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Packeta - Doručenie na adresu

19. 12.

Balík na poštu

19. 12.


19. 12.

Slovenská pošta - na adresu

19. 12.

Kuriér SPS

19. 12.

Balíkovo (Alzaboxy)

19. 12.

Doručenie na predajňu

19. 12.

Osobný odber v sklade

23. 12.

Packeta - Výdajné miesto a Z-BOX

19. 12.

Peter Kresánek


Slovensko - Ilustrovaná encyklopédia pamiatok

Elektronická verzia jedinečnej publikácie o pamiatkach architektúry, výtvarného umenia a pamätihodnostiach Slovenska, ktorej predchádzajúce knižné vydania boli dávno vypredané. Cieľom vydania e-knihy je priblížiť jej cenný obsah čo najširšiemu okruhu čitateľov vrátane žiakov a študentov. Takmer tisícstranová publikácia obsahuje 1 109 hesiel, viac ako 5 500 originálnych fotografií s podrobnými popismi, 110 trojrozmerných ilustrácií vybraných slovenských hradov, kaštieľov, kláštorov, chrámov, múzeí ľudovej architektúry a 28 jedinečných priestorových obrázkov historických miest. E-kniha popri používaní v mobilnom zariadení umožňuje aj majiteľom knižného vydania, aby si vytlačili len niektorú časť, zobrali si ju so sebou na výlety a robili si do nej poznámky.
Na stiahnutie darček
29,00 €

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Stavby, ktoré sa stali architektúrou

Publikácia Stavby, ktoré sa stali architektúrou od historika architektúry a výtvarného umenia Petra Kresánka. Autor i vydavateľ, známej a vyhľadávanej rozsiahlej Ilustrovanej encyklopédie Slovenska, v tejto knihe opisuje a vysvetľuje, prečo boli zoskupenia pôvodných vidieckych stavieb v našich Karpatoch také krásne. Dokumentuje to fotografiami, ktoré vyhotovil pred polstoročím. Komentuje ich postrehmi estetiky prírody, estetiky umení a teórií architektúry a výtvarného umenia. Zdôrazňuje, že sú výsledkom potrieb, materiálových a technologických možností i mnohých ďalších objektívnych daností. Ich stavitelia a užívatelia ich netvorili zámerne. Ale krásu týchto kompozícií pochopili a zvečnili aj naši najvýznamnejší moderní maliari. V argumentácii sa autor publikácie opiera aj o teoretické práce významných svetových architektov a maliarov priekopníkov moderného umenia. Grafiku knihy obohacujú niektoré inšpirujúce citáty týchto osobností. Kniha je príspevkom do diskusie v období súčasného chaosu pôsobenia človeka v prostredí našej kultúrnej krajiny.
U dodávateľa darček
22,54 € 23,00 €

Slovakia Illustrated Encyclopedia of monuments

The ambition of the illustrated encyclopaedia is to introduce a cultivated reader to the most extensive fund of architectural monuments and creative art relics in Slovakia. It is not an expert or art-historical publication describing or arranging the, often contradictory expert opinions. In the past decades, many of them have been collected in publications of this type. In contrast to scientific work, you will not encounter them there. On the contrary, we present painting, murals, altars, churches, castles, manor houses and historic town centres that only use their birth certificates, characteristics and forms to recount their history. The idea of this encyclopaedia`s was the reader to look closer, to establish relationships, to answer the questions of "why is it like that" when regarding the illustrations and photographs - or best, when visiting the sites directly. This publication aims to provide the largest possible scope of basic information - on where to find the beauty, on its orderers, creators, similar sites, the period and environment, in which it was created. Of course, many monuments do not have a known builder, painter, sculptor or craftsman. For most centuries, there were men - humble creators who did not feel the need for own presentation. Even though no names are mentioned "at least" the work introduces them. You will also find the names of those who had the structures or pieces of art created and an explanation of the period in which the work was created. Current creators - artists usually assume a negative attitude to being questioned on the meaning of their work. Structures, sculptures and paintings of the past centuries hide messages that the period society understood. And often are very complicated. They include an enormous wealth of stories, fates, symbolism of the Old and New Testament, various legends, period reflections of science and literature. Some have their roots in the pre-Christian cultures. It is even possible to read the fortunes of people, orderers and viewers of these works. The period community looked much deeper at the shapes of architecture and the meaning of its details. In this publication, we are trying to point out at least a fraction of them. Scenario and concept, draft, concept and coordination of 3D drawings, production of onsite photographic shooting, author of texts and annotations Peter Kresanek. Author of page on Slovak National Gallery and consultant Dusan Buran. Book details: 1 109 entries more than 5500 photographs with detailed descriptions 110 three-dimensional illustrations of chosen monuments 28 spatial images of historical sites.
149,00 €

