Barbara Kingsolver



THE NEW NOVEL FROM ORANGE PRIZE WINNER AND INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER BARBARA KINGSOLVER 2016 Vineland Meet Willa Knox, a woman who stands braced against an upended world that seems to hold no mercy for her shattered life and family - or the crumbling house that contains her. 1871 Vineland Thatcher Greenwood, the new science teacher, is a fervent advocate of the work of Charles Darwin, and he is keen to communicate his ideas to his students. But those in power in Thatcher's small town have no desire for a new world order. Thatcher and his teachings are not welcome. Both Willa and Thatcher resist the prevailing logic. Both are asked to pay a high price for their courage. But both also find inspiration -- and an unlikely kindred spirit -- in Mary Treat, a scientist, adventurer and anachronism. A testament to both the resilience and persistent myopia of the human condition, Unsheltered explores the foundations we build in life, spanning time and place to give us all a clearer look at those around us, and perhaps ourselves. It is a novel that speaks truly to our times.
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23,03 € 23,50 €


Meet Willa Knox, a woman who stands braced against a world which seems to hold little mercy for her and her family - or their old, crumbling house, falling down around them. Willa's two grown-up children, a new-born grandchild, and her ailing father-in-law have all moved in at a time when life seems at its most precarious. But when Willa discovers that a pioneering female scientist lived on the same street in the 1800s, could this historical connection be enough to save their home from ruin? And can Willa, despite the odds, keep her family together?
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12,69 € 12,95 €

The Lacuna

The Lacuna is the heartbreaking story of a man’s search for safety of a man torn beween the warm heart of Mexico and the cold embrace of 1950s McCarthyite America. Born in the U.S. and reared in Mexico, Harrison Shepherd is a liability to his social-climbing flapper mother, Salomé. Making himself useful in the household of the famed Mexican artists Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo, and exiled Bolshevik leader Lev Trotsky, young Shepherd inadvertently casts his lot with art and revolution. A violent upheaval sends him north to a nation newly caught up in World War II. In the mountain city of Asheville, North Carolina he remakes himself in America’s hopeful image. But political winds continue to throw him between north and south, in a plot that turns many times on the unspeakable breach – the lacuna – between truth and public presumption. A gripping story of identity, loyalty and the devastating power of accusations to destroy innocent people. The Lacuna is as deep and rich as the New World.
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10,95 €

Mérgezett éden

Az ádáz baptista hittérítő, Nathan Price feleségével és négy lányával együtt kerekedik fel 1959-ben, hogy a gyarmati igát lerázni készülő Belga Kongó mélyén hirdesse az igét. Mindenre felkészülten, hitükben és igazukban biztosan kelnek útra, ám hamar rá kell ébredniük, hogy a forrongó Afrika földjén minden más, baljós jelentést kap, legyen szó akár egy kertről vagy magáról a Bibliáról. Miközben Price ellentmondást nem tűrően próbálja megtéríteni az afrikai falu népét, családja egyre kevésbé hisz missziójában, az országot pedig természeti csapások és viszály sújtja. A neves amerikai írónő, Barbara Kingsolver önéletrajzi elemeket is tartalmazó, óriási sikerű regénye magával ragadó biblikus nyelvezettel tárja az olvasók elé Afrika véres történetét és egy család tragédiáját. A Mérgezett Éden méltó párja Joseph Conrad meghatározó Afrika-regényének, A sötétség mélyénnek. "Kingsolver végtelenül aprólékos figyelemmel bogozza ki a vallás, a politika, a rasszok, bűnök és megváltás kusza hálóját, és borzasztó szépséget alkot." - Los Angeles Times Book Review
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15,78 € 16,10 €

Lacná kniha Lakuna (-70%)

Román vypráví o dramatických letech první poloviny 20. století, o obrovských proměnách, které zasáhly celý svět, a o tom, jak se dějiny mohou podepsat na osudu jednoho konkrétního člověka, který je do tohoto pohnutého děje zatažen a jemuž nezbývá než se s tím nějak vyrovnat... Protagonistou je fiktivní americký umělec Harrison Shepherd, který se vydává na obtížnou cestu za hledáním vlastní identity.
Na sklade 2Ks
1,38 € 4,61 €

dostupné aj ako:

Demon Copperhead

Demon Copperhead is a once-in-a-generation novel that breaks and mends your heart in the way only the best fiction can. Demon's story begins with his traumatic birth to a single mother in a single-wide trailer, looking 'like a little blue prizefighter.' For the life ahead of him he would need all of that fighting spirit, along with buckets of charm, a quick wit, and some unexpected talents, legal and otherwise. In the southern Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, poverty isn't an idea, it's as natural as the grass grows. For a generation growing up in this world, at the heart of the modern opioid crisis, addiction isn't an abstraction, it's neighbours, parents, and friends. 'Family' could mean love, or reluctant foster care. For Demon, born on the wrong side of luck, the affection and safety he craves is as remote as the ocean he dreams of seeing one day. The wonder is in how far he's willing to travel to try and get there. Suffused with truth, anger and compassion, Demon Copperhead is an epic tale of love, loss and everything in between.
Na sklade 1Ks
13,67 € 13,95 €

