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Luke Harding


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Volby ve Spojených státech v listopadu 2016 otřásly americkou i mezinárodní scénou. Jejich výsledek šokoval nejen poraženou Hillary Clintonovou, ale i vítěze voleb Donalda Trumpa. Zaskočil též americké spojence v NATO. Překvapil i Kreml a snad jen tam se radovali. Podle Dmitrije Peskova prý kremelští oslavovali Trumpův triumf pitkou, která trvala tři dny. Od vstupu Trumpa do Bílého domu už uplynul víc než rok, ale stále není jasné, jak mohl právě on vyhrát. Hardingova kniha přináší existenčně důležité informace. Částecně i díky ní dnes nikdo na Západě nepochybuje o ruské zpravodajské operaci ve prospěch Donalda Trumpa. A v racionálních momentech o ní ve skrytu své duše nepochybuje ani on sám. Barevná fotografická příloha.
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18,14 € 19,09 €

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24. únor 2022, den, který změnil Evropu i celý svět. V dramatickém, přesvědčivém a dechberoucím vyprávění o zlomovém okamžiku naší doby podává světoznámý reportér Guardianu a autor několika bestsellerů Luke Harding zprávu o ruské invazi na Ukrajinu z první ruky. Když Putin zahájil brutální útok proti nezávislé zemi, Harding byl přímo na místě, v Kyjevě. Nesmyslné násilí ovšem narazilo na ohromující vzdor – mimo jiné od bojujícího prezidenta Volodymyra Zelenského – a neskutečnou odvahu lidí, kteří byli a jsou připraveni riskovat vše, aby si zachovali svobodu pro sebe i svůj národ. Kniha přináší pronikavý popis historie, kterou stále žijeme. Zaznamenává hlavní události, místa i postavy největšího konfliktu v Evropě od druhé světové války. Sledujeme zvěrstva v Buči, zoufalý vzdor Mariupolu i děsivou ruskou hru v Černobylu. Máme možnost nahlédnout do zákulisí rozhodování Západu i do myšlenkových pochodů diktátora z Kremlu. Harding zachycuje klíčový okamžik dějin s otevřeností, nadhledem a neochvějným zaměřením na lidské příběhy vržené do víru monumentálního boje. Autorem je britský novinář (*1968), spisovatel a oceněný zahraniční zpravodaj deníku The Guardian. V letech 2007 až 2011 vedl jeho moskevskou pobočku. Kreml ho vypověděl ze země jako prvního novináře od konce studené války a v létě 2022 ho zařadil na oficiální černou listinu.
Na sklade 2Ks
19,29 € 20,30 €


The first book of reportage from the front line of the Ukraine war. This is a powerful, moving first draft of history written by the award-winning Guardian journalist and #1 New York Times bestselling author of Collusion and Shadow State. For months, the omens had pointed in one scarcely believable direction: Russia was about to invade Ukraine. And yet, the world was stunned by the epochal scale of the assault that began in February 2022. It was an attempt by one nation to devour another. Invasion is Luke Harding’s compelling chronicle of the war that changed everything. For this breathtaking work of reportage he spent months reporting on the ground during the build up to the conflict and afterward; his book tells of the initial days of shock and panic, the grim reality of this ongoing war, and the unheard human stories behind the headlines. Invasion also offers insightful portraits of the the war's two great personalities. One, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, is an actor-turned-president who rallied support on a global stage. The other, Vladimir Putin, is a dictator who dwells in a strange and unreachable realm. Harding examines the ideological, religious and personal reasons behind Putin's decision to invade. And he confronts a crucial question: which side will prevail in this terrible war? With the ripple effects of the largest armed conflict in Europe since 1945 already being felt beyond Ukraine and Russia’s borders, it is more vital than ever to understand how the situation on the front line will have profound effects for us all. Written in Luke Harding’s starkly transfixing style, Invasion makes for essential reading.
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22,75 € 23,95 €


