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Henry James strana 5 z 7


OWC Ambassadors

I find the subject of my books in my dreams, ' said Dumas "pere," 'and my son finds his in reality.' In 1844 Dumas "fils" began an affair with Marie Duplessis, one of the most desirable courtesans in Paris. After Marie died of consumption in 1847 at the age of 23, Dumas turned their liaison into one of the greatest love stories of all time. Armand casts caution to the winds as he pursues his passion for Marguerite, for whom love has become her only hope, her redemption even. But there is a price to pay. If all the world loves a lover, society calls passion to order. Resisting criticisms of sentimentality, of an almost Gothic melodrama in certain scenes, and of a view of women that is hardly modern, "La Dame aux Camelias" still has the power to cast the spell that has fascinated generations of readers. Dumas's marvellously beautiful, intelligent, and vibrant heroine lives on in revivals of the stage version, in film and television adaptations, and in "La Traviata" Verdi's perennial popu lar opera. For Marguerite has long since attained the status of a myth. Dumas's subtle and moving portrait of a woman in love is a timeless antidote to the cynicism of every age. In this translation David Coward has successfully combined a feeling fo r the formal proprieties of Dumas's style with a supple and colloquial liveliness that once again prove this story irresistible.
2,84 € 2,99 €

OWC Awkward Age

The Awkward Age(1899), written at a time when female emancipation and the double standard were subjects of fierce debate, is the most remarkable example of James's dramatic method. The novel traces the experiences of 18-year-old Nanda Brookenham, exp osed to corruption in the salon of her youthful, 'modern' mother, who, in maintaining a circle where talk is shockingly sophisticated, 'must sacrifice either her daughter or...her intellectual habits'. Does Nanda reach maturity and self-knowledge in the lively company of handsome, genial Vanderbank, whom she loves, and of ugly, intelligent, parvenu Mitchy, who loves her? Or is she a symbol of sterile idealism, as she clings to old Mr Longdon, with his memories of Nanda's grandmother, and of an a ristocracy once untouched by money-troubles and dubious French novels? A sense of suppressed violence lurks behind this powerful story of virginal innocence and its importance in the marriage market.
1,89 € 1,99 €

OWC The Spoils of Poynton

Mrs. Gareth, widowed chatelaine of Poynton, is fighting to keep her house with its priceless objets d'art from her son Owen and his lovely, utterly philistine fiancee. When she discovers that her young friend and sympathized Fleda Vetch is secretly i n love with Owen, she thrusts her into the battle-line. The power struggle that ensues between the three women leaves Owen vacillating. What is at stake is not the mere possession of tables and chairs; it is, for Fleda, a conflict between aesthetic i deals, ethical imperatives, and her innermost feelings, in which she risks betraying, and being betrayed by, all that she holds most dear.
2,84 € 2,99 €

OWC Wings of the Dove

Originally published in 1902, a novel which takes passionate love as its central theme and focuses on a young woman with a terminal illness whose last gesture will serve either as a deed of selflessness, or as a final act of revenge. From the author of THE BOSTONIANS, THE ASPERN PAPERS and THE TURN OF THE SCREW.
2,84 € 2,99 €

Washington Square

When a handsome young man begins to court Catherine Sloper, she feels she is very lucky. She is a quiet, gentle girl, but neither beautiful nor clever; no one had ever admired her before, or come to the front parlour of her home in Washington Square to whisper soft words of love to her. But in New York in the 1840s young ladies are not free to marry where they please. Catherine must have her father's permission, and Dr Sloper is a rich man. One day Catherine will have a fortune of 30,000 dollars a year ...
4,42 € 4,65 €

Turn of Screw

A young woman arrives at a large country house. Her job is to look after the two children who live there, but she soon discovers that there is something very strange about both the house and the children. The longer she stays, the more she feels that the two children are in danger - or is it that the children are the danger, and the person in danger is herself?
5,04 € 5,30 €

