George Harrison


Harrison George - All Things Must Pass (50th Anniversary) 2CD

Tracklist: CD 1: 01. I'd Have You Anytime 02. My Sweet Lord 03. Wah-wah 04. Isn't It a Pity (Version 1) 05. What Is Life 06. If Not for You 07. Behind That Locked Door 08. Let It Down 09. Run of the Mill CD 2: 01. Beware of Darkness 02. Apple Scruffs 03. Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let It Roll) 04. Awaiting On You All 05. All Things Must Pass 06. I Dig Love 07. Art of Dying 08. Isn't It a Pity (Version 2) 09. Hear Me Lord 10. Out of the Blue 11. It's Johnny's Birthday 12. Plug Me In 13. I Remember Jeep 14. Thanks for the Pepperoni
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27,54 € 28,99 €

Harrison George - Let It Roll: Songs By George Harrison (Deluxe Edition) CD

KDO: George Harrison byl britský hudebník, skladatel a člen legendární rockové skupiny The Beatles. Narodil se 25. února 1943 v Liverpoolu, Spojené království, a zemřel 29. listopadu 2001 v Los Angeles, USA. Jako kytarista a zpěvák The Beatles přispěl k mnoha jejich největším hitům, včetně "Something," "Here Comes The Sun" a "While My Guitar Gently Weeps". Po rozpadu The Beatles v roce 1970 se Harrison věnoval sólové kariéře, přičemž vydal úspěšná alba jako "All Things Must Pass" (1970) a "Living In the Material World" (1973). Jeho hudba byla často ovlivněna spirituality a indickou kulturou, což bylo patrné v jeho zájmu o hinduismus a hraní na sitár. Harrison byl také aktivní v charitativních projektech a podporoval různé humanitární a environmentální iniciativy. Jeho hudební odkaz a vliv na světovou hudbu jsou nezastupitelné a jeho tvorba s The Beatles i sólově ho učinily jedním z nejuznávanějších a nejvlivnějších hudebníků 20. století. CO: Speciální výběr z nahrávek George Harrisona. CD 1. Got My Mind Set on You (2009 Mix) 2. Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth) [2009 Remaster] 3. Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let It Roll) [2009 Remaster] 4. My Sweet Lord (2009 Mix) 5. While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Live from Madison Square Garden, New York, U.S.A, 1971) [2009 Remaster] 6. All Things Must Pass (2009 Mix) 7. Any Road (2009 Mix) 8. This Is Love (2009 Mix) 9. All Those Years Ago (2009 Mix) 10. Marwa Blues (2009 Mix) 11. What Is Life (2009 Mix) 12. Rising Sun (2009 Mix) 13. When We Was Fab (2009 Mix) 14. Something (Live from Madison Square Garden, New York, U.S.A, 1971) [2009 Remaster] 15. Blow Away (2009 Mix) / 16. Cheer Down (2009 Mix) 17. Here Comes the Sun (Live from Madison Square Garden, New York, U.S.A, 1971) [2009 Remaster] 18. I Don't Want to Do It (2009 Mix) 19. Isn't It a Pity (2009 Mix)
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18,99 € 19,99 €

