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Matt Fitzgerald


Diet Cults

From The Four Hour Body, to Atkins, there are diet cults to match seemingly any mood and personality type. Everywhere we turn, someone is preaching the One True Way to eat for maximum health. Paleo Diet advocates tell us that all foods less than 12,000 years old are the enemy. Low-carb gurus demonize carbs, then there are the low-fat prophets. But they agree on one thing: there is only one true way to eat for maximum health. The first clue that that is a fallacy is the sheer variety of diets advocated. Indeed, while all of these competing views claim to be backed by science, a good look at actual nutritional science itself suggests that it is impossible to identify a single best way to eat. Fitzgerald advocates an agnostic, rational approach to eating habits, based on one s own habits, lifestyle, and genetics/body type. Many professional athletes already practice this Good Enough diet, and now we can too and ditch the brainwashing of these diet cults for good."
22,33 € 23,50 €

How Bad Do You Want it?

HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT? revisits some of the most extraordinary moments from the history of endurance sports to show how mental strength allows some athletes to perform at a level way beyond their physical limits - to will their body to do what was previously thought biologically impossible. Drawing on cutting-edge scientific research it suggests concrete habits and tactics we can use to cultivate our own mental strength, whilst providing thrilling accounts of some of the most inspiring and astonishing feats in sporting history. In 2010 Sammy Wanjiru entered the Boston Marathon suffering from injuries to his knee and his lower back, a stomach virus that prevented him from training and a lifestyle that meant he spent more time in nightclubs than on the track. He shouldn't have even been able to finish the race, and at times he seemed as if he literally had nothing left to give, yet in an epic battle he crossed the finishing line first. How did he manage it? HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT? describes a new 'psychobiological' model of endurance performance connecting the mind, body and brain.Compelling accounts from triathlon, cycling, running, rowing and swimming are viewed through the lens of this model shedding new light on what science has to say about mental fortitude in sports. Featured athletes include: Sammy Wanjiru, Jenny Barringer, Greg LeMond, Willie Stewart, Cadel Evans, Joseph Sullivan, Paula Newby-Fraser, Ryan Vail, Thomas Voeckler, Ned Overend, Steve Prefontaine.
21,38 € 22,50 €

80/20 Running

TRAIN EASIER TO RUN FASTER This revolutionary training method has been embraced by elite runners—with extraordinary results—and now you can do it, too. Respected running and fitness expert Matt Fitzgerald explains how the 80/20 running program—in which you do 80 percent of runs at a lower intensity and just 20 percent at a higher intensity—is the best change runners of all abilities can make to improve their performance. With a thorough examination of the science and research behind this training method, 80/20 Running is a hands-on guide for runners of all levels with training programs for 5K, 10K, half-marathon, and marathon distances. In 80/20 Running, you’ll discover how to transform your workouts to avoid burnout. •Runs will become more pleasant and less draining •You’ll carry less fatigue from one run to the next •Your performance will improve in the few high-intensity runs •Your fitness levels will reach new heights 80/20 Running promotes a message that all runners—as well as cyclists, triathletes, and even weight-loss seekers—can embrace: Get better results by making the majority of your workouts easier.
14,73 € 15,50 €

Vítězství je v hlavě

Vítězství je v hlavě zachycuje stěžejní momenty historie vytrvalostních sportů, aby čtenáři přiblížila návyky a taktiky, kterých může využít k rozvíjení vlastní duševní síly. Vrcholoví sportovci svými schopnostmi připomínají bohy. Nicméně nehledě na schopnosti, má i jejich talent jisté hranice. Nejobtížnější závody vyžadují, aby šampion spoléhal nejen na své tělo, ale i na hlavu, protože jen tak může čelit obavám, které známe všichni: například strachu z neúspěchu, strádání či změny. V knize Vítězství je v hlavě známý sportovní novinář Matt Fitzgerald zkoumá „psychobiologický“ model sportovního výkonu s cílem odhalit, jak mohou sportovci překonávat svá fyzická omezení prostřednictvím síly ducha. Poutavým vyprávěním ze světa triatlonu, cyklistiky, běhu, veslování či plavání umožňuje Fitzgerald čtenáři prožívat úžasné závody a vrhá nové světlo na vědecké poznatky týkající se duševní síly a způsobů, jak rozvíjet mentální schopnosti k překonávání výzev – ve sportu i v životě.
12,34 € 12,99 €

Runners World Performance Nutrition for Runners

This newest addition to the heralded "Runner's World" series offers runners up-to-date nutrition advice based on the latest science. Runners have different nutrition and recovery needs than other endurance athletes. Yet until now, they've had no nutritional resource specifically addressing their concerns. This comprehensive guide distills the newest thinking in the science of exercise nutrition into practical, hands-on tips that will help runners stay healthy, recover faster, enjoy better workouts, and race successfully. Here, readers will learn: detailed information on nutritional topics important to runners, from balancing internal energy stores to proper hydration; how to customize their diets to their individual training needs; shopping tips and dining-out strategies to help runners maximize their nutritional intake; the top 5 pre-race meals and top 5 healthiest snacks for runners; and nutritional tips for special populations, including women, children, diabetics, and older runners.
17,05 € 17,95 €