Washington Square

When a handsome young man begins to court Catherine Sloper, she feels she is very lucky. She is a quiet, gentle girl, but neither beautiful nor clever; no one had ever admired her before, or come to the front parlour of her home in Washington Square to whisper soft words of love to her. But in New York in the 1840s young ladies are not free to marry where they please. Catherine must have her father's permission, and Dr Sloper is a rich man. One day Catherine will have a fortune of 30,000 dollars a year ...
9,49 € 9,99 €

Washington Square (Macmillan Readers)

This classic novel, originally published as a serial in "Cornhill Magaine" and "Harper's New Monthly Magaine," tells the story of the struggles between a daughter and her intelligent, controlling father from the viewpoint of an unnamed narrator. This book is often compared to Jane Austen's works for the clearness of its prose and its extreme concentration on human troubled relationships. Henry James tells the story of Catherine Sloper, plain and obedient, daughter of the widowed, well-to-do Dr. August Sloper of Washington Square. When a handsome, incompetent man-about-town proposes to Catherine, her father forbids the marriage because he believes the man to be after Catherine's fortune and future inheritance. The conflict between father, daughter, and suitor provokes consequences in the lives of all three that make this story one of James's most piercingly memorable. The inspiration for James's "Washington Square" came from a tale about a jilted heiress, which James heard from the actress Fanny Kemble. The novel provides a social portrait of Washington Square and lower Manhattan during the late nineteenth century and remains a memorable work--one featured in several films. Henry James (1843-1916), American novelist and critic, was an innovator in technique and a distinctive prose stylist. More than any previous writer, James refined the technique of narrating a novel from the point of view of a character, thereby laying the foundations of modern stream-of-consciousness fiction. Among his many acclaimed novels are The Portrait of a Lady, The Ambassadors, The Golden Bowl, and The Wings of the Dove.
5,62 € 5,92 €

Portrét dámy

H. James se narodil v Americe, téměř celý život však působil v Británii, jejíž občanství přijal až roku 1915. Častým námětem jeho próz bylo právě přesídlení Američanů do Evropy a jejich reakce na prostředí starší evropské civilizace, stejně jako tzv. »kažení nevinnosti«. Oba tyto motivy pak spoluvytvářejí základní osnovu jeho slavného románu. Hlavní hrdinkou je mladá Američanka, Isabel Archerová, kterou po smrti otce přiveze teta do Anglie, kde poté žije s její rodinou. Isabel je krásná a inteligentní, takže o nápadníky není nouze. Brzy jí navrhne sňatek mladý a bohatý přítel jejího bratrance. Sám bratranec Ralph je do ní rovněž zamilovaný, má však tuberkulózu, a proto se ženit nechce. Isabel nabídku odmítne a odmítá i dalšího nápadníka, který o ni usiloval už v Americe a rozjel se za ní do Anglie. V Římě,kam s tetou odjede, se seznámí s Gilbertem Osmondem, starším, lehkovážným a sobeckým člověkem, jenž rozházel své jmění a vidí příležitost ve sňatku s Isabel, která zdědila peníze po svém strýci. Isabel se do něj zamiluje a vezme si ho. Ke sňatku přispěje i pletichářská madam Merlová, později se ale Isabel dozví, že Osmondova dcera Pansy je vlastně též dcerou madam Merlové. Isabelin život se sňatkem s Osmondem změní v utrpení, přesto je rozhodnuta v manželství setrvat, byť ji její bývalý snoubenec láká, aby s ním odjela. H. James zde rozehrává střet mezi inteligentní a nezkaženou, současně však nezkušenou Američankou Isabel, jejím snoubencem Casparem a bratrancem Ralphem a na druhé straně Gilbertem Osmondem s madam Merlovou, které prostředí naopak zkazilo a vzbudilo v nich sobecké zájmy. Dokonalé vykreslení prostředí, postřehy týkající se amerického a anglického (evropského) způsobu života a žebříčku hodnot, nepřímá charakterizace postav a v neposlední řadě i dramatické situace vyvstávající z rozdílů, to vše přispívá k tomu, že Portrét dámy představuje vynikající dílo moderní klasiky.
17,24 € 18,15 €

