Simone Janson strana 21 z 27


Widerstandsfähig durch jede Herausforderung

Das bringt Ihnen dieses Buch: Sie unterstützen zertifizierte Klimaschutz-Projekte, erhalten schnell kompakte Informationen und Checklisten von Experten (Übersicht und Pressestimmen in der Buchvorschau) sowie in der Praxis erprobte Ratschläge, die auch dank AddOn Schritt für Schritt zum Erfolg führen. Denn Resilienz ist absolut notwendig wenn plötzlich auftretende Veränderungen unser Leben durcheinander bringen und uns somit dazu nötigen, umzudenken. Doch wie sagte schon Winston Churchill so schön "Never waste a good crisis". Und tatsächlich geht es vor allem darum, die Veränderungen positiv auch als Herausforderung zu bewerten, auch wenn das zunächst schwer fällt. Entscheidend ist dabei, über genug Resilienz und Flexibilität zu verfügen um mit so einer neuen Situation schnell und richtig umgehen zu können. Und es setzt die Fähigkeit voraus, schnell aus einer Situation zu lernen, was sich für die Zukunft besser machen lässt. Unsere Ratgeber richten sich vor allem an Einsteiger. Leser, die vertiefende Informationen suchen, können diese umsonst als AddOn mit individuellen Inhalten nach Wunsch erhalten. Möglich wird dieses Konzept durch ein besonders effizientes, innovatives Digital-Verfahren. Der Verlag engagiert sich auch gemeinnützig in zahlreichen, gut dokumentierten Projekten, z.B. zum Klimaschutz, und unterstützt durch seine Übersetzung vom Deutschen ins Englische die Qualität von neuronalem Maschinenlernen und die Völkerverständigung. Herausgeberin Simone Janson ist Vorständin, Verlegerin und Bestseller-Autorin. Sie war außerdem eine der 20 wichtigsten deutschen Bloggerinnen und Kolumnistin renommierter Medien - mehr zu ihr in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,04 €

Wiedereinstieg im Beruf

Das bringt Ihnen dieses Buch: Sie unterstützen zertifizierte Klimaschutz-Projekte, erhalten schnell kompakte Informationen und Checklisten von Experten (Übersicht und Pressestimmen in der Buchvorschau) sowie in der Praxis erprobte Ratschläge, die auch dank AddOn Schritt für Schritt zum Erfolg führen. Denn der Wiedereinstieg in den Beruf, sei es nach der Babypause, Pflegezeit oder Sabbatical, ist oft alles andere als einfach und vor allem Frauen, die jahrelang in der Familie gearbeitet haben, bekommen das zu spüren. Noch immer hält sich in den Köpfen vieler Arbeitgeber hartnäckig das Bild vom Karriereweg der schon seit der Berufsausbildung fest vorgezeichnet ist. Auszeiten und plötzliche Jobwechsel, egal durch welche Umstände, können dann die Rückkehr in den Beruf erschweren, wenn nicht gar verhindern. Dieses Buch begleitet den Neubeginn: Es zeigt Chancen und Wechsel-Möglichkeiten ebenso auf wie mögliche Fallstricke und Selbstblockaden, außerdem hilft es, Ängste zu überwinden und gibt es konkrete Tipps für einen erfolgreichen beruflichen Wiedereinstieg. Unsere Ratgeber richten sich vor allem an Einsteiger. Leser, die vertiefende Informationen suchen, können diese umsonst als AddOn mit individuellen Inhalten nach Wunsch erhalten. Möglich wird dieses Konzept durch ein besonders effizientes, innovatives Digital-Verfahren. Der Verlag engagiert sich auch gemeinnützig in zahlreichen, gut dokumentierten Projekten, z.B. zum Klimaschutz, und unterstützt durch seine Übersetzung vom Deutschen ins Englische die Qualität von neuronalem Maschinenlernen und die Völkerverständigung. Herausgeberin Simone Janson ist Vorständin, Verlegerin und Bestseller-Autorin. Sie war außerdem eine der 20 wichtigsten deutschen Bloggerinnen und Kolumnistin renommierter Medien - mehr zu ihr in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,04 €

