Jody Houser


Stranger Things: Příběhy z Hawkinsu

Přinášíme vám soubor zbrusu nových příběhů vpletených do osnovy děje populární netflixovské série! Objevte tajemství utajených příběhů z Hawkinsu v Indianě. Na první pohled budí Hawkins dojem městečka, kde se nikdy neděje nic výjimečného, ale pak se na podzim roku 1983 vydají dva lovci jen tak s puškami a kartonem piv do okolních lesů a stanou se kořistí hrůzostrašné příšery. Dále tady máme zmizení Barb Hollandové, kterému bude Murray Bauman schopen přijít na kloub jen v případě, že se dokáže osvobodit z okovů vlastní podezřívavé mysli. Nezapomeňme na školní filmový projekt, který poskytne Robin Buckleyové možnost pracovat s osobou, do které je zamilovaná… ale co když to celou city opředenou situaci jen ztíží? A nakonec začne z nepochopitelných důvodů uhnívat letošní úroda dýní, což přivede spor mezi dvěma rodinami až k pomyslnému bodu varu. Spolu s Jody Houserovou se do Hawkinsu vydávají také kreslíři Caio Filipe (Stranger Things: Summer Special, Nightwing), Sunando C (End After End), Giorgia Gio Spositoová (Lunar Room, Dr. Who), kolorista Dan Jackson (The Strain, Hellboy: Weird Tales) a letterer Nate Piekos (The Umbrella Academy, Black Hammer).
Na sklade 1Ks
16,45 €

Stranger Things. Tábor mladých vědců

Dustin se ocitá na táboře mladých vědců a zvyká si na novou sociální hierarchii, a to všechno bez podpory své družiny dobrodruhů z Hawkinsu. Krom toho, že všichni musí čelit sígrům z řad šprtů, děsí mladé vědce i táborové vedoucí nová hrozba. Poklidnou lesní atmosféru naruší záhadná postava s maskou Alberta Einsteina a zlověstnými úmysly. Když se posléze začnou táboroví vedoucí ztrácet, nebude si řešení žádat žádného jaderného fyzika, ale Dustina. Ten se však bude muset naladit na stejnou vlnu jako Suzie a další táborníci, načež pak napětí dosáhne kritického bodu. Scenáristka Jody Houserová (Critical Role, Stranger Things: Křest ohněm) se spolu s Edgarem Salazarem a Keithem Champagnem (Stranger Things: Šestka) vrací s novou minisérií ze světa Stranger Things, která se odehrává mezi druhou a třetí řadou úspěšného netflixovského seriálu.
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16,45 €

Stranger Things And Dungeons & Dragons

Follow the crew from Hawkins, Indiana, as they discover the legendary monsters and epic adventures of the Dungeons & Dragons tabletop role-playing game together. Long before the dreaded Demogorgon took one of them to the Upside Down, watch Mike, Lucas, and Will bond with Dustin for the first time over the game that would define their childhood. See the party come together as a team through communal stories and perilous quests to learn important lessons about friendship and find the courage to stand up to the bullies that challenge their everyday. Written by comics and RPG all-stars Jim Zub (Rick and Morty vs. D&D, Conan: Serpent War, Dungeons & Dragons: Infernal Tides) and Jody Houser (Critical Role: Vox Machina, Stranger Things, Star Wars), with vorpal-sharp line art from rising talent Diego Galindo (Power Rangers, Kino) and eye-popping colors from MsassyK (Isola) that strike as true as a Magic Missile. Dive into this love letter to a game that has defined role-playing through the lens of your current favorite icons of eighties nostalgia.
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19,95 €

Stranger Things: Křest ohněm

Několik let po svém útěku se dva z někdejších subjektů doktora Brennera, Ricky a Marcy, pokouší vést normální život. Když se doslechnou, že laboratoř byla uzavřena, vydají se na trýznivé pátrání po Devítce, mocné pyrokinetičce, jejíž roztříštěná mysl hrozí vše spálit na popel, pokud ji nenajdou a neosvobodí ze zajetí její vlastní zlovolné představivosti. A jak se blíží k Devítce, odhalí ještě další tajemství pohřbené v Hawkinsově laboratoři. Dokážou ji nalézt dřív, než všechno zničí? Tato kniha, psaná Jody Houserovou (Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins II, The Web of Black Widow, Star Wars: Tie Fighter) s kresbou Ryana Kellyho (The New York Four, Star Wars) a Le Beau Underwooda (Haunt, Injustice: Gods Among Us) a barvami Triony Farrellové (The Web of Black Widow), je zásadní částí příběhu pro fanoušky netflixovské série Stranger Things.
Na sklade 1Ks
16,45 €

Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins Volume Ii

The unlikely heroes of Vox Machina are back in action! Join familiar faces from Critical Role's smash-hit first campaign as their escapades in Stilben lead them toward new adventure--and a dire threat to Grog when he goes missing in the night. Tracking him down will see the party lose one member, gain another, and reveal parts of Grog's secret past. But first, his friends have to actually find him. From award-nominated writer Jody Houser (Orphan Black, Stranger Things) and first series author Olivia Samson, with colorist Michele Assarasakorn (Isola, Gotham Academy) and letterer Ariana Maher (James Bond, Xena)! Collects Critical Role - Vox Machina Origins series II #1-#6.
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19,99 €

