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James Henry



Henry James (1843 - 1916) byl americko-britský spisovatel a mnozí ho považují za jednoho z největších romanopisců píšících v anglickém jazyce... Román ´Evropané´ byl zfilmován. Ve filmu The Europeans z roku 1979 z produkce Merchant Ivory Productions si hlavní roli Eugenie zahrála Lee Remicková, film získal šest nominací na ceny... Eugenie, baronka rozvedená s německým princem, a její bohémský bratr Felix přijíždějí do Ameriky. Vychováni a kultivováni v Evropě se ovšem vracejí zcela bez prostředků, aby vyhledali své bohaté příbuzné. Eugenie si získá pozornost Roberta Actona, nejvhodnějšího nápadníka v okolí, a zároveň svede svého mladšího nevlastního bratrance Clifforda. Její cizokrajná šlechetnost a drzost všechny mate. Na druhou stranu Felixovy romantické způsoby namlouvání nacházejí u amerických žen pochopení. Jeho plány však komplikují jistá nedorozumění. Ve zmatku kulturních střetů a milostných trojúhelníků závisí osud Evropanů na jejich schopnosti přizpůsobit se. Tam, kam je jejich intriky zavedou, je to poslední místo, které očekávají.
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6,59 €

Penguin Readers Level 6: The Turn of the Screw

Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online. Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content. The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers' story comprehension and develop vocabulary. Visit the Penguin Readers website Exclusively with the print edition, readers can unlock online resources including a digital book, audio edition, lesson plans and answer keys. A young woman accepts her first job as a governess and goes to Bly, a large country house in England. There she teaches a young brother and sister. But the governess soon starts to see ghosts and tries to protect the children from them.
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9,31 € 9,50 €

B. J. Harrison Reads The Turn of the Screw (EN)

A governess is hired by a bachelor to take care of his nephew and niece. She has barely arrives at the house that she starts seeing ghosts and having other supernatural visions. She decides to share her frightening experience with the maid of the house, Mrs. Grose. The maid, however, is not surprised and tells the governess that the ghosts are those of Peter Quint and Miss Jessel.
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10,99 €

The American (EN)

Christopher Newman, a somewhat awkward but well-meaning American businessman traveling in Europe for the first time, meets and falls in love with the aristocratic young widow Claire de Bellegarde. But her French family does not like his American ways and oppose his offer of marriage. When he discovers a dirty family secret, however, the tables are suddenly turned.
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22,99 €

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Washington Square (EN)

Catherine is well on her way to becoming a spinster. She‘s 21 and part of New York‘s upper-class society, but she has never had a flirt and is plain-looking without the sparkling personality to make up for it. Or so her father thinks. Because when the handsome Mr. Morris Townsend catches her eye, Catherine falls head over heels in love with him.
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13,99 €

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Roderick Hudson (EN)

Originally published in 1875 as a serial in The Atlantic Monthly, Roderick Hudson is a One has the money but not the talent. One has the talent but not the money. It would seem that Rowland Mallet and Roderick Hudson were meant to meet. A rich and sensible man, Rowland is ecstatic when Roderick, a beautiful but somewhat selfish sculptor, accepts his offer of joining him in Rome for two years to develop his artistic talents.
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16,99 €

What Maisie Knew (EN)

`What Maise Knew‘ (1897) should perhaps have been titled `Divorce for Dummies` instead. In this tense and clever novel, Henry James lays out with perfect clarity what not to do when your child becomes one of divorce, as in do the absolute opposite of everything Maise‘s parents do. Shuttled back and forth between her selfish mother and her vain father, Maise becomes a weapon in her parents‘ battle, a way for them to intensify their hatred of each other.
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13,99 €