Harrison George - Early Takes Volume I LP

George Harrison bol britský hudobník, skladateľ a člen legendárnej rockovej skupiny The Beatles. Narodil sa 25. februára 1943 v Liverpoole, Spojené kráľovstvo, a zomrel 29. novembra 2001 v Los Angeles, USA. Ako gitarista a spevák The Beatles prispel k mnohým ich najväčším hitom, vrátane "Something," "Here Comes The Sun" a "While My Guitar Gently Weeps". Po rozpade The Beatles v roku 1970 sa Harrison venoval sólovej kariére, pričom vydal úspešné albumy ako "All Things Must Pass" (1970) a "Living In the Material World" (1973). Jeho hudba bola často ovplyvnená spirituality a indickou kultúrou, čo bolo zrejmé v jeho záujme o hinduizmus a hranie na sitár. Harrison bol tiež aktívny v charitatívnych projektoch a podporoval rôzne humanitárne a environmentálne iniciatívy. Jeho hudobný odkaz a vplyv na svetovú hudbu sú nezastupiteľné a jeho tvorba s The Beatles aj sólovo ho urobili jedným z najuznávanejších a najvplyvnejších hudobníkov 20. storočia. Early Takes: Volume 1 je kompilačný album outtakes a demo nahrávok od Georgea Harrisona, vydaný posmrtne 1. mája 2012. Nahrávky sa objavili v dokumentárnom filme Martina Scorseseho z roku 2011 George Harrison: Living in the Material World a pôvodne boli vydané ako súčasť Deluxe verzie vydania DVD. Album zostavil producent Giles Martin v spolupráci s inžinierom Paulom Hicksom. Väčšina skladieb pochádza z Harrisonovho trojalbumu All Things Must Pass z roku 1970. Tracklist: Side A: 1. My Sweet Lord (Demo) [3:33] 2. Run of the Mill (Demo) [1:56] 3. I'd Have You Any Time (Early Take) [3:06] 4. Mama You've Been on My Mind (Demo) [3:04] 5. Let It Be Me (Demo) [2:56] Side B: 1. Woman Don't You Cry for Me (Early Take) [2:44] 2. Awaiting on You All (Early Take) [2:40] 3. Behind That Locked Door (Demo) [3:29] 4. All Things Must Pass (Demo) [4:38] 5. The Light That Has Lighted the World (Demo) [2:23]
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34,19 € 35,99 €

Harrison George - Living in the Material World (50th Anniversary) CD

George Harrison bol britský hudobník, skladateľ a člen legendárnej rockovej skupiny The Beatles. Narodil sa 25. februára 1943 v Liverpoole, Spojené kráľovstvo, a zomrel 29. novembra 2001 v Los Angeles, USA. Ako gitarista a spevák The Beatles prispel k mnohým ich najväčším hitom, vrátane "Something," "Here Comes The Sun" a "While My Guitar Gently Weeps". Po rozpade The Beatles v roku 1970 sa Harrison venoval sólovej kariére, pričom vydal úspešné albumy ako "All Things Must Pass" (1970) a "Living In the Material World" (1973). Jeho hudba bola často ovplyvnená spirituality a indickou kultúrou, čo bolo zrejmé v jeho záujme o hinduizmus a hranie na sitár. Harrison bol tiež aktívny v charitatívnych projektoch a podporoval rôzne humanitárne a environmentálne iniciatívy. Jeho hudobný odkaz a vplyv na svetovú hudbu sú nezastupiteľné a jeho tvorba s The Beatles aj sólovo ho urobili jedným z najuznávanejších a najvplyvnejších hudobníkov 20. storočia. "Living in the Material World" je štvrtý štúdiový album, vydaný v roku 1973 na Apple Records. Ako pokračovanie kritikmi uznávaného albumu All Things Must Pass zo 70. rokov a jeho priekopníckeho charitatívneho projektu Concert for Bangladesh patrilo medzi najočakávanejšie vydania toho roku. Album získal zlatú certifikáciu od Recording Industry Association of America dva dni po vydaní, na ceste k tomu, aby sa stal Harrisonovým druhým albumom číslo 1 v Spojených štátoch, a vyprodukoval medzinárodný hit „Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)“. Tiež sa umiestnil na vrchole rebríčkov albumov v Kanade a Austrálii a dosiahol číslo 2 v Británii. Tracklist: 01. Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth) 02. Sue Me, Sue You Blues 03. The Light That Has Lighted the World 04. Don't Let Me Wait Too Long 05. Who Can See It 06. Living in the Material World 07. The Lord Loves the One (That Loves the Lord) 08. Be Here Now 09. Try Some Buy Some 10. The Day the World Gets 'Round 11. That Is All
25,64 € 26,99 €

Harrison George - Living in the Material World (50th Anniversary Deluxe Edition) 2CD

