Simone Janson strana 19 z 27


Personal Detox

Das bringt Ihnen dieses Buch: Sie unterstützen zertifizierte Klimaschutz-Projekte, erhalten schnell kompakte Informationen und Checklisten von Experten (Übersicht und Pressestimmen in der Buchvorschau) sowie in der Praxis erprobte Ratschläge, die auch dank AddOn Schritt für Schritt zum Erfolg führen. Denn viele Menschen haben in ihrem Leben schwierige, ja geradezu toxische Beziehungen, in denen Personal Detox dringend angeraten ist. Loslassen lautet die Devise und das Wichtigste hierbei ist ein klares Nein, doch genau diese Abgrenzung fällt vielen Menschen schwer. Oft stehen dahinter die Angst vor sozialer Abwertung oder Sanktionen, falsche Höflichkeiten, zu hohe Ansprüche an sich selbst oder Schuldgefühle. Gerade diese negativen Gefühle können in Krisensituationen besonders problematisch werden. Hier hilft dieses Buch, indem es Ursachen aufzeigt und Lösungswege vorschlägt. Unsere Ratgeber richten sich vor allem an Einsteiger. Leser, die vertiefende Informationen suchen, können diese umsonst als AddOn mit individuellen Inhalten nach Wunsch erhalten. Möglich wird dieses Konzept durch ein besonders effizientes, innovatives Digital-Verfahren. Der Verlag engagiert sich auch gemeinnützig in zahlreichen, gut dokumentierten Projekten, z.B. zum Klimaschutz, und unterstützt durch seine Übersetzung vom Deutschen ins Englische die Qualität von neuronalem Maschinenlernen und die Völkerverständigung. Herausgeberin Simone Janson ist Vorständin, Verlegerin und Bestseller-Autorin. Sie war außerdem eine der 20 wichtigsten deutschen Bloggerinnen und Kolumnistin renommierter Medien - mehr zu ihr in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,04 €

Quality Check! This is really a Good Thing

This is what this book brings you: You support certified climate protection projects, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press comments in the book preview) as well as advice that has been tested in practice, which also leads to success step by step thanks to AddOn. Because in our often hectic world there is virtually infinite choice. But the mass of choices overwhelms many people. We hardly know which path leads to the desired result and really brings something. Often, priorities lack focus or crystal-clear goals. As a result, we often lose time unnecessarily, or necessary decision-making processes are repeatedly postponed. By the way, this also applies to interpersonal relationships. Often we do not dare to clearly prioritize things that are important to us and to communicate this accordingly with a clear no, because social fears or feelings of guilt are associated with this. Structured processes, strategies and checklists help here, showing what is really important in one's own life and what one can confidently do without. This book helps to achieve success. Good luck and have fun reading. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process. The publisher is also involved in numerous, well-documented charitable projects, e.g. on climate protection, and supports the quality of neural machine learning and international understanding through its translation from German into English. Editor Simone Janson is chairwoman, publisher, and best-selling author. She was also one of the 20 most important German bloggers and columnist of renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,04 €