Julian Assange: Internetes Messiás vagy kiberterrorista? Információs szabadságharcos vagy szexbűnök elkövetője? Ki az az ember, aki a történelem eddigi legnagyobb kiszivárogtatása mögött áll? Julian Assange egyike a legkülönösebb figuráknak, akikből valaha világszerte ismert celebritás lett. "Találmánya", a WikiLeaks internetes leleplező oldal felbőszítette az Egyesült Államokat, a világ egyetlen szuperhatalmát, a brit királyi famíliát, és forradalmat csinált Észak-Afrikában. A vita a WikiLeaks és Assange szerepéről odáig fajult, hogy amerikai politikusok a meggyilkolására szólítottak fel. David Leigh és Luke Harding, a Guardian díjnyertes újságírói központi szerepet játszottak abban, hogy a WikiLeaks és öt, a világ legismertebb orgánumai k özé számító lap közösen publikált válogatást a leleplező oldal által megszerzett több mint 250 ezer amerikai diplomáciai táviratból, valamint a sok százezer afgán és iraki titkosított hadinaplóból. Assange-ról és a WikiLeaksről sokan és sokat írtak m ár. Leihg és Harding a Guardian oknyomozó csapatával együtt azonban eddig ismeretlen terepre viszi az olvasót.
14,58 € 15,35 €

The Snowden Files

It began with an unsigned email: "I am a senior member of the intelligence community". What followed was the most spectacular intelligence breach ever, brought about by one extraordinary man. The consequences have shaken the leaders of nations worldwide, from Obama to Cameron, to the presidents of Brazil, France, and Indonesia, and the chancellor of Germany. Edward Snowden, a young computer genius working for America's National Security Agency, blew the whistle on the way this powerful organisation uses new technology to spy on the entire planet. The spies call it "mastering the internet". Others call it the death of individual privacy. This is the inside story of Snowden's deeds and the journalists who faced down the pressure from US and British governments to break a remarkable scoop. Snowden's story reads like a globe-trotting thriller, from the day he left his glamorous girlfriend on the island of Hawaii carrying a hard drive full of secrets, to the weeks of his secret-spilling in Hong Kong, and his battle for asylum. Now stuck in Moscow, a uniquely hunted man, he faces US espionage charges and an uncertain future in exile. What drove Snowden to sacrifice himself? Award-winning Guardian journalist Luke Harding answers the question which should trouble every citizen of the internet age.
10,93 € 11,50 €

The Snowden Files The Inside Story of the World's Most Wanted Man

It began with an unsigned email: "I am a senior member of the intelligence community". What followed was the most spectacular intelligence breach ever, brought about by one extraordinary man, Edward Snowden. The consequences have shaken the leaders of nations worldwide, from Obama to Cameron, to the presidents of Brazil, France, and Indonesia, and the chancellor of Germany. Edward Snowden, a young computer genius working for America's National Security Agency, blew the whistle on the way this frighteningly powerful organisation uses new technology to spy on the entire planet. The spies call it "mastering the internet". Others call it the death of individual privacy. This is the inside story of Snowden's deeds and the journalists who faced down pressure from the US and UK governments to break a remarkable scoop. Snowden's story reads like a globe-trotting thriller, from the day he left his glamorous girlfriend in Hawaii, carrying a hard drive full of secrets, to the weeks of secret-spilling in Hong Kong and his battle for asylum. Now stuck in Moscow, a uniquely hunted man, he faces US espionage charges and an uncertain future in exile. What drove Snowden to sacrifice himself? Award-winning Guardian journalist Luke Harding asks the question which should trouble every citizen of the internet age. Luke Harding's other books include Wikileaks: Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy and Mafia State: How One Reporter Became an Enemy of the Brutal New Russia.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Very Expensive Poison