Win Courage, No Anger

This is what this book brings you: You support certified climate protection projects, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press comments in the book preview) as well as advice that has been tested in practice, which also leads to success step by step thanks to AddOn. Because many people feel great anger in this day and age, e.g. at seemingly adverse circumstances, competitors, bosses and colleagues who obstruct one's own career or even the great world conspiracy. The causes of problems often lie in ourselves, in our own fears and thought patterns. If you recognize this - mindfulness exercises or meditation can help here - and are prepared to work on something inwardly, to pursue goals continuously and to get up and continue even when things go wrong, you will achieve long-term, sustainable success here. However, tackling challenges and implementing the corresponding development opportunities requires courage and the serenity to develop great visions and to follow them unflinchingly but relaxed and also to achieve them. This book shows how this balancing act can be achieved. Good luck and have fun reading. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process. The publisher is also involved in numerous, well-documented charitable projects, e.g. on climate protection, and supports the quality of neural machine learning and international understanding through its translation from German into English. Editor Simone Janson is chairwoman, publisher, and best-selling author. She was also one of the 20 most important German bloggers and columnist of renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,04 €

Wir melden uns! Was Personaler wirklich denken

Das bringt Ihnen dieses Buch: Sie unterstützen zertifizierte Klimaschutz-Projekte, erhalten schnell kompakte Informationen und Checklisten von Experten (Übersicht und Pressestimmen in der Buchvorschau) sowie in der Praxis erprobte Ratschläge, die auch dank AddOn Schritt für Schritt zum Erfolg führen. Denn worauf schauen Personaler bei der Bewerberauswahl wirklich? Wie genau sehen gängige Auswahlverfahren im Recruiting aus? Lohnt es sich, sich inititativ zu bewerben? Worauf achten Arbeitgeber bei der Online-Reputation und in Social Media? Und wie ernst nehmen Personaler den Datenschutz? Diese und viele andere Fragen haben Bewerber regelmäßig - dieses Buch hilft, sie zu beantworten und hilft Bewerbern damit, sich im Bewerbungsprozess optimal als Personal Brand potentiellen Arbeitgebern zu präsentieren und Erfahrungen zu sammeln. Wenn man dann noch weiß, worauf Personaler im Jobinterview wirklich achten, steht der Einstellung fast nichts mehr im Weg. Unsere Ratgeber richten sich vor allem an Einsteiger. Leser, die vertiefende Informationen suchen, können diese umsonst als AddOn mit individuellen Inhalten nach Wunsch erhalten. Möglich wird dieses Konzept durch ein besonders effizientes, innovatives Digital-Verfahren. Der Verlag engagiert sich auch gemeinnützig in zahlreichen, gut dokumentierten Projekten, z.B. zum Klimaschutz, und unterstützt durch seine Übersetzung vom Deutschen ins Englische die Qualität von neuronalem Maschinenlernen und die Völkerverständigung. Herausgeberin Simone Janson ist Vorständin, Verlegerin und Bestseller-Autorin. Sie war außerdem eine der 20 wichtigsten deutschen Bloggerinnen und Kolumnistin renommierter Medien - mehr zu ihr in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,04 €