George Harrison bol britský hudobník, skladateľ a člen legendárnej rockovej skupiny The Beatles. Narodil sa 25. februára 1943 v Liverpoole, Spojené kráľovstvo, a zomrel 29. novembra 2001 v Los Angeles, USA. Ako gitarista a spevák The Beatles prispel k mnohým ich najväčším hitom, vrátane "Something," "Here Comes The Sun" a "While My Guitar Gently Weeps". Po rozpade The Beatles v roku 1970 sa Harrison venoval sólovej kariére, pričom vydal úspešné albumy ako "All Things Must Pass" (1970) a "Living In the Material World" (1973). Jeho hudba bola často ovplyvnená spirituality a indickou kultúrou, čo bolo zrejmé v jeho záujme o hinduizmus a hranie na sitár. Harrison bol tiež aktívny v charitatívnych projektoch a podporoval rôzne humanitárne a environmentálne iniciatívy. Jeho hudobný odkaz a vplyv na svetovú hudbu sú nezastupiteľné a jeho tvorba s The Beatles aj sólovo ho urobili jedným z najuznávanejších a najvplyvnejších hudobníkov 20. storočia. "Living in the Material World" je štvrtý štúdiový album, vydaný v roku 1973 na Apple Records. Ako pokračovanie kritikmi uznávaného albumu All Things Must Pass zo 70. rokov a jeho priekopníckeho charitatívneho projektu Concert for Bangladesh patrilo medzi najočakávanejšie vydania toho roku. Album získal zlatú certifikáciu od Recording Industry Association of America dva dni po vydaní, na ceste k tomu, aby sa stal Harrisonovým druhým albumom číslo 1 v Spojených štátoch, a vyprodukoval medzinárodný hit „Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)“. Tiež sa umiestnil na vrchole rebríčkov albumov v Kanade a Austrálii a dosiahol číslo 2 v Británii. Tracklist: CD 1: 01. Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth) 02. Sue Me, Sue You Blues 03. The Light That Has Lighted the World 04. Don't Let Me Wait Too Long 05. Who Can See It 06. Living in the Material World 07. The Lord Loves the One (That Loves the Lord) 08. Be Here Now 09. Try Some Buy Some 10. The Day the World Gets 'Round CD 2: 01. Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth) (Take 18; Acoustic Version) 02. Sue Me, Sue You Blues (Take 5) 03. The Light That Has Lighted the World (Take 13) 04. Don't Let Me Wait Too Long (Take 49; Acoustic Version) 05. Who Can See It (Take 93) 06. Living in the Material World (Take 31) 07. The Lord Loves the One (That Loves the Lord) (Take 3) 08. Be Here Now (Take 8) 09. Try Some Buy Some (Alternative Version) 10. The Day the World Gets 'Round (Take 22; Acoustic Version) 11. That Is All (Take 24) 12. Miss O'Dell (2024 Mix) 11. That Is All
31,34 € 32,99 €

Harrison George - Living in the Material World (50th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition) 2LP+2CD+BD+7inch Single