Slovensko Ilustrovaná encyklopédia pamiatok

Táto ilustrovaná encyklopédia vznikala niekoľko rokov a vďaka svojej forme je zrozumiteľnou a mimoriadne kultivovanou prezentáciou pamiatok historickej architektúry výtvarného umenia a pamätihodností Slovenska. Cenné informácie zozbierané počas niekoľkých rokov sú zasadené do kultúrno-historických regiónov pričom autori tohto diela pre potreby svojej publikácie rozdelili Slovensko na 25 prirodzených historických regiónov.Publikácia vychádza v netypickom veľkom formáte 32 x 20 cm na takmer tisíc stranách o obsahuje celkom 1 109 hesiel viac ako 5 500 originálnych fotografií aj s podrobnými popismi 110 trojdimenzionálnych ilustrácií vybraných slovenských hradov kaštieľov kláštorov chrámov múzeí ľudovej architektúry a 28 priestorových obrázkov historických miest.Autor a zostavovateľ tejto publikácie Peter Kresánek využil pri svojej práci bohaté odborné vedomosti historika umenia pedagóga na fakulte architektúry ako aj bohaté skúsenosti z pôsobenia v komunálnej politike v zložitom období po roku 1990. Pri tvorbe tohto diela sa inšpiroval podobnými publikáciami známych zahraničných vydavateľstiev Dorling Kindersley resp. Gallimard od ktorých pre potreby vydania tejto publikácie vo vlastnom vydavateľstve Simplicissimus zakúpil aj licenčné práva.Táto kniha významným spôsobom obohatí vedomie Slovenska o svojom hmotnom i kultúrnom dedičstve. Kniha je určená kultivovaným laikom mladým ľuďom a všetkým ktorí hľadajú odpovede na pôvod príbehy a významy v dielach nášho starého výtvarného umenia a architektúry.
117,39 € 129,00 €

dostupné aj ako:

Lacná kniha Slovakia Illustrated Encyclopedia of monuments (-70%)

The ambition of the illustrated encyclopaedia is to introduce a cultivated reader to the most extensive fund of architectural monuments and creative art relics in Slovakia. It is not an expert or art-historical publication describing or arranging the, often contradictory expert opinions. In the past decades, many of them have been collected in publications of this type. In contrast to scientific work, you will not encounter them there. On the contrary, we present painting, murals, altars, churches, castles, manor houses and historic town centres that only use their birth certificates, characteristics and forms to recount their history. The idea of this encyclopaedia`s was the reader to look closer, to establish relationships, to answer the questions of "why is it like that" when regarding the illustrations and photographs - or best, when visiting the sites directly. This publication aims to provide the largest possible scope of basic information - on where to find the beauty, on its orderers, creators, similar sites, the period and environment, in which it was created. Of course, many monuments do not have a known builder, painter, sculptor or craftsman. For most centuries, there were men - humble creators who did not feel the need for own presentation. Even though no names are mentioned "at least" the work introduces them. You will also find the names of those who had the structures or pieces of art created and an explanation of the period in which the work was created. Current creators - artists usually assume a negative attitude to being questioned on the meaning of their work. Structures, sculptures and paintings of the past centuries hide messages that the period society understood. And often are very complicated. They include an enormous wealth of stories, fates, symbolism of the Old and New Testament, various legends, period reflections of science and literature. Some have their roots in the pre-Christian cultures. It is even possible to read the fortunes of people, orderers and viewers of these works. The period community looked much deeper at the shapes of architecture and the meaning of its details. In this publication, we are trying to point out at least a fraction of them. Scenario and concept, draft, concept and coordination of 3D drawings, production of onsite photographic shooting, author of texts and annotations Peter Kresanek. Author of page on Slovak National Gallery and consultant Dusan Buran. Book details: 1 109 entries more than 5500 photographs with detailed descriptions 110 three-dimensional illustrations of chosen monuments 28 spatial images of historical sites.
44,70 € 149,00 €

dostupné aj ako:

Lacná kniha Slovakia Illustrated Encyclopedia of monuments (-50%)

The ambition of the illustrated encyclopaedia is to introduce a cultivated reader to the most extensive fund of architectural monuments and creative art relics in Slovakia. It is not an expert or art-historical publication describing or arranging the, often contradictory expert opinions. In the past decades, many of them have been collected in publications of this type. In contrast to scientific work, you will not encounter them there. On the contrary, we present painting, murals, altars, churches, castles, manor houses and historic town centres that only use their birth certificates, characteristics and forms to recount their history. The idea of this encyclopaedia`s was the reader to look closer, to establish relationships, to answer the questions of "why is it like that" when regarding the illustrations and photographs - or best, when visiting the sites directly. This publication aims to provide the largest possible scope of basic information - on where to find the beauty, on its orderers, creators, similar sites, the period and environment, in which it was created. Of course, many monuments do not have a known builder, painter, sculptor or craftsman. For most centuries, there were men - humble creators who did not feel the need for own presentation. Even though no names are mentioned "at least" the work introduces them. You will also find the names of those who had the structures or pieces of art created and an explanation of the period in which the work was created. Current creators - artists usually assume a negative attitude to being questioned on the meaning of their work. Structures, sculptures and paintings of the past centuries hide messages that the period society understood. And often are very complicated. They include an enormous wealth of stories, fates, symbolism of the Old and New Testament, various legends, period reflections of science and literature. Some have their roots in the pre-Christian cultures. It is even possible to read the fortunes of people, orderers and viewers of these works. The period community looked much deeper at the shapes of architecture and the meaning of its details. In this publication, we are trying to point out at least a fraction of them. Scenario and concept, draft, concept and coordination of 3D drawings, production of onsite photographic shooting, author of texts and annotations Peter Kresanek. Author of page on Slovak National Gallery and consultant Dusan Buran. Book details: 1 109 entries more than 5500 photographs with detailed descriptions 110 three-dimensional illustrations of chosen monuments 28 spatial images of historical sites.
74,50 € 149,00 €

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