Wohlstand sichern

Das bringt Ihnen dieses Buch: Sie unterstützen zertifizierte Klimaschutz-Projekte, erhalten schnell kompakte Informationen und Checklisten von Experten (Übersicht und Pressestimmen in der Buchvorschau) sowie in der Praxis erprobte Ratschläge, die auch dank AddOn Schritt für Schritt zum Erfolg führen. Denn mehr Geld haben und seinen Wohlstand langfristig sichern, wer möchte das nicht? Der Weg dahin heißt finanzielle Bildung: Er bedeutet, sich Hintergrundwissen über Finanz- und Aktienmärkte anzueignen und auf dessen Basis die richtigen Finanzentscheidungen zu treffen. Dann nämlich kann passives Einkommen, das für viele wie ein schöner Traum klingt, durchaus Realität werden. Schließlich kann nur seinen Wohlstand sichern und finanziell frei werden, wer sein Geld für sich arbeiten lässt. Doch leider kennen sich die wenigsten Menschen mit dem Thema Geldanlage wirklich gut aus und Meinungen über die richtig Finanzplanung gibt es so viele wie Experten. Es ist daher notwendig, im Dschungel der Finanzprodukte nicht den Überblick zu verlieren. Daher ist es sinnvoll, sich ausführlicher mit der eigenen Vermögensplanung zu beschäftigen, schließlich werden Sparguthaben und somit die für die Rente wichtige Altersvorsorge durch die Inflation nur vernichtet. Unsere Ratgeber richten sich vor allem an Einsteiger. Leser, die vertiefende Informationen suchen, können diese umsonst als AddOn mit individuellen Inhalten nach Wunsch erhalten. Möglich wird dieses Konzept durch ein besonders effizientes, innovatives Digital-Verfahren. Der Verlag engagiert sich auch gemeinnützig in zahlreichen, gut dokumentierten Projekten, z.B. zum Klimaschutz, und unterstützt durch seine Übersetzung vom Deutschen ins Englische die Qualität von neuronalem Maschinenlernen und die Völkerverständigung. Herausgeberin Simone Janson ist Vorständin, Verlegerin und Bestseller-Autorin. Sie war außerdem eine der 20 wichtigsten deutschen Bloggerinnen und Kolumnistin renommierter Medien - mehr zu ihr in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,04 €

Yes You Can

This is what this book brings you: You support certified climate protection projects, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press comments in the book preview) as well as advice that has been tested in practice, which also leads to success step by step thanks to AddOn. Because the biggest motivation problem for many people is the lack of courage to start with something at all. This is where the power of positive thinking comes in: it can make a decisive contribution to managing your job and everyday life better, more relaxed and, in the end, more successfully. Positive thinking helps to consciously control negative thoughts and thus gradually get rid of them. If you change your perspective and your attitude towards something, you will quickly notice how your own perception and thus the thing itself change for the better. This book shows how you can develop resilience and become a strong personality with the help of positive psychology, mindfulness and the right beliefs. Good luck and have fun reading. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process. The publisher is also involved in numerous, well-documented charitable projects, e.g. on climate protection, and supports the quality of neural machine learning and international understanding through its translation from German into English. Editor Simone Janson is chairwoman, publisher, and best-selling author. She was also one of the 20 most important German bloggers and columnist of renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,04 €

Yes You Can

Das bringt Ihnen dieses Buch: Sie unterstützen zertifizierte Klimaschutz-Projekte, erhalten schnell kompakte Informationen und Checklisten von Experten (Übersicht und Pressestimmen in der Buchvorschau) sowie in der Praxis erprobte Ratschläge, die auch dank AddOn Schritt für Schritt zum Erfolg führen. Denn das größte Motivationsproblem ist für viele Menschen der fehlende Mut überhaupt mit einer Sache anzufangen. Hier hilft die Macht des positiven Denkens: Es kann entscheidend dazu beitragen, Job und Alltag besser, entspannter und am Ende auch erfolgreicher zu bewältigen. Positives Denken hilft, negative Gedanken bewusst zu kontrollieren und so nach und nach loswerden. Wer seine Perspektive und seine Einstellung zu einer Sache ändert, wird schnell feststellen, wie sich die eigene Wahrnehmung und somit auch die Sache selbst zum positiveren ändern. Und er wird Mut fassen, loszulegen und sein Ziel zu verfolgen.Wie Sie mit Hilfe positiver Psychologie, Achtsamkeit und den richtigen Glaubenssätzen Resilienz entwickeln und zu einer starken Persönlichkeit werden, zeigt diese Buch. Unsere Ratgeber richten sich vor allem an Einsteiger. Leser, die vertiefende Informationen suchen, können diese umsonst als AddOn mit individuellen Inhalten nach Wunsch erhalten. Möglich wird dieses Konzept durch ein besonders effizientes, innovatives Digital-Verfahren. Der Verlag engagiert sich auch gemeinnützig in zahlreichen, gut dokumentierten Projekten, z.B. zum Klimaschutz, und unterstützt durch seine Übersetzung vom Deutschen ins Englische die Qualität von neuronalem Maschinenlernen und die Völkerverständigung. Herausgeberin Simone Janson ist Vorständin, Verlegerin und Bestseller-Autorin. Sie war außerdem eine der 20 wichtigsten deutschen Bloggerinnen und Kolumnistin renommierter Medien - mehr zu ihr in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,04 €