QualityCheck! Das bringt wirklich was

Das bringt Ihnen dieses Buch: Sie unterstützen zertifizierte Klimaschutz-Projekte, erhalten schnell kompakte Informationen und Checklisten von Experten (Übersicht und Pressestimmen in der Buchvorschau) sowie in der Praxis erprobte Ratschläge, die auch dank AddOn Schritt für Schritt zum Erfolg führen. Denn in unserer oft hektischen Welt gibt es quasi unendlich viel Auswahl. Doch die Masse an Wahlmöglichkeiten überfordert viele Menschen. Wir wissen kaum noch, welcher Weg zum gewünschten Ergebnis führt und wirklich etwas bringt. Oft fehlen Prioritäten der Fokus oder glasklare Ziele. Häufig verliert man daher unnötig Zeit oder es werden notwendige Entscheidungsprozesse immer wieder aufgeschoben. Das gilt übrigens auch für zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen. Oft trauen wir uns nicht, Dinge, die uns wichtig sind, klar zu priorisieren und das entsprechend mit einem deutlichen Nein zu kommunizieren, weil damit soziale Ängste oder Schuldgefühle verbunden sind. Hier helfen strukturiertet Abläufe Strategien und Checklisten, die zeigen, was im eigenen Leben wirklich wichtig ist und worauf man getrost verzichten kann. Dieses Buch hilft zum Erfolg zu gelangen. Unsere Ratgeber richten sich vor allem an Einsteiger. Leser, die vertiefende Informationen suchen, können diese umsonst als AddOn mit individuellen Inhalten nach Wunsch erhalten. Möglich wird dieses Konzept durch ein besonders effizientes, innovatives Digital-Verfahren. Der Verlag engagiert sich auch gemeinnützig in zahlreichen, gut dokumentierten Projekten, z.B. zum Klimaschutz, und unterstützt durch seine Übersetzung vom Deutschen ins Englische die Qualität von neuronalem Maschinenlernen und die Völkerverständigung. Herausgeberin Simone Janson ist Vorständin, Verlegerin und Bestseller-Autorin. Sie war außerdem eine der 20 wichtigsten deutschen Bloggerinnen und Kolumnistin renommierter Medien - mehr zu ihr in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,04 €

Quit your Job & Succeed

This is what this book brings you: You support certified climate protection projects, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press comments in the book preview) as well as advice that has been tried and tested in practice, which also leads to success step by step thanks to AddOn. Because the same job in the same company for life - that is increasingly becoming a thing of the past in the VUCA world. And it is precisely this job-hopping that can and should be used specifically to secure one's own power and rise to higher positions - including earning more money. Personal branding is the magic word here for a successful career. However, if you want to achieve the desired status as an employee or applicant, you have to become visible within the company, make yourself heard by superiors and colleagues, and be constantly remembered. But how do you make the best use of your position to present yourself? How do rhetoric, body language and charisma help to boost your own career? How can you influence other people and opinions according to your own wishes? How do you convince superiors of your own qualities and abilities? How do you communicate your ambitions for success? And how do you deal with the competitive situation in your own team? This book shows what is important in the power poker in companies. Good luck and have fun reading. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process. The publisher is also involved in numerous, well-documented charitable projects, e.g. on climate protection, and supports the quality of neural machine learning and international understanding through its translation from German into English. Editor Simone Janson is chairwoman, publisher, and best-selling author. She was also one of the 20 most important German bloggers and columnist of renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,04 €

Re-Entry into the Job

This is what this book brings you: You support certified climate protection projects, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press comments in the book preview) as well as advice that has been tried and tested in practice, which also leads to success step by step thanks to AddOn. Because the return to work, whether after a baby break, nursing leave or sabbatical, is often anything but easy and especially women who have worked for years in the family get to feel that. In the minds of many employers, the image of a career path that has been firmly mapped out since vocational training still persists. Time off and sudden job changes, no matter what the circumstances, can then make it difficult, if not impossible, to return to work. This book accompanies the new start: It shows opportunities and change possibilities as well as possible pitfalls and self-blockades, it also helps to overcome fears and gives concrete tips for a successful professional re-entry. Good luck and have fun reading. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process. The publisher is also involved in numerous, well-documented charitable projects, e.g. on climate protection, and supports the quality of neural machine learning and international understanding through its translation from German into English. Editor Simone Janson is chairwoman, publisher, and best-selling author. She was also one of the 20 most important German bloggers and columnist of renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,04 €

