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Marina Lewycka


Cseresznyéskert Londonban - A Lubetkin-hagyaték

Bert, a jelenleg állástalan színész ismét anyjával, Lilyvel és egy papagájjal él együtt egy észak-londoni lakótömbben, a Madeley Courtban, amelyet még a grúz származású brit Berthold Lubetkin modernista építész tervezett. Bert róla kapta a keresztnevét, mert anyjának viszonya lehetett a férfival. Amikor Lily szívrohammal kórházba kerül, utolsó leheletével fia lelkére köti, ne hagyja elveszni a lakást. Bert tehát hazavisz magával egy másik öregasszonyt, és ezzel meg is érkeztünk Marina Lewycka mikrokozmoszába, ahol a legkülönfélébb nációjú emberek, angolok, románok, ukránok, afrikaiak élnek egymás mellett. Külsőre, nyelvükben, kultúrájukban, szokásaikban nagyon különböznek, ahogy a sokarcú London lakói mind, de vágyaik, céljaik, örömeik és bánataik többé-kevésbé hasonlóak. A hol megindító, hol szórakoztató, néha bizarr történet Bert és a szintén a házban élő Violet szemszögén keresztül bontakozik ki. A szerző a két mesélőt váltogatva mesterien építi fel és mutatja be valamennyi karakterét. A rá jellemző humort, őszinteséget vagy kíméletlen öniróniát ezúttal is megértés, együttérzés és szeretet hatja át. A regény mottóját - "Nincs olyan, hogy túl jó az átlagember számára" - Lubetkintől kölcsönözte, aki az általa tervezett extravagáns épületeken túl ezt a vélekedését hagyta az utókorra. A szerző magyar nyelven megjelent regényei a Geopen gondozásában: Rövid traktortörténet ukránul, Eperföldek, Ragadunk
U dodávateľa
12,02 € 12,65 €

Lacná kniha Vilný stařec a hamižné ženy (-95%)

Ovdovělý inženýr Majevskij, jenž v Anglii ve svém pustnoucím domě píše práci věnovanou úloze traktorů v dějinách, hodlá na stará kolena pojmout za manželku o mnoho let mladší Ukrajinku. Údajně ji chce uchránit před hrozbou vyhoštění a jejímu geniálnímu synovi umožnit studium na prestižní univerzitě
Na sklade 1Ks
0,59 € 11,70 €

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Lacná kniha Eperföldek (-50%)

A festői szépségű angliai mezőn két lakókocsi álldogál, egy a férfiak, egy a nők számára. Lakóik bevándorlók, akik a világ legkülönfélébb tájáról érkeztek nagy reményekkel és vágyakkal. Andrij, az ukrán bányászfiú a régi rendszer gyermeke, míg a csinos, fiatal Irina már az új Ukrajnát képviseli gyanakodva kerülgetik egymást. Aztán ott vannak még a lengyelek, a Bob Dylan-rajongó Tomasz, az apró, de terebélyes Jola, és ájtatos unokahúga, Marta; két kínai lány, akik közül az egyik nem is kínai; a bájos Emanuel Malawiból; valamint a mindig titokzatos Vitalij. Mind epret szedni jöttek az idillien szép, zöld Angliába. De manapság az angol vidék korántsem idilli a bevándorlók számára. Erről gondoskodnak az olyan meghatározhatatlan nemzetiségű, önjelölt gengszterek, mint Vulk, aki szemet vet Irinára, és úgy gondolja, az emberrablás a legcélravezetőbb udvarlási mód. Így aztán Andrij, aki amúgy igazán nem kedveli Irinát, de tényleg nem, kénytelen felkerekedni, hogy megkeresse a lányt, akibe egyáltalán nem is szerelmes...
Na sklade 2Ks
6,71 € 13,42 €

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A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian

Tento titul je novým vydaním knihy Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian z roku 2005Two years after my mother died, my father fell in love with a glamorous blonde Ukrainian divorcee. He was eighty-four and she was thirty-six. She exploded into o ur lives like a fluffy pink grenade, churning up the murky water, bringing to the surface a sludge of sloughed - off memories, giving the family ghosts a kick up the backside. Sisters Vera and Nadezhda must put aside a lifetime of feuding to save th eir émigré engineer father from voluptuous gold-digger Valentina. With her proclivity for green satin underwear and boil-in-the-bag cuisine, she will stop at nothing in her pursuit of Western wealth. But the sisterscampaign to oust Valentina uneart hs family secrets, uncovers fifty years of Europes darkest history and sends them back to roots theyd much rather forget...Upozornenie: Vzhľadom na častejšie obmeny vydaní tejto knihy v zahraničí, kus, ktorý vám zašleme, nemusí mať rovnakú obálku a ko je zobrazená tu. Zobrazená obálka môže byť iba ilustračná. Obsah knihy aj cena budú však identické, bez ohľadu na obálku.
7,86 € 8,27 €

Two Caravans

Marina Lewycka was born of Ukrainian parents in a refugee camp in Kiel, Germany, at the end of the war, and grew up in England. She teaches at Sheffield Hallam University. She is married, with a grown-up daughter, and lives in Sheffield.
16,68 € 17,56 €

