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Marshall Goldsmith


Buďte tím, kým chcete být

Při hledání odpovědí na otázky, co ovlivňuje naše chování se autor zaměřil na tzv. spouštěče v našem okolí. Jejich vliv je obrovský. Spouštěčem může být libovolný podnět, který působí na naše myšlenky a činy. V každém okamžiku našeho bdělého života reagujeme na spouštěče: podněty od lidí, události a okolnosti, které mají potenciál něco změnit. Spouštěče se vyskytují náhle a neočekávaně. Může se jednat o významné události, ale i o zcela bezvýznamné drobností. Může jít o podněty příjemné, ale i kontraproduktivní. Spouštěčů je nekonečně mnoho. Odkud se berou? Proč nás tak často nutí jednat proti našim zájmům? Proč je neberem vážně? Jak identifikovat rozhodující okamžiky, které v nás probudí hněv, svedou nás na scestí nebo nám navodí pocit smíření se světem? A jak se vyvarovat těch špatných a opakovaně vyvolávat ty dobré? Jak naučit spouštěče pracovat pro nás? A jak docílit toho, abychom odolávali vlivům prostředí, které nás obklopuje? Na tyto všechny otázky vám odpoví kniha, kterou držíte v ruce.
Na sklade 1Ks
15,67 € 16,49 €

Hogyan érvényesüljünk nőként?

Mely hiedelmeink gátolnak minket nőként az előrejutásban? Milyen gondolkodásmód jellemző a karrierépítésben sokszor tudatosabb férfiakra? Hogyan támogathatjuk női beosztottainkat a kiteljesedésben? „Kiváló útmutató, amely segít, hogy pozitív változásokat érhessünk el az általunk választott életúton. Akár beosztottként, akár vezetőként dolgozunk, jól jön a könyvben átadott elemző tudás, amely rólunk, indítékainkról, tudattalan hiedelmeinkről, hozzáállásunkról, szokásainkról és sztereotípiáinkról is szól, ezért ajánlom nőknek és férfiaknak egyaránt.” Liptay Gabriella marketing- és kommunikációs igazgató, KPMG Hungary „Hiánypótló könyv. Teljes szívemből ajánlom valamennyi nőnek, aki szeretné jobban megérteni a saját korlátozó hiedelmeit, és valamennyi férfinak, aki szeretne sikeresebben együtt dolgozni női kollégáival. Coachként és trénerként magam is rengeteget tanultam belőle, és munkám során sokaknak sikerült átadnom a könyvben bemutatott alapelveket.” Bincze Bea PCC, executive coach, beszédcoach, tréner, Business Coach Kft. A 21. században egyre nagyobb szükség van női vezetőkre, a legtöbb szervezetben azonban továbbra is elsősorban férfiak kerülnek magasabb pozíciókba. Ennek egyik magyarázata sok nő számára ismerős lehet: készen állunk ugyan továbblépni a karrierünkben, a tudásunk és tapasztalatunk is megvan hozzá, de valami mégis visszatart bennünket. Nem csoda, hiszen a társadalmi elvárások miatt kialakuló, a nőkben általában leginkább preferált tulajdonságaink és viselkedésformáink nem feltétlenül segítenek az előrejutásban. Sally Helgesen – a női vezetéstudomány szakértője – és Marshall Goldsmith¬ az egyik legelismertebb felső vezetői coach – különféle vállalatoknál szerzett tapasztalataik alapján arra jutottak, hogy a nők karrierjének útjában alapvetően tizenkét kifejezetten a nőkre jellemző akadály áll. Esettanulmányokban bővelkedő, gyakorlatias és hiánypótló könyvükben sorra veszik, mely erősségeinkre építsünk, és mely szokásainkkal kell leszámolnunk – még ha éppen ezek juttattak is el odáig, ahol most tartunk. Lépésről lépésre bemutatják, hogyan tudunk változni, így nem pusztán eredményesebbek lehetünk a munkánkban, hanem nagyobb befolyást szerezve jelentősebb hatást gyakorolhatunk, így még jobban kiteljesedhetünk.
Na stiahnutie
7,42 €