Reach & Win your Goals Calmly

This is what this book brings you: You support certified climate protection projects, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press comments in the book preview) as well as advice that has been tested in practice, which also leads to success step by step thanks to AddOn. Because goals make us start with a thing in the first place and get up and continue in case of failure. But as is often the case, first take a deep breath and then hit the ground running. Unfortunately, false ambition has many people too tightly in its grip: They want too much and too fast the wrong thing, but at the same time they lack the ability to develop their own potential. It would often be enough to take a step back and change ingrained behavior patterns, but often enough aggression, conflicts, fear and other negative emotions block the way. It is therefore important not to pursue one's own goals too doggedly and strenuously, but to always remain calm. After all, this also requires the ability to convince other people thanks to charm, rhetorical skills and strategic abilities. So setting goals is important, they just must not seem too big and unattainable, but big enough to be challenging and offer development opportunities. Good goals are smart and feasibility is an important keyword here. Many well-known entrepreneurs and celebrities are united by precisely this point: the ability to develop great visions, to follow them unflinchingly but in a relaxed manner, and also to achieve them. This book shows how this balancing act can be achieved. Good luck and have fun reading. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process. The publisher is also involved in numerous, well-documented charitable projects, e.g. on climate protection, and supports the quality of neural machine learning and international understanding through its translation from German into English. Editor Simone Janson is chairwoman, publisher, and best-selling author. She was also one of the 20 most important German bloggers and columnist of renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,04 €

Read Minds & Learn to Know People

This is what this book brings you: You support certified climate protection projects, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press comments in the book preview) as well as advice that has been tested in practice, which also leads to success step by step thanks to AddOn. Because in professional life, but also in everyday communication, it is indispensable to be able to assess people well and quickly correctly to achieve its goals. But knowledge of human nature is not a secret science and has nothing to do with esotericism. Profiling, known from criminology, uses much more scientific methods and can thus help to better see through others on the basis of body language, gestures, facial expressions, voice and other behavioral characteristics and thus recognize lies, fraud and manipulation attempts in time. This book gives an overview. Good luck and have fun reading. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process. The publisher is also involved in numerous, well-documented charitable projects, e.g. on climate protection, and supports the quality of neural machine learning and international understanding through its translation from German into English. Editor Simone Janson is chairwoman, publisher, and best-selling author. She was also one of the 20 most important German bloggers and columnist of renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,04 €

Resilient through any Challenge

This is what this book brings you: You support certified climate protection projects, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press comments in the book preview) as well as tried and tested advice in practice, which also lead to success step by step thanks to AddOn. Because resilience is absolutely necessary when sudden changes upset our lives and thus force us to rethink. But as Winston Churchill said so well "Never waste a good crisis". And in fact, the most important thing is to view the changes positively and also as a challenge, even if this is difficult at first. It is crucial to have enough resilience and flexibility to be able to deal with such a new situation quickly and correctly. And it requires the ability to learn quickly from a situation what can be done better for the future. Good luck and have fun reading. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process. The publisher is also involved in numerous, well-documented charitable projects, e.g. on climate protection, and supports the quality of neural machine learning and international understanding through its translation from German into English. Editor Simone Janson is chairwoman, publisher, and best-selling author. She was also one of the 20 most important German bloggers and columnist of renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,04 €

Scheiß auf Perfekt

Das bringt Ihnen dieses Buch: Sie unterstützen zertifizierte Klimaschutz-Projekte, erhalten schnell kompakte Informationen und Checklisten von Experten (Übersicht und Pressestimmen in der Buchvorschau) sowie in der Praxis erprobte Ratschläge, die auch dank AddOn Schritt für Schritt zum Erfolg führen. Denn das Ideal der Perfektion regiert unsere Arbeitswelt wie auch Gesellschaft und gerade auch das Internet vermittelt uns beständig Bilder erfolgreicher, ambitionierter und glücklicher Menschen. Doch das führt nicht selten zu Druck, Stress, Problemen und Überlastung bis hin zu Ängsten und Depressionen. Das bedauernswerte Ergebnis: falscher Ehrgeiz hat vielen Menschen zu fest im Griff: Sie wollen zur viel und zu schnell das Falsche, gleichzeitig fehlt ihnen aber die Fähigkeit ihre eigenes Potenzial zu entfalten. Dabei würde es oft schon reichen, einen Schritt zurückzutreten und eingefahrene Verhaltensmuster zu ändern, doch oft genug versperren Aggressionen, Ängste und andere negative Emotionen den Weg. Die gute Nachricht ist: Wir können uns mit Selbstwirksamkeit Vieles einfacher machen, als wir glauben. Zum Beispiel, indem wir beim Entscheiden Prioritäten setzen, uns von eigenen übertriebenen Perfektions-Ansprüchen lösen, uns Blockaden wie Prokrastinations-Fallen bewusst machen, Verunsicherung durch unproduktives Grübeln vermeiden, den lockeren Umgang mit Kontrollverlust lernen und so die Fähigkeit gewinnen, flexibler auch auf unvorhergesehene Ereignisse zu reagieren. Dieses Buch zeigt, wie es geht. Unsere Ratgeber richten sich vor allem an Einsteiger. Leser, die vertiefende Informationen suchen, können diese umsonst als AddOn mit individuellen Inhalten nach Wunsch erhalten. Möglich wird dieses Konzept durch ein besonders effizientes, innovatives Digital-Verfahren. Der Verlag engagiert sich auch gemeinnützig in zahlreichen, gut dokumentierten Projekten, z.B. zum Klimaschutz, und unterstützt durch seine Übersetzung vom Deutschen ins Englische die Qualität von neuronalem Maschinenlernen und die Völkerverständigung. Herausgeberin Simone Janson ist Vorständin, Verlegerin und Bestseller-Autorin. Sie war außerdem eine der 20 wichtigsten deutschen Bloggerinnen und Kolumnistin renommierter Medien - mehr zu ihr in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,04 €