Vilný stařec a hamižné ženy

Ovdovělý inženýr Majevskij, jenž v Anglii ve svém pustnoucím domě píše práci věnovanou úloze traktorů v dějinách, hodlá na stará kolena pojmout za manželku o mnoho let mladší Ukrajinku. Údajně ji chce uchránit před hrozbou vyhoštění a jejímu geniálnímu synovi umožnit studium na prestižní univerzitě
11,12 € 11,70 €

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Dva karavany

Co může mít společného Irina, mladá, krásná a vzdělaná Ukrajinka plná ideálů, Andrij, bývalý horník, sotva dospělý Malawijec Emanuel, polská ortodoxní katolička Jola, její praktická teta Marta, dvě čínské dívky a pes jménem Pes? Zdánlivě nic, snad jen místo, kde se potkávají. Na kraji jahodového pole uprostřed britského Kentu stojí dva karavany, jeden určený pro ženské sběračky jahod, druhý pro muže. Pojí je několik věcí: touha vydělat si a zajistit si tak lepší život, než jaký jim nabízí jejich rodné země a sny, naděje, touha.
10,76 € 11,33 €

We are made of glue

From bonding to bondage, from B&Q to Belarus, along with seven smelly cats, three useless handymen, two slimy estate agents, social workers, a bonker lady. The story of a very unlikely friendship. Georgie Sinclair's husband has walked out; her sixteen-year-old son is busy surfing born-again websites; and all those overdue articles for Adhesives in the Modern World are getting her down. So when Georgie spots Mrs Shapiro, an eccentric old Jewish émigré neighbour with an eye for a bargain and a fondness for matchmaking, rummaging through her skip in the middle of the night, it's just the distraction she needs. And although they mistrust each other at first – Georgie doesn't like the look of that past-its-sell-by-date fish, while Mrs Shapiro thinks Georgie needs to smarten herself up and grab a new husband – a firm friendship is formed over the reduced-price shelf at the supermarket. Then Mrs Shapiro is admitted to hospital and to Georgie's surprise, she is named as her next of kin. But sorting out Mrs Shapiro's semi-derelict mansion in Highbury, home to seven stinky cats with agendas of their own, is no easy job when the handyman called in to change the locks turns out to be not what he seems and his two assistants, 'the Uselesses', are doing more breaking than fixing. And what about the two slimy estate agents (one with a charming taste for bondage) who start competing to trick Mrs Shapiro into selling her rickety old house, or the social worker determined to commit her to a nursing home? As Georgie steps in to help her new friend, she finds herself unravelling a mystery which takes her from Highbury to wartime Europe to the Middle East, and learning a bit about DIY along the way.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Various Pets Alive and Dead

Marcus and Doro were part of a commune from the late 1960s until the early 1990s: lentils, free love, spliffs, radical politics, cheesecloth blouses, sex, housework and cooking rotas, crochet, allotments. Their children have grown up rather different from them: primary school teacher Clara craves order and clean bathrooms, son Serge is pretending to his parents that he is still doing a Maths PhD at Cambridge, while in fact working making loads of money in the City; while third child Oolie Anna, who has Downs Syndrome, is desperate to escape home and live on her own. Once the truth starts breaking through, who knows what further secrets will be revealed about any of them? Set half in Doncaster, half in London, this is a very funny riff on modern values, featuring hamsters, cockroaches, poodles, a Chicken and multiplying rabbits, told by Marina Lewycka in her unique and brilliant combination of irony, farce and wit.
13,29 € 13,99 €

Various Pets Alive and Dead

Marina Lewycka explores the clash of the generations in one extremely colourful family in her comic novel Various Pets Alive and Dead. For twenty years Doro and Marcus lived in a commune, convinced lentils and free love would change the world. They didn't. What they did do was give their children a terror of radicalism, dirt, cooking rotas and poverty. Their daughter Clara wants nothing less conformist than her own, clean bathroom. Their son Serge hides the awkward fact that he's a banker earning loadsamoney. So when Doro and Marcus spring a surprise on their kids - just as the world is rocked in ways they always wished for - the family is forced to confront some thorny truths about themselves . . . 'Made me laugh at least once every chapter. Lewycka's fiction is unlike anything else around at present. The warmth of its zest, its blend of quirky, humane comedy and intellectual seriousness make this a novel to treasure' New Statesman
9,03 € 9,50 €

A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian

"A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian" is bestselling author Marina Lewycka's hilarious and award winning debut novel. 'Two years after my mother died, my father fell in love with a glamorous blonde Ukrainian divorcee. He was eighty-four and she was thirty-six. She exploded into our lives like a fluffy pink grenade, churning up the murky water, bringing to the surface a sludge of sloughed-off memories, giving the family ghosts a kick up the backside.' Sisters Vera and Nadezhda must aside a lifetime of feuding to save their emigre engineer father from voluptuous gold-digger Valentina. With her proclivity for green satin underwear and boil-in-the-bag cuisine, she will stop at nothing in her pursuit of Western wealth. But the sisters' campaign to oust Valentina unearths family secrets, uncovers fifty years of Europe's darkest history and sends them back to roots they'd much rather forget...
10,44 € 10,99 €


