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Packeta - Doručenie na adresu

19. 12.

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19. 12.


19. 12.

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19. 12.

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19. 12.

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19. 12.

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19. 12.

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23. 12.

Packeta - Výdajné miesto a Z-BOX

19. 12.

Ibram X. Kendi


How To Be an Antiracist

In How To Be An Antiracist Ibram X. Kendi, one of the world's most influential scholars on racism, demolishes the idea of a post-racial society, punctures the myths and taboos that cloud our understanding of racism and presents a radically new approach to tackling it. He shows how everyone is, at times, complicit in maintaining the structure of racism though we rarely realise it, and gives us the tools to identify and change those behaviours. Uncompromising but essential, How To Be An Antiracist sparked a new conversation about being an antiracist around the world, showing that until we become part of the solution, we can only be part of the problem.
U dodávateľa darček
14,50 €

Ako byť antirasista

Oceňovaný americký autor predstavuje novú cestu, ako porozumieť rasizmu a nerovnosti v našej spoločnosti a ako ich vykoreniť raz a navždy. Antirasizmus je transformačný koncept, ktorý mení diskusie o rasizme, ale najmä poukazuje na nové oslobodzujúce spôsoby myslenia. Rasizmus je vo svojej podstate mocný systém, ktorý vytvára falošné hierarchie ľudskej hodnoty. Jeho pokrivená logika siaha za hranice rasy od spôsobu, akým uvažujeme o ľuďoch iných etnicít alebo inej farby pokožky, až po spôsob, akým sa správame k ľuďom odlišného pohlavia, odlišnej rodovej identity a postavy. Rasizmus sa prelína s triedou, kultúrou a geografiou a dokonca mení aj náš obraz o sebe. V knihe Ako byť antirasista Kendi sprevádza čitateľov širokým okruhom antirasistických myšlienok od tých najzákladnejších konceptov až po vizionárske alternatívy. Pomáha nám jasne rozoznať rasizmus vo všetkých jeho formách, pochopiť jeho škodlivé dôsledky a ukazuje, ako sa možno voči nim brániť na úrovni systému, ale aj v našom vnútri. Kendi spája etiku, históriu, právo a vedu so svojím vlastným príbehom prebudenia z rasizmu. Táto kniha je povinné čítanie pre každého, komu nestačia len základné informácie o rasizme, ale chce ísť o krok ďalej a prispieť k vytvoreniu spravodlivej a slušnej spoločnosti
Na sklade 2Ks darček
2,90 € 14,90 €

dostupné aj ako:

Ako byť antirasista

Oceňovaný americký autor predstavuje novú cestu, ako porozumieť rasizmu a nerovnosti v našej spoločnosti a ako ich vykoreniť raz a navždy. Antirasizmus je transformačný koncept, ktorý mení diskusie o rasizme, ale najmä poukazuje na nové oslobodzujúce spôsoby myslenia. Rasizmus je vo svojej podstate mocný systém, ktorý vytvára falošné hierarchie ľudskej hodnoty. Jeho pokrivená logika siaha za hranice rasy od spôsobu, akým uvažujeme o ľuďoch iných etnicít alebo inej farby pokožky, až po spôsob, akým sa správame k ľuďom odlišného pohlavia, odlišnej rodovej identity a postavy. Rasizmus sa prelína s triedou, kultúrou a geografiou a dokonca mení aj náš obraz o sebe. V knihe Ako byť antirasista Kendi sprevádza čitateľov širokým okruhom antirasistických myšlienok od tých najzákladnejších konceptov až po vizionárske alternatívy. Pomáha nám jasne rozoznať rasizmus vo všetkých jeho formách, pochopiť jeho škodlivé dôsledky a ukazuje, ako sa možno voči nim brániť na úrovni systému, ale aj v našom vnútri. Kendi spája etiku, históriu, právo a vedu so svojím vlastným príbehom prebudenia z rasizmu. Táto kniha je povinné čítanie pre každého, komu nestačia len základné informácie o rasizme, ale chce ísť o krok ďalej a prispieť k vytvoreniu spravodlivej a slušnej spoločnosti.
Na stiahnutie darček
10,90 €

dostupné aj ako:

Four Hundred Souls : A Community History of African America 1619-2019

*THE #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER* Four Hundred Souls is an epoch-defining history of African America, the first to appear in a generation, told by ninety leading Black voices -- co-curated by Ibram X. Kendi, author of the million-copy bestseller How To Be an Antiracist, and Keisha N. Blain, author of Set the World on Fire. The story begins with the arrival of twenty Ndongo people on the shores of the first British colony in mainland America in 1619, the year before the arrival of the Mayflower. In eighty chronological chapters, each by a different author and spanning five years, the book charts the four-hundred-year journey of African Americans to the present - a journey defined by inhuman oppression, visionary struggles and stunning achievements - in a choral work of exceptional power and beauty. Contributors include some of the leading writers, historians, journalists, lawyers, poets and activists of contemporary America. They use a variety of techniques - historical essays, short stories, personal vignettes and fiery polemics - and approach history from various perspectives: through the eyes of towering historical icons or the untold stories of ordinary people, populating these pages with hundreds of extraordinary lives and personalities. Together they illuminate countless new facets to the story of slavery and resistance, segregation and survival, migration and self-discovery, reinvention and hope. Through its diversity of perspectives the book shows that to be African American means many different things and demonstrates the startling range of experiences and ideas that have always existed within the community of Blackness. Four Hundred Souls is an essential work that redefines America and the way its history can be told.
U dodávateľa darček
24,95 €

Be Antiracist

The heart of racism is denial. It is refusing to self-reflect. In his global, game-changing bestseller How To Be An Antiracist Ibram X. Kendi, director of the Centre for Antiracist Research at Boston University, showed that when it comes to racism, neutrality is not an option: until we become part of the solution, we can only be part of the problem. Crucially, it requires 'persistent self-awareness, constant self-criticism and regular self-examination'. In this workbook he uses his extraordinary gifts as a teacher to provide the reader with a series of activities, exercises and reflections to help them do this vital work, to cultivate an instinctive awareness of racism in all its forms and to take the action necessary to promote racial equity in the world around them. He asks us to reflect on our thinking around race through prompts including 'Describe the most racist moment of your life,', 'Have you ever been hesitant to use the R-word? Why?' and 'What does resistance mean to you?' helping us understand that the heartbeat of anti-racism is confession. It is self-reflection. Being antiracist is not something you are. It's something we do.
U dodávateľa darček
12,25 € 12,50 €

How To Raise an Antiracist

How do we talk to our children about racism? How do we teach children to be antiracist? How are kids at different ages experiencing race? How are racist structures impacting children? How can we inspire our children to avoid our mistakes, to be better, to make the world better? These are the questions Ibram X. Kendi found himself avoiding as he anticipated the birth of his first child. Like most parents or parents-to-be, he felt the reflex to not talk to his child about racism, which he feared would stain her innocence and steal away her joy. But research into the scientific literature, his experiences as a father and reflections on his own difficult experiences as a student ultimately changed his mind. In How to Raise an Antiracist he shows that we must all participate in the effort to raise young people as antiracists.
21,95 €