George Harrison bol britský hudobník, skladateľ a člen legendárnej rockovej skupiny The Beatles. Narodil sa 25. februára 1943 v Liverpoole, Spojené kráľovstvo, a zomrel 29. novembra 2001 v Los Angeles, USA. Ako gitarista a spevák The Beatles prispel k mnohým ich najväčším hitom, vrátane "Something," "Here Comes The Sun" a "While My Guitar Gently Weeps". Po rozpade The Beatles v roku 1970 sa Harrison venoval sólovej kariére, pričom vydal úspešné albumy ako "All Things Must Pass" (1970) a "Living In the Material World" (1973). Jeho hudba bola často ovplyvnená spirituality a indickou kultúrou, čo bolo zrejmé v jeho záujme o hinduizmus a hranie na sitár. Harrison bol tiež aktívny v charitatívnych projektoch a podporoval rôzne humanitárne a environmentálne iniciatívy. Jeho hudobný odkaz a vplyv na svetovú hudbu sú nezastupiteľné a jeho tvorba s The Beatles aj sólovo ho urobili jedným z najuznávanejších a najvplyvnejších hudobníkov 20. storočia. "Living in the Material World" je štvrtý štúdiový album, vydaný v roku 1973 na Apple Records. Ako pokračovanie kritikmi uznávaného albumu All Things Must Pass zo 70. rokov a jeho priekopníckeho charitatívneho projektu Concert for Bangladesh patrilo medzi najočakávanejšie vydania toho roku. Album získal zlatú certifikáciu od Recording Industry Association of America dva dni po vydaní, na ceste k tomu, aby sa stal Harrisonovým druhým albumom číslo 1 v Spojených štátoch, a vyprodukoval medzinárodný hit „Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)“. Tiež sa umiestnil na vrchole rebríčkov albumov v Kanade a Austrálii a dosiahol číslo 2 v Británii. Tracklist: LP 1: 01. Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth) 02. Sue Me, Sue You Blues 03. The Light That Has Lighted the World 04. Don't Let Me Wait Too Long 05. Who Can See It 06. Living in the Material World 07. The Lord Loves the One (That Loves the Lord) 08. Be Here Now 09. Try Some Buy Some 10. The Day the World Gets 'Round LP 2: 01. Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth) (Take 18; Acoustic Version) 02. Sue Me, Sue You Blues (Take 5) 03. The Light That Has Lighted the World (Take 13) 04. Don't Let Me Wait Too Long (Take 49; Acoustic Version) 05. Who Can See It (Take 93) 06. Living in the Material World (Take 31) 07. The Lord Loves the One (That Loves the Lord) (Take 3) 08. Be Here Now (Take 8) 09. Try Some Buy Some (Alternative Version) 10. The Day the World Gets 'Round (Take 22; Acoustic Version) 11. That Is All (Take 24) 12. Miss O'Dell (2024 Mix) 11. That Is All CD 1: 01. Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth) 02. Sue Me, Sue You Blues 03. The Light That Has Lighted the World 04. Don't Let Me Wait Too Long 05. Who Can See It 06. Living in the Material World 07. The Lord Loves the One (That Loves the Lord) 08. Be Here Now 09. Try Some Buy Some 10. The Day the World Gets 'Round CD 2: 01. Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth) (Take 18; Acoustic Version) 02. Sue Me, Sue You Blues (Take 5) 03. The Light That Has Lighted the World (Take 13) 04. Don't Let Me Wait Too Long (Take 49; Acoustic Version) 05. Who Can See It (Take 93) 06. Living in the Material World (Take 31) 07. The Lord Loves the One (That Loves the Lord) (Take 3) 08. Be Here Now (Take 8) 09. Try Some Buy Some (Alternative Version) 10. The Day the World Gets 'Round (Take 22; Acoustic Version) 11. That Is All (Take 24) 12. Miss O'Dell (2024 Mix) 11. That Is All 7" Single: A1. Sunshine Life For Me (Sail Away Raymond) B1. Sunshine Life For Me (Sail Away Raymond) [Instrumental] Blu-Ray: 01. Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth) 02. Sue Me, Sue You Blues 03. The Light That Has Lighted the World 04. Don't Let Me Wait Too Long 05. Who Can See It 06. Living in the Material World 07. The Lord Loves the One (That Loves the Lord) 08. Be Here Now 09. Try Some Buy Some 10. The Day the World Gets 'Round 11. That Is All 12. Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth) (Take 18; Acoustic Version) 13. Sue Me, Sue You Blues (Take 5) 14. The Light That Has Lighted the World (Take 13) 15. Don't Let Me Wait Too Long (Take 49; Acoustic Version) 16. Who Can See It (Take 93) 17. Living in the Material World (Take 31) 18. The Lord Loves the One (That Loves the Lord) (Take 3) 19. Be Here Now (Take 8) 20. Try Some Buy Some (Alternative Version) 21. The Day the World Gets 'Round (Take 22; Acoustic Version) 22. That Is All (Take 24) 23. Miss O'Dell (2024 Mix) 24. Sunshine Life For Me (Sail Away Raymond)
182,39 € 191,99 €

