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Henry James strana 6 z 7


First Frost

R.D. Wingfield's unforgettable Jack Frost returns in this gripping prequel to the bestselling series. A Sunday Times Top 10 Bestseller.Denton, 1981. Britain is in recession, the IRA is becoming increasingly active and the country's on alert for an outbreak of rabies. Detective Sergeant Jack Frost is working under his mentor and inspiration DI Bert Williams, and coping badly with his increasingly strained marriage. But DI Williams is nowhere to be seen. So when a 12-year-old girl goes missing from a department store changing room, DS Frost is put in charge of the investigation.
6,18 € 6,50 €

A csavar fordul egyet

Henry James klasszikus regényében új nevelőnő érkezik egy angliai vidéki kastélyba. Ez akár egy idilli nyitókép is lehetne, a nyugalmat azonban gyorsan megtörik a rejtélyek: mi történt a korábbi alkalmazottakkal, s miféle titokzatos idegenek járnak a kastélyban? Hátborzongató látomások kísértenek, a múlt rejtélyes, a jelen baljós, a valóság és a képzelet határán járunk, és a csavar néha fordul egyet. A regénynek számos filmes feldolgozása van, melyekben szerepelt többek között Marlon Brando (Éjszakai jövevények), Nicole Kidman (Más világ), Colin Firth és Ingrid Bergman. A történet alapján Benjamin Britten operát írt. A csavar fordul egyet most új fordításban jelenik meg az Alinea Kiadó Klasszik sorozatában.
6,76 € 7,12 €

The Turn of the Screw + Mp3

Penguin Readers are written by specialist ELT authors. The language, vocabulary, style and content of every book is carefully graded to make sure it suits the learner's own language ability. Every Penguin Reader has a range of activities in the book and accompanying Factsheet to help increase comprehension and develop reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.
6,94 € 7,30 €

Strašidelné příběhy

Strašidelné příběhy Henryho Jamese vychází jako první svazek nové řady Pandaemonium! Dalším svazkem řady bude Triumf noci Edith Whartonové. Duchařské příběhy tvoří necelou desetinu povídkářské tvorby Henryho Jamese, přitom dobře ilustrují její postupný rozvoj, rané strašidelné příběhy jako „Romance o starých šatech“ (1868) či „Nájemné od ducha” (1876) se časem psychologizují a nabývají na složitosti, pozdější „Přátelé přátel“ (1896) upomínají na známou novelu Utažení šroubu a pozdní „Veselé nároží“ (1908) se vyznačuje propracovanou strukturou a existenciálním přesahem.
10,44 € 10,99 €

Wings of the Dove

She found herself, for the first moment, looking at the mysterious portrait through tears. Perhaps it was her tears that made it just then so strange and fair ...the face of a young woman, all splendidly drawn, down to the hands, and splendidly dressed ...And she was dead, dead, dead'. Emerging from the grit and stigma of poverty to a life of fairytale privilege under the wing of her aunt, the beautiful and financially ambitious Kate Croy is already romantically involved with promising journalist Merton Densher when they become acquainted with Milly Theale, a New York socialite of immense wealth. Learning of Milly's mortal illness and passionate attraction to Densher, Kate sets the scene for a romantic betrayal intended to secure her lasting financial security. As the dying Milly retreats within the carnival splendour of a Venetian palazzo, becoming the frail hub of a predatory circle of fortune-seekers, James unfolds a resonant, brooding tale of doomed passion, betrayal, human resilience and remorse. The "Penguin English Library" - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
6,64 € 6,99 €

Daisy Miller and The Turn of the Screw

I'm a fearful, frightful flirt! Did you ever hear of a nice girl that was not?" This edition contains two of Henry James's most popular short works. Travelling in Europe with her family, Daisy Miller, an exquisitely beautiful young American woman, presents her fellow-countryman Winterbourne with a dilemma he cannot resolve. Is she deliberately flouting social convention in the outspoken way she talks and acts, or is she simply ignorant of those conventions? In "Daisy Miller" Henry James created his first great portrait of the enigmatic and dangerously independent American woman, a figure who would come to dominate his later masterpieces. Oscar Wilde called James's chilling "The Turn of the Screw" 'a most wonderful, lurid poisonous little tale'. It tells of a young governess sent to a country house to take charge of two orphans, Miles and Flora. Unsettled by a sense of intense evil within the houses, she soon becomes obsessed with the belief that malevolent forces are stalking the children in her care. The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
10,40 € 10,95 €

