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Amanda Hocking


Fate - Végzet

Alice Bonham azt hiszi, öccsével együtt végre sikerült megtalálnia az egyensúlyt a természetfeletti és a hétköznapi élet között. Jack, aki vámpír, és Alice fiúja egy személyben, úgy próbálja megvédeni a lányt, hogy állandóan rajta tartja a szemét. Ami Jack bátyát, Petert illeti... Alice nem tudja biztosan merre lehet, és vajon mit akarhat tőle. De ami még rosszabb: azt sem tudja, vajon ő maga mit akar Petertől. Amikor aztán megtörténik a tragédia, Alice rettenetes dilemmával találja szembe magát. Döntése messzemenőbb következményekkel jár, mint azt gondolta...
U dodávateľa
10,17 € 10,71 €

Trylle: the Complete Trilogy

Discover the magical world of the Trylle, with the complete New York Times bestselling Trylle trilogy - now in one volume. She must dare to be different to unlock the key to her past...When Wendy Everly was six, her mother was convinced she was a monster and tried to kill her. Eleven years later, Wendy discovers her mother was almost right. She's not the person she's always believed herself to be, and her whole life begins to unravel - all because of Finn Holmes. Finn is a darkly handsome newcomer and every encounter with him leaves her deeply shaken ...though it has more to do with her fierce attraction to him than she'd ever admit. He's also here to tell her the shocking truth: Wendy is a changeling who was switched at birth - and he's come to take her home. Now Wendy's about to journey to a magical world she never knew existed, one that's both beautiful and frightening. And she must leave her old life behind to discover who she's meant to become...
11,88 € 12,50 €

Lacná kniha Prímerie (-70%)

Keď sa WendyEverlyová dozvedela pravdu – že je podhodenec, dieťa, ktoré príslušníci mocného trolského kmeňa Trylovia vymenili hneď po narodení –, uvedomila si, že jej život už nikdy nebude taký ako predtým. Navyše vôbec netušila, aké úzke väzby ju spájajú s nepriateľskými Vitrami, ktorí sa nezastavia pred ničím, aby ju získali. Nádej ochrániť Trylov pred hrozbou vojny má iba vtedy, ak ovládne svoje schopnosti a vydá sa za rovnako mocného príslušníka najvyššej šľachty. To však znamená definitívne sa vzdať zakázaného vzťahu s Finnom, svojím príťažlivým osobným strážcom, a zabudnúť na princa VitrovLokiho, ktorý ju čoraz väčšmi opantáva. Wendy sa musí rozhodnúť medzi volaním srdca a zodpovednosťou voči ľudu, medzi láskou a povinnosťou. Ak si vyberie zle, môže stratiť všetko a všetkých...
Na sklade 1Ks
3,57 € 11,90 €

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Lacná kniha Ascend (-70%)

Wendy Everly can barely remember what it was like to feel like a normal girl. She'd wished for her life to be different but everything is so much more complicated than she'd expected. And she certainly hadn't dreamt she'd be getting married at eighteen to a man she didn't love - all for the sake of duty. As the big day approaches, Wendy can't stop thinking about two different men - and neither of them are her husband-to-be. Finn - quiet, strong and determined to do what's right, and Loki - dark and seductive, a sworn enemy who once saved her life. With all-out war just days away, Wendy needs to act quickly if she is to save her friends and family. But while her loyalties and duties are to her people, deeper passions are leading her elsewhere. And as her worlds collide, Wendy must sacrifice everything she loves to save them. But will it be enough?
Na sklade 1Ks
2,70 € 8,99 €

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Keď sa WendyEverlyová dozvedela pravdu – že je podhodenec, dieťa, ktoré príslušníci mocného trolského kmeňa Trylovia vymenili hneď po narodení –, uvedomila si, že jej život už nikdy nebude taký ako predtým. Navyše vôbec netušila, aké úzke väzby ju spájajú s nepriateľskými Vitrami, ktorí sa nezastavia pred ničím, aby ju získali. Nádej ochrániť Trylov pred hrozbou vojny má iba vtedy, ak ovládne svoje schopnosti a vydá sa za rovnako mocného príslušníka najvyššej šľachty. To však znamená definitívne sa vzdať zakázaného vzťahu s Finnom, svojím príťažlivým osobným strážcom, a zabudnúť na princa VitrovLokiho, ktorý ju čoraz väčšmi opantáva. Wendy sa musí rozhodnúť medzi volaním srdca a zodpovednosťou voči ľudu, medzi láskou a povinnosťou. Ak si vyberie zle, môže stratiť všetko a všetkých...
11,31 € 11,90 €