Stranger Things - Šestka

PÍŠE SE ROK 1978. AMERIKA SE STÁLE NACHÁZÍ UPROSTŘED STUDENÉ VÁLKY A PROBÁDÁVÁ NEBEZPEČNÉ HRANICE VĚDY. Jak daleko doktor Brenner, ředitel tajného projektu MK ULTRA, zajde, aby získal moc, po které touží? To zjistíte v tomto prequelu úspěšného netflixovského seriálu Stranger Things. Nebýt jejích psychických schopností, byla by Francine obyčejná puberťačka ze sedmdesátých let, ale místo aby s kamarády trsala na hustou muziku, je zavřená v Hawkinsově laboratoři. Pod bdělým dohledem doktora Brennera a jeho zaměstnanců má Francine pocit, že je využívána, jako by se z ní pokoušeli udělat zbraň. Vypětí z testů, kterým ji podrobují, odemkne temnou vizi budoucnosti, budoucnosti, na které se nechce podílet, budoucnosti, o které doufá, že ji může změnit.
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16,45 €

Stranger Things Druhá strana

Veleúspěšný komiksový seriál přichází v komiksové podobě! Děj komiksové minisérie se odehrává během první sezóny… a popisuje děsivé věci, se kterými se musel Will Beyer střetnout a překonat je, když se ocitl v zrádném světě Vzhůru nohama, temné imitaci jeho vlastního světa!
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16,45 €

Starcraft - Scavengers (starcraft Volume 1)

Writer Jody Houser (Mother Panic, Faith) and artist Gabriel Guzmán (Mass Effect, Star Wars) join forces for StarCraft, a new series further exploring the expansive universe of Blizzard's hit video game. Seen from the point of view of a young, inexperienced engineer, a group of terran space scavengers hope to pull off the job of their lifetimes, ignoring a recent United Earth Directorate treaty to pillage a derelict protoss ship. The scavengers' dangerous plan is compounded by the fact that the protoss ship is in a decaying orbit above a backwater planet. If their time doesn't run out and Dominion police forces don't bust them, will protoss or zerg factions in the outer rim find and execute them?
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19,95 €

Star Wars: Thrawn Alliances

Return to the saga of Grand Admiral Thrawn with the comic-book adaptation of the hit novel THRAWN: ALLIANCES! As rivals for the favor of the Emperor, Grand Admiral Thrawn and Darth Vader may seem like unlikely partners for a crucial mission! Yet this formidable twosome has worked together before. Years ago, Thrawn and the man once known as Anakin Skywalker were joined in the hunt for Padmé Amidala. Now, as each man carves his own way through the galaxy, they will find themselves bound together once more by the Emperor’s will — and they will be each be tested to their limits by an enemy worthy of their formidable combined might! COLLECTING: Star Wars: Thrawn Alliances (2024) 1-4
17,95 €

Stranger Things: Tales From Hawkins (graphic Novel)

An anthology of vibrant new stories woven into the larger tapestry of the hit Netflix series! Discover the hidden stories from Hawkins, Indiana. On the surface, Hawkins, Indiana seems like the kind of town where nothing too out of the ordinary ever happens, but in the fall of ’83 two hunters head out into the woods with their rifles and a six-pack, and find themselves the prey of a nightmarish beast. When Barb Holland goes missing, Murray Bauman is on the case if only he can look past his own suspicious mind to solve the case. Robin Buckley’s school film project gives her a chance to work with her secret crush, but does it only make it harder to come to terms with her feelings? And when pumpkins start inexplicably rotting, the feud between two farm families reaches a boiling point. Joining Houser on her visit to Hawkins are artist Caio Filipe (Stranger Things: Summer Special, Nightwing), Sunando C (End After End), Giorgia Gio Esposito (Lunar Room, Dr. Who) colorist Dan Jackson (The Strain, Hellboy: Weird Tales), and letterer Nate Piekos (The Umbrella Academy, Black Hammer). Collects Stranger Things: Tales from Hawkins issues #1–#4.
22,50 €

Critical Role: The Mighty Nein Origins--mollymauk Tealeaf

Join Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins writer Jody Houser, artist extraordinaire Hunter Bonyun, and Critical Role’s Matthew Mercer and Taliesin Jaffe as they reveal Mollymauk’s evolution from empty shell to vibrant individual, and the dark corners of his past that even he is afraid to examine. What strange events created Mollymauk Tealeaf?
18,50 €

Stranger Things Omnibus Volume 1 (graphic Novel)