Washington Square

This is the "Penguin English Library Edition" of "Washington Square" by James Hardy. "Why, you must take me or leave me ...You can't please your father and me both; you must choose between us". When timid and plain Catherine Sloper acquires a dashing and determined suitor, her father, convinced that the young man is nothing more than a fortune-hunter, decides to put a stop to their romance. Torn between her desire to win her father's love and approval and her passion for the first man who has ever declared his love for her, Catherine faces an agonising dilemma, and becomes all too aware of the restrictions that others seek to place on her freedom. James' masterly novel deftly interweaves the public and private faces of nineteenth-century New York society; it is also a deeply moving study of innocence destroyed. "The Penguin English Library" - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
6,64 € 6,99 €

Italské hodiny

Ve dvaadvaceti črtách z cest, které shrnul do svazku Italské hodiny, skládá moderní americký klasik Henry James ódu na milovanou Itálii se stejnou zevrubností, s jakou se v psychologických prózách zajímá o „dům lidské duše“. Zvláštní stav „mysli na toulkách“ ponouká autora zkoumat povahu civilizačního jevu zvaného turismus. Během čtyřicetiletého putování po zemi, jež zažila vzestup i pád nejslavnější starověké říše a zvedá se z popela jako znovusjednocený stát, neuniknou Jamesovu bystrozraku ani první excesy masového cestování v časech, kdy se na silnicích teprve začínaly ozývat klaksony automobilů a památková péče byla v plenkách. Čtenář užasne, nakolik jsou autorovy postřehy stále aktuální jak na nejnavštěvovanějších místech Itálie, tak v zákoutích daleko od hlučícího davu. Ale ať už se James trefuje do babylonského srocení na benátské laguně, ať si dobírá politické poměry odrážející se v ulicích věčného Říma, ať se kochá zaostalostí venkova nebo se koří tisícileté kráse Florencie, Sieny či Ravenny, poslouží milovníkovi Itálie jako zasvěcený průvodce nejvyšší třídy. Estetická vnímavost se v jeho osobitém náhledu snoubí s jiskrným nadhledem a tradicí anglosaského humoru, a tak výsledek této vášně k sladké Itálii zastiňuje cestopisy jeho nejtoulavějších amerických předchůdců: Marka Twaina a Hermana Melvilla.
14,69 € 15,46 €

dostupné aj ako:

The Awkward Age

The Awkward Age(1899), written at a time when female emancipation and the double standard were subjects of fierce debate, is the most remarkable example of James's dramatic method. The novel traces the experiences of 18-year-old Nanda Brookenham, exposed
9,37 € 9,86 €

The Turn of the Screw

The narrator is a young governess, sent off to a country house to take charge of two orphaned children. She finds a pleasant house and a comfortable housekeeper, while the children are beautiful and charming. But she soon begins to feel the presence of intense evil.
2,76 € 2,90 €

The American

`You you a nun; you with your beauty defaced and your nature wasted you behind locks and bars! Never, never, if I can prevent it!' A wealthy American man of business descends on Europe in search of a wife to make his fortune complete. In Paris Christopher Newman is introduced to Claire de Cintré, daughter of the ancient House of Bellegarde, and to Valentin, her charming young brother. His bid for Claire's hand receives an icy welcome from the heads of the family, an elder brother and their formidable mother, the old Marquise. Can they stomach his manners for the sake of his dollars? Out of this classic collision between the old world and the new, James weaves a fable of thwarted desire that shifts between comedy, tragedy, romance and melodrama a fable which in the later version printed here takes on some of the subtleties associated with this greatest novels.
5,64 € 5,94 €


HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. Christopher Newman is an American expatriate in Paris; his fortune made, he has moved to the Old World to enjoy his wealth and find a wife. Newman soon falls for a young widow, the aristocratic Claire de Bellegarde, but his brash New World sensibility horrifies her haughty family. Though the family oppose the idea of the couple's marriage, reversals of fortune cause them to reconsider. When another suitor arrives on the scene all appears lost, until Newman befriends Claire's younger brother Valentin and finds himself in possession of a dark family secret. As the novel unfolds, James's unmistakable stylistic grace combines with his less well-known sense of melodramatic romance, resulting in a finale that combines duels, death, betrayal and blackmail.
3,47 € 3,65 €

Wings Of The Dove

HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. Kate Croy is a beautiful but impoverished young woman forced to live with her successful but astringent Aunt, Maude Lower. Lower intends Kate to marry the aristocratic Lord Mark, but she is already in love with a journalist, Merton Densher. Though their lack of money prevents the two from marrying, the destitute couple soon become friends with Milly Theale, an American heiress with an ambiguous ailment and an obvious affection for Densher. As Theale's health grows worse, Kate weaves a web of intrigue that pushes Densher into Theale's arms in the hopes of securing her fortune. Theale retreats to Venice in the last throes of her sickness, and Densher, realizing the extent of Kate's manipulation, forces her to choose between money and love.
3,47 € 3,65 €

The Turn of the Screw

HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. 'The place, with its grey sky and withered garlands, its bared spaces and scattered dead leaves, was like a theatre after the performance-all strewn with crumpled playbills.' Revered as one of the greatest ghost stories ever told, James's The Turn of the Screw is an eerie Victorian masterpiece. When an inexperienced governess goes to work at Bly, a country house in Essex to look after a young boy Miles and his sister Flora, all manner of strange events begin to occur. The governess spots a ghostly man and woman around the grounds and is told by the housekeeper that the valet and previous governess haunt the house. It soon becomes clear that the children are inexplicably connected to these ghosts in some way and the young governess struggles to protect the children, although from exactly what, she is not sure. Exploring the psychological and sexual fears of an era, this ambiguous, suspenseful and anxiety-inspiring novella remains one of Henry James's most well-known tales.
3,47 € 3,65 €

Malá cesta po Francii

Sladká Francie přinese obdivovatelům ovoce výlučně jako celek, a proto není moudré omezovat její krásy na pozlátko předváděné v Paříži. Svérázné kouty této různorodé země uhranuly i vyznavači pitoreskna Henrymu Jamesovi, a tak se jimi jako nejslavnější americký reprezentant zjemnělé tradice konce devatenáctého století kochá s týmž zaujetím, jaké ve svých románech věnoval třeba ladným liniím kávového šálku. Mladík z dobré newyorské rodiny, pro nějž byla francouzština vstupenkou do Starého světa, přitom prokáže sympatie k joie de vivre francouzského Jihu, elegantní styl a bystrozrak znalce umění. Ale ať už se toulavý spisovatel zabývá nabubřelostí některých zámků na Loiře, rozebírá rekonstrukci středověké pevnosti v Carcassonne či linie nejznámějších katedrál, ať obhlíží antické památky v Provenci nebo jen na pláži v Normandii glosuje rovnostářské poměry třetí francouzské republiky, vysvítá zpod tohoto něžného pošklebování cosi vážného, co předčí i zápisky jeho předchůdce Stendhala. James si cení neopakovatelného kouzla, jímž hostitelská země dýchá a jež je třeba uchovat, protože na něj poutník jinde na světě nenarazí. S odstupem jednoho a čtvrt století vypovídají autorovy črty mimo jiné o pravém smyslu moderního „bytí na cestě“, které se pod tlakem rychlosti a banalit změnilo v uniformní turistickou zábavu pro masy.
14,69 € 15,46 €

The Turn of the Screw and Other Stories

A young governess is sent to a great country house to care for two orphaned children. To begin with Flora and Miles seem to be model pupils but gradually the governess starts to suspect that something is very wrong with them. As she sets out to uncover the corrupt secrets of the house she becomes more and more convinced that something evil is watching her.
3,75 € 3,95 €