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Boj o trón

Boj o kráľovstvo Trylov sa nezadržateľne blíži. Trylská princezná Wendy stojí pred osudovou voľbou. Trylov zachráni pred ich úhlavným nepriateľom iba vtedy, keď obetuje seba. Ak sa nevzdá Vitrom, jej ľud sa ocitne v krutej vojne proti neporaziteľnému súperovi. Rozhodne sa opustiť všetkých svojich blízkych, aby ich zachránila pre istou smrťou? Nikdy nebolo v stávke viac, lebo kráľovstvo nie je to jediné, čo môže Wendy stratiť. O jej srdce bojujú dvaja muži. Ktorý je ten správny, koho bude milovať naveky? Keď napokon zistí, ktorý z nich je láskou jej života, hrozí, že ten život sa zakrátko skončí. Budúcnosť celého Wendinho sveta je v jej vlastných rukách a musí o ňu bojovať s krutým rivalom – vlastným otcom.
10,36 € 10,90 €


Acknowledging that she was different from everyone else wasn’t difficult for Wendy Everly – she’d always felt like an outsider. But a new world and new family is a hard for any girl to accept easily. Leaving behind the mysterious country of her birth, she is determined to fit back into normal life. But the world she’s left behind won’t let her go that easily. Kidnapped and imprisoned by her true family’s enemies, Wendy soon learns that the lines between good and evil aren’t as defined as she thought. And those things she’d taken for granted may have been lies all along. With the help of the dangerously attractive Loki, she escapes back to the safety of Förening – only to be confronted by a new threat. It’s time to make a choice – can she put aside her personal feelings for the sake of her country? Torn between duty and love she must make a choice that could destroy her one chance at true happiness. ‘Generated an excitement not felt in the industry since Stephenie Meyer or perhaps even J. K. Rowling’ New York Times, ‘A fast-paced romance … addictive’ Guardian on Switched , 'Drew me in and kept me hooked...cracking pace' Sunday Express on Switched
8,54 € 8,99 €


Wendy Everly knew she was different the day her mother tried to kill her and accused her of having been switched at birth. Although certain she’s not the monster her mother claims she is – she does feel that she doesn’t quite fit in . . . She’s bored and frustrated by her small town life – and then there’s the secret that she can’t tell anyone. Her mysterious ability – she can influence people’s decisions, without knowing how, or why . . . When the intense and darkly handsome newcomer Finn suddenly turns up at her bedroom window one night – her world is turned upside down. He holds the key to her past, the answers to her strange powers and is the doorway to a place she never imagined could exist. Förening, the home of the Trylle. Finally everything makes sense. Among the Trylle, Wendy is not just different, but special. But what marks her out as chosen for greatness in this world also places her in grave danger. With everything around her changing, Finn is the only person she can trust. But dark forces are conspiring – not only to separate them, but to see the downfall everything that Wendy cares about. The fate of Förening rests in Wendy’s hands, and the decisions she and Finn make could change all their lives forever .
8,54 € 8,99 €


Wendy Everly can barely remember what it was like to feel like a normal girl. She'd wished for her life to be different but everything is so much more complicated than she'd expected. And she certainly hadn't dreamt she'd be getting married at eighteen to a man she didn't love - all for the sake of duty. As the big day approaches, Wendy can't stop thinking about two different men - and neither of them are her husband-to-be. Finn - quiet, strong and determined to do what's right, and Loki - dark and seductive, a sworn enemy who once saved her life. With all-out war just days away, Wendy needs to act quickly if she is to save her friends and family. But while her loyalties and duties are to her people, deeper passions are leading her elsewhere. And as her worlds collide, Wendy must sacrifice everything she loves to save them. But will it be enough?
8,54 € 8,99 €

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My Blood Approves- A vér szava

A tizenhét éves Alice Bonham élete a feje tetejére áll, mikor megismerkedik Jackkel. A fiú, aki imádja a rózsaszín tornacipőket és a nyolcvanas évek alternatív rockzenéjét, teljesen más, mint akikkel eddi találkozott. Aztán bemutatják Jack öccsének, Peternek... és bár a srác látni sem bírja, Alice megmagyarázhatatlan erővel vonzódik hozzá. Képtelen választani a két nagyon különböző fiú között. De van ennél nagyobb problémája is: Jack és Peter vámpírok, és neki el kell döntenie, a szívére vagy a vére szavára hallgat...
10,95 € 11,53 €


Beautiful. Fearless. Dangerous. They're the kind of girls you envy; the kind of girls you want to hate. Strangers in town for the summer, Penn, Thea, and Lexi have caught everyone's attention, including the eye of practical Harper. But it's her sister, Gemma, they've chosen to be part of their group. Sixteen-year-old Gemma seems to have it all - carefree, pretty, and falling in love with the boy next door. But her greatest passion has always been the water. She craves late night swims under the stars, where she can be alone yet belong to the sea. Lately she's had company. Penn, Thea, and Lexi spend their nights dancing, singing, and partying on the cove - and one night Gemma joins them. When she wakes up groggy on the beach the next morning, she knows something has changed. Suddenly Gemma is stronger, faster, and more beautiful than ever. As she uncovers the truth about her new mythical powers, Gemma is forced to choose between staying with those she loves or entering a dark world brimming with unimaginable secrets.
9,49 € 9,99 €