Harrison George - Living in the Material World (50th Anniversary) LP

George Harrison bol britský hudobník, skladateľ a člen legendárnej rockovej skupiny The Beatles. Narodil sa 25. februára 1943 v Liverpoole, Spojené kráľovstvo, a zomrel 29. novembra 2001 v Los Angeles, USA. Ako gitarista a spevák The Beatles prispel k mnohým ich najväčším hitom, vrátane "Something," "Here Comes The Sun" a "While My Guitar Gently Weeps". Po rozpade The Beatles v roku 1970 sa Harrison venoval sólovej kariére, pričom vydal úspešné albumy ako "All Things Must Pass" (1970) a "Living In the Material World" (1973). Jeho hudba bola často ovplyvnená spirituality a indickou kultúrou, čo bolo zrejmé v jeho záujme o hinduizmus a hranie na sitár. Harrison bol tiež aktívny v charitatívnych projektoch a podporoval rôzne humanitárne a environmentálne iniciatívy. Jeho hudobný odkaz a vplyv na svetovú hudbu sú nezastupiteľné a jeho tvorba s The Beatles aj sólovo ho urobili jedným z najuznávanejších a najvplyvnejších hudobníkov 20. storočia. "Living in the Material World" je štvrtý štúdiový album, vydaný v roku 1973 na Apple Records. Ako pokračovanie kritikmi uznávaného albumu All Things Must Pass zo 70. rokov a jeho priekopníckeho charitatívneho projektu Concert for Bangladesh patrilo medzi najočakávanejšie vydania toho roku. Album získal zlatú certifikáciu od Recording Industry Association of America dva dni po vydaní, na ceste k tomu, aby sa stal Harrisonovým druhým albumom číslo 1 v Spojených štátoch, a vyprodukoval medzinárodný hit „Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)“. Tiež sa umiestnil na vrchole rebríčkov albumov v Kanade a Austrálii a dosiahol číslo 2 v Británii. Tracklist: 01. Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth) 02. Sue Me, Sue You Blues 03. The Light That Has Lighted the World 04. Don't Let Me Wait Too Long 05. Who Can See It 06. Living in the Material World 07. The Lord Loves the One (That Loves the Lord) 08. Be Here Now 09. Try Some Buy Some 10. The Day the World Gets 'Round 11. That Is All
38,94 € 40,99 €

Harrison George - Living in the Material World (50th Anniversary Deluxe Edition) 2LP

George Harrison bol britský hudobník, skladateľ a člen legendárnej rockovej skupiny The Beatles. Narodil sa 25. februára 1943 v Liverpoole, Spojené kráľovstvo, a zomrel 29. novembra 2001 v Los Angeles, USA. Ako gitarista a spevák The Beatles prispel k mnohým ich najväčším hitom, vrátane "Something," "Here Comes The Sun" a "While My Guitar Gently Weeps". Po rozpade The Beatles v roku 1970 sa Harrison venoval sólovej kariére, pričom vydal úspešné albumy ako "All Things Must Pass" (1970) a "Living In the Material World" (1973). Jeho hudba bola často ovplyvnená spirituality a indickou kultúrou, čo bolo zrejmé v jeho záujme o hinduizmus a hranie na sitár. Harrison bol tiež aktívny v charitatívnych projektoch a podporoval rôzne humanitárne a environmentálne iniciatívy. Jeho hudobný odkaz a vplyv na svetovú hudbu sú nezastupiteľné a jeho tvorba s The Beatles aj sólovo ho urobili jedným z najuznávanejších a najvplyvnejších hudobníkov 20. storočia. "Living in the Material World" je štvrtý štúdiový album, vydaný v roku 1973 na Apple Records. Ako pokračovanie kritikmi uznávaného albumu All Things Must Pass zo 70. rokov a jeho priekopníckeho charitatívneho projektu Concert for Bangladesh patrilo medzi najočakávanejšie vydania toho roku. Album získal zlatú certifikáciu od Recording Industry Association of America dva dni po vydaní, na ceste k tomu, aby sa stal Harrisonovým druhým albumom číslo 1 v Spojených štátoch, a vyprodukoval medzinárodný hit „Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)“. Tiež sa umiestnil na vrchole rebríčkov albumov v Kanade a Austrálii a dosiahol číslo 2 v Británii. Tracklist: LP 1: 01. Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth) 02. Sue Me, Sue You Blues 03. The Light That Has Lighted the World 04. Don't Let Me Wait Too Long 05. Who Can See It 06. Living in the Material World 07. The Lord Loves the One (That Loves the Lord) 08. Be Here Now 09. Try Some Buy Some 10. The Day the World Gets 'Round LP 2: 01. Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth) (Take 18; Acoustic Version) 02. Sue Me, Sue You Blues (Take 5) 03. The Light That Has Lighted the World (Take 13) 04. Don't Let Me Wait Too Long (Take 49; Acoustic Version) 05. Who Can See It (Take 93) 06. Living in the Material World (Take 31) 07. The Lord Loves the One (That Loves the Lord) (Take 3) 08. Be Here Now (Take 8) 09. Try Some Buy Some (Alternative Version) 10. The Day the World Gets 'Round (Take 22; Acoustic Version) 11. That Is All (Take 24) 12. Miss O'Dell (2024 Mix) 11. That Is All
63,64 € 66,99 €