Portrét dámy

Isabel Archerová připomíná moderní postavu uvězněnou do staršího rámu. I po přestěhování do Evropy by si tato jiskrná mladá Američanka ráda uchovala možnost svobodné volby plynoucí z nemalé renty, a proto projevuje instinktivní touhu „uvidět, vyzkoušet, poznat“. To ji vychyluje z konvencí pozdního devatenáctého století a činí ještě neodolatelnější v očích těch, kdo v odhodlání svobodné dámy odmítající tradice spatřují kapitální úlovek. Oduševnělá, velkorysá, ale též naivní hrdinka váhá mezi nápadníky ztělesňovanými tu zámožným lordem, tu směšným panákem pronásledujícím ji až zpoza oceánu, ba i vážně churavým bratrancem. Všechny v zájmu vnitřního růstu zdvořile odmítá – a zároveň je ve své přímočarosti tak urputná, že předpokládá stejně čestné úmysly i od druhé strany, což nakonec vede k osudové chybě. Mistrovský román Henryho Jamese – známý i z filmového zpracování režisérky Jane Campionové s Nicole Kidmanovou a Johnem Malkovichem v hlavních rolích – vypráví o podlosti skryté hluboko vespod a o jizvách na celý život. Dílo vytvořené v kulisách benátské laguny, jež symbolizuje pokleslý Starý svět, však neustrnulo na frustracích zdánlivě nevinných Američanů bez řádné minulosti, jaké vylíčili autorovi krajané Hawthorne nebo Twain. Ohromující síla prózy pramení v procítěné jemnosti, s jejímž přispěním mág „dvojitě nabroušené ironie“ pozoruje utajené krajiny lidských pohnutek. Ve hře světel a stínů, dojmů a náznaků překračuje James meze dobového psychologického románu do té míry, že výsledek čtenáře uhrane i po sto letech od spisovatelova úmrtí.
Na sklade 2Ks darček
13,73 € 14,01 €

The Spoils of Poynton (EN)

Published in 1897, The Spoils of Poynton is one of the quintessential works of James’s middle period. The ‘spoils’ of the book’s title refer to furniture and other objets d’art that the widow Adela Gereth moves to her cottage so that they are kept away from the clutches of her coarse future daughter-in-law, Mona Brigstock.
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20,50 €

ELI - A - Young adult 3 - The Portrait of a Lady - readers + CD

One sleepy summer, an American woman arrives in England, and wakes everybody up. Isabel Archer is an interesting woman. Everybody thinks so. She is an independent woman. Everybody agrees. And she changes the lives of everyone she meets in England. But will England change her?
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7,84 € 8,00 €

The American (EN)

Self-made American millionaire Christopher Newman arrives in Paris brimming with hope and optimism, excited to experience the culture and, hopefully, find the perfect woman to become his wife. After a chance encounter with American expatriate friends his attention is drawn to Madame de Cintre´, 25-year-old widowed daughter of the late Marquis de Bellegarde.
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31,00 €

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The Beast in the Jungle (EN)

Bachelor John Marcher is haunted by the premonition that something terrible lies in store for him, like a ‘beast in the jungle’ lying in wait. So he spends his life in idleness, unable to carry out his dreams or desires, while his friend May Bartram, curious to see how this spectacular fate will manifest, helps watch out for the arrival of the beast.
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8,00 €

Roderick Hudson (EN)

Roderick Hudson and Rowland Mallet are like two sides of the same coin: while the whimsical and egotistical Roderick recklessly follows his passions in the name of art, altruistic Rowland lives with restraint and measure. The two are bound together almost immediately when Rowland is shown a striking bronze statuette in his cousin’s garden, which moves him to meet and support its creator, Roderick.
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31,00 €

The Tragic Muse (EN)

Pressured into a political career by his traditional, establishmentarian family, Nick Dormer longs to be a painter. Eventually, encouraged by the carefree aesthete Gabriel Nash, reminiscent of Oscar Wilde, he resigns from Parliament and follows his artistic dream. His journey is counterpointed with that of budding young actress Miriam Rooth, the subject of Nick’s most successful paintings and the ‘tragic muse’ of the title, who too sacrifices an affluent life (marriage with Nick’s cousin Peter) for her art.
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40,50 €

The turn of the Screw (EN)

A young woman starts her first job as a governess in charge of two young orphans, Miles and Flora, at a country house called Bly. The children are beautiful and well-behaved, but are they too good to be true? When the governess starts to experience strange visions, she suspects that the children are hiding a terrible secret. Are there ghosts at Bly, or is the governess going mad? Henry James’s classic ghost story.
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5,96 €

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Lacná kniha Ambassadors (-50%)

Lambert Strether, a mild middle-aged American of no particular achievements, is dispatched to Paris from the manufacturing empire of Woollett, Massachusetts. The mission conferred on him by his august patron, Mrs Newsome, is to discover what, or who, is keeping her son Chad in the notorious city of pleasure, and to bring him home. But Strether finds Chad transformed by the influence of a remarkable woman; and as the Parisian spring advances, he himself succumbs to the allure of the 'vast bright Babylon' and to the mysterious charm of Madame de Vionnet.
Na sklade 3Ks darček
2,00 € 3,99 €

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