Daisy Millerová/ Daisy Miller

Novela Henryho Jamese z roku 1878, Daisy Millerová, pojednává o mladé ženě, která svým liberálním chováním pobuřovala viktoriánskou společnost. James staví do kontrastu psychologii mladé ženy a tradice společnosti, v níž je Daisy Millerová jasně na okraji. V dopisech James Daisy označil za oběť „společenského kraválu“, jehož si ona sama buď vůbec nevšímá, nebo v něm vězí až po krk.V kontextu romantického příběhu vyvstává paradox ze života autora. Henry James se totiž nikdy neoženil a zůstává otázkou, zda vůbec někdy prožil nějaký milostný vztah. V roce 1974 byla novela zfilmována Peterem Bogdanovichem se Cybill Shepherdovou v hlavní roli. Bilingvní nezkrácený text s komentářem.
3,22 € 3,39 €

Washington Square + CD

When a handsome young man begins to court Catherine Sloper, she feels she is very lucky. She is a quiet, gentle girl, but neither beautiful nor clever; no one had ever admired her before, or come to the front parlour of her home in Washington Square to whisper soft words of love to her. But in New York in the 1840s young ladies are not free to marry where they please. Catherine must have her father's permission, and Dr Sloper is a rich man. One day Catherine will have a fortune of 30,000 dollars a year ...
10,14 € 10,67 €

The Portrait of a Lady

An American heiress newly arrived in Europe, Isabel Archer does not look to a man to furnish her with her destiny; instead she desires, with grace and courage, to find it herself. Two eligible suitors approach her and are refused. She then becomes ut terly captivated by the languid charms of Gilbert Osmond. To him, she represents a superior prize worth at least seventy thousand pounds; through him, she faces a tragic choice.Upozornenie: Vzhľadom na častejšie obmeny vydaní tejto knihy v zahraničí, kus, ktorý vám zašleme, nemusí mať rovnakú obálku ako je zobrazená tu. Zobrazená obálka môže byť iba ilustračná. Obsah knihy aj cena budú však identické, bez ohľadu na obálku.
3,47 € 3,65 €

Daisy Miller

Travelling in Europe with her family, Daisy Miller, an exquisitely beautiful young American woman, presents her fellow-countryman Winterbourne with a dilemma he cannot resolve. Is she deliberately flouting social convention in the outspoken way she talks
3,47 € 3,65 €

The Europeans

K tomuto titulu existuje nové vydanie z roku 1996: The EuropeansSet in the countryside around Boston in the mid-nineteenth century The Europeans is concerned with the effect of Old World experience on New World innocence. Feckless, charming Felix and his sister Eugenia, the Baroness Münster, descend on their well-to-do, God-fearing New England cousins, the Wentworths, and both parties are confronted by an attitude of life beyond their experience or faith.Upozornenie: Vzhľadom na častejšie obm eny vydaní tejto knihy v zahraničí, kus, ktorý vám zašleme, nemusí mať rovnakú obálku ako je zobrazená tu. Zobrazená obálka môže byť iba ilustračná. Obsah knihy aj cena budú však identické, bez ohľadu na obálku.
3,47 € 3,65 €

The Turn of the Screw

A young woman comes to a big house to teach two young children. It’s her first job and she wants to do it well. But she begins to see strange things – the ghosts of dead people. Do the ghosts want the children?
5,80 € 6,10 €

The Portrait of a Lady

When Isabel Archer, a beautiful, spirited American, is brought to Europe by her wealthy aunt Touchett, it is expected that she will soon marry. But Isabel, resolved to enjoy the freedom that her fortune has opened up and to determine her own fate, does not hesitate to turn down two eligible suitors. Then she finds herself irresistibly drawn to Gilbert Osmond. Charming and cultivated, Osmond sees Isabel as a rich prize waiting to be taken. Beneath his veneer of civilized behaviour, Isabel discovers cruelty and a stifling darkness. In this portrait of a 'young woman affronting her destiny', Henry James created one of his most magnificent heroines, and a story of intense poignancy.
3,79 € 3,99 €