Harrison George - All Things Must Pass (50th Anniversary Deluxe Edition) 3CD

Tracklist: CD 1: 01. I'd Have You Anytime 02. My Sweet Lord 03. Wah-wah 04. Isn't It a Pity (Version 1) 05. What Is Life 06. If Not for You 07. Behind That Locked Door 08. Let It Down 09. Run of the Mill CD 2: 01. Beware of Darkness 02. Apple Scruffs 03. Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let It Roll) 04. Awaiting On You All 05. All Things Must Pass 06. I Dig Love 07. Art of Dying 08. Isn't It a Pity (Version 2) 09. Hear Me Lord 10. Out of the Blue 11. It's Johnny's Birthday 12. Plug Me In 13. I Remember Jeep 14. Thanks for the Pepperoni CD 3: 01. Isn't It a Pity (Take 14) 02. Wah-wah (Take 1) 03. I'd Have You Anytime (Take 5) 04. Art of Dying (Take 1) 05. Isn't It a Pity (Take 27) 06. If Not for You (Take 2) 07. Wedding Bells (Are Breaking Up That Old Gang of Mine) [take 1] 08. What Is Life (Take 1) 09. Beware of Darkness (Take 8) 10. Hear Me Lord (Take 5) 11. Let It Down (Take 1) 12. Run of the Mill (Take 36) 13. Down to the River (Rocking Chair Jam) [take 1] 14. Get Back (Take 1) 15. Almost 12 Bar Honky Tonk (Take 1) 16. It's Johnny's Birthday (Take 1) 17. Woman Don't You Cry for Me (Take 5)
31,34 € 32,99 €

Harrison George - All Things Must Pass (50th Anniversary) 3LP

Tracklist: LP 1: 01. I'd Have You Anytime 02. My Sweet Lord 03. Wah-wah 04. Isn't It a Pity (Version 1) 05. What Is Life 06. If Not for You 07. Behind That Locked Door 08. Let It Down 09. Run of the Mill LP 2: 01. Beware of Darkness 02. Apple Scruffs 03. Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let It Roll) 04. Awaiting On You All 05. All Things Must Pass 06. I Dig Love 07. Art of Dying 08. Isn't It a Pity (Version 2) 09. Hear Me Lord LP 3: 01. Out of the Blue 02. It's Johnny's Birthday 03. Plug Me In 04. I Remember Jeep 05. Thanks for the Pepperoni
79,79 € 83,99 €

Harrison George - All Things Must Pass (50th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition) 5CD+BD

Tracklist: CD 1: 01. I'd Have You Anytime 02. My Sweet Lord 03. Wah-wah 04. Isn't It a Pity (Version 1) 05. What Is Life 06. If Not for You 07. Behind That Locked Door 08. Let It Down 09. Run of the Mill CD 2: 01. Beware of Darkness 02. Apple Scruffs 03. Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let It Roll) 04. Awaiting On You All 05. All Things Must Pass 06. I Dig Love 07. Art of Dying 08. Isn't It a Pity (Version 2) 09. Hear Me Lord 10. Out of the Blue 11. It's Johnny's Birthday 12. Plug Me In 13. I Remember Jeep 14. Thanks for the Pepperoni CD 3: 01. Isn't It a Pity (Take 14) 02. Wah-wah (Take 1) 03. I'd Have You Anytime (Take 5) 04. Art of Dying (Take 1) 05. Isn't It a Pity (Take 27) 06. If Not for You (Take 2) 07. Wedding Bells (Are Breaking Up That Old Gang of Mine) [take 1] 08. What Is Life (Take 1) 09. Beware of Darkness (Take 8) 10. Hear Me Lord (Take 5) 11. Let It Down (Take 1) 12. Run of the Mill (Take 36) 13. Down to the River (Rocking Chair Jam) [take 1] 14. Get Back (Take 1) 15. Almost 12 Bar Honky Tonk (Take 1) 16. It's Johnny's Birthday (Take 1) 17. Woman Don't You Cry for Me (Take 5) CD 4: 01. All Things Must Pass (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 1) 02. Behind That Locked Door (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 2) 03. I Live for You (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 1) 04. Apple Scruffs (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 1) 05. What Is Life (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 3) 06. Awaiting On You All (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 1) 07. Isn't It a Pity (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 2) 08. I'd Have You Anytime (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 1) 09. I Dig Love (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 3) 10. Going Down to Golders Green (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 1) 11. Dehra Dun (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 2) 12. Om Hare Om (Gopala Krishna) [day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 1] 13. Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let It Roll) [day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 2] 14. My Sweet Lord (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 1) 15. Sour Milk Sea (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 1) CD 5: 01. Run of the Mill (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) [previously Unreleased] 02. Art of Dying (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 03. Everybody/Nobody (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 04. Wah-wah (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 05. Window Window (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 06. Beautiful Girl (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 07. Beware of Darkness (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 08. Let It Down (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 09. Tell Me What Has Happened to You (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 10. Hear Me Lord (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 11. Nowhere to Go (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 12. Cosmic Empire (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 13. Mother Divine (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 14. I Don't Want to Do It (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 15. If Not for You (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) BLU-RAY: 01. I'd Have You Anytime 02. My Sweet Lord 03. Wah-wah 04. Isn't It a Pity (Version 1) 05. What Is Life 06. If Not for You 07. Behind That Locked Door 08. Let It Down 09. Run of the Mill 10. Beware of Darkness 11. Apple Scruffs 12. Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let It Roll) 13. Awaiting On You All 14. All Things Must Pass 15. I Dig Love 16. Art of Dying 17. Isn't It a Pity (Version 2) 18. Hear Me Lord 19. Out of the Blue 20 It's Johnny's Birthday 21. Plug Me In 22. I Remember Jeep 23. Thanks for the Pepperoni
160,54 € 168,99 €