Keď mala Wendy Everlyová šesť rokov, jej matka sa ju pokúsila zabiť, lebo bola presvedčená, že je obluda. O jedenásť rokov Wendy zistí, že mama možno mala pravdu. Nie je tá, za koho sa považovala, a celý život sa jej rozpadá – a to všetko spôsobil Finn Holmes. Finn je tajomný chlapec, ktorý ju ustavične sleduje. Po každom stretnutí s ním je Wendy vykoľajená, a nesúvisí to iba s jeho príťažlivosťou, ktorú si nechce pripustiť. Onedlho sa však Wendy dozvie pravdu o svojom pôvode: je podhodenec. Hneď po narodení ju vymenili za iné dieťa a Finn ju prišiel odviesť do jej skutočného domova – do kráľovstva Trylov hlboko v horách. Wendy sa vyberie na cestu do čarovného sveta, o existencii ktorého ani netušila. Je krásny i desivý zároveň a Wendy sa preň musí vzdať starého života a vyrovnať sa s tým, čo ju čaká.
10,36 € 10,90 €


Cursed to be a siren, Gemma's life is slowly being destroyed. Struggling to move away from the savage darkness she needs to survive, she's desperate to break the curse that has turned her into a monster and is keeping her from the family -- and boy -- that she loves. But the alluring yet lethal sirens, Penn, Thea and the newly initiated, Liv have no intention of letting her go. The key to her freedom lies with an ancient scroll and Gemma's frantic search leads her to someone who might be able to help--the mysterious immortal Diana, who cursed Penn and her sisters thousands of years ago. But Diana will not give up her secrets easily and unless Gemma and her sister Harper can unlock the scroll's powers then Penn will trap Harper's boyfriend Daniel and destroy the two sisters for good.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Crystal Kingdom

In this stunning series of love, loss and the need to belong, Amanda Hocking returns to the world of her bestselling Trylle trilogy with the heart-stopping Crystal Kingdom. With help from the Trylle clan, Bryn tries to clear her name and discover who was really responsible for the Kanin King's murder. Then, while she's still trying to make sense of it all, Ridley tracks her down while she's on the run for a crime she didn't commit. He refuses to abandon her, so she finally decides that she wants to be with him. Together, they return to the Kanin capital and rally other trackers and the King's Guard to defend their kingdom from the villain within. But in the process, Bryn learns a startling truth about her former enemy. Brynn's loyalty is still to her kingdom, but will she be rewarded with a place in the royal guard - and who will ultimately win her heart?
8,50 € 8,95 €


Switched is the first novel in Amanda Hocking's bestselling trilogy, Trylle.Wendy Everly knew she was different the day her mother tried to kill her and accused her of having been switched at birth. Although certain she's not the monster her mother claimed she is, she does feel that she doesn't quite fit in.She's bored and frustrated by her small-town life - and then there's the secret she can't tell anyone. Her mysterious ability - she can influence people's decisions, without knowing how, or why . . .When the intense and darkly handsome newcomer Finn suddenly turns up at her bedroom window one night, her world is turned upside down. He holds the key to her past, the answers to her strange powers and is the doorway to a place she never imagined could exist: Forening, the home of the Trylle.Finally everything makes sense. Among the Trylle she is not just different, but special. But what marks her out as chosen for greatness in this world also places her in grave danger. With everything around her changing, Finn is the only person she can trust. But dark forces are conspiring - not only to separate them, but to see the downfall of everything that Wendy cares about.The fate of Forening rests in Wendy's hands, and the decisions she and Finn make could change all their lives forever . . .
13,29 € 13,99 €

Lacná kniha Boj o trón (-90%)

Boj o kráľovstvo Trylov sa nezadržateľne blíži. Trylská princezná Wendy stojí pred osudovou voľbou. Trylov zachráni pred ich úhlavným nepriateľom iba vtedy, keď obetuje seba. Ak sa nevzdá Vitrom, jej ľud sa ocitne v krutej vojne proti neporaziteľnému súperovi. Rozhodne sa opustiť všetkých svojich blízkych, aby ich zachránila pre istou smrťou? Nikdy nebolo v stávke viac, lebo kráľovstvo nie je to jediné, čo môže Wendy stratiť. O jej srdce bojujú dvaja muži. Ktorý je ten správny, koho bude milovať naveky? Keď napokon zistí, ktorý z nich je láskou jej života, hrozí, že ten život sa zakrátko skončí. Budúcnosť celého Wendinho sveta je v jej vlastných rukách a musí o ňu bojovať s krutým rivalom – vlastným otcom.
1,09 € 10,90 €

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