Sei dein eigener Held & Gewinne

Das bringt Ihnen dieses Buch: Sie unterstützen zertifizierte Klimaschutz-Projekte, erhalten schnell kompakte Informationen und Checklisten von Experten (Übersicht und Pressestimmen in der Buchvorschau) sowie in der Praxis erprobte Ratschläge, die auch dank AddOn Schritt für Schritt zum Erfolg führen. Denn in unserer Gesellschaft sehen sich viele Menschen nach Helden, das haben die jüngsten Krisen deutlich gezeigt. Doch besser ist es, den Helden oder die Heldin in uns selbst zu finden. Leider fehlt vielen Menschen der Glaube an sich selbst, an die eigenen Stärken Potenziale & Fähigkeiten. Grundsätzlich gilt: Wer mutig und heldenhaft ist, wird auch erreichen, wovon er träumt. Und das bezieht sich auf alle Aspekte des Lebens gleichermaßen vom finanziellen bis hin zu emotionalen Bereichen. Denn Erfolg ist für jeden anders definiert. Doch oft hindern uns bestehende Muster und erlernte Verhaltensweisen daran, zum Helden unseres Lebens zu werden. Oft fehlt es an Selbstbewusstsein, Selbstliebe oder auch einer materiellen Sicherheit. Doch jeder kann es schaffen, mit Mut, Tatkraft und einer authentischen Selbstsicherheit selbst hochgesteckte Ziele zu erreichen. Dieses Buch will Mut machen und zeigen, dass es sich lohnt im Leben den eigenen Visionen zu folgen. Unsere Ratgeber richten sich vor allem an Einsteiger. Leser, die vertiefende Informationen suchen, können diese umsonst als AddOn mit individuellen Inhalten nach Wunsch erhalten. Möglich wird dieses Konzept durch ein besonders effizientes, innovatives Digital-Verfahren. Der Verlag engagiert sich auch gemeinnützig in zahlreichen, gut dokumentierten Projekten, z.B. zum Klimaschutz, und unterstützt durch seine Übersetzung vom Deutschen ins Englische die Qualität von neuronalem Maschinenlernen und die Völkerverständigung. Herausgeberin Simone Janson ist Vorständin, Verlegerin und Bestseller-Autorin. Sie war außerdem eine der 20 wichtigsten deutschen Bloggerinnen und Kolumnistin renommierter Medien - mehr zu ihr in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,04 €