Harrison George - All Things Must Pass (50th Anniversary Deluxe Ltd.) 5LP

Tracklist: LP 1: 01. I'd Have You Anytime 02. My Sweet Lord 03. Wah-wah 04. Isn't It a Pity (Version 1) 05. What Is Life 06. If Not for You 07. Behind That Locked Door 08. Let It Down 09. Run of the Mill LP 2: 01. Beware of Darkness 02. Apple Scruffs 03. Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let It Roll) 04. Awaiting On You All 05. All Things Must Pass 06. I Dig Love 07. Art of Dying 08. Isn't It a Pity (Version 2) 09. Hear Me Lord LP 3: 01. Out of the Blue 02. It's Johnny's Birthday 03. Plug Me In 04. I Remember Jeep 05. Thanks for the Pepperoni LP 4: 01. Isn't It a Pity (Take 14) 02. Wah-wah (Take 1) 03. I'd Have You Anytime (Take 5) 04. Art of Dying (Take 1) 05. Isn't It a Pity (Take 27) 06. If Not for You (Take 2) 07. Wedding Bells (Are Breaking Up That Old Gang of Mine) [take 1] 08. What Is Life (Take 1) 09. Beware of Darkness (Take 8) LP 5: 01. Hear Me Lord (Take 5) 02. Let It Down (Take 1) 03. Run of the Mill (Take 36) 04. Down to the River (Rocking Chair Jam) [take 1] 05. Get Back (Take 1) 06. Almost 12 Bar Honky Tonk (Take 1) 07. It's Johnny's Birthday (Take 1) 08. Woman Don't You Cry for Me (Take 5)
110,19 € 115,99 €

