Emma Heyderman


Motivate 2 Workbook + audio

A 4-level course for secondary and for schools with fewer contact hours (2-3 per week). It starts at A1 and ends at B1. The course will meet different sales and marketing needs primarily in our CEE markets (incl. Russia and Turkey, Kazakhstan and Ukraine) and will be treated as replacement/alternative to Smash and Tempo. Some markets will be looking to reach out to new segments of secondary, others will be targeting whole new markets that we're not present in, and finally, just having an alternative course for this segment to take to our customers is seen as a welcome opportunity to increase Macmillan's market share in lower secondary. The course is a version of the Spanish ESO course Interface and offers a solid and well-paced approach to teaching grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and the four skills in equal balance and with emphasis on mixed abilities. The material stands out with its thorough and comprehensive grammar. - Solid, well-paced, balanced approach to teaching grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and the four skills - Engaging and age-appropriate reading texts and tasks - Well-structured and well-supported methods for the teaching and practising of the productive skills (speaking and writing) -Predictable unit structure offering the teacher and the student a welcome sense of security - A wealth of support features and tips, making the learning experience more memorable and effective - Reliable, cumulative approach to revision - Strong culture and CLIL features in every unit - Workbook (incorporating its own audio) providing an outstanding resource for additional practice and consolidation through a wide variety of activities and strategies
U dodávateľa
12,50 €

Motivate! Student´s Book 2 + DVD-ROM

Motivate! is a four-level course (A1-B1) which contains a wealth of material which is of genuine interest to young teenagers (10-14). Diversity is a key characteristic of today's increasingly international, multicultural and multilingual world, and classrooms these days are equally diverse. Motivate! reflects the wide range of different linguistic capabilities of students in the lower secondary stage in their school career, as well as their varied levels of experience and cultural awareness. Motivate! offers: graded language: Motivate! aims to teach students how to communicate effectively in English. So the presentation of language is always clear and practised thoroughly. Units are clearly structured and easy to follow. The introduction of new grammar and vocabulary is carefully graded, and all four skills are equally well covered recognition of mixed ability: Students begin their studies with different levels of language ability. Motivate! provides diagnostic tests to use before the course starts to help the teacher assess individual student needs. The Progress checks at the end of each unit help students to identify what they know or where they need to study more. The Vocabulary and Grammar guides provide a summary of work covered. In the Workbook the activities are clearly labelled for mixed ability, and in the Teacher's Book there is a wealth of suggestions for extra activities which cater for diversity. Assessment also takes mixed ability into consideration, with test and exams at three levels culture and CLIL: To encourage students to learn about the world around them, Motivate! includes texts and situations based on real contexts with specific cultural references. In addition, every unit contains a CLIL section which provides another way of motivating students and helping them to develop other areas of interest. CLIL also enables teachers to change the focus from learning English to learning about other subject areas through English basic competences: The course contents for Motivate! are designed to reflect the Council of Europe recommendations for the basic competences for lifelong learning. These are a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes which young people in education are encouraged to acquire Motivate! digital: A page-faithful Digibook comes free with every print Student's Book and includes integrated audio
Iba v predajni
18,20 €

Motivate 2 Workbook + CD

A 4-level course for secondary and for schools with fewer contact hours (2-3 per week). It starts at A1 and ends at B1. The course will meet different sales and marketing needs primarily in our CEE markets (incl. Russia and Turkey, Kazakhstan and Ukraine) and will be treated as replacement/alternative to Smash and Tempo. Some markets will be looking to reach out to new segments of secondary, others will be targeting whole new markets that we're not present in, and finally, just having an alternative course for this segment to take to our customers is seen as a welcome opportunity to increase Macmillan's market share in lower secondary. The course is a version of the Spanish ESO course Interface and offers a solid and well-paced approach to teaching grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and the four skills in equal balance and with emphasis on mixed abilities. The material stands out with its thorough and comprehensive grammar. - Solid, well-paced, balanced approach to teaching grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and the four skills - Engaging and age-appropriate reading texts and tasks - Well-structured and well-supported methods for the teaching and practising of the productive skills (speaking and writing) -Predictable unit structure offering the teacher and the student a welcome sense of security - A wealth of support features and tips, making the learning experience more memorable and effective - Reliable, cumulative approach to revision - Strong culture and CLIL features in every unit - Workbook (incorporating its own audio) providing an outstanding resource for additional practice and consolidation through a wide variety of activities and strategies
11,40 €