Sei du selbst! Authentisch Menschen überzeugen & gewinnen

Das bringt Ihnen dieses Buch: Sie unterstützen zertifizierte Klimaschutz-Projekte, erhalten schnell kompakte Informationen und Checklisten von Experten (Übersicht und Pressestimmen in der Buchvorschau) sowie in der Praxis erprobte Ratschläge, die auch dank AddOn Schritt für Schritt zum Erfolg führen. Denn nur wer authentisch ist und zu sich selbst und seinen Stärken wie auch Schwächen steht, kann mit der entsprechenden Ausstrahlung auch andere überzeugen. Was in der Theorie so einfach klingt, ist jedoch für viele Menschen nur schwer umzusetzen: Aufgrund bestehender Muster und erlernter Verhaltensweisen scheitern bereits viele Menschen an der ausgesprochen wichtigen Fähigkeit, sich selbst anzunehmen und zu lieben. "Wäre ich doch nur Selbstbewusster" wünschen sich beispielsweise viele, wenn sie in peinliche Situationen oder verbalen Angriffen ausgesetzt sind. Doch eine authentische Selbstsicherheit, souveränes Auftreten und ein gelassener Umgang mit Sabotage & Kritik sind erlernbar, Selbstliebe ist hier der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Dieses Buch will Mut machen und zeigen, dass es sich lohnt in seinem Leben eigenen Werten zu folgen und damit auch andere zu begeistern. Unsere Ratgeber richten sich vor allem an Einsteiger. Leser, die vertiefende Informationen suchen, können diese umsonst als AddOn mit individuellen Inhalten nach Wunsch erhalten. Möglich wird dieses Konzept durch ein besonders effizientes, innovatives Digital-Verfahren. Der Verlag engagiert sich auch gemeinnützig in zahlreichen, gut dokumentierten Projekten, z.B. zum Klimaschutz, und unterstützt durch seine Übersetzung vom Deutschen ins Englische die Qualität von neuronalem Maschinenlernen und die Völkerverständigung. Herausgeberin Simone Janson ist Vorständin, Verlegerin und Bestseller-Autorin. Sie war außerdem eine der 20 wichtigsten deutschen Bloggerinnen und Kolumnistin renommierter Medien - mehr zu ihr in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,04 €

Self Lobbying

This is what this book brings you: You support certified climate protection projects, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press comments in the book preview) as well as advice that has been tested in practice, which also leads to success step by step thanks to AddOn. Because whoever wants to change and move something must become visible in their own company or in the media, must make themselves heard by superiors and colleagues and express their opinion. Positioning and lobbying on one's own behalf are the magic words here. Nothing helps as much as brilliant rhetoric that arouses emotions and inspires other people - after all, everyone has something to say, and specific rhetorical tips and tricks help you to be heard with your own message. This book supports you in building up your charisma, impact, persuasiveness and charisma and using them for self lobbying. Good luck and have fun reading. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process. The publisher is also involved in numerous, well-documented charitable projects, e.g. on climate protection, and supports the quality of neural machine learning and international understanding through its translation from German into English. Editor Simone Janson is chairwoman, publisher, and best-selling author. She was also one of the 20 most important German bloggers and columnist of renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,04 €

Self Lobbying

Das bringt Ihnen dieses Buch: Sie unterstützen zertifizierte Klimaschutz-Projekte, erhalten schnell kompakte Informationen und Checklisten von Experten (Übersicht und Pressestimmen in der Buchvorschau) sowie in der Praxis erprobte Ratschläge, die auch dank AddOn Schritt für Schritt zum Erfolg führen. Denn wer etwas verändern und bewegen will, muss im eigenen Unternehmen oder medial sichtbar werden, muss sich bei Vorgesetzten und Kollegen Gehör verschaffen und seine Meinung zum Ausdruck bringen. Positionierung und Lobbyismus in eigener Sache heißen hier die Zauberworte. Nichts hilft dabei so sehr wie brillante Rhetorik, die Emotionen weckt und andere Menschen begeistert und mitreißt - schließlich hat jeder Mensch etwas zu sagen und gezielte rhetorische Tipps und Tricks helfen, mit der eigenen Message auch gehört zu werden. Dieses Buch unterstützt Sie dabei, Ihr Charisma, Wirkung, Überzeugungskraft und Ausstrahlung aufzubauen und zum Self Lobbying zu nutzen. Unsere Ratgeber richten sich vor allem an Einsteiger. Leser, die vertiefende Informationen suchen, können diese umsonst als AddOn mit individuellen Inhalten nach Wunsch erhalten. Möglich wird dieses Konzept durch ein besonders effizientes, innovatives Digital-Verfahren. Der Verlag engagiert sich auch gemeinnützig in zahlreichen, gut dokumentierten Projekten, z.B. zum Klimaschutz, und unterstützt durch seine Übersetzung vom Deutschen ins Englische die Qualität von neuronalem Maschinenlernen und die Völkerverständigung. Herausgeberin Simone Janson ist Vorständin, Verlegerin und Bestseller-Autorin. Sie war außerdem eine der 20 wichtigsten deutschen Bloggerinnen und Kolumnistin renommierter Medien - mehr zu ihr in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,04 €

