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Brett Helquist


Zlý začiatok

Prvá kniha zo série nešťastných príbehov. Súrodenci Baudelairovci, napriek tomu, že sú očarujúci a múdri, ich život je plný smútku a trápenia. Nešťastie ich priťahuje ako magnet.
3,13 € 3,29 €

Hadia izba

Druhá kniha zo série nešťastných príbehov. Súrodenci Baudelairovci okrem iného zažijú automobilovú nehodu, stretnú sa s jedovatým hadom a prežijú opätovné stretnutie s človekom, o ktorom dúfali, že ho už nikdy neuvidia.
3,13 € 3,29 €

The Miserable Mill

There is nothing to be found in the pages of these books but misery and despair. You still have time to choose something else to read. But if you must know what unpleasantries befall the charming and clever Baudelaire children read on...The Miserable Mill
6,27 € 6,60 €

The Vile Village

There is nothing to be found in the pages of these books but misery and despair. You still have time to choose something else to read. But if you must know what unpleasantries befall the charming and clever Baudelaire children read on...The Vile Village:
6,27 € 6,60 €

The Slippery slope

There is nothing to be found in the pages of these books but misery and despair. You still have time to choose something else to read. But if you must know what unpleasantries befall the charming and clever Baudelaire children read on...The Penultimate Pe
6,27 € 6,60 €

The Grim grotto

There is nothing to be found in the pages of these books but misery and despair. You still have time to choose something else to read. But if you must know what unpleasantries befall the charming and clever Baudelaire children read on...The Penultimate Pe
6,27 € 6,60 €

A Series of Unfortunate Events - The Wide Window

here is nothing to be found in the pages of these books but misery and despair. You still have time to choose something else to read. But if you must know what unpleasantries befall the charming and clever Baudelaire children read on...A story that includes a hurricane, a signalling device, hungry leaches, cold cucumber soup, a horrible villain and a doll named Pretty Penny. Then again, why trouble yourself with the unfortunate resolutions? Avoid these books in Lemony Snicket's international bestselling series and you'll never have to know what happens!
7,89 € 8,31 €

A Series of Unfortunate Events - The Bad Beginning

There is nothing to be found in the pages of these books but misery and despair. You still have time to choose something else to read. But if you must know what unpleasantries befall the charming and clever Baudelaire children read on...The three youngsters encounter a greedy and repulsive villain, itchy clothing, a disastrous fire, a plot to steal their fortune and cold porridge for breakfast. Then again, why trouble yourself with the unfortunate resolutions? Avoid these books in Lemony Snicket's international bestselling series and you'll never have to know what happens!
9,46 € 9,96 €

Bad Beginning 1

There is nothing to be found in the pages of these books but misery and despair. You still have time to choose something else to read. But if you must know what unpleasantries befall the charming and clever Baudelaire children read on...The three youngste
6,75 € 7,10 €

Záhada starého domu

Petra, Calder a Tommy, vynikajúci pátrači a postavy z knihy Záhada strateného obrazu, sú zrazu tajomným spôsobom vtiahnutí do záhady ďalšieho umeleckého diela – tentoraz je to architektonický skvost svetoznámeho architekta Franka Lloyda Wrighta, známy pod názvom Robieho dom. Keď sa však projekt na záchranu tohto umeleckého diela, na ktorom sa podieľajú deti v škole, zmení na desivé hľadanie duchov, strateného pokladu a zakódovaného odkazu, ktorý po sebe nechal architekt Wright, traja vynikajúci detektívi sa ocitnú zamotaní do siete, v ktorej sa život a umenie mieša a zmotáva so smrťou a s nebezpečenstvom. Podarí sa Petre, Calderovi a Tommymu nastoliť spravodlivosť a zachrániť si holý život...
9,45 € 9,95 €

Záhada strateného obrazu

Keď kniha plná nepredvídaných udalostí spojí osudy Petry Andalee a Caldera Pillayho, začnú sa diať podivuhodné veci: Zdanlivo nesúvisiace udalosti zrazu súvisia, výstredná stará dáma vyhľadáva spoločnosť Petry a Caldera a Vermeerov obraz nevyčísliteľnej hodnoty sa stratí. Skôr než si to títo dvaja kamaráti uvedomia, ocitnú sa v centre medzinárodného škandálu týkajúceho sa umenia, a nikto – ani susedia, ani rodičia, ani učitelia – nie sú mimo podozrenia. Petra a Calder sú postupne vťahovaní do tajomného labyrintu tohto prípadu a musia sa spoliehať len na svoju intuíciu, skúsenosti s riešením problémov a na svoje vedomosti o Vermeerovi. Podarí sa im rozlúštiť záhadu zločinu, ktorý zmiatol dokonca aj FBI? Americký týždenník o knihe napísal, že je to „Da Vinciho kód pre tínejdžrov.“
9,45 € 9,95 €

Lacná kniha The Slippery slope (-95%)

There is nothing to be found in the pages of these books but misery and despair. You still have time to choose something else to read. But if you must know what unpleasantries befall the charming and clever Baudelaire children read on...The Penultimate Pe
0,33 € 6,60 €

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Lacná kniha The Vile Village (-90%)

There is nothing to be found in the pages of these books but misery and despair. You still have time to choose something else to read. But if you must know what unpleasantries befall the charming and clever Baudelaire children read on...The Vile Village:
0,66 € 6,60 €

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Lacná kniha The Grim grotto (-95%)

There is nothing to be found in the pages of these books but misery and despair. You still have time to choose something else to read. But if you must know what unpleasantries befall the charming and clever Baudelaire children read on...The Penultimate Pe
0,33 € 6,60 €

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