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Bill Gates

Bill Gates (1955) je technológ, obchodný líder a filantrop. V roku 1975 založil firmu Microsoft s priateľom z detstva Paulom Allenom; dnes vedie Nadáciu Billa a Melindy Gatesovcov. Prostredníctvom spoločnosti Breakthrough Energy sa snaží o komercializáciu čistej energie a ďalších technológií súvisiacich s klímou. Má tri deti.

V roku 1975 založil s Paulom Allenom firmu Microsoft a urobil z nej celosvetového lídra vo výrobe softvérov a služieb. Od roku 2008 venuje celú pozornosť nadácii, ktorá pomáha najviac znevýhodneným ľuďom. Vo svojej súkromnej kancelárii Gates Ventures sa venuje zmenám podnebia a inovácii čistej energie, výskumu Alzheimerovej choroby a ďalších zdravotných problémov, interdisciplinárnemu vzdelávania a technológiám. V spoločnosti Breakthrough Energy Gates využíva svoje skúsenosti inovátora, aby pomohol zastaviť klimatickú zmenu podporou novej generácie podnikateľov, vedcov a čistých technológií. Vďaka skúsenostiam a stykom s globálnymi lídrami z rôznych sektorov pomáha presadzovať politické, trhové a technologické zmeny potrebné na prechod k čistej energii.

V roku 2010 založil spolu s Melindou Frenchovou Gatesovou a Warrenom Buffettom iniciatívu Giving Pledge, ktorá vyzýva najbohatšie rodiny a jednotlivcov k verejnému záväzku, že počas života či v poslednej vôli venujú viac než polovicu nahonobeného majetku na filantropické účely alebo charitatívnym organizáciám.

Zdroje: bux.sk; en.wikipedia.org (foto)


Surely Youre Joking Mr. Feynman

Richard P. Feynman, winner of the Nobel Prize in physics, thrived on outrageous adventures. In this lively work that "can shatter the stereotype of the stuffy scientist" (Detroit Free Press), Feynman recounts his experiences trading ideas on atomic physics with Einstein and cracking the uncrackable safes guarding the most deeply held nuclear secrets-and much more of an eyebrow-raising nature. In his stories, Feynman's life shines through in all its eccentric glory-a combustible mixture of high intelligence, unlimited curiosity, and raging chutzpah. Included for this edition is a new introduction by Bill Gates.
16,10 € 16,95 €

How to prevent the next pandemic

From the author of the #1 New York Times best seller How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The COVID-19 pandemic isn't over, but even as governments around the world strive to put it behind us, they're also starting to talk about what happens next. How can we prevent a new pandemic from killing millions of people and devastating the global economy? Can we even hope to accomplish this? Bill Gates believes the answer is yes, and in this book he lays out clearly and convincingly what the world should have learned from COVID-19 and what all of us can do to ward off another disaster like it. Relying on the shared knowledge of the world's foremost experts and on his own experience of combating fatal diseases through the Gates Foundation, he first helps us understand the science of infectious diseases. Then he shows us how the nations of the world, working in conjunction with one another and with the private sector, can not only ward off another COVID-like catastrophe but also eliminate all respiratory diseases, including the flu. Here is a clarion call--strong, comprehensive, and of the gravest importance--from one of our greatest and most effective thinkers and activists.
38,20 € 40,21 €

Lacná kniha How to Avoid a Climate Disaster (-70%)

In this urgent, authoritative book, Bill Gates sets out a wide-ranging, practical - and accessible - plan for how the world can get to zero greenhouse gas emissions in time to avoid a climate catastrophe. Bill Gates has spent a decade investigating the causes and effects of climate change. With the help of experts in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, political science, and finance, he has focused on what must be done in order to stop the planet's slide toward certain environmental disaster. In this book, he not only explains why we need to work toward net-zero emissions of greenhouse gases, but also details what we need to do to achieve this profoundly important goal. He gives us a clear-eyed description of the challenges we face. Drawing on his understanding of innovation and what it takes to get new ideas into the market, he describes the areas in which technology is already helping to reduce emissions, where and how the current technology can be made to function more effectively, where breakthrough technologies are needed, and who is working on these essential innovations. Finally, he lays out a concrete, practical plan for achieving the goal of zero emissions-suggesting not only policies that governments should adopt, but what we as individuals can do to keep our government, our employers, and ourselves accountable in this crucial enterprise. As Bill Gates makes clear, achieving zero emissions will not be simple or easy to do, but if we follow the plan he sets out here, it is a goal firmly within our reach.
6,75 € 22,50 €

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