Small Murders among Colleagues

This is what this book brings you: You support certified climate protection projects, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press voices in the book preview) as well as in practice tested pieces of advice, which lead also owing to AddOn step by step to success. Because hand on the heart: Some difficult colleagues or bosses would like to murder one at the dearest, so much make these success saboteurs one the life to the hell. Since it must remain unfortunately for legal reasons with small murder fantasies, the question arises: Which strategies really help against such team members, coworkers and superiors? To get an answer to this question, it is important to understand and see through the interpersonal power games as well as communicative tricks and tactics of these people. This book provides insights into the psychology not only of executives and reveals rhetoric tips for conflicts and disputes. It also shows how you can influence organizational cultures in your favor, convince other people with your arguments, and make life easier for yourself in stressful situations, even without being an official superior. Good luck and have fun reading. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process. The publisher is also involved in numerous, well-documented charitable projects, e.g. on climate protection, and supports the quality of neural machine learning and international understanding through its translation from German into English. Editor Simone Janson is chairwoman, publisher, and best-selling author. She was also one of the 20 most important German bloggers and columnist of renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,04 €

Be Clever Become Rich! Learn Smart Investment-Strategies

This is what this book brings you: You support certified climate protection projects, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press comments in the book preview) as well as advice that has been tested in practice, which also leads to success step by step thanks to AddOn. Because having money is fun and getting rich without much stress is the old dream of many people. The prerequisite for this is financial education and a good background knowledge. Because with the right, wide-ranging risk management, the dream of passive income, where you let your money work for you, can definitely come true. But unfortunately, few people really know their way around the subject of investing, and opinions about proper financial planning are as many as there are experts. So if you want to earn money by investing wisely, you would do well not to lose track in the jungle of financial products. Therefore, it makes sense to deal with one's own asset planning in more detail, after all, savings and thus retirement provisions, which are important for retirement, are only destroyed by inflation. Good luck and have fun reading. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process. The publisher is also involved in numerous, well-documented charitable projects, e.g. on climate protection, and supports the quality of neural machine learning and international understanding through its translation from German into English. Editor Simone Janson is chairwoman, publisher, and best-selling author. She was also one of the 20 most important German bloggers and columnist of renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,04 €

Perfect Leader! Passion Wins

This is what this book brings you: You support certified climate protection projects, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press comments in the book preview) as well as advice that has been tested in practice, which also leads to success step by step thanks to AddOn. Because what does the Perfect Leader of the future look like in a world in which the understanding of leadership is just changing fundamentally? More agile, more flexible, fewer hierarchies. But what it really comes down to is passion. If you inspire and excite your employees as a boss, you can forget about all the hard-won motivation tools. Another important aspect is diversity in mixed leadership teams. Excellent personnel management and development also has a lot to do with psychology. The boss acts as something between a rule giver, an organizer and an animator, always listening to his or her employees but also guiding them. And this balancing act simply succeeds better when the mixed duo at the top of management covers completely different positions, attitudes and competencies. Only equipped with these skills is the leadership also perfectly positioned for a future in which they must react flexibly to changes and crisis situations at all times. But only in this way can productive, fruitful leadership emerge at all. This book shows what matters. Good luck and have fun reading. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process. The publisher is also involved in numerous, well-documented charitable projects, e.g. on climate protection, and supports the quality of neural machine learning and international understanding through its translation from German into English. Editor Simone Janson is chairwoman, publisher, and best-selling author. She was also one of the 20 most important German bloggers and columnist of renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.
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