Demon Copperhead

Na úpätí južných Apalačských vrchov sa opustenej mladistvej matke narodí v obytnom prívese Demon Copperhead, ktorý akoby z oka vypadol svojmu zosnulému otcovi. Má rovnaké ryšavé vlasy, oplýva tým istým sarkazmom a nepochybným talentom prežiť strasti života. Svojím podrezaným jazykom rozpráva o pestúnskej starostlivosti, detskej práci, upadajúcom školstve, športových úspechoch, závislostiach, ničivých láskach a stratách. Barbara Kingsolver prerobila viktoriánsky román Charlesa Dickensa David Copperfield, ktorý opísal skúsenosti detí žijúcich v chudobe, na súčasné dielo z prostredia amerického juhu. Demon Copperhead je tak hlasom novej generácie stratených chlapcov a detí narodených do problémov, ktoré v našej spoločnosti stále čakajú na vyriešenie.
Na sklade > 5Ks
16,07 € 18,90 €

dostupné aj ako:

Demon Copperhead (slovenský jazyk)

VÍŤAZ PULITZEROVEJ CENY, VÍŤAZ WOMEN´S PRIZE FOR FICTIONUznávaná spisovateľka Barbara Kingslover napísala fascinujúci a dôležitý román o mladom hrdinovi a jeho nezabudnuteľnej ceste k dospelosti. Na úpätí južných Apalačských vrchov sa opustenej mladistvej matke narodí v obytnom prívese Demon Copperhead, ktorý akoby z oka vypadol svojmu zosnulému otcovi. Má rovnaké ryšavé vlasy, oplýva tým istým sarkazmom a nepochybným talentom prežiť strasti života. Svojím podrezaným jazykom rozpráva o pestúnskej starostlivosti, detskej práci, upadajúcom školstve, športových úspechoch, závislostiach, ničivých láskach a stratách. Barbara Kingsolver prerobila viktoriánsky román Charlesa Dickensa David Copperfield, ktorý opísal skúsenosti detí žijúcich v chudobe, na súčasné dielo z prostredia amerického juhu. Demon Copperhead je tak hlasom novej generácie stratených chlapcov a detí narodených do problémov, ktoré v našej spoločnosti stále čakajú na vyriešenie.
Na stiahnutie
14,90 €

dostupné aj ako:

Poisonwood Bible

This is a story told by the wife and four daughters of Nathan Price, a fierce evangelical Baptist who takes his family and mission to the Belgian Congo in 1959.
9,75 € 9,95 €


Román vypráví o dramatických letech první poloviny 20. století, o obrovských proměnách, které zasáhly celý svět, a o tom, jak se dějiny mohou podepsat na osudu jednoho konkrétního člověka, který je do tohoto pohnutého děje zatažen a jemuž nezbývá než se s tím nějak vyrovnat... Protagonistou je fiktivní americký umělec Harrison Shepherd, který se vydává na obtížnou cestu za hledáním vlastní identity.
4,61 €

dostupné aj ako:

Flight Behaviour

On the Appalachian Mountains above her home, a young mother discovers a beautiful and terrible marvel of nature. As the world around her is suddenly transformed by a seeming miracle, can the old certainties they have lived by for centuries remain unchallenged? "Flight Behaviour" is a captivating, topical and deeply human story touching on class, poverty and climate change. It is Barbara Kingsolver's most accessible novel yet, and explores the truths we live by, and the complexities that lie behind them.
9,99 €

The Poisonwood Bible

An international bestseller and a modern classic, this suspenseful epic of one family's tragic undoing and their remarkable reconstruction has been read, adored and shared by millions around the world. This story is told by the wife and four daughters of Nathan Price, a fierce, evangelical Baptist who takes his family and mission to the Belgian Congo in 1959. They carry with them everything they believe they will need from home, but soon find that all of it - from garden seeds to Scripture - is calamitously transformed on African soil.
13,67 € 13,95 €

Lacná kniha Lakuna (-90%)

Román vypráví o dramatických letech první poloviny 20. století, o obrovských proměnách, které zasáhly celý svět, a o tom, jak se dějiny mohou podepsat na osudu jednoho konkrétního člověka, který je do tohoto pohnutého děje zatažen a jemuž nezbývá než se s tím nějak vyrovnat... Protagonistou je fiktivní americký umělec Harrison Shepherd, který se vydává na obtížnou cestu za hledáním vlastní identity.
0,46 € 4,61 €

dostupné aj ako:

Demon Copperhead

Demon Copperhead is a once-in-a-generation novel that breaks and mends your heart in the way only the best fiction can. Demon's story begins with his traumatic birth to a single mother in a single-wide trailer, looking 'like a little blue prizefighter.' For the life ahead of him he would need all of that fighting spirit, along with buckets of charm, a quick wit, and some unexpected talents, legal and otherwise. In the southern Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, poverty isn't an idea, it's as natural as the grass grows. For a generation growing up in this world, at the heart of the modern opioid crisis, addiction isn't an abstraction, it's neighbours, parents, and friends. 'Family' could mean love, or reluctant foster care. For Demon, born on the wrong side of luck, the affection and safety he craves is as remote as the ocean he dreams of seeing one day. The wonder is in how far he's willing to travel to try and get there. Suffused with truth, anger and compassion, Demon Copperhead is an epic tale of love, loss and everything in between.
18,57 € 18,95 €