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Charlotte Higgins


Greek Myths

n this powerful new collection, Charlotte Higgins foregrounds Greek mythology's most enduring heroines. Here are the myths of Heracles and Theseus, the Trojan war, Thebes and Argos and Athens. They are stories of love and desire, adventure and magic, destructive gods, helpless humans, fantastical creatures and resourceful witches. In this telling the female characters take centre stage as Athena, Helen, Circe, Penelope and others weave these stories into elaborate imagined tapestries. In Charlotte Higgins's thrilling new interpretation of these ancient stories, their tales combine to form a dazzling, sweeping epic of storytelling. With a series of original drawings by Chris Ofili.
Na sklade 1Ks
12,30 € 12,95 €

Az Olümposz istenei

Ebben a varázslatos gyűjteményben Charlotte Higgins kultúránk néhány örök érvényű történetének újraértelmezését adja. Olvashatunk a teremtésről, a trójai háború előzményeiről és utóhatásairól, szerelemről és vágyakozásról, pusztító erejű istenekről és a nekik kiszolgáltatott halandókról, fantasztikus lényekről és leleményes boszorkányokról. Szélsőségekkel teli világukban az emberek mindennapjainak része az erőszak. Sok korábbi mítoszgyűjteménytől eltérően ezúttal a női szereplők kerülnek a középpontba - Athéné, Helené, Kirké, Pénelopeia és mások szövik ezeket a történeteket gazdag motívumú, elképzelt faliszőnyegekké. A térben és időben távoli események aktualitásukból mit sem veszítettek, segítségükkel, mint egy lencsén át, tisztábban láthatjuk a saját korunkat is. "Higgins következetesen végigvezetett, elmés és fantáziadús gyűjteménye az antik görög mítoszok provokatív és magával ragadó újramesélése." - Publishers Weekly "Chris Ofili Az Olümposz isteneihez készített rajzai - amelyek hangsúlyozottan nem illusztrációk - finom, mégis erőteljes alkotások. A lapok között olyan áttetszőnek tűnnek, mintha csillagporba vagy Arakhné leendő rokonának szőnyegébe rajzolták volna őket. Az elkészült kötet a szerző és a művész méltó találkozása." - National Book Review "Az ősi történetek komor és izgalmas újramesélése, amelyben a női szereplők kerülnek a középpontba." - Katy Guest, Guardian "A régi mítoszok lenyűgöző, modern formát kapnak ebben a kötetben." - Booklist CHARLOTTE HIGGINS korábbi, történelmi tárgyú könyvét, az Under Another Sky: Journeys in Roman Britaint Samuel Johnson-díjra (ma Baillie Gifford-díj) jelölték; Red Thread: On Mazes and Labyrinths című könyvével pedig Arnold Bennett-díjat nyert. A szerző a Guardian kulturális rovatának főszerkesztője, a Classical Association brit tudóstársaság korábbi díjazottja, és a Society of Antiquaries of London ösztöndíjasa. Londonban él. CHRIS OFILI brit művész. Trinidadban él és alkot.
U dodávateľa
18,71 € 19,69 €

Greek Myths

A major new retelling of the Greek myths for a new generation, with original drawings by world-renowned artist Chris Ofili. Charlotte Higgins' spellbinding new collection will include all the most famous Greek myths, as well as many less well-known but equally intriguing ones. Here are stories of the creation, of Heracles and Theseus and Perseus, the Trojan war and its origins and aftermaths, tales of Thebes and Argos and Athens. There are stories of love and desire, adventure and magic, destructive gods, helpless humans, gender-shifting characters, resourceful witches, and the origins of birds and animals. Taking her cue from Ovid, Charlotte Higgins has an intriguing structural device to thread her stories together. Inspired by the many moments in Greek myths in which women are seen to weave stories onto textiles (such as Helen of Troy in Homer, and Arachne and Minerva in Ovid), the tales will be told as if they are scenes in the act of being woven on to textiles by women. And, while not operating as an explicitly feminist retelling, this will add a new dimension to her myths, bringing women narrators and characters into the foreground. Above all, Charlotte Higgins' Greek Myths will be an original work of literature and scholarship by an exceptionally talented writer. It will be a book to be enjoyed as a work of art, a source to be consulted, a present to be given, and an object to keep and treasure.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Lacná kniha Greek Myths (-70%)

A major new retelling of the Greek myths for a new generation, with original drawings by world-renowned artist Chris Ofili. Charlotte Higgins' spellbinding new collection will include all the most famous Greek myths, as well as many less well-known but equally intriguing ones. Here are stories of the creation, of Heracles and Theseus and Perseus, the Trojan war and its origins and aftermaths, tales of Thebes and Argos and Athens. There are stories of love and desire, adventure and magic, destructive gods, helpless humans, gender-shifting characters, resourceful witches, and the origins of birds and animals. Taking her cue from Ovid, Charlotte Higgins has an intriguing structural device to thread her stories together. Inspired by the many moments in Greek myths in which women are seen to weave stories onto textiles (such as Helen of Troy in Homer, and Arachne and Minerva in Ovid), the tales will be told as if they are scenes in the act of being woven on to textiles by women. And, while not operating as an explicitly feminist retelling, this will add a new dimension to her myths, bringing women narrators and characters into the foreground. Above all, Charlotte Higgins' Greek Myths will be an original work of literature and scholarship by an exceptionally talented writer. It will be a book to be enjoyed as a work of art, a source to be consulted, a present to be given, and an object to keep and treasure.
5,55 € 18,50 €

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Lacná kniha Greek Myths (-70%)

A major new retelling of the Greek myths for a new generation, with original drawings by world-renowned artist Chris Ofili. Charlotte Higgins' spellbinding new collection will include all the most famous Greek myths, as well as many less well-known but equally intriguing ones. Here are stories of the creation, of Heracles and Theseus and Perseus, the Trojan war and its origins and aftermaths, tales of Thebes and Argos and Athens. There are stories of love and desire, adventure and magic, destructive gods, helpless humans, gender-shifting characters, resourceful witches, and the origins of birds and animals. Taking her cue from Ovid, Charlotte Higgins has an intriguing structural device to thread her stories together. Inspired by the many moments in Greek myths in which women are seen to weave stories onto textiles (such as Helen of Troy in Homer, and Arachne and Minerva in Ovid), the tales will be told as if they are scenes in the act of being woven on to textiles by women. And, while not operating as an explicitly feminist retelling, this will add a new dimension to her myths, bringing women narrators and characters into the foreground. Above all, Charlotte Higgins' Greek Myths will be an original work of literature and scholarship by an exceptionally talented writer. It will be a book to be enjoyed as a work of art, a source to be consulted, a present to be given, and an object to keep and treasure.
5,55 € 18,50 €

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