Back to the Source

This is what this book brings you: You support climate protection, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press comments in the book preview) as well as advice that has been tested in practice, which also leads to success step by step thanks to AddOn. Because for those who want to remain efficient and healthy, time management is only half the battle: It is at least as important to maintain focus and clarity and to always return to the sources of your own power and strengths. But this is not always easy: Our life today is characterized by stress, hectic, sensory overload and constant mobility; switching off, concentrating on the essentials and relaxing are therefore increasingly difficult for many people. Mental exercises, simple health-promoting applications, healthy sleep or also the correct environment can contribute to it, factors, which all contribute substantially to the fact that we find again to our mental sources back. This book helps with that. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content in German and English as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process and Deep Learning, AI systems that use neural networks in translation. The publishing company donates at least 5 percent of its reveniew from book sales to charitable organizations involved in reforestation projects and climate protection - more detailed information on request. Publisher Simone Janson is also chairwoman of the board of the Berufebilder Yourweb Foundation, bestselling author and was one of the 20 most important German bloggers as well as a columnist for renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,17 €

Be Cheeky, Win! Push Through to Achieve Goals

This is what this book brings you: you support climate protection, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press comments in the book preview) as well as advice that has been tested in practice, which also leads to success step by step thanks to AddOn. Because in our society and also in everyday working life, being cheeky often leads to unexpected success. And in fact, you live better and easier if you don't try to please everyone. But especially in important situations, many people have qualms about not living up to other people's expectations, setting boundaries and simply saying "no". This is often due to fear of devaluation or sanctions, false politeness, too high demands on oneself or feelings of guilt. With these negative feelings, however, one stands in one's own way when it comes to asserting oneself and making life a little easier for oneself by being cheeky. This book shows how you can change your behavior despite all your misgivings. Because those who are cheeky simply get more out of life in the long run. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content in German and English as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process and Deep Learning, AI systems that use neural networks in translation. The publishing company donates at least 5 percent of its reveniew from book sales to charitable organizations involved in reforestation projects and climate protection - more detailed information on request. Publisher Simone Janson is also chairwoman of the board of the Berufebilder Yourweb Foundation, bestselling author and was one of the 20 most important German bloggers as well as a columnist for renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,17 €

Educate Your Bosses & Colleagues

This is what this book brings you: you support climate protection, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press comments in the book preview) as well as advice that has been tested in practice, which also leads to success step by step thanks to AddOn. Because adulthood is a myth and many an employee who diligently and willingly pursues his work feels like he is in a kindergarten in his company: Nagging, know-it-all or envious colleagues, choleric, narcissistic or leadership-weak bosses who all seem as if all educational measures had failed completely with them. But which strategies still help with such team members, employees and superiors? This book provides insights into the psychology not only of managers and reveals rhetoric tips for conflicts and disputes. It also shows how you can influence organizational cultures in your favor, convince others with your arguments, and make life easier for yourself in stressful situations, even without being an official superior. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content in German and English as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process and Deep Learning, AI systems that use neural networks in translation. The publishing company donates at least 5 percent of its reveniew from book sales to charitable organizations involved in reforestation projects and climate protection - more detailed information on request. Publisher Simone Janson is also chairwoman of the board of the Berufebilder Yourweb Foundation, bestselling author and was one of the 20 most important German bloggers as well as a columnist for renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,17 €

