammar topics in humorous graphics. This unique approach is intended to promote reading, as well as to provide useful contextual examples. We have no doubt that this will make the learning of grammar fun and effective.
Na sklade 1Ks
9,70 € 9,90 €

Grammar in Action 3

Grammar in action, a three-book series, is specially written in response to educators' renewed emphasis on the teaching of grammar in schools. Each book presents about 60 clearly explained grammar topics in humorous graphics. This unique approach is intended to promote reading, as well as to provide useful contextual examples. We have no doubt that this will make the learning of grammar fun and effective.
Na sklade 2Ks
9,70 € 9,90 €

Idioms in Action 1

Idiom are an important part of English. this book presents 60 very common idioms in humorous graphics. Written for foreign learners of English, the book gives clear explanation to each idiom, followed by concise example sentences. Where applicable, the origins of the idioms are also provided.
Na sklade 2Ks
9,70 € 9,90 €

Idioms in Action 2

Idiom are an important part of English. this book presents 60 very common idioms in humorous graphics. Written for foreign learners of English, the book gives clear explanation to each idiom, followed by concise example sentences. Where applicable, the origins of the idioms are also provided.
Na sklade 2Ks
9,70 € 9,90 €

Idioms in Action 3

Idiom are an important part of English. this book presents 60 very common idioms in humorous graphics. Written for foreign learners of English, the book gives clear explanation to each idiom, followed by concise example sentences. Where applicable, the origins of the idioms are also provided.
Na sklade 2Ks
9,70 € 9,90 €

Phrases In Action 1

Phrases In Action is a three book series, with each book presenting 60 phrases clearly with a definition, Example sentences, and a humorous, contextual cartoon in plain, everyday English. This unique approach promoted reading and deepens understanding, making the learning and use of English fun and effective for learners of all levels.
Na sklade 2Ks
9,70 € 9,90 €

Phrases in Action 2

Phrases In Action is a three book series,with each book presenting 60 Phrases clearly explained with a definition,example sentences,and a humorous contextual cartoon in plain everyday English.
Na sklade 2Ks
9,70 € 9,90 €

Phrases in Action 3

Phrases In Action is a three book series, with each book presenting 60 phrases clearly with a definition, Example sentences, and a humorous, contextual cartoon in plain, everyday English. This unique approach promoted reading and deepens understanding, making the learning and use of English fun and effective for learners of all levels.
Na sklade 2Ks
9,70 € 9,90 €

Anglická gramatika v akci (A2-B1)

Kniha obsahuje stručný přehled anglické gramatiky. U každé lekce jsou uvedeny příkladové věty a krátké kreslené příběhy pro lepší zapamatování gramatických jevů.Prostřednictvím obrázků znázorňujících humornou situaci si student upevní znalost anglické gramatiky a snadněji ji pak zvládne použít v praxi při ústním nebo písemném projevu. Cílem knihy je zábavnou formou zlepšit porozumění anglickému jazyku.
Na sklade 1Ks
9,79 € 9,99 €

Anglické idiomy v akci (B1-B2)

Kniha obsahuje 60 anglických idiomů, se kterými se setkáváme v běžné angličtině. Použití idiomů je názorně vysvětleno v příkladových větách a krátkých kreslených příbězích.Prostřednictvím obrázků znázorňujících humornou situaci si student upevní jejich znalost a snadněji je pak zvládne použít v daném kontextu ústně i písemně. Cílem knihy je rozšířit porozumění anglickému jazyku, a to zábavnou formou.
Na sklade 1Ks
9,79 € 9,99 €