Jak se dostat do vyššího levelu

Goldsmithova kniha je přínosem pro každého, kdo se chce dostat do dalšího levelu. Autor na jednoduchých praktických příkladech a situacích ukazuje na přístupy a chování, které výrazně oslabují nebo omezují vliv jinak velmi úspěšných, znalých a char ismatických lídrů. Marshall Goldsmith působí jako kouč a pomáhá těm nejúspěšnějším manažerům dosáhnout žádoucí osobní změny, aby byli ještě lepší.
11,39 € 11,99 €


Mojo je synonymem pro seberealizaci. Je to pozitivní přístup ke všemu, čím se právě zabýváme. Vychází zevnitř a vyzařuje navenek. Marshall Goldsmith je světově uznávaný kouč vrcholových manažerů. Ve své poslední knize popisuje čtrnáct praktických nás trojů, které vám pomohou dosáhnout naplnění a spokojenosti nejen v byznysu, ale i v osobním životě. Vlije vám novou krev do žil.
11,39 € 11,99 €

What Got You Here Wont Get You There

Whether you are near the top of the ladder or still have a ways to climb, this book serves as an essential guide to help you eliminate your dysfunctions and move to where you want to go. Marshall Goldsmith is an expert at helping global leaders overcome their sometimes unconscious annoying habits and attain a higher level of success. His one-on-one coaching comes with a six-figure price tag. But, in this book, you get Marshall's great advice without the hefty fee!
10,40 € 10,95 €


The follow-up to global bestseller What Got You Here Won't Get You There (the Amazon.com no.1 bestseller for 2007 on Leading People) addresses the vital phases of gaining mojo (tough), maintaining it (tougher) and recapturing it after you lose it (toughest of all, but not impossible) This is vital in any competitive arena, whether business, sport or politics. Goldsmith draws on new research, as well as his extensive experience with corporate teams and top executives, to provide compelling case studies throughout. Readers will learn the 26 powers that are within us all and will come away with a new, hyper-effective technique to define, track and ensure future success for themselves and their organisations. Goldsmith's one-on-one training usually comes with a six-figure price tag. Now his advice is available without the hefty fee.
12,83 € 13,50 €


n business - as in life - the right behaviours matter. But getting it right is tricky. Even when we acknowledge the need to change what we do and how we do it, life has a habit of getting in the way, upsetting even the best-laid plans. And just how do we manage those situations that can provoke even the most rational among us into behaving in ways we would rather forget? Triggers confronts head-on the challenges of behaviour and change, looking at the external factors (or 'triggers') - both negative and positive - that affect our behaviours, our awareness of when we need to change, our willingness (or otherwise) to do so and our ability to see the change through. Drawing on his unparalleled experience as an international executive educator and coach, Marshall Goldsmith invites us to understand how our own beliefs and the environments in which we operate can trigger negative behaviours, or a resistance to the need to change. But he also offers up some simple, practical advice to help us navigate the negative and make the most of the triggers that will help us to sustain positive change.
12,30 € 12,95 €

What Got You Here Wont Get You There How Successful People Become Even More Successful

Your hard work is paying off. You are doing well in your field. But there is something standing between you and the next level of achievement. That something may just be one of your own annoying habits. Perhaps one small flaw - a behaviour you barely even recognise - is the only thing that's keeping you from where you want to be. It may be that the very characteristic that you believe got you where you are - like the drive to win at all costs - is what's holding you back. As this book explains, people often do well in spite of certain habits rather than because of them - and need a "to stop" list rather than one listing what "to do". Marshall Goldsmith's expertise is in helping global leaders overcome their unconscious annoying habits and become more successful. His one-on-one coaching comes with a six-figure price tag - but in this book you get his great advice for much less. Recently named as one of the world's five most-respected executive coaches by Forbes, he has worked with over 100 major CEOs and their management teams at the world's top businesses. His clients include corporations such as Goldman Sachs, Glaxo SmithKline, Johnson and Johnson and GE.
13,25 € 13,95 €

How Women Rise

*By the Bestselling Author of What Got You Here Won't Get You There* Do you hesitate about putting forward ideas? Are you reluctant to claim credit for your achievements? Do you find it difficult to get the support you need from your boss or the recognition you deserve from your colleagues?If your answer to any of these is `Yes', How Women Rise will help get you back on track. Inspiring and practical by turns, it identifies 12 common habits that can prove an obstacle to future success and tells you how to overcome them. In the process, it points the way to a career that will satisfy your ambitions and help you make the difference you want to make in the world. `How Women Rise is a great read for any woman who wants to identify self-defeating behaviours that are holding her back, gain insight into why she engages in those behaviours, and develop skills to confidently achieve her goals.' Lois P. Frankel, author of Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office
15,68 € 16,50 €