Motivate! 1 Workbook Pack + CD

Pracovný zošit Motivate! 1 Worbook s doplnkovými dvoma CD pre precivčovanie gramatických javov, novej slovnej zásoby atď. Nový kurz angličtiny Motivate! je určený pre žiakov druhého stupňa ZŠ a nižších ročníkov viacročných gymnázií vo veku od 11 do 16 rokov. Kurz Motivate! má odporúčaciu doložku MŠVVaŠ SR. Motivate! je rozdelená na štyri časti, od úrovne A1+ až po B1 (Beginner to Intermediate). Obsahovo je zostavená tak, aby zaujala mládež. Učebnica berie do úvahy aj rozdielnu vedomostnú úroveň žiakov na začiatku druhého stupňa. Metodicky a didakticky je spracovaná pre klasické zmiešané triedy s rôzne nadanými žiakmi (mixed ability classes). Preto je v úvode učebnice vložený rozdielový test. Kurz je orientovaný na získavanie a precvičovanie základných jazykových zručností, ako písanie, rozprávanie, hovorenie a čítanie. Zameriava sa na gramatiku, slovnú zásobu, výslovnosť a prepájanie spomínaných jazykových zručností. Motivate! má jasnú a prehľadnú štruktúru lekcií. Veľký priestor je venovaný novej gramatike a slovnej zásobe, ich vysvetleniu, dôkladnému precvičovaniu a opakovaniu. V časti Progress Check v závere každej lekcie si žiaci môžu overiť svoje vedomosti, zistiť kde majú ešte medzery a čo si ešte musia lepšie naštudovať. Prehľad prebranej gramatiky nájdu vždy v časti s názvom Grammar Guide. Pre žiakov sú pripravované aj slovníčky k slovnej zásobe a dostupné budú na http://www.macmillan.sk/slovnicky.htm. Časť Culture Section sú reálie z anglicky hovoriacich krajín a priebežne sú situované v každej lekcii aj s posluchovými cvičeniami a textami s medzipredmetovými vzťahmi CLIL. Žiacky CD-Rom, integrovaný v učebnici, obsahuje interaktívnu učebnicu Digibook s nástrojmi na písanie, kreslenie, spájanie, mazanie, zvýrazňovanie a nahrávkami. Návod na prácu s interaktívnou učebnicou nájdete v časti Help. Pre ľahšie rozlíšenie náročnosti sú úlohy v pracovnom zošite označené hviezdičkami, od basic úrovne, cez more advanced úlohy, až po úlohy pre nadanejších challenging úrovene. Lekcie v pracovnom zošite sú rozdelené na sekciu na precvičovanie písania a ostatných zručností, časť Revision na konci venovanej opakovaniu a časť Extension pre nadanejších žiakov, ktorá slúži na rozširovanie ich schopností. Doplnkové CD-čká k pracovnému zošitu obsahujú nahrávky textov z časti Reading and Writing, diktáty, kontrolné gramatické cvičenia, nahrávky k pracovnému zošitu, doplnkovú slovnú zásobu a konverzačné cvičenia. Kľúčové znaky kurzu Motivate!: •vyučovanie gramaticky pomocou cvičení na písanie a rozprávanie, • aktivizujúce a veku primerané texty a posluchové cvičenia, • obsah prispôsobený zmiešaným triedam s rôzne nadanými žiakmi, • vybrané nové a overené metódy na vyučovanie cudzieho jazyka, • väzby na kultúrne zložky a CLIL spojenia.
Iba v predajni
12,99 €

Complete PET

Informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus, and providing an official PET past exam paper from Cambridge ESOL, Complete PET is the most authentic exam preparation course available. Each unit of the Student's Book covers one part of each PET paper and provides thorough exam practice. Grammar and vocabulary exercises target areas that cause most problems for PET candidates, based on data from the Cambridge Learner Corpus, taken from real candidate scripts. The CD-ROM provides additional exam-style practice. A Student's Book without answers with CD-ROM, a Teacher's Book, Workbooks (with and without answers) and Class Audio CDs are also available.
Iba v predajni
16,10 €