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Frank Furedi


Célkeresztben a határok

Frank Füredi méhkasba nyúlt azzal, hogy a határok súlyát és szerepét elemzi, szükségességük mellett érvel, a "határok" és a "határoknélküliség" kérdéskörét feszegeti. Mert ahogy a 20. századi totális diktatúrák birodalomépítői, mai szellemi örököseik is arra tesznek kísérletet, hogy a határokat lebontsák, eltöröljék. Aki ezzel nem ért egyet, aki szerint a korlátoknak és a határoknak fontos, sőt megkerülhetetlen szerepük és helyük van, amelyek nélkül társadalmaink és civilizációnk nem tud fennmaradni, rögtön eretnekké, ellenséggé válik. Mert a határtalanságot hirdetők elvakultsága és gyűlölete is határtalan. De miért ilyen bátor ennek a kötetnek a szerzője? Mert Budapesten született. Mert 1956 formálta a gondolkodását. Mert szüleivel együtt ő is elhagyta a hazáját. Mert ő is ragaszkodott a szólás szabadságához, amitől a szovjet tankok megfosztották. Füredi pontosan érti, mit jelentenek azok a szavak, állandósult szókapcsolatok, mint a "határozott", a "határozatlan", a "határozat" vagy hogy "mindennek van határa". Ahogy azt is érti, mikor és kinek kell "határt szabni". Füredi Ferenc magyar, azért!
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10,39 € 10,94 €

Jak funguje strach

Frank Furedi se vrací k tématu, které už zpracovával v knize Culture of Fear (Kultura strachu), neboť mnohé z toho, co předvídal, se skutečně stalo. Kniha chce vysvětlit dvě vzájemně propojená témata: proč v dnešní společnosti získal strach morálně dominantní postavení a jak se náš dnešní strach liší od obav, které jsme prožívali v minulosti. Jaké jsou hnací síly strachu, jaká je role médií v jeho prosazování a kdo má vlastně prospěch z kultury strachu? To jsou některé otázky, kterých si Furedi všímá, aby vysvětlil současnou složitou situaci. Je přesvědčen, že když lépe porozumíme tomu, jak strach funguje, můžeme prosadit postoje, které nám pomohou žít v budoucnosti, kde se nebudeme tolik bát.
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17,64 € 18,57 €

Power of Reading Socrates to Twitter

Power of Reading is a natural companion to Christopher Booker's bestselling The Seven Basic Plots (Continuum) and John Gross's seminal study The Rise and Fall of the Man of Letters (Weidenfeld and Nicolson). Eminent cultural and social historian Frank Furedi presents here an eclectic and entirely original history of reading. The very act of reading and the choice of reading material endow individuals with an identity that possesses great symbolic significance. Already in ancient Rome, Cicero was busy drawing up a hierarchy of different types of readers. Since that time people have been divided into a variety of categories - literates and illiterates, intensive and extensive readers, or vulgo and discreet readers. In the 19th Century, accomplished readers were praised as 'men of letters' while their moral opposites were described as 'unlettered'. Today distinctions are made between cultural and instrumental readers and scorn is communicated towards the infamous 'tabloid reader'. The purpose of this book is to explore the changing meanings attributed to the act of reading. Although it has an historical perspective, the book's focus is very much on the culture of reading that prevails in the 21st Century. There are numerous texts on the history of literacy (Hoggart), yet there is no publication devoted to the history of readers and their relationship with wider culture and society. It is thus a fascinating insight into understanding the post-Gutenberg debates about literacy in a multimedia environment with such a strong emphasis on the absorption of information. Taking a cue from George Steiner, Furedi argues vigorously for the restoration of the art of reading - every bit as important as the art of writing.
25,18 € 26,50 €

How Fear Works

In 1997, Frank Furedi published a book called Culture of Fear. It was widely acclaimed as perceptive and prophetic. Now Furedi returns to his original theme, as most of what he predicted has come true. In How Fear Works, Furedi seeks to explain two interrelated themes: why has fear acquired such a morally commanding status in society today and how has the way we fear today changed from the way that it was experienced in the past? Furedi argues that one of the main drivers of the culture of fear is unravelling of moral authority. Fear appears to provide a provisional solution to moral uncertainty and is for that reason embraced by a variety of interests, parties and individuals. Furedi predicts that until society finds a more positive orientation towards uncertainty the politicisation of fear will flourish. Society is continually bombarded with the message that the threats it faces are incalculable and cannot be managed or contained. The ascendancy of this outlook has been paralleled by the cultivation of helplessness and passivity - all this has heightened people's sense of powerlessness and anxiety. As a consequence we are constantly searching for new forms of security, both physical and ontological. What are the drivers of fear, what is the role of the media in its promotion, and who actually benefits from this culture of fear? These are some of the issues Furedi tackles to explain the current predicament. He believes that through understanding how fear works, we can encourage attitudes that will help bring about a less fearful future.
21,38 € 22,50 €

First World War: Still no End in Sight

That the conflicts unleashed by Great War did not end in 1918 is well known. World War II and the Cold War clearly constitute key moments in the drama that began in August 1914. This book argues that the battle of ideas which crystallised during the course of the Great War continue to the present. It claims that the disputes about lifestyles and identity - the Culture Wars of today -are only the latest expressions of a century long conflict. There are many influences that contributed to the outbreak of World War One. One significant influence was the cultural tension and unease that disposed significant numbers of artists, intellectuals and young people to regard the War as an opportunity give meaning to their existence. Later these tensions merged with social unrest and expressed themselves through the new ideologies of the Left and the Right. While these ideologies have become exhausted the conflicts of culture persist to this date. That is why there is Still No End In Sight for the battle of ideas set in motion in August 1914. Modern wars did not only lead to the loss of millions of lives. Wars also played a significant role in changing attitudes towards the political ideals of modern time. The Great War called into question the future of liberal democracy. It led to the emergence of radical ideologies, which were in turn discredited through the experience of the Second World War and the Cold War. The current Culture Wars have significantly eroded the status of the values associated with modernity. Through exploring the battle of ideas set in motion in August 1914 - First World War- Still No End In Sight - provides a framework for understanding the changing focus of political conflict from ideology to culture.
20,43 € 21,50 €