Hustling - The Smart Way to Achieve Goals

This is what this book brings you: You support climate protection, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press comments in the book preview) as well as advice that has been tested in practice, which also leads to success step by step thanks to AddOn. Because a hustler is someone who successfully tricks his way through life with a certain farmer's shrewdness and whose goal is to get a lot of money quickly. It's not necessarily comfortable, because hustling can mean really hard work, but basically it's about making your life easier. Often, hustlers are also very charismatic people who skillfully use their appearance to inspire other people. And even if one or the other may be annoyed by this, one can learn a lot from the cleverness of such people. But how much trickery is allowed and makes sense? When does a harmless trick turn into a real scam? And when is the line crossed to manipulation and worse? This book uses many examples, tips, tricks and lifehacks to show how hustlers can make everyday life easier, but also when it becomes difficult to stretch the truth too recklessly. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content in German and English as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process and Deep Learning, AI systems that use neural networks in translation. The publishing company donates at least 5 percent of its reveniew from book sales to charitable organizations involved in reforestation projects and climate protection - more detailed information on request. Publisher Simone Janson is also chairwoman of the board of the Berufebilder Yourweb Foundation, bestselling author and was one of the 20 most important German bloggers as well as a columnist for renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,17 €

Invincible with Success Mindset

This is what this book brings you: you support climate protection, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press comments in the book preview) as well as advice that has been tested in practice, which also leads to success step by step thanks to AddOn. Because being successful professionally as well as privately, fulfilling one's own wishes, having more money and securing one's prosperity in the long term, who would not like that? The way there leads over the correct attitude, evenly the success Mindset. It's not for nothing that Alibaba founder Jack Ma once said "If you want to change the world, you should start with yourself". And this is what needs to be learned, starting with a confident appearance in business and salary negotiations, through assertiveness in important decisions, to financial background knowledge for investing on the stock market. With the right mindset, the dream of financial freedom and passive income can definitely become a reality. But unfortunately, very few people are really familiar with the subject of investing money and opinions about proper financial planning are as many as experts. It is therefore necessary not to lose the overview in the jungle of financial products. Therefore, it makes sense to deal with one's own asset planning in more detail, after all, savings and thus retirement provisions, which are important for retirement, are only destroyed by inflation. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content in German and English as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process and Deep Learning, AI systems that use neural networks in translation. The publishing company donates at least 5 percent of its reveniew from book sales to charitable organizations involved in reforestation projects and climate protection - more detailed information on request. Publisher Simone Janson is also chairwoman of the board of the Berufebilder Yourweb Foundation, bestselling author and was one of the 20 most important German bloggers as well as a columnist for renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,17 €

Make More Money Now

This is what this book brings you: you support climate protection, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press comments in the book preview) as well as advice that has been tested in practice, which also leads to success step by step thanks to AddOn. Because whoever wants to quickly achieve financial success and increase their money has several options for this, which can be briefly described as negotiating, selling and investing. Working well and regularly negotiating a higher salary is a good foundation for this. Another option is to enter eCommerce and sell products. And finally, the option of generating passive income by investing money and making it work for you. But unfortunately, few people are really familiar with the topic of investing money and opinions about proper financial planning are as many as experts. So if you want to earn more money immediately, you would do well not to lose track in the jungle of financial products between stock trading with individual stocks, ETF and index funds, gold, real estate and so on. Therefore it is meaningful to concern itself more extensively with the own fortune planning, finally savings and thus the age precaution important for the pension are only destroyed by the inflation. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content in German and English as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process and Deep Learning, AI systems that use neural networks in translation. The publishing company donates at least 5 percent of its reveniew from book sales to charitable organizations involved in reforestation projects and climate protection - more detailed information on request. Publisher Simone Janson is also chairwoman of the board of the Berufebilder Yourweb Foundation, bestselling author and was one of the 20 most important German bloggers as well as a columnist for renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,17 €