How Women Rise

By the bestselling author of What Got You Here Won't Get You There Do you hesitate about putting forward ideas? Are you reluctant to claim credit for your achievements? Do you find it difficult to get the support you need from your boss or the recognition you deserve from your colleagues? If your answer to any of these is `Yes', How Women Rise will help get you back on track. Inspiring and practical by turns, it identifies 12 common habits that can prove an obstacle to future success and tells you how to overcome them. In the process, it points the way to a career that will satisfy your ambitions and help you make the difference you want to make in the world. _________________________________ `Guidance on the habits you fall into that aren't helping you achieve the success you deserve. It's fascinating.' Sunday Times `How Women Rise is a great read.' Lois P. Frankel, author of Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office `A great resource to discover the 12 habits that hold women back and how to overcome them.' Forbes
13,25 € 13,95 €

Lacná kniha Jak se dostat do vyššího levelu (-95%)

Goldsmithova kniha je přínosem pro každého, kdo se chce dostat do dalšího levelu. Autor na jednoduchých praktických příkladech a situacích ukazuje na přístupy a chování, které výrazně oslabují nebo omezují vliv jinak velmi úspěšných, znalých a char ismatických lídrů. Marshall Goldsmith působí jako kouč a pomáhá těm nejúspěšnějším manažerům dosáhnout žádoucí osobní změny, aby byli ještě lepší.
0,60 € 11,99 €

dostupné aj ako:

The Earned Life

We are living an earned life when the choices, risks, and effort we make in each moment align with an overarching purpose in our lives, regardless of the eventual outcome. In his most personal and powerful work to date, world-renowned leadership coach Marshall Goldsmith offers a better way to approach fulfilment that goes against everything we're taught about achievement. Taking inspiration from Buddhism, Goldsmith reveals that the key to living the earned life, unbound by regret, requires connecting the habit of earning rewards to something greater than our personal successes. Goldsmith implores readers to avoid the Great Western Disease of "I'll be happy when...." He offers practical advice and exercises aimed at helping us shed the obstacles that prevent us from creating fulfilling lives. From learning to privilege your future over your present, knowing how to weigh up opportunity and risk accurately, honing your 'one-trick genius' and needing to earn credibility twice, the book is packed with transformative insights and tools that will help readers close the gap between what they plan to achieve and what they actually get done-and avoid the trap of existential regret, the kind that reroutes destinies and persecutes our memories. Full of illuminating stories from Goldsmith's legendary career as a coach to some of the world's highest-achieving leaders and reflections on his own life, The Earned Life is a roadmap for ambitious people seeking a higher purpose.
18,00 € 18,95 €

Lacná kniha Mojo (-90%)

Mojo je synonymem pro seberealizaci. Je to pozitivní přístup ke všemu, čím se právě zabýváme. Vychází zevnitř a vyzařuje navenek. Marshall Goldsmith je světově uznávaný kouč vrcholových manažerů. Ve své poslední knize popisuje čtrnáct praktických nás trojů, které vám pomohou dosáhnout naplnění a spokojenosti nejen v byznysu, ale i v osobním životě. Vlije vám novou krev do žil.
1,20 € 11,99 €

dostupné aj ako:

What Got You Here Won't Get You There

Your hard work is paying off. You are doing well in your field. But there is something standing between you and the next level of achievement. That something may just be one of your own annoying habits.Perhaps one small flaw - a behaviour you barely even recognise - is the only thing that's keeping you from where you want to be. It may be that the very characteristic that you believe got you where you are - like the drive to win at all costs - is what's holding you back. As this book explains, people often do well in spite of certain habits rather than because of them-and need a "to stop" list rather than one listing what "to do". Marshall Goldsmith's expertise is in helping global leaders overcome their unconscious annoying habits and become more successful. His one-on-one coaching comes with a six-figure price tag - but in this book you get his great advice for much less. Recently named as one of the world's five most-respected executive coaches by Forbes, he has worked with over 100 major CEOs and their management teams at the world's top businesses. His clients include corporations such as Goldman Sachs, Glaxo SmithKline, Johnson and Johnson and GE.
13,25 € 13,95 €