1 November 2006. Alexander Litvinenko is brazenly poisoned in central London. Twenty two days later he dies, killed from the inside. The poison? Polonium; a rare, lethal and highly radioactive substance. His crime? He had made some powerful enemies in Russia. Based on the best part of a decade's reporting, as well as extensive interviews with those closest to the events (including the murder suspects), and access to trial evidence, Luke Harding's A Very Expensive Poison is the definitive inside story of the life and death of Alexander Litvinenko. Harding traces the journey of the nuclear poison across London, from hotel room to nightclub, assassin to victim; it is a deadly trail that seemingly leads back to the Russian state itself. Harding argues that Litvinenko's assassination marked the beginning of the deterioration of Moscow's relations with the west and a decade of geo-political disruptions - from the war in Ukraine, a civilian plane shot down, at least 7,000 dead, two million people displaced and a Russian president's defiant rejection of a law-based international order. With Russia's covert war in Ukraine and annexation of the Crimea, Europe and the US face a new Cold War, but with fewer certainties. This is a shocking real-life revenge tragedy with corruption and subterfuge at every turn, and walk-on parts from Russian mafia, the KGB, MI6 agents, dedicated British coppers, Russian dissidents. At the heart of this all is an individual and his family torn apart by a ruthless crime.
16,10 € 16,95 €

The Snowden Files (Movie Tie in Edition)

The official movie tie-in edition to Oliver Stone?s major motion picture, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt. It began with a tantalizing, anonymous email: ?I am a senior member of the intelligence community.? What followed was the most spectacular intelligence breach ever, brought about by one extraordinary man. Edward Snowden was a 29-year-old computer genius working for the National Security Agency when he exposed the near-universal mass surveillance programs of the U.S. government. In a tour de force of investigative journalism that reads like a spy novel, award-winning Guardianreporter Luke Harding tells Snowden?s astonishing story?from the day he left his glamorous girlfriend in Honolulu carrying a hard drive full of secrets, to the weeks of his secret-spilling in Hong Kong, to his battle for asylum and his exile in Moscow. For the first time, Harding brings together the many sources and strands of the story?touching on everything from concerns about domestic spying to the complicity of the tech sector?while also placing us in the room with Edward Snowden himself. The result is a gripping insider narrative?and a necessary and timely account of what is at stake for all of us in the new digital age.
12,30 € 12,95 €

The Snowden Files

Edward Snowden, a young computer genius working for America's National Security Agency, blew the whistle on the way this frighteningly powerful organisation uses new technology to spy on the entire planet. The consequences have shaken the leaders of nations worldwide. This is the inside story of Snowden's deeds and the journalists who faced down pressure from the US and UK governments to break a remarkable scoop. From the day he left his glamorous girlfriend in Hawaii, carrying a hard drive full of secrets, to the weeks of secret-spilling in Hong Kong and his battle for asylum, Snowden's story reads like a globe-trotting thriller.
10,40 € 10,95 €

A Very Expensive Poison

1st November 2006: Alexander Litvinenko is brazenly poisoned in central London. Twenty-two days later he dies, killed from the inside by Polonium - a rare, lethal and highly radioactive substance. His crime? He had made some powerful enemies in Russia. This is the inside story of the life and death of Litvinenko and of Russia's new cold war with the west. Harding traces the journey of the nuclear poison across London, from hotel room to nightclub, assassin to victim. It's a deadly trail that leads back to Vladimir Putin, and to a regime exposed by the Panama Papers.
11,88 € 12,50 €

Akta Snowden

Edward Snowden, podle mnohých jeden ze skutečných hrdinů dnešní doby. Člověk, který se rozhodl změnit celý svůj život, aby mohl milionům lidí podat informace o utajovaném zneužívání moci zpravodajskými agenturami. Podle některých názorů je to naopak vlastizrádce, který by měl strávit zbytek života ve vězení. Kdo je však ve skutečnosti Edward Snowden? Jaká je jeho motivace, jak se odvíjel celý příběh vynesení přísně tajných informací, které otřásly nejen občanskou veřejností, ale i politickou scénou USA a západní Evropy? Odpovědi na tyto, ale i další otázky naleznete v knize renomovaného novináře Luka Hardinga, jenž stvořil fakty nabitou publikaci, která se čte jako napínavý špionážní román.
15,67 € 16,49 €

Jed pro Litviněnka

Kniha renomovaného novináře Luka Hardinga jedinečným a poutavým způsobem mapuje příběh vraždy bývalého agenta FSB Alexandera Litviněnka, přičemž celou událost zasazuje do širšího kontextu vlády a politiky Vladimira Putina. Harding podává ucelený náhled do specifické společnosti agentů FSB, informátorů MI6, praní špinavých peněz, jaderných vědců, nemocničních doktorů, akademiků a londýnských policejních důstojníků, jež se stala součástí rozsáhlého vyšetřování. Harding, jakožto bývalý moskevský korespondent britského listu Guardian, je schopen kvalitně nastínit politické a kriminální pozadí případu.
17,57 € 18,49 €