A festői szépségű angliai mezőn két lakókocsi álldogál, egy a férfiak, egy a nők számára. Lakóik bevándorlók, akik a világ legkülönfélébb tájáról érkeztek nagy reményekkel és vágyakkal. Andrij, az ukrán bányászfiú a régi rendszer gyermeke, míg a csinos, fiatal Irina már az új Ukrajnát képviseli gyanakodva kerülgetik egymást. Aztán ott vannak még a lengyelek, a Bob Dylan-rajongó Tomasz, az apró, de terebélyes Jola, és ájtatos unokahúga, Marta; két kínai lány, akik közül az egyik nem is kínai; a bájos Emanuel Malawiból; valamint a mindig titokzatos Vitalij. Mind epret szedni jöttek az idillien szép, zöld Angliába. De manapság az angol vidék korántsem idilli a bevándorlók számára. Erről gondoskodnak az olyan meghatározhatatlan nemzetiségű, önjelölt gengszterek, mint Vulk, aki szemet vet Irinára, és úgy gondolja, az emberrablás a legcélravezetőbb udvarlási mód. Így aztán Andrij, aki amúgy igazán nem kedveli Irinát, de tényleg nem, kénytelen felkerekedni, hogy megkeresse a lányt, akibe egyáltalán nem is szerelmes...
12,75 € 13,42 €

dostupné aj ako:

Lubetkin Legacy

'Lively ...a joy to read' - The Times From the bestselling author of A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian North London in the twenty-first century: a place where a son will swiftly adopt an old lady and take her home from hospital to impersonate his dear departed mother, rather than lose the council flat. A time of golden job opportunities, though you might have to dress up as a coffee bean or work as an intern at an undertaker or put up with champagne and posh French dinners while your boss hits on you. A place rich in language - whether it's Romanian, Ukrainian, Russian, Swahili or buxom housing officers talking managementese. A place where husbands go absent without leave and councillors sacrifice cherry orchards at the altar of new builds. Marina Lewycka is back in this hilarious, farcical, tender novel of modern issues and manners.
13,25 € 13,95 €

The Lubetkin Legacy

'Lively . . . a joy to read' - The Times Shortlisted for the Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse prize From the bestselling author of A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian North London in the twenty-first century: a place where a son will swiftly adopt an old lady and take her home from hospital to impersonate his dear departed mother, rather than lose the council flat. A time of golden job opportunities, though you might have to dress up as a coffee bean or work as an intern at an undertaker or put up with champagne and posh French dinners while your boss hits on you. A place rich in language - whether it's Romanian, Ukrainian, Russian, Swahili or buxom housing officers talking managementese. A place where husbands go absent without leave and councillors sacrifice cherry orchards at the altar of new builds. Marina Lewycka is back in this hilarious, farcical, tender novel of modern issues and manners.
10,40 € 10,95 €

A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian

A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian is bestselling author Marina Lewycka's hilarious and award winning debut novel, now available as a Penguin Essential for the first time. 'Two years after my mother died, my father fell in love with a glamorous blonde Ukrainian divorcee. He was eighty-four and she was thirty-six. She exploded into our lives like a fluffy pink grenade, churning up the murky water, bringing to the surface a sludge of sloughed-off memories, giving the family ghosts a kick up the backside.' Sisters Vera and Nadezhda must aside a lifetime of feuding to save their emigre engineer father from voluptuous gold-digger Valentina. With her proclivity for green satin underwear and boil-in-the-bag cuisine, she will stop at nothing in her pursuit of Western wealth. But the sisters' campaign to oust Valentina unearths family secrets, uncovers fifty years of Europe's darkest history and sends them back to roots they'd much rather forget ...'It's rare to find a first novel that gets so much right ...Lewycka is a seriously talented comic writer' Time Out 'Hugely enjoyable ...yields a golden harvest of family truths' Daily Telegraph 'Delightful, funny, touching' Spectator
9,45 € 9,95 €

The Good, the Bad and the Little Bit Stupid

George Pantis is in a pickle. After walking out on his wife Rosie on Referendum night 2016 to shack up with hairdresser 'Brexit Brenda' next door, he thinks he's got it made - especially when he wins millions on a Kosovan lottery he only vaguely remembers entering. Unfortunately, he's forgotten his password and can't get at his money. Which is a problem because he suddenly has to contend with lots of forceful new friends desperate to know his mother's maiden name. As things quickly get out of hand, George must make a mad dash from Sheffield to the Adriatic - and into the arms of organized crime gangs who specialize in illegal kidney transplants and heroin smuggling. George is in need of rescue - both from this pickle and from himself. But will his son Sensible Sid, Brenda and Rosie put aside their differences long enough to help? And might the journey bring this dysfunctional family back together?
17,58 € 18,50 €