Make More Money the Relaxed Way

This is what this book brings you: You support climate protection, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press comments in the book preview) as well as advice that has been tested in practice, which also leads to success step by step thanks to AddOn. Because many people would like to have more money, but their living conditions are not ideal or their financial background does not allow room for risky investment maneuvers. However, making more money, getting rich or achieving financial freedom is possible without stress. The secret is to first find out where you stand, then to inform yourself thoroughly and then: First take a deep breath and then start with full power. If you take this to heart, you will achieve what you dream of. By the way, this applies equally to all aspects of life, from the financial to the emotional. Anyone can achieve even the most ambitious goals with composure, energy and a calm investment strategy that is authentically tailored to the individual. This book wants to encourage and show how much relaxation helps to follow one's own financial wishes and visions in life. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content in German and English as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process and Deep Learning, AI systems that use neural networks in translation. The publishing company donates at least 5 percent of its reveniew from book sales to charitable organizations involved in reforestation projects and climate protection - more detailed information on request. Publisher Simone Janson is also chairwoman of the board of the Berufebilder Yourweb Foundation, bestselling author and was one of the 20 most important German bloggers as well as a columnist for renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,17 €

No Risk No Fun! Have Courage & Do What You Want

This is what this book brings you: You support climate protection, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press comments in the book preview) as well as advice that has been tested in practice, which also leads to success step by step thanks to AddOn. Because only those who are courageous and risk something will also achieve what they dream of. And this refers to all aspects of life equally from financial to emotional areas. However, the implementation is anything but easy for many people due to existing patterns, self-sabotage and learned behaviors, often lacking self-confidence, self-love or, quite profanely, material security and financial resources. But everyone can manage to achieve even ambitious goals with courage, energy, authentic self-confidence and a good creative idea. This book wants to give courage and show that it is worthwhile to follow your own visions in life. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content in German and English as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process and Deep Learning, AI systems that use neural networks in translation. The publishing company donates at least 5 percent of its reveniew from book sales to charitable organizations involved in reforestation projects and climate protection - more detailed information on request. Publisher Simone Janson is also chairwoman of the board of the Berufebilder Yourweb Foundation, bestselling author and was one of the 20 most important German bloggers as well as a columnist for renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,17 €

Passion & Suffering at Work

This is what this book brings you: you support climate protection, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press comments in the book preview) as well as advice that has been tested in practice, which also leads to success step by step thanks to AddOn. Because desire, joy and passion are nowhere so closely linked to actual suffering as at work. On the one hand, there is the enthusiasm for the activity, which is often a self-chosen vocation; on the other, there are interpersonal power games, choleric narcissists and self-promoters, who quickly put an end to any motivation if the appropriate precautions are not taken. But what other strategies help with such team members, co-workers, and supervisors? This book provides insights into the psychology not only of managers and reveals rhetoric tips for conflicts and disputes. It also shows how you can influence organizational cultures in your favor, convince others with your arguments, and make life easier for yourself in stressful situations, even without being an official superior. We give you the best possible help on the topics of career, finance, management, personnel work and life assistance. For this purpose, we gather in each book the best experts in their field as authors - detailed biographies in the book - , who give a comprehensive overview of the topic and additionally offer you success planner workbooks in printed form. Our guidebooks are aimed primarily at beginners. Readers who are looking for more in-depth information can get it for free as an add-on with individual content in German and English as desired. This concept is made possible by a particularly efficient, innovative digital process and Deep Learning, AI systems that use neural networks in translation. The publishing company donates at least 5 percent of its reveniew from book sales to charitable organizations involved in reforestation projects and climate protection - more detailed information on request. Publisher Simone Janson is also chairwoman of the board of the Berufebilder Yourweb Foundation, bestselling author and was one of the 20 most important German bloggers as well as a columnist for renowned media - more about her in Wikipedia.
Na stiahnutie
8,17 €