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Packeta - Doručenie na adresu

19. 12.

Balík na poštu

19. 12.


19. 12.

Slovenská pošta - na adresu

19. 12.

Kuriér SPS

19. 12.

Balíkovo (Alzaboxy)

19. 12.

Doručenie na predajňu

19. 12.

Osobný odber v sklade

23. 12.

Packeta - Výdajné miesto a Z-BOX

19. 12.

Hugh Johnson


Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book 2023

Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book is the essential reference book for everyone who buys wine - in shops, restaurants, or on the internet. Now in its 46th year of publication, it has no rival as the comprehensive, up-to-the-minute annual guide. This latest edition of Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book includes a color supplement: How Wine Ages (And Why), which covers questions such as whether aged wine is necessarily better wine and how to store wine to ensure it ages well. It provides clear succinct facts and commentary on the wines, growers and wine regions of the whole world. It reveals which vintages to buy, which to drink and which to cellar, which growers to look for and why. Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book gives clear information on grape varieties, local specialities and how to match food with wines that will bring out the best in both.
U dodávateľa darček
18,95 €

Hugh Johnson Pocket Wine 2022

The world's best-selling annual wine guide. Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book is the essential reference book for everyone who buys wine - in shops, restaurants, or on the internet. Now in its 45th year of publication, it has no rival as the comprehensive, up-to-the-minute annual guide. It provides clear succinct facts and commentary on the wines, growers and wine regions of the whole world. It reveals which vintages to buy, which to drink and which to cellar, which growers to look for and why. Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book gives clear information on grape varieties, local specialities and how to match food with wines that will bring out the best in both. This latest edition of Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book includes a colour supplement: The Ten Best Things About Wine Right Now.
U dodávateľa darček
16,50 €

Hugh Johnson Pocket Wine 2021

The world's best-selling annual wine guide. Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book is the essential reference book for everyone who buys wine - in shops, restaurants, or on the internet. Now in its 44th year of publication, it has no rival as the comprehensive, up-to-the-minute annual guide. Hugh Johnson provides clear succinct facts and commentary on the wines, growers and wine regions of the whole world. He reveals which vintages to buy, which to drink and which to cellar, which growers to look for and why. Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book gives clear information on grape varieties, local specialities and how to match food with wines that will bring out the best in both. This latest edition of Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book includes a colour supplement on terroir.
U dodávateľa darček
16,50 €

World Atlas of Wine 8th Edition

Few wine books can be called classic, but the first edition of The World Atlas of Wine made publishing history when it appeared in 1971. It is recognized by critics as the essential and most authoritative wine reference work available. This eighth edition will bring readers, both old and new, up to date with the world of wine. To reflect all the changes in the global wine scene over the past six years, the Atlas has grown in size to 416 pages and 22 new maps have been added to the wealth of superb cartography in the book. The text has been given a complete overhaul to address the topics of most vital interest to today's wine-growers and drinkers. With beautiful photography throughout, Hugh Johnson and Jancis Robinson, the world's most respected wine-writing duo, have once again joined forces to create a classic that no wine lover can afford to be without.
U dodávateľa darček
62,95 €

Hugh Johnsons Pocket Wine 2020

The world's best-selling annual wine guide Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book is the essential reference book for everyone who buys wine - in shops, restaurants, or on the internet. Now in its 43rd year of publication, it has no rival as the comprehensive, up-to-the-minute annual guide. Hugh Johnson provides clear succinct facts and commentary on the wines, growers and wine regions of the whole world. He reveals which vintages to buy, which to drink and which to cellar, which growers to look for and why. Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book gives clear information on grape varieties, local specialities and how to match food with wines that will bring out the best in both. This latest edition of Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book includes a colour supplement on 'Wine Flavour: How, What, Why?'
U dodávateľa darček
16,50 €

