Melissa Launay


Adult Colouring Books - Colour Yourself to Mindfulness NEW

The act of being mindful is being aware of the present moment, and colouring can help you to achieve this. Colouring is a form of art therapy: you can use it as a meditative process in which you become intently aware of colours, designs and motifs. You are living in the moment and the concentration and repetitive nature of the simple art of colouring takes over as you gradually relax and become oblivious to the stresses and strains of everyday living. Mandalas, symbols of the cosmos, have for hundreds of years inspired those who gaze upon them. Colour Yourself to Mindfulness will give you inner calm and peace as you connect to the shapes and symbols that create these powerful images. Here we present 100 original designs of mandalas for Awareness, Forgiveness, Wisdom, Abundance, Creativity and Karma, among many other themes.
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14,50 €

Mandaly pro štěstí a harmonii

Zbavte se stresu a najděte vnitřní klid při vybarvování těchto nádherných mandal. Práce na jednotlivých vzorech vás provede meditativním procesem, pohlceni pouze přítomným okamžikem si budete intenzivně uvědomovat rozličné barvy a nápadité motivy. Mandaly jsou symbolem nekonečného vesmíru a pomohou vám vnést do každodenního života harmonii a štěstí.
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13,43 € 13,70 €