Harrison George - All Things Must Pass (50th Anniversary Super Deluxe Ltd.) 8LP

Tracklist: LP 1: 01. I'd Have You Anytime 02. My Sweet Lord 03. Wah-wah 04. Isn't It a Pity (Version 1) 05. What Is Life 06. If Not for You 07. Behind That Locked Door 08. Let It Down 09. Run of the Mill LP 2: 01. Beware of Darkness 02. Apple Scruffs 03. Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let It Roll) 04. Awaiting On You All 05. All Things Must Pass 06. I Dig Love 07. Art of Dying 08. Isn't It a Pity (Version 2) 09. Hear Me Lord LP 3: 01. Out of the Blue 02. It's Johnny's Birthday 03. Plug Me In 04. I Remember Jeep 05. Thanks for the Pepperoni LP 4: 01. Isn't It a Pity (Take 14) 02. Wah-wah (Take 1) 03. I'd Have You Anytime (Take 5) 04. Art of Dying (Take 1) 05. Isn't It a Pity (Take 27) 06. If Not for You (Take 2) 07. Wedding Bells (Are Breaking Up That Old Gang of Mine) [take 1] 08. What Is Life (Take 1) 09. Beware of Darkness (Take 8) LP 5: 01. Hear Me Lord (Take 5) 02. Let It Down (Take 1) 03. Run of the Mill (Take 36) 04. Down to the River (Rocking Chair Jam) [take 1] 05. Get Back (Take 1) 06. Almost 12 Bar Honky Tonk (Take 1) 07. It's Johnny's Birthday (Take 1) 08. Woman Don't You Cry for Me (Take 5) LP 6: 01. All Things Must Pass (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 1) 02. Behind That Locked Door (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 2) 03. I Live for You (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 1) 04. Apple Scruffs (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 1) 05. What Is Life (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 3) 06. Awaiting On You All (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 1) 07. Isn't It a Pity (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 2) 08. I'd Have You Anytime (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 1) LP 7: 01. I Dig Love (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 3) 02. Going Down to Golders Green (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 1) 03. Dehra Dun (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 2) 04. Om Hare Om (Gopala Krishna) [day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 1] 05. Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let It Roll) [day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 2] 06. My Sweet Lord (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 1) 07. Sour Milk Sea (Day 1 Demo, 26th May 1970 - Take 1) LP 8: 01. Run of the Mill (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) [previously Unreleased] 02. Art of Dying (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 03. Everybody/Nobody (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 04. Wah-wah (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 05. Window Window (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 06. Beautiful Girl (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 07. Beware of Darkness (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 08. Let It Down (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 09. Tell Me What Has Happened to You (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 10. Hear Me Lord (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 11. Nowhere to Go (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 12. Cosmic Empire (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 13. Mother Divine (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 14. I Don't Want to Do It (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1) 15. If Not for You (Day 2 Demo, 27th May 1970 - Take 1)
246,99 € 259,99 €

Harrison George - Let It Roll CD

Tracklist: 1 „Got My Mind Set on You” (Rudy Clark) Cloud Nine 03:52 2 „Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)” Living in the Material World 03:35 3 „Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let It Roll)” All Things Must Pass 03:48 4 „My Sweet Lord” All Things Must Pass 04:40 5 „While My Guitar Gently Weeps [Live]” The Concert for Bangladesh 04:46 6 „All Things Must Pass” All Things Must Pass 03:46 7 „Any Road” Brainwashed 03:52 8 „This Is Love” (Harrison, Jeff Lynne) Cloud Nine 03:47 9 „All Those Years Ago” Somewhere in England 03:46 10 „Marwa Blues” Brainwashed 03:41 11 „What Is Life” All Things Must Pass 04:25 12 „Rising Sun” Brainwashed 05:27 13 „When We Was Fab” (Harrison, Lynne) Cloud Nine 03:51 14 „Something [Live]” The Concert for Bangladesh 03:10 15 „Blow Away” George Harrison 03:59 16 „Cheer Down” (Harrison, Tom Petty) Lethal Weapon 2 soundtrack 04:06 17 „Here Comes the Sun [Live]” The Concert for Bangladesh 02:54 18 „I Don't Want to Do It” (Bob Dylan) Porky's Revenge soundtrack 02:54 19 „Isn't It a Pity” All Things Must Pass 07:07
23,74 € 24,99 €

Harrison George - George Harrison CD

Tracklist: 1. Love Comes To Everyone 2. Not Guilty 3. Here Comes The Moon 4. Soft-Hearted Hana 5. Blow Away 6. Faster 7. Dark Sweet Lady 8. Your Love Is Forever 9. Soft Touch 10. If You Believe Tato reedice z roku 2004 obsahuje bonus 11. Here Comes The Moon (demo version)
23,74 € 24,99 €

Harrison George - Living In The Material CD

Tracklist: 1. Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth) 2. Sue Me, Sue You Blues 3. The Light That Has Lighted The World 4. Don't Let Me Wait Too Long 5. Who Can See It 6. Living In The Material World 7. The Lord Loves The One (That Loves The Lord) 8. Be Here Now 9. Try Some Buy Some 10. The Day The Word Gets 'Round 11. That Is All Tato reedice z roku 2006 obsahuje bonusy 12. Deep Blue 13. Miss O'Dell
23,74 € 24,99 €