Bordeaux Grands Crus Classes 1855: Medoc et Sauternes

This book covers the history of the red and white wine estates of Bordeaux’s Grands Crus Classés, along with a guide to the great vintages, and an address book to the vineyards. The landmark creation of the Grands Crus Classés in 1855 set the benchmark for wine quality; the sixty-one reds of the Médoc and twenty-seven whites of Sauternes are considered the finest wines in the world. The care that goes into the growing, cultivating, vinification, and aging of these exceptional wines is an art, and the picturesque domaines where this craft is perfected are as beautiful as their wines are refined. Newly commissioned photographs captures the region throughout the seasons, and this handsome volume is both an important reference for any wine lover’s library as well as a glorious voyage inside the prestigious domaines. It is the ideal gift for wine aficionados everywhere.
U dodávateľa darček
44,95 €

Lacná kniha Světová ročenka vín 2009 (-90%)

Ročenka je najpredávanejšia publikácia o víne na svete vôbec. Je vinárskou „bibliou“, o ktorej časopis Newsweek tvrdí, že by ju mal vlastniť každý milovník vína. Obsahuje najnovšie informácie o 6 000 vínach, vinárstve, pestovateľoch a vinárskych regiónoch sveta.
Na sklade 1Ks darček
1,30 € 12,95 €

dostupné aj ako:

Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book 2025

Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book is the essential reference book for everyone who buys wine - in shops, restaurants, or on the internet. Now in its 48th year of publication, it has no rival as the comprehensive, up-to-the-minute annual guide to wine. Providing clear succinct facts and commentary on the wines, growers and wine regions of the whole world, the book also reveals which vintages to buy, which to drink and which to cellar, as well as the best growers to look for and why. Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book 2025 gives clear information on grape varieties, local specialities and how to match food with wines that will bring out the best in both. This latest edition of Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book includes a colour supplement on Pinot Noir, the world's most highly prized grape, discussing everything from variety and food pairings, to Pinot Noir sparkling wines and how climate change has affected the production of this grape.
U dodávateľa darček
19,95 €

Hugh Johnson Pocket Wine 2024

The world's best-selling annual wine guide. Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book is the essential reference book for everyone who buys wine - in shops, restaurants, or on the internet. Now in its 47th year of publication, it has no rival as the comprehensive, up-to-the-minute annual guide. Providing clear succinct facts and commentary on the wines, growers and wine regions of the whole world, the book also reveals which vintages to buy, which to drink and which to cellar, which growers to look for and why. Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine 2024 gives clear information on grape varieties, local specialities and how to match food with wines that will bring out the best in both. This latest edition of Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine includes a colour supplement on Chardonnay, the world's most obliging grape, discussing everything from history and taste to texture, fashion and the role oak plays - and of course who makes the best Chardonnays around the world.
19,95 €

A bor világatlasza

A bor világatlaszának első kiadása 1971-ben igazi mérföldkőnek számított a könyvkiadásban. Elsőként kapcsolta össze az igényes térképek vizuális kifejezőerejét és precizitását a borral és annak örömeivel. Kiváló, szemléletes útmutatót adott az ismerős és ismeretlen nevekhez a címkéken, a dűlők, a települések és a tájak közötti kapcsolatok megfejtéséhez - a terroirok láthatóvá és megjegyezhetővé váltak. Az azóta eltelt fél évszázad alatt a világ borainak minősége és a termőhelyek jelentősége rengeteg változáson mentek át, így azoknak, akik szeretnék megérteni ennek fontosságát és összefüggéseit, a térképek ma többet nyújtanak, mint valaha. Az eredmény: a könyvet 15 nyelvre fordították le, 4,7 millió példányban kelt el, és a világ borainak legirányadóbb és legfontosabb kalauzaként tartják számon. Ez a teljesen átdolgozott és felfrissített nyolcadik kiadás a régi ismerősöket és az új olvasókat egyaránt új területekre vezeti majd. A világ borkínálata sokféle módon változott az utolsó, 2013-as kiadás óta. A klímaváltozás hatásai, a fenntarthatóság felé való elmozdulás, az időközben érkezett új technológiák, a borstílusok átalakuló megítélése és a borkészítésben való változások mind tükröződnek ebben az új kiadásban. A teljesen átszabott bevezető oldalak útmutatót kínálnak a mai borfogyasztó számára a legaktuálisabb témákhoz. Kevés régiót hagyott érintetlenül a borvilág közelmúltbeli radikális fejlődése, az átdolgozott szöveg így bemutatja, hogy melyek a legfontosabb változások, és mely termelőkre érdemes most figyelni. Ebben a kiadásban újdonság, a bevezetők elején lévő "dióhéj", amelyben az egyes régiók terroirjáról, a klímájáról és a szőlőfajtáiról találhatók kulcsinformációk. A bor világatlasza elsőrangú kartográfiájáról is híres; ez a nyolcadik kiadás 230 egyedülállóan részletes térképet kínál a világ boros tájairól, köztük különleges talajtérképekkel, amelyek segítenek az olvasónak megérteni a kapcsolatot a bor és termőhelye között. Az új magyarázó jegyzetek pedig termelőket, helyeket és érdeklődésre számot tartó tényeket emelnek ki a térképeken. Hugh Johnson és Jancis Robinson, a világ legmegbecsültebb borszakíró párosa újra közös munkába fogtak, hogy megalkossanak egy igazi klasszikust, amely kielégíti minden borrajongó tudásszomját, és naprakész információval szolgál a borvilágról.
Iba v predajni
47,38 € 48,35 €

Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book 2018

Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book is the essential reference book for everyone who buys wine - in shops, restaurants, or on the internet. Now in its 41st year of publication, it has no rival as the comprehensive, up-to-the-minute annual guide. Hugh Johnson provides clear succinct facts and commentary on the wines, growers and wine regions of the whole world. He reveals which vintages to buy, which to drink and which to cellar, which growers to look for and why. Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book gives clear information on grape varieties, local specialities and how to match food with wines that will bring out the best in both. This new edition also contains a colour supplement on Syrah and Garnacha grapes.
14,95 €

Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book 2017

Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book 2017 is the essential reference book for everyone who buys wine - in shops, restaurants, or on the internet. Now in its 40th year of publication, it has no rival as the comprehensive up-to-the minute annual guide. Hugh Johnson provides clear succinct facts and commentary on the wines, growers and wine regions of the whole world. He reveals which vintages to buy, which to drink and which to cellar, which growers to look for and why. Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book gives clear information on grape varieties, local specialities and how to match food with wines that will bring out the best in both. This year's special anniversary edition also contains a colour supplement exploring 40 fascinating stories from cities with great vineyards close by to 'new' grapes that have come on the scene.
15,63 € 15,95 €

Světová ročenka vín 2009

Ročenka je najpredávanejšia publikácia o víne na svete vôbec. Je vinárskou „bibliou“, o ktorej časopis Newsweek tvrdí, že by ju mal vlastniť každý milovník vína. Obsahuje najnovšie informácie o 6 000 vínach, vinárstve, pestovateľoch a vinárskych regiónoch sveta.
Iba v predajni
12,69 € 12,95 €

dostupné aj ako:

Světová ročenka vín 2008

Ročenka je nejprodávanější publikací o víně na světě vůbec. Je vinařskou „biblí“, o které časopis Newsweek tvrdí, že by ji měl vlastnit každý milovník vína. Obsahuje nejnovější informace o více než 6 000 vínech, vinařstvích, pěstitelích a vinařských regionech celého světa a každoročně je pečlivě aktualizována.
13,24 €

Světový atlas vína

Kniha, bez ktorej sa milovník vína nezaobíde, ak si chce skutočne vychutnať tento ušľachtilý mok a doceniť jeho pôvab. Čitateľa najprv zasvätene, pútavo a nanajvýš prehľadne uvádza do osobitého sveta vína, jeho dotvárania a kultivovania a potom takmer na 300 kach vlastného atlasu predstavuje svetové vinárske oblasti a ich plody - od vinárskych velmocí typu Francúzsko až po vyslovene menšinové vína. Všetky sú však hodné pozornosti znalca.
56,10 €

Kapesní průvodce světovými víny 2005

Nové vydání nejprodávanější knihy s vinařskou tematikou na světě. Obsahuje popis, hodnocení a charakteristiku více než 6 000 aktuálních vín z celého světa.
6,78 €