MOSCOW, July 1987. Real-estate tycoon Donald Trump visits Soviet Russia for the first time at the invitation of the government. LONDON, December 2016. Luke Harding meets former MI6 officer Christopher Steele to discuss the president-elect’s connections with Russia. Harding follows two leads; money and sex. WASHINGTON, January 2017. Steele’s explosive dossier alleges that the Kremlin has been 'cultivating, supporting, and assisting' Trump for years and that they have compromising information about him. Trump responds on twitter, 'FAKE NEWS.' In Collusion, award-winning journalist Luke Harding reveals the true nature of Trump’s decades-long relationship with Russia and presents the gripping inside story of the dossier. It features exclusive new material and draws on sources from the intelligence community. Harding tells an astonishing story of offshore money, sketchy real-estate deals, a Miss Universe Pageant, mobsters, money laundering, hacking and Kremlin espionage. He shines a light on powerful Russian players like Aras Agalarov, Natalia Veselnitskaya and Sergey Kislyak, whose motivations and instructions may have come from Vladimir Putin himself. The special prosecutor, Robert Mueller, has already indicted several of the American protagonists, including Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort. More charges are likely as the crisis engulfs Trump’s administration. This book gets to the heart of the biggest political scandal of the modern era. Russia is reshaping the world order to its advantage: this is something that should trouble us all
11,88 € 12,50 €

Mafia State : How One Reporter Became an Enemy of the Brutal New Russia

In 2007, Luke Harding arrived in Moscow to take up a new job as a correspondent for the British newspaper the Guardian. Within months, mysterious agents from Russia's Federal Security Service - the successor to the KGB - had broken into his flat. He found himself tailed by men in cheap leather jackets, bugged, and even summoned to Lefortovo, the KGB's notorious prison. The break-in was the beginning of an extraordinary psychological war against the journalist and his family. Vladimir Putin's spies used tactics developed by the KGB and perfected in the 1970s by the Stasi, East Germany's sinister secret police. This clandestine campaign burst into the open in 2011 when the Kremlin expelled Harding from Moscow. Luke Harding's Mafia State gives a unique, personal and compelling portrait of today's Russia, two decades after the end of communism, that reads like a spy thriller.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Shadow State : Murder, Mayhem and Russias Remaking of the West

No terrorist group has deployed a nerve agent in a civilian area or used a radioactive mini-bomb in London. The Kremlin has done both. Shadow State is a gripping investigative account of how Russia's spies helped elect Donald Trump, backed Brexit, murdered enemies and threatened the very basis of western democracy. The operatives come in disguise. They pose as tourists, journalists and businessmen. Utterly ruthless, sometimes bungling and always ambitious, they roam from Salisbury to Helsinki, Ukraine to the Central African Republican, London to Washington. SHADOW STATE is a riveting and alarming investigation into those spies and the way Russia has used them to wage an increasingly bold war in the UK and beyond. The Kremlin has attempted to reshape politics in their own mould; the future of Western democracy is at stake as a result
13,25 € 13,95 €

Lacná kniha Jed pro Litviněnka (-90%)

Kniha renomovaného novináře Luka Hardinga jedinečným a poutavým způsobem mapuje příběh vraždy bývalého agenta FSB Alexandera Litviněnka, přičemž celou událost zasazuje do širšího kontextu vlády a politiky Vladimira Putina. Harding podává ucelený náhled do specifické společnosti agentů FSB, informátorů MI6, praní špinavých peněz, jaderných vědců, nemocničních doktorů, akademiků a londýnských policejních důstojníků, jež se stala součástí rozsáhlého vyšetřování. Harding, jakožto bývalý moskevský korespondent britského listu Guardian, je schopen kvalitně nastínit politické a kriminální pozadí případu.
1,85 € 18,49 €

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