A massive collection of comics based on Netflix's 80's nostalgia-fueled Stranger Things. Sci-fi horror at its best including psychic kids, portals to parallel worlds, secret agents, and even slasher-flick style masked villains. Collects four full comics series: Stranger Things: The Other Side Stranger Things: Six Stranger Things: Into the Fire Stranger Things: Science Camp The Other Side follows Will Byers after he has been pulled into a mysterious nightmare realm. Isolated, disoriented and scared, he quickly realizes he isn't alone—monsters lurk around every corner, and they are hunting him. Six dives into the lives of the psychic kids being held at the mysterious government lab in Hawkins, Indiana. Stripped of her name and left with nothing but the number six, clairvoyant teen Francine plots to break out however she can. She has seen a horrific glimpse into the future to come and wants to save as many people as she can. In Into the Fire, some of the teens who escaped find out that another of their number might yet still be alive and take off on a brutal journey where they must choose between vengeance and mercy all in the hopes of saving their friend from herself. In Science Camp, Dustin Henderson arrives at Camp Know Where anxious about spending the summer away from his friends. When a spooky masked figure starts making camp counselors disappear, he gathers a crew of fellow geeks to save their camp - and possibly their own lives! Featuring writing by Jody Houser with pencils by Stefano Martino, Edgar Salazar, and Ryan Kelly, Inks by Keith Champagne, and Le Beau Underwood, Colors by Lauren Affe, Marissa Louis, and Triona Farrell with lettering by Nate Piekos! Collects Stranger Things: The Other Side, Stranger Things: Six, Stranger Things: Into The Fire, and Stranger Things: Science Camp.
34,95 €

Stranger Things: Tűzben égve

A Netflix népszerű STRANGER THINGS sorozata és a HAT c. képregényben megismert szereplők története végre folytatódik! Évekkel azután, hogy megszöktek Dr. Brenner laboratóriumából, Marcy és Ricky még mindig próbálnak beilleszkedni a normális életbe. Amikor azonban hírét veszik, hogy a laboratórium bezárt, elindulnak megkeresni Marcy ikertestvérét, a tűzgyújtási képességgel rendelkező Kilencet. Hamarosan rájönnek, hogy barátjukat nem csak kiszabadítaniuk kell, de kimenteniük is saját elméjének rabságából, mielőtt Jamie mindent elpusztítana maga körül. És ahogy közelebb kerülnek Kilenchez, egyre több titokra jönnek rá a Dr. Brenner kisérleteivel kapcsolatban, olyan titkokra, ami mindannyiukat mélyen megrázza... Ez a képregénygyűjtemény a Dark Horse Comics, Stranger Things: Inti The Fire c. sorozatának mind a 4 számát tartalmazza, Ryan Kelly rajzaival és a díjnyertes Jody Houser szövegével. A fordítást Uray Márton készítette.
Iba v predajni
16,10 €

Stranger Things Library 2

In the spirit of horror classics such as Carrie, this hardbound collection of two Stranger Things graphic novels explores what it means to have power, and what some are willing to do to attain it. Prequal to the hit Netflix series, Six dives into the lives of the psychic kids being held at the mysterious government lab in Hawkins, Indiana. Stripped of her name and left with nothing but the number six, clairvoyant teen Francine plots to break out however she can. She has seen a horrific glimpse into the future to come and wants to save as many people as she can. In Into the Fire, some of the teens who escaped find out that another of their number might yet still be alive and take off on a brutal journey where they must choose between vengeance and mercy all in the hopes of saving their friend from herself. A chilling glimpse at the machinations of Brenner's lab leading up to the events of the show, this hardcover collection of Stranger Things: Six and Stranger Things: Into The Fire includes everything from teen romance to pyrokinetic rampages.
39,95 €

Stranger Things Library 1

Collected for the first time in beautiful hardbound library editions, these graphic novel coming-of-age horror stories tap into the isolation, loss and fears of the kids from the show while highlighting their bravery and resiliency. Experience more 80's horror nostalgia with this hardcover collection of two complete graphic novels, Stranger Things: The Other Side and Stranger Things: Science Camp. Offering a new perspective on the events of the hit Netflix show, The Other Side follows Will Byers after he has been pulled into a mysterious nightmare realm. Isolated, disoriented and scared, he quickly realizes he isn't alone--monsters lurk around every corner, and they are hunting him. In Science Camp, Dustin Henderson arrives at Camp Know Where anxious about spending the summer away from his friends after they saved their town from eldritch horrors. It doesn't take long for him to find bullies to defeat, and fellow nerds to befriend. When a spooky masked figure starts making camp counselors disappear, the solution won't take rocket science. Dustin gathers a crew of geeks to save their camp - and possibly their own lives.
39,95 €

Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy

Following the events of Heroes in Crisis, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy take their show on the road! The pair will have to evade villains and heroes during their adventure, while navigating the road map of life after Sanctuary. Sanctuary left our Gotham City Sirens a bit more torn and twisted than before, but Harley is stuck on becoming a hero, and Ivy is less sure about all that hero stuff, but how could she say no to Harley? If it makes Harley happy, Ivy s willing to jump in the driver s seat as they start this new adventure! Follow Harley and Ivy as they continue on their journey to become the heroes they never were